Zhao Wuji finally knows what is better than death.

Furious little nine, with his teeth and claws, torn him into pieces.

Zhao Wuji saw his body being crushed.

Then I felt the taste of the gods being torn.

"Ah, no, spare me, I... give me a good time..."

He screamed and mourned, like a wild boar that was hot and plucked.

But how can there be a bit of pity for Xiao Jiu, who is completely overwhelmed by anger and hatred?

He tore and devour Zhao Zaiji in the most cruel way.

Then rushed to Nangongchang.

"not my business……"

Nangongchang noodles are loudly arguing.

"Imperial, **** it."

Xiao Jiu snarls, and Nangong Chang, who has destroyed the fairy, is also torn and swallowed.

The blood of the immortal, dyed the desert of the eye channel into a bright red.

Every bright red sand seems to carry a sad memory, carrying a dog and a piece of morning glory that has not yet had time to bloom and completely annihilated.

I don't know how long it has been.

Xiao Jiu gradually wakes up from anger and hatred.

"I want to eat all the immortals."

The dog's eyes, at this moment, like a hungry wild wolf, full of killing and destruction.

It came to the place where the little flower demon died.

The aura of grass in the surrounding air is extremely strong.

The air seems to have a touch of greenish green.

"I am sorry."

Xiaojiu lowered his head, as if muttering to himself.

In the memory of his memory, and in the distant memories of incompleteness, he has never encountered such a thing. He has never felt that his heart, because of a person’s death, seems to be missing.

"I am sorry."

Its tears flowed down.

It remembers that it seems that it has never flowed through tears.

But this time, it is really uncontrollable.

It is its playfulness that leads to a tragedy that should not have happened.

If it was a little more careful at the time...

The tears of water fall on a piece of dead wood that was formed when the flower demon died.



A few drops of tears in a row, the drops are broken on the dead wood, like a crystal soul bursting.

Xiaoji cried and cried, suddenly stunned.

He incredibly saw that on this piece of dead wood that had no life, a little shallow green seemed to be illusory and looming.

Xiao Jiuyi’s eyes widened.

Look closely, that little green, clearly is a bud that is like a fine needle.

"Little Linger?"

The little nine is ecstatic.

The buds of the morning glory, the faintness is like a fine hair, as if it would be swept away by the west wind in the desert at any time.

There is only a hint of vitality.

That is the life of any insignificant plant that has its own life.

There is no power fluctuation.

There is also no volatility in consciousness.

The look of Xiaojiu’s ecstasy is gradually dimmed.

It sits next to it, guarding the buds of this morning glory, and condenses the rich grass and spirits in the surrounding air around the buds.

Small shoots grow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it grew into a flower vine with a full length of twenty centimeters of morning glory. The green is like the most beautiful ice of the emerald, enchanting, fragile, and full of vitality.



When Li Mu rushed to the word channel, he found that there was nothing left.

Is there no medicine?


That should be hidden in the dark, waiting for the sneak attack in the ‘one bright and the dark’ after the sneak attack, seems to have not appeared?

There are no signs of fighting in the space.

The eyes are also intact.

How is this going?

Li Mu feels that the atmosphere here is weird, but it is not surprising.

The eyes of the law glanced at the void, and there was no trace of the hidden secrets of the fairy.

He was relieved a little.

Anyway, as long as the eyes are still there, it is good news.

But where did Jun go without medicine?

There is a kind of premonition in Li Mu’s heart that is not too good.

There is a high probability that Jun has no medicine.



"Yu Huang, I... I can't do it. Please read the feelings of my death today. In the future... If there is still a chance, please... more... I will take care of my silver wolf, I... ”

When the silver wolf king did not finish the sentence, he cut off the breath.

The silver wolf is scattered.

His body, like a paper smashed by flames, quickly turned into fly ash and floated in Yuan Huan's arms.

Yuan Zhen reached out with powerlessness and could not hold it all.

[Dream drunken] The side effects, even if the fairy king came, can not be reversed.

He picked up the silver wolf king and took a broken silver knife.

On the knives, there is the blood of the Silver Wolf King.

In the distance, the leader of the Yun Yunzong advance squad has already been in the air.

Another sneak attack on the other side of the fairy Tao, also was broken by the golden dragon stick, the three souls and seven scorpions, died.

In this hard battle, Yuan Hao is the main force.

However, after secretly attacking the singer, if the silver wolf king swallowed the [dream drunk fan], and died for Yuan Yu, he won the time to breathe. Yuan Hao will die today in the two major celestial joints.

The Silver Wolf King played a key role.

As a generation of wolf kings, he finally embarked on his fate - fighting for the wolf.

"Reassure, from now on, if there are Yi people, there will be a silver wolf. If there is any force to destroy the silver wolf, then the Yi people will be destroyed first."

Yuan Yu Yang Tian swears.

He is also suffering from golden blood, injury to the back and heart position, almost fatal. If it is not the strength of the gold plate dragon stick, it absorbs the flame in the word channel, and protects his heart and Dan Tian, ​​I am afraid this is At the time, Yuan Zhen was also seriously injured.

Artifact sighs, the power of magic, it is difficult to use the common sense to the side.

Yuan Zhen sat in a flame and began to heal the wounds.

The first wave of defense tasks is complete.

I don't know, then, there are still no sinister attacks.

Yuan Zhen is regaining his strength in a race against time and preparing for the hard work that is likely to continue.



The depths of the hall of Taixuan Academy.

The old **** stick sighed with relief.

"The eight channel eyes are actually holding on..."

The sacred technique of the [Thousands of Mirrors] in front of his eyes was turned into a picture of eight monitor screens. The above is the situation in the small world of eight-eye channel.

In fact, in the original plan of "covering the sky", these eight positions, as long as they can hold six places, can make the next plan come true. I did not expect the eight passages to be held.

"Picturesque, a moment how many hero."

The old **** stick has to be emotional.

For the sake of Hua Xiangrong and Wang Shiyu, the old **** stick is not very concerned.

The swordsman, the sword epilepsy, the silver wolf king and other people died in battle. In addition to the sigh, the old **** stick is still normal.

Yuan Zhen’s strength soared, which made him have a little accident.

The picture of Xiao Jiu’s crying in the channel of the word is to make the face of the old **** stick come out with a hint of indescribable color.

"The life of this dog is finally complete."

The old **** stick touched his chin and there was some envy in his eyes.

At the beginning, he and Xiaojiu abandoned the fruitful position that has been highly respected in the Imperial Heavenly Emperor. They spent countless hours and energy, even giving up the cultivation and memory in the long years, and came to the land of the Star Grave. It is to find the way that truly belongs to you, breaking through the shackles of life.

These years, a fish and a dog, squatting.

The road is long and heartfelt.

I have won, but after all, I can't really find the way to the end.

There seems to be light in the front.

But there is always no exact source of light.

The old **** stick is often in confusion.

By the last chance of Li Mu’s four-image bureau, he rose in the last big world and did everything he wanted to do, but his own chance was delayed.

However, in the picture, I saw the unreliable dog, tears in the rain for an inexplicable reason to cry, the old **** suddenly felt that this dog seems to be one step ahead, find what it is looking for.

The old gods are sitting in the hall, thinking thoughtfully.

He was inspired.

Get up slowly.

Under the black broken robes, a fish's tail was revealed.

This is the result of a lot of loss of the true Yuan.

The people of the forty-sixth team in the fairyland want to know that a small Taixuan Academy is relying on what kind of energy, in order to prop up the array of layers that are enough to block all the bombardment of the fairy forces. .

A small lower bound, according to the truth, it is impossible to create such a miracle.

Now this degenerate fishtail is probably the best answer.

The old **** stick figure swayed like a fish that slid upright on the water, floated toward the front and floated toward the inside of the hall.

In the apse of the wall in the depths of the main hall, a magnificent array that is complicated to Li Mu’s dizziness will be running slowly.

The lines of the azure blue lines are just like the trajectories of the tens of millions of planets in the void. The light at the intersection of a little bit of space is like a cosmic star.

This is a three-dimensional to the ultimate array.

It seems that one of the artificial microcosms is working in an orderly manner.

On the black ground below the array, several key points are inserted with a sparkling metal-colored fish scale that sparkles in silver.

Fish scales are the key to the operation of the array.

The old gods walked into the battle, just like the gods who dominated the universe, and they swayed the lines and knots of the lines, and the words in the mouth were re-arranged.

After a while.

The old gods gasped and stopped.

"Very good, there are three more hours, the college can break the fog of the void, break into the void, smash, cut off the traces of the past and the present, even the fairy lords of the fairy world, can not count everywhere ... promise those **** The work of the king is also completed."

He walked out of the line and lay on the ground with no directness.

"Oh, I don't go to the fairy world. My chance is that I am in the lower bound of this star grave. I said, Zhong Dajun's bastard, Azeroth, who is one of the four elephants, is also trying to be his own way. Russ and Sun Fei, later shamelessly tricked the puppy into the chaotic world to keep him home, hiding himself in the grave of the star, is it also aware of what?"

The old gods are pondering.

This is even more today, and tomorrow’s three will be added.

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