The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 611, stepping through Jinyang

Jinyangzong is not a super-large gate in the Yingxianxing District, but it is also one of the powerful Zongmen. Otherwise, it will not have its own genus and tributary people, and there will be no exclusive type of interstellar Station.

Named after Jin Yangzong, Jinyang Xing is a second-class character among the Yingxianxing District. It is second only to the first-class star. It has a wide territory and a large area. It is a breeding ground for thousands of people, and all races have it. Fully integrated into the interstellar martial arts civilization.

Li Mu moved through several interstellar arrays. After about two hours, he came to Jinyang City from Jinyangxing.

The interstellar travel of the earth and technology fantasy has already been realized.

[Jinyang God of War] is the elder of Jinyangzong. It was originally not in Jinyang City. However, because Li Mu was provoked on Xianxian, he also reported to his family. Therefore, these two days were also awkward and he did not dare to go outside. I quickly rushed back to Jinyangzong's nest, Jinyang City. After all, Jinyangzong has been operating for tens of thousands of years, which is safer.

Li Mu pursued.

He stood on the void outside Jinyang City, overlooking this giant city.

The wind is unparalleled, such as Yue.

The city that has evolved from the Star Trek civilization is truly amazing.

The mountain peaks floating in the sky, and the buildings full of natural atmosphere. On the 10,000-meter-high giant trees, houses are built. The flying boats shuttle back and forth, from the sky to the ground, divided into different areas, and the upper floors are sunny. The aura is full of the upper monk's residence. The bottom layer of black smoke is dark and damp. It is the shelter of the underlying monks. The class barriers are strict. Compared with the cities on the earth and the mainland of China, this kind of Star River is more three-dimensional.

Jin Yangzong occupies the best blessed area in the city.

On this planet, Jin Yangzong is the supreme ruler. Any race or monk living on this planet must abide by the rules set by Jin Yangzong.

"The first one... started."

Li Mu’s mouth slashed a sinuous arc.


In a magnificent blue mountain floating in the height of a kilometer, Jin Jinzong’s elder Jin Yuanyi is watching and drinking.

In the hall, the graceful dancers danced with the musician's music. The dance was enchanting, the skin was like snow, barefoot like jade, the waist was slender, the feathers were like tulle, and a sweet smell flowed through the hall. Look carefully. In the words, these dancers turned out to be monks in the worm world. They are young and beautiful, and their temperament is elegant, just like a saint.

Jin Yuanyi’s face is cloudy and looks like he’s in his forties. He is holding a glass of wine and squinting and drinking. His look is dark and uncertain, and he doesn’t know what he is thinking.

Next to the two elders of the outer door of Jin Yangzong, they are laughing and comforting Jin Yuanyi.

"Oh, Kim Elder, don't care, Li Mu is just a yellow mouth child, and the smell is not dry. Fortunately, he defeated a minor three-headed **** dog. It is estimated that the secret method is also used. It is not necessarily good or bad. I dare to come to our Jin Yangxing to make trouble." A thin outer door elders toasted toast.

Another elder of the outer door of a bald-strong man looks like a screaming voice: "Yes, the elders of Jin, who are Jinrucheng Guruojintang, who dares to make trouble? If Li Mu does not know how to live and die, dare to come to Jinyangxing, for a while, I Liu Righteousness is willing to take the lead for the elders of the gold, and this little child will be caught alive, just to give you a sigh of relief for the elders."

In the hall, there are other disciples of Jin Yuanyi who also attended and heard the words, and they all clashed for Master.

"Master is assured that if the inhuman animal is dare to come, the disciples will definitely fight with him."

"Whoever dares to be an enemy with Master is our enemy."

"Yes, the disciple is willing to use this blood to defend the majesty of your master."

This group of disciples are old and young, and they all look like an indignation. They express their willingness to fight for Jin Yuanyi and go to wars and fires.

Jin Yuanyi nodded, and his heart was a little bit more comfortable.

I don't know why, from today, he always feels that the right eyelid has been jumping, and his heart is cozy. This is clearly a sign of 'heart-warming', but I can't figure it out. I always feel a little uneasy, but I am so relieved and courageous. The heart is also a lot easier.

He said loudly: "I am not afraid that Li Mu will come to the door. I am worried that Li Mu is a beast and kills countless people. It is a disaster for the Yinxianxing District. No one can stop him. In the future, it will definitely cause a big problem. The Xianxing District is full of charcoal, and the blood of the innocent is dyed by the Red Star River. It is too tragic."

"Master is kind."

"Master is a star-studded monk, this is their blessing."

"The elders of gold are really sad and sorrowful."

There is another tout around.

Jin Yuanyi smiled and smiled. He was the most beautiful young dancer in the dance pool. He ignored the laughter and resisted it. He pulled it directly into his arms and said his hand. "So, I hope that Li Mu really came to Jin Yangxing, Ben. The elders can use the means of ancestors left by their ancestors to completely kill them. If they are harmed by the people, they will be afraid that he will not come..."

The voice has not fallen -

"Jin Yuanyi, let Laozi get out."

A sound like a thunderous thunder, stirring the air, rumbling from the outside of Jinyang City, the heaven and earth aura that shook the sky is like a storm.


The people in the hall suddenly changed color.

The wine glass in the hands of Jin Yuanyi fell to the ground with a slamming sound, and the wine was scattered on the ground.

Just listen to Jinyang City, and some voices rang.

"Where is the mouse generation, dare to yell outside my Jinyang City?"


"The law enforcement team, go see what happened."

It is the other masters of Jin Yangzong, the elders and the rulers, who have already reacted, and screamed back.

After all, long time, there really is no one. I dare not give Jin Yangzong a face, yelling outside, being bullied into the door, all of a sudden, the whole Jinyangzong is like a sparrow that has blown up the nest. The same, noisy.


"[Brazil] Li Mu, come to Jin Yuanyi to calculate an account, other unrelated people, etc., do not want to die, just let me go."

The sound of the thunderous sound, it sounded again.

Then, those who had spoken before immediately shrank back.

The law enforcement team, who had to catch people outside the city, immediately withdrew the news, especially the elders of the Jin Yangzong who led the team, and they were all white.

This is almost a collision with the **** of death.

Can't afford it.

Jin Yuanyi in the hall, his face changed suddenly.

Really Li Mu.

He really came.

An unspeakable horror, unstoppable from his heart.

"Hey, I... the stomach hurts. It seems that the sequelae of the fire broke out in the past few years. It hurts me..." The thin outer door elder suddenly stood up, licking his stomach and turned away: "Gold Elders, I will go to the medical treatment first, and I will meet again in the future."

Jin Yuanyi is a glimpse.

The bald-strong man who was clamoring for a head-to-head battle suddenly rose up and said: "I suddenly remembered that today is the master’s jealousy that I have died for three thousand years. I should not drink alcohol, Kim Elder, I will go back to pay homage to my master, let us change the day. Reunite."

Said, the head did not return to leave.

Jin Yuan’s temper trembling, pushing the dancers in his arms, and stood up, his hands were suffocating.

I also said that my brother and I were very charming. In the blink of an eye, there was something that happened faster than one.

He looked at the disciples.

"Master, I have something."

"Hey, I am looking for me..."

"I am leaving."

"The disciples have low strength and can't help Master. They are very embarrassed in their hearts. They have to go to the wall."

These disciples were all looking at each other and they began to find reasons to run.

Jin Yuanyi’s face is white.

What is this?

Li Mucai just said a word, these people around him, immediately rebellious?

At this time -


Jinyang City’s moat was directly bombarded.

The terrible vibration, like the robbery of the sky, incited the entire city.

Every monk can clearly feel that the heaven and earth in the shield is like a boiling water and tumbling.

Many floating mountains, floating islands, and floating buildings have also swayed.

The terrible power is suffocating.

Numerous monks in the city, glaringly seeing, in addition to the golden rune shield, a tiny figure standing in the sky, like a black spot, standing against the light, a group of punches bombarded in Jinyang City City lineup.

Every time there is a punch, the agitation and shock of the big city will intensify one layer.

It is really hard to imagine that this figure is like a small sand before the Wanmi Mountain, but his power has shaken the whole city.

When the sixth fist was reached, the scene that shocked all the monks was the most.

Guarding Jin Yangzong for thousands of years [Jinlong anti-disc array], suddenly cracked a gap in the road, and then frantically spread, not waiting for the monks to return to God, silent, golden shield The rune chain is broken, and then the whole array is like a hammered eggshell. It is completely torn apart, pieces of golden shields fall to the ground, and then disintegrate in the air... ...

The array method is broken!

At this moment, all the monks were paralyzed.

Li Mu’s figure directly entered Jinyang Zongcheng. He looked at Ying Gu and said: “Jin Yuanyi, are you not very happy to jump on Xian Online? Now I am here, still not coming out?”

He looked around and entered the uninhabited territory.

The disciples, elders, and churchlors around Jinyangzong, no one dared to show up, and they all hid on their own small territory, and they shivered with horror.

The head of Jin Yangzong, in the battle of the Shenzhou mainland tomb, has been hacked to death by Li Mu. A few days ago, he died of an elder who was sitting in the town of Jinjin Town. It is logically a big feud.

However, is revenge important or important?

The big nest of the old nest was shattered. No one doubts that Li Mu’s defeat of the three evil dogs in **** is luck, because this [Golden Dragon Disco Mountain Array] was originally built to be able to withstand it. The front of the strong attacker, but now under the fist of [Brazil] Li Mu, directly fell apart, the entire Jin Yangzong up and down, asked no one to do this, so no one is Li Mu's opponent.

Anyway, Li Mu is looking for Jin Yuanyi.

It’s good that a dead friend is not dead.

Inside Jin Yangzong, it is definitely not a piece of iron.

Soon, Li Mu grabbed a few disciples of Jin Yangzong and knew the place where Jin Yuanyi was located. He directly went to the door.


He landed outside the main hall and approached step by step.

"Jin Yuanyi, still not coming out to die." Li Mu gas swallowed the mountains and rivers.

Jin Yuanyi’s face of despair and sinisterness came out from the inside.

His hands were stained with blood, and the betrayed disciples were killed by his own hands.

He stared at Li Mu, his face flashing, his teeth: "Li Mu, you even kill me Jin Yangzong, the number of the same door, my lord's head is dead in your hands, do you really want to kill?"

Li Mu was too lazy to gossip, went straight up, and knocked the man down with a punch.

"They are like you, they are all looking for a dead end, can't blame me."

Li Mu slashed his sword and directly turned it into a fly ash.

This person is ugly in the ugly state of the Internet, and his heart is extremely sinister. If Li Mu does not have the strength of today, he will definitely be killed by him. For such a person, Li Mu will never be merciless.

The entire process was taken with water mirroring.

Then Li Mu directly hit the main hall of Jin Yangzong, forcing the temporary head of Jin Yangzong and the elders of the great emperors. They all appeared to apologize for the loss, and they offered the property and resources. This matter is the end.

"Don't you think that I am deceiving too much. It is you who indulged Jin Yuanyi before, and framed it in me. If you have a little bit of justice and conscience in your heart, you have already stopped him. Everyone should act for himself. As a price, we must pay for our own inaction. Today is just a warning. You are self-sufficient. If you are unwilling, you can come to me for revenge at any time.

After Li Mu finished, his body was broken and he went away.

The next goal, Shenwumen.


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