The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 628, defeated enemy

At this time, everyone wants to know who Li He is.

Ghosts asked the questions they most wanted to know.


"I will not tell you."

Li Mu smiled and said authentic.

Ghost Heaven: "..."

All the ghosts around are also a little bit forced.

This answer is too naughty.

The style of the peerless highmen who had been exposed before, mysteriously defeated the momentum of the Three Holy Respects. In the face of these five-word answers, suddenly they suddenly became erroneous and there was a tendency to collapse.

Can you be a little strong?

Even the ghosts will hold their foreheads in the night.

Brother, you...

It’s too skinned.

Only the Ningjing couple and the vegetables and three people laughed.

This is the style of the son.

Familiar style.

When I was in the mainland of China, the son was like this.

At that time, the son of the son, already known as the poetry of the world, the martial arts is outstanding, the poetry is unparalleled, or the county owner of Taibai County, but there is no slight shelf, easy and easygoing, often make some small jokes.

On his body, there is a kind of charm that others never have and can't imitate.

"Are you from the 'God's Nest'?" [Ghost Heavenly Machine] once again spoke and stared at Li Mu, as if to look at the expression of Li Mu when he heard the words "God's Nest".

However, what disappointed him was that Li Mu’s expression was very calm.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Li Mu asked.

This is nonsense.

Li Mu did not actually know what the so-called 'God's Nest' was.

But let's admit it first and see what this [Ghost Heavenly Machine] will say next.

The reason why Li Mu said that [Ghost Heavenly Machine] is not a person in this world, is because his [flaws of the flaws] peek into it, and [Ghost Heavenly Machine] has a breath of life, so he swindled such a sentence.

But after seeing the reaction of [Ghost Heavenly Machine], Li Mu knew that he was fraudulent.

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] is definitely not a dead person.

It does not belong to this hundred ghost world.

This is very interesting.

And when I heard Li Mu’s calm admitting, [Ghost Heavenly Machine] could not believe it.

When did the people of [The Nest] be so blatant?

This topic feels like I can't talk anymore.

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] I don’t know what to say for a while.

Li Mudao: "Since everyone knows that I am a nest, I don't hurry. Do you want to be an enemy of my nest?"

On the face of [Ghost Heavenly Machine], the color of anger suddenly appeared, saying: "There is a person who is the "God's Nest" and does not dare to speak to me. Today I will suppress you and see some of the 'God's Nest'. How can I take care of me?"

Said, Zhang mouth a spray.

An ink streamer spurted out against Li Mu.

"Say, but I started to spit, you are so shameless."

Li Mu was prepared for prevention.

He is in a good mood at this time, so there is ridicule between words, but not slow in his hands.

Just look at Li Mu’s hand, and the sword that had been thrown away from the ponytail girl’s vegetable dish, flew in the air, and he was held in his hand. [Congenital power] was running, and the [town ghost] and [诛邪” above the sword 】The two avenues are printed and directly stimulated.

Guanghua circulates.

The two avenues were printed directly from the blade of the blade, flashing strange brilliance, and greeted the ink streamer.


In the muffled sound, the ink streamer collided with the seal and turned into two pieces of nothingness.

Li Mu used [congenital merits] to motivate the two major runes of [town ghost] and [sin evil], which is many times more powerful than in the hands of vegetables.

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] said: "This is not the practice of [The Nest], you..."

"There is so much nonsense."

Li Mu's left-handed knife and right-handed sword, the martial arts are motivated. In the blink of an eye, I don't know how many [town ghosts] and [sin evils] are printed, like streamers, and continually spurt out.

"Look at it, the real use of the four runes."

Li Mu speaks loudly.

He is demonstrating the true power and usage of Taoism to the vegetable and Ningjing couples.

These three people have some understanding of the peculiar power of the old gods' rune in the world of the hundred ghosts, but it is impossible to understand that it is more than Li Mu.

These physiques, Li Mu can be studied for decades.

And the most pure [innate power] is the temptation of the rune of the rune, which is unmatched by the ghost exercises of the three of them.

Li Mu saw the incredible growth of these three people, and his heart was shocked and gratified. However, as a former leader, the object of being respected in front of him, and then he shot, naturally, he could not show up and lack.

Moreover, Li Mu has the heart to pass on the true power of the old gods and sticks to the three, so there is no reservation when the shot is taken.

Three dishes of vegetables, for the worship of Li Mu, it is deep into the bone marrow, heard, suddenly like the pupils waiting for the teacher to arrange homework, eyes wide open to see clearly.

The three of them cultivated the original version of the adaptation of Li Mu, which was taught to the vegetable dish. Therefore, for the practice of Li Mu’s teachings and the meaning of the script, it can be realized.

And other ghost repairs, it is to watch Li Mu in the exhibition of the Tao, but can not see why.

Moreover, the singular power contained in Rune Taoism, because of the special restraint power for ghost repair, led to many ghost repairs even dare not go to see the sky-flying [town ghost], [诛邪]符印光华.

Li Mu is fully committed.

The stone knife of the vegetable dish [诛邪], Shijian [town ghost], and the stone knife of the double holy [devil], stone sword [war day], at this time are suspended in the side of Li Mu, the sword is pointed upwards, the sword The handle is facing down and slowly floating.

Li Mu did not rush to the palm of his sword.


The palm of the hand and the stone knife blade strike each other, giving a crisp sound.

Every time Li Mu patted it, the stone knives on the stone knives were engraved with the four avenues, and there was a flash of the runes, which came out of the void.

In the twinkling of an eye, the stars in the void are dotted, and the floating symbols are all four characters.

Ghost repair on the ground, look up, like a lonely star in the universe, the stars flash in looming, and finally merge into a galaxy.

"Glyphs are small."

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] sneer.

His huge face, open his mouth above the sky, the nebula vortex emerges, it is a black hole formation, it is necessary to point the star to the [town ghost], [诛邪], [devil], [Warri] The four gods printed on the light, all absorbed and swallowed.

Li Mu laughed: "At any time, you can sculpt a little skill, but you are enough to deal with you."

The voice fell.

The light of the starry sky suddenly spread, as if the fireflies that gathered in a group suddenly dispersed, forming a grid-like optical network above the tens of thousands of miles of space, each of which is a light-emitting symbol. The light spots that are connected to the grain, and then the light wires are emitted on all sides, forming a square net and four squares.

It’s hard to focus on the net.

The black hole in the giant face is hard to swallow and absorb this net.


Li Mu picked up the stone sword that was suspended in front of himself, and pointed it to the sky. He was drinking in the mouth, but it was the syllable of the old **** stick when he was doing the same.

Just look at the starlight nets made up of the four gods and the seals, and immediately take a pocket in the sky, and instantly cover the sky's giant face of the [Ghost Heavenly Machine], and completely bury it all over the place.

This picture is like giving a face and suddenly wearing a veil mask.

But this mask can be a bit scary.

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] The overwhelming giant face of the sky suddenly burst into a white mist, and then it sounded like a hot iron with a red-hot iron sign.

"Oh ah..."

The screams of screaming sounded.

Rao is [Ghost Heavenly Machine] Deep in mind, unparalleled in calculations, and willpower to the extreme, but at this time, not only sent a miserable roar.

For those who are contaminated with ghosts, this star is composed of the gods of the four avenues, and it has a natural restraint and killing effect.

The pain of this moment is absolutely unbearable above the Holy One.

"Junior, you are looking for death."

[Ghost Heavenly Machine] roaring, the double eyes are shaking open, and there seems to be a star-shaped annihilation in the eyelids. It is a ruinous smashing man, penetrates the star network, and kills Li Mu.

"Come and not be indecent."

Li Mu is not afraid.

The eye of the eye between his eyebrows is also open.

[The thunder of the thunder] The power of the thunder, the thunder and light, actually turned into a series of "town ghosts", [诛邪], [devils], [war days] road signs, thick as light column The direct lasing greeted us.

Now Li Mu's [Congenital Power] has entered a new layer, not only has the [Blood flaws], the power of the previous layer [Thunder's Donkey] has also been improved, and Lei Guang can also be derived from the Tao, which is the most important.

Two rays of light collide in the air. The center point is like a flame striking and splashing out countless Mars. The fire tree and silver flowers are scattered, making the whole sky look like the most beautiful and deadly fireworks in the spatter.

"God's Eye?" [Ghost Heavenly Machine] was shocked and yelled: "You are really a ‘God’s Nester’? Who are you under the management, you...”

"Who dares to take care of me? It is my subordinates."

Li Muzhen said that at the same time, the "town ghost" stone sword, once again.


Starlight Luo Net suddenly tightened into the [Ghost Heavenly Machine] giant face that is like a black mountain raft hanging over the empty facial muscles.

A terrible gully like a scorpio is directly struck out.

There was a black rain in the sky, which was the ‘ghost blood’ that fell after the giant face was cut by the starlight net.

"Ah..." [Ghost Heavenly Machine] once again sent out an unbearable cry.

At the same moment, under his distraction, Li Mu's [Thunder of the Thunder] light column, instantly smashed the ruined light, and then slammed into the forehead of the [Ghost Heavenly Machine] giant face.


The planet hits a general loud noise.

The giant face of [Ghost Heavenly Machine] was originally crushed by the Starlight Net, and then bombarded. It was immediately shattered and completely turned into a huge black muscle, which was torn apart in the sky.

Three holy statues stared at this scene.

This... is also defeated?


In their hearts, there is one thing, broken and collapsed.


Sorry, this chapter is a bit late.

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