The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 563, battle

Everyone feels that this Li Yi knife has a genie.

No matter what kind of opponent you face, it is a knife.

A knife out, life and death points.

Do not speak to Lin, the patriarchs of the Golden Carvings, and the [Little Heavens] are all fighting to end the battle.

What is even more bizarre is that until now, no one has seen how he got his knife.

Even his knife, what looks like, did not see clearly.

Tianjiao around the Fujian and Taiwan is also the most outstanding generation of the immortal generation in the Yingxianxing District. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say a lot of knowledge, but no one has ever seen a knife like Li Yidao.

This is simply not a knife method.

It is a sorcerer.

Even the messenger of the Tianhu family stared at Li Mu for a long time and eventually did not speak.

If the performance of the previous [Little Devil] is far more than the other Tianjiao, then the knife of Li Yidao is to find other people to know where to go.

A knife of fright.

In the face of such a horror, other Tianjiao seems to have lost interest in continuing to count the top ten internal rankings.

Because Li Yidao must have firmly occupied the position of the first day of arrogance, other people are rushing to **** it, there is no meaning at all, many Tianjiao are thinking, if it is, facing Li Yidao, will there be a chance of winning?

Maybe not.

[Xianshengzi] stared at Li Mu, and there was a burning burning war in his eyes, but in the end he was forced to press down, and there was no challenge, because he had no complete grasp in his heart.

The blood sea saint is quietly sitting on his seat, as if he did not see the death of [Little Heaven], everything around him has nothing to do with him, his face is very calm, even toward the ring Li Mu nodded and gestured. It looked like a very graceful appearance. Like an old friend, he did not remember that he had stood in the camp of [Little Heaven] before, and he once ridiculed Li Yidao.

Li Mu has already had a killing intention for this cargo. He is wondering if he should directly challenge the blood sea saint and take the opportunity to solve the cargo.

The result seems to have sensed Li Mu’s murder. The blood sea saint stood up with a smile and shouted loudly: “It’s a slap in the face, the strength of a knife brother, admire underneath, self-satisfaction, and good luck.”

Li Mu: "..."

This product will not be a woman, the sixth sense is so strong?

The Tianhu celebrity also said: "The internal ranking challenge, everyone is only challenged once, Li Yidao, your challenge is over."

Li Mu looked at the mysterious Tianhu ambassador, and did not say anything, just fell down.

In the end, such a top ten arrogant selection campaign that triggered the attention of the entire Yingxianxing District ended with a draw.

The Tianhu national messenger, from the loser group, chose a substitute to make up for the top ten geniuses in the family.

Coincidentally, this substitute, it is exactly the same as Li Mu's three shots to survive under his knife - challenge the madman Lin.

Lin did not feel that he felt very surprised.

For the choice of the Tianhu ambassadors, Tianjiao have nothing to question.

After all, many people have already vaguely guessed that this is a king-level existence.

The king is the real supreme power that swept the entire Yingxian area.

In the end, the top ten arrogances have won the award of the king-level powerhouse, and they donated a [Tianhu creator Dan], which is said to clear the wounds left by the people during the battle. .

Headed by Li Mu, ten days of arrogance have been on the ring.

Among the white feather dynasty crowds around, the six emperors and the eleven emperors struggled to shrink toward others.

Especially the Six Emperors, he thought that a few days ago, in order to make a "Little Devil", he even took people to provoke Li Yidao, and tried to find an excuse to drive Li Yidao into the Tianzhu... It was really dead.

"Well, since everyone is very satisfied with their rankings, then go back to each other, take a day off, and set off the day after tomorrow, go to the Ziwei Star Field, where there will be stronger opponents, more powerful Tianjiao, greater glory, waiting "You," the Tianhu clan smiled and said: "Trust me, a new world, is slowly opening the door to you."



The Tenth Heavenly Pride of the New Generation of Yingxianxing District was born.

This time, the selection initiated by the Tianhu people can be said to have attracted the participation of almost all the martial arts forces and martial arts geniuses in the Yingxianxing District. Therefore, it is quite persuasive and is regarded as the most authoritative selection by the outside world. ranking.

Therefore, after the end of the trial, the angels of the Tianhu family said that the disappearance in the palace could be passed to the outside world, and the final result was quickly spread.

On the Xianwang Forum, the final ranking of the sixty into ten, and the process of the battle, are described in great detail.

This is from the famous ‘文士修者’.

"[Little Devil] is actually dead."

"Who is Li Yidao? Can anyone tell me."

"Unbelievable, as far as I know, this Li Yidao, before the name is not seen, how can it suddenly skyrocket?"

"I heard this person, only one knife to the enemy, no one can take his second knife."

"It sounds ridiculous, but it is a fact. Not only is [Little Devil] being smashed, but there are also patriarchs of the Golden Eagle family, and the broken claws are broken... I want to know, who can catch Li Yidao's knife? "

"Now the people surnamed Li are so powerful? Before [the razor knife] Li Muzhen, the Quartet, now there is a Li Yi knife, even the first person of the new generation of the Yingxianxing District [Little Tianmo] is stunned, feeling the surname Li The people are going to break out."

"You talk about it, if [the knives] Li Mu and Li Yidao are right, who are these two knives, who is more powerful?"

I don't know who is in the mouth, I will connect the two knives together.

Then, the whole forum was originally boasting about the wind of the top ten arrogance, and began to discuss who these two knives are more powerful.

As a result, all of a sudden, I have already stabilized the "Fighting Knife League" in the organization of the Yingxian Fengyun Forum.

"This is also used to ask, of course, [Knife] heroes are even more powerful, Li Yidao to [Crazy] heroes do not match shoes."

"That is, the mad knife Li Mu before the explosion of the Hell three-headed dog, just use the fist, and even have not issued a knife, once he pulls the knife, it must be the world of color change, Li Yidao in front of the mad knife heroes, even half a knife Can't take it."

"If the knives and heroes did not participate in this arrogant battle, Li Yidao can rank first?"

[The mad knife alliance] mad knives, the explosive power of the table, the number of postings in the case of an instant flood, will question some of the posts and monks of Li Mu, the direct shackles of the mind.

Occasionally, there are a few monks standing in the camp of Li Yidao, and they are about to be drowned by the spit.

In the end, even the mysterious and fair and fair [Sword of Destruction] also stood up and posted, saying: "The combat power can't decide everything. The mad knives and Li Yidao are all knives and everyone. The level of combat power, who is high and who is low and does not say, faint on moral and mentality, the mad knives will surpass Li Yidao, and in this galaxy, there are several people who can mold [moral gold] With this in mind, Li Yidao is far worse."

This is irrefutable.

Once it has risen to the moral level, the mad knives are completely black.

Some black powder, at this time did not dare to commit crimes.



When Li Mu returned to the hotel room from the street, he saw the tears of the little fox woman.

"Well? What happened? Who provokes our palace lady to grow up?" Li Mu smiled and teased.

Ten days of arrogance have a day off, you can leave the palace and arrange your own personal affairs. The little fox woman Biaoyan was directly donated by Li Yu, the emperor of the White Feather Dynasty, followed by Li Mu and left the palace together. I stayed at the hotel with Li Mu.

Li Mugang came back from the old shopkeeper of Xinglin Yaopu, and he saw the appearance of the little fox girl.

"The son, these people are really too bad." The little fox woman, holding a network card, is wandering around the fairy net, and stood up in a hurry, said: "How do you say that [mad knife] heroes How powerful is Li Mu, how are you degrading you? Why is he comparing with you?"

Li Mu almost spouted out.

I thought it was something.

He didn't care about landing on Xianwang before, but he didn't know that this happened on the forum.

"I went to see."

Li Mu is a VIP of Xianxian. When he missed his mind, he logged into Xiannet. When he saw the wind on the forum, he was happy.

This is too interesting.

If these people who argue in the forum know that the knives and the knife are actually the same knife, what kind of reaction will it be?

However, these brothers of the "Brazil League" are really very powerful. The firepower is fully open to defend themselves. The fighting power is not inferior to the brain powder of the superstars on the earth. There is an idol. The feeling.

After thinking about it, Li Mu sent a post.

"thank you all."

Only these four words.

Then he went to the trading area to see the auction process of the wild goose knives and matte willow knives that he hanged out.

Who wants to not know, and sees it.

More than 10,000 people have bid.

"The highest bid price is..." Li Mu thought that he was blind, and someone even had ten times the price to buy the Yankee sword and the willow knife.

Are you afraid of being a fool?

Ten times premium, but also second-hand goods.

What exactly is going on?

He clicked on the specific buyer's message, and he saw the name of the savage squadron, and he said bluntly: "I don't have anything, I have money. This is the way I support the mad knives. I can't let The mad knives have contributed and paid for it. As a loyal member of the "Brazil League", I can only use the celestial celestial to support the mad knives, and hope that the mad knives don't disappoint."


Li Mu is all overwhelming.

Is there such a good thing?

In the future, who said that the brain powder is not good, Li Mu is absolutely anxious with him.

Brain powder is the most lovely person in the world.

At that time, Li Mu wanted to hold this [Fangdao League Qianlong] and kissed him.


I made a huge mistake, until I got off the knife at noon, I suddenly remembered, as if the morning manuscript was finished and not updated...

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