The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 739, why do you need to wrap the corpse?

Such changes will undoubtedly make the war **** Bai Jun very surprised.

The most important thing in his blood is the two drops.

In this heart that has stopped and beating, there are two drops of 'heart blood' in the millennium, which can be said to be the essence of blood that has gathered all the energy and its own divinity for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, he will count on the plan and use the power of the six races to condense such two drops.

Just now, he saw that Li Mu’s constitution was extremely magical, so he placed great hopes on all the two drops of blood essence to Li Mu.

But who knows, Li Mu actually only merged one drop.

How is this going?

God of War Bai Jun was very surprised.

These two drops of blood have his ‘inspiration’ and it is impossible to reject the chosen person.

He paused, and Zhangkou was blowing again, blowing the second drop of blood to Li Mu.

This time, Zijin Shenxue still did not integrate into Li Mu's body.

The look on the face of the **** of war Baijun is even more incredible.

Because he clearly felt that it was not Zijin Shenxue who did not want to integrate into Li Mu's body, but Li Mu's body, there is a mysterious force, in rejecting the resistance to Zijin Shenxue, no longer accepting the power of God's blood.

It shouldn't be.

He perfused the purple **** blood with the gods. This is the secret technique of the ancient god. In addition to the pure power, divinity and laws, there is no distracting consciousness and no influence on the host. So should not be excluded.

God of War Baijun tried again once.

Still a failure.

He has a strange feeling.

Zijin Shen blood is very eager to integrate into Li Mu's body, but Li Mu's body has a force similar to ‘disliked’ and refuses Zijin.

"This young man, have I still misread his true physique? How come?"

God of War Bai Jun was amazed.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he burned the ordinary blood of his body and applied his secret technique. He wanted to force this purple gold blood into the body of Li Mu.

In any case, as long as this blood of the gods enters the body of this young man, it is like a seed of strength. Even if Li Mu cannot integrate the power of this blood, but as long as the timing coincides, there will be one day. , you can activate it and fuse it.

"Dream! Hey!"

He sipped lightly, and his fingers painted an ancient mysterious symbol in the void, forcing the blood of Zijin to enter the body of Li Mu.

However, Li Mu’s body suddenly burst out of the eternal treasure. In every pore, it seems that there is no amount of light to spurt out. The strange repulsive force flies out directly from this purple blood.


The **** of war Baijun looked at the second drop of purple gold and flew out of the air, but it was out of his own control, and the flight speed of the nine-headed bird was extremely fast. Under the flash, this drop of purple gold was gone. Missed.

How could this be?

Rao is well-informed by the long life of the war **** Bai Jun, and he cannot explain such a thing that happened just now.

He once again sensed the drop of purple gold, and there was no drop.

It seems to have disappeared from heaven and earth.

Strange things.

Li Jun, the **** of war, looked at Li Mu, who was still in the forefront. He had no expression of sadness and no joy. Obviously, what happened just now, Li Mu did not know, that is to say, this is the instinctive reaction of Li Mu’s body.

"Even my blood is repelling, this little guy, what kind of physique is it, I must have underestimated him wrongly before, and his temperament... is also unheard of."

The higher the strength, the deeper the feeling of the practice of others.

Such as the God of War Baijun, as long as one swept, how the outsiders practice the law, what genre and the like, basically can be clearly distinguished, but at this time, when he carefully observed Li Mu, it is more and more surprised, The more you look, the more curious.

can not read it.


“Similar to the ancient gods, the Eucharist, and the Tao, but not completely...”

Very perfect body.

The war **** Bai Jun watched for a while, and his heart was infinitely happy, and suddenly he shouted in the sky.

"The sky is not my mysterious yellow."

The joy in his heart is hard to describe.

Originally, for thousands of years, he and the ancestors of the six races, calculating each other and developing the blood of God, is to find a genius descendant for the Xuanhuang people, and even use the blood of God to transform a super genius. The Xuanhuang people have won a chance.

But I did not expect that reality is better than imagination.

Is the suffering of the Xuanhuang people finally coming to an end?

In his eyes, blood and tears flowed out.

It’s a pitiful day, and the heavens are reincarnation, and I see a glimmer of light in the world.

After losing the blood of Zijin, his breath was much weaker than before.

"That drop of God's blood contains my magic. Only the blood of Xuanhuang can be merged with it. It can be regarded as an indeterminate opportunity in the dark. I don't know who can get it. It will find it by itself. Master, it doesn't matter too much."

The **** of war, Baijun, experienced vicissitudes of life, and he was very open to these things.

He looked at Li Mu, who was closed to his eyes, and his heart was filled with relief.

"It takes a long time to integrate the power of God's blood. Young people, from now on, you will crouch down. When you refine your blood, you will finally wake up. It is the beginning of the path of my Xuanhuang people's counterattack. Your body, bear The heaviest burden in this star field, so, I wish you good luck."

He smiled and gently stroked the phoenix's head.

"Feng birds, take care of him for me."

The nine-headed **** bird makes a crisp and long sound.

God of War Baijun smiled.

His gaze fell on Li Mu's body.

"The green mountains and the green waters are endless, the world is impermanent, and the ancient nights will be clear. I will take my blood for a long time... Go to rest, I will take care of me, behind me... young people, come by yourself!"

As soon as he was in a flash, he flew straight out from the back of the nine-headed bird.

Only to solve the battlefield for the country to die, why is it necessary to wrap the body of Ma Ge.

As a general, the former world could not help but die from the military array. This world, died in the fight.

It takes time for Li Mu to integrate the blood of God and get rid of the six races.




All the bones and grievances were slaughtered.

Even the king of the spirit of the king's peak, it is difficult to resist the supernatural powers of the six ethnic ancestors, but like the flames of burning catkins, they are quickly destroyed.

The huge body of the konjac collapsed.

The blood in the body burned. He was like an engine that suddenly lost power. The huge body was incomplete and he did not know how many attacks he had suffered.

Even the six ancestors were unbelievable. The embarrassment that they had manipulated for thousands of years broke out, and they dragged them to a full tea time.

"I am finally dead, chasing, chasing."

The gods and ancestors shouted.

The explosion of the konjac rock in the restaurant, in their view, is the reason for the blood of the **** of war.

This is also the best proof of the preciousness of God's blood.

At the thought of this, the ancestors of the six races are all hot.

"The fox fox is about to close, and we are most familiar here. The **** of war Bai Jun can't escape." The ancestors of the Bitao people said: "We chase after each other so that we can find him in the shortest time."

The Donglin ancestors sneered aloud and said: "I still act together. Otherwise, if someone is lucky enough to find the **** of war, he will swallow the blood of the gods, what should I do?"

The other four ancestors are all in one heart.

"Yes, the fox is so big, with our supernatural powers, united together, even if it takes more time, I will find him sooner or later, no need to separate."

"Okay, that's it."

"If you don't want to be late, chase."

The six ancestors soon reached an agreement.

Guanghua flashed, and the six figures disappeared.

"Guan Shu...this...we...the **** of blood...what?" Huangfu Chengdao did not know what to say, until this time, he lost.

The process of the entire fox fox world seems to have no meaning for him. He is like a passer-by, a supporting role, a bystander, and a very low sense of presence and participation.

"This is growth. I hope that you can realize the sublimation of your mind from this trip to the fox world. This is more important than anything else. As for the blood of the gods, rest assured that the ancestors will take a drop for you." Guan Zhen comforted .



Ticking and ticking.

Blood dripped on the ground.

[Sword God] Wang Yan sat on the rock by the river and was cleaning the black blood on his sword.

A pungent **** smell around.

Blood is dripping from a skull that has been smashed down.

The face of the skull is very familiar.

It is a sneaky son.

I have just experienced a big battle here. On the Xiantai stage, I lost to the sacred son of the sword god, Wang Yanyi. I was hunting Li Mu, but I later met Wang Yanyi, and I was killed by ecstasy. As a result, he is confident, but he is being killed. There is no chance to escape.

If he knew such a result before his death, he would never appear in front of Wang Yanyi.

Wang Yanyi’s body was contaminated with a lot of blood.

He was also injured in the battle.

A little clean, after washing the sword, frowning, wearing clothes directly, slowly walked into the rapids of the river, cleaning the stains on his body.

In the days when I entered the fox world, Wang Yan did not encounter any danger, but instead got a lot of opportunities.

His strength has been greatly enhanced.

It is proof that the slaying of the Son of the Son is in the field.

Gradually felt the force of repulsiveness between the heavens and the earth, and the key on the body began to shine, Wang Yan understood, which shows that the time trial of the Tianhu secret will come, and it is almost over.

"I don't know, how is he."

Wang Yan was thoughtful.

After he cleaned it, he was about to walk out of the river. Suddenly in the sky, a purple gold and red man flew from the sky. Before Wang Yanyi had not reacted, he shot directly between his eyebrows and directly integrated into it. His body.


Wang Yan was shocked in his heart, and he felt subconsciously behind him without any abnormality.

It can't be an illusion.

He was suspicious. Suddenly, an unprecedented heat flow from the eyebrows was instantaneous and spread all over the body.

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