The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 756, strong and invincible

The smile on Weisian’s face was even more happy.


He waved his hand.

"The chicken does not stay."

Even if it is a green fox god, it doesn't matter if it dies.

Just get the blood of God.

A living **** is not necessarily well controlled. If the blood is once again mutated and evolved, it may be more troublesome.

Therefore, he is greedy at all.

As long as you get some of the blood of the Green Fox God, smelt into a supernatural power, and slowly explore the power of the blood of God.

Linghu wing looked at his daughter, and he sighed long in his heart: "Well, today, you, my father and daughter, fight side by side, maybe, it is the last battle..."

The voice has not fallen.

A piece of knife light, like the water of the Tianhe River, fell from above nine days.



"Do not!"

Seeing the magic snakes and monks in the small yard, they were smashed by the white knives, and instantly turned into the blood of the sky, bursting open, whether it was the level or the half-step king, as long as it was white At the touch of the knife, all were twisted into powder, without any difference.

At the same time, a white figure fell to the entrance of the small courtyard.

Su Jie is like snow, cold as rocks.

Knife in hand.

The knife is shining.


A king of the high-level demon snakes, the body shape flashed, teleported, came to the white man's body, a palm shot.

The power of the king's situation, the stone was shocked, and the rune Guanghua was like a roaring roar. All of a sudden, the entire small courtyard was almost drowned.

However, it is a knife flash.

The rune Guanghua of the sky seems to be like a soup, and it dissipates in an instant.

The figure of the high-ranking guardian of the king suddenly appeared as a space fold, split into dozens of irregular shapes, rushed from both sides of the white figure with the knife, and there was no blood flowing out, and it did not fall into the ground. A blizzard, drifting, fell into the yard.

Death and death.

The king's high-level guardian, hehe.


"How can it be?"


There was a shout around.

Wei Si Nian’s plain, confident smile on his face solidified in an instant.

In his heart, he felt an indescribable sense of crisis. His eyes fell on the person in the white knives. He glimpsed and immediately responded. He said, "You are... Li Mu, Li Yidao?"

Weiss has not seen the true face of Li Yidao, but he knows that Li Yidao is the embodiment of Li Mu.

As for the face of Li Mu, he knows.

"Magic snakes?" Li Mu stared at Weiss, and said: "It is really a ghost."

"Li Gongzi?" Behind him, Biyan reacted to the first time, looking at Li Mu's back, so familiar and clear, could not help but exclaim.

Li Mu turned back and smiled. He said, "My goddess of the guard, I am alive and returning. Fortunately, it is not late. Now, it is my turn to protect you."

"Ah..." A familiar voice came from the ear, and Biyan looked at the face that I had never seen before, but was so familiar, especially the bright scorpion that looked like a star-shaped dog. .

I don't know why, she suddenly stopped her mouth, and the tears were like the flood of the embankment. They couldn't control it anymore. Even if everyone was around, there were younger generations of the Qinghu people, their own fathers, and the enemies of the magic snakes... ... She was born in the green fox god, squinting in disregard of the image, crying out loud in place.

It is a kind of pressure, a kind of catharsis that misses in an instant.

A kind of euphoria that is relieved and stunned by the light of despair.

Li Mu’s eyes are also a little moist.

Between him and Bi Yan, from now on, it will be less than half a year.

However, in this short period of less than two hundred days, the relationship between the two people is described as a matter of suffering and co-existence. It can be said that it is extremely appropriate.

This kind of feeling is not the feelings of men and women, but it is far beyond the ordinary men and women.

"Don't cry, how can God cry?" Li Mu smiled and said comfortably.

The fox **** wing suddenly changed face and said: "Be careful..."

The voice has not fallen.

A sword light, like a dragon, a sudden attack.

However, it was another demon snake guardian. When Li Mu turned back and spoke distracted, he suddenly attacked with a sword.


This guardian has a strong face.

However, Li Mu seems to have felt the same for a long time, and his head has not returned.

The knife is like a dream.

The sneak attacker, the sword in the hand is divided into two parts from the tip of the sword, and then the hand holding the sword, as well as the eyebrows, the tip of the nose, the lips, the chest and abdomen until the groin, symmetrical, unbiased, directly divided into two The film, rubbing the body shape of Li Mu, swooping left and right, stepping on the foot, and finally fell on the ground outside the small courtyard, blood flowing out, but not scattered, it turned into a silver frost, covered in The ground, and his two bodies, is like a snowman with a snowy texture.

Twenty-four solar terms, cold knife, heavy snow knife.

Another guardian of the king's realm was slain.

The master of the magic snake's sorcerer, like a ghost in the day, face like earth, terrified.

Weissyear is also sweating in the daytime, and the heart is jumping wildly.

Li Mu’s strength is so strong?

A small character who came out of the Yingxianxing District was once regarded by him as a ants-like thing. Now it is so strong?

The existence of the king's situation, like a cut melon, was hacked to death?

It is not dangerous to be yourself.

Weiss slowly retreats slowly and pulls away the distance.

He can't smile anymore.

Li Mu looked back and looked at him and said: "I remember that your younger brother Wei Ximin once said that the devil snakes and the family. In recent years, Tu Yu has killed my Xuan Huang people, and he is the most powerful. He is hunting young Xuan Huang. Fun, and you, once personally shot, put out the three temporary bases of the Xuanhuang people, wherever they live, the grass is not born, the chickens and dogs do not stay ... this debt, today is just a calculation."

In the mind of Weiss, a flash of lightning flashed and suddenly reacted. "You have seen my brother, have you killed him?"

Li Mu nodded and said: "Yes, the area of ​​the hundred ghosts, a knife."

In the eyes of Weiss, there was a fierce and hateful light, saying: "It really is you, you are really the murderer..."

He also wants to say something more, but suddenly realizes that in such an occasion, the strength and weakness are easy, and his own words, without any deterrence, add shame.

"No, why didn't you be cursed? I investigated it, you..." He suddenly remembered that he had used the black snake coin to investigate Li Yi, the incarnation of Li Mu, and did not respond, but Li Yidao could not resist. The power of the curse imprint.

Li Mudao: "Go to **** and ask your brother, I am not interested in answering your question."

He killed him with a knife.

"Block him, stop it..."

Weiss was horrified in horror, no longer the kind of strategizing, and deprived of the indulgence of others' lives.

But a word of 'blocking' has just been exported, and his head has already flown in the air.


There are 2 more guarantees.

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