The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 807, forbidden fruit

On the surface of the reservoir, a green leaf bud grows out, like a green elf, shyly revealing the head from under the water. Two young leaves open, seemingly open arms to embrace the world, then tender The leaves then begin to split and continue to grow taller.

Just a short sip of tea, a luxuriant canopy with a diameter of three meters appeared on the water.

"It is really the land that the gods love. The gas is strong, and the growth of the fruit trees is too fast. At this speed, up to three days and three nights, you can communicate with the Garden of Eden."

A white man like a bird, his face is very excited.

He has been secretly guarding the reservoir, and in the next half day, he is watching the changes in the fruit trees.

Many local people passing by artificial reservoirs have also found such changes.

"Yeah, a fairy tree grows out of the reservoir."

"What is this tree? It is too high. The Fulong Bend Reservoir is at least 20 meters deep. This fruit tree can grow out of the water, at least 30 meters."

"Look, it's still long."

“Is it really a fairy tree? I can see its growth rate with the naked eye.”

"I have been observing it all the time. From the morning to the present, it has grown a dozen meters."

More and more curious citizens have come to the reservoir to see this 'crazy long' strange fruit tree. The news spread like a wing. When the evening, the Fulong Bend Reservoir has gathered no less than a thousand. People are all citizens around.

In the age of change in the world, such a spectacle is also very attractive.

A white winged angel hiding in the shadows with a weird smile on his face.

"Haha, long, long, let's grow up, blossom, and bear fruit, let these stupid Chinese people taste the delicious food from the Garden of Eden, hahaha."

On the horizon, the last glimpse of the sun, shining on the water, the reservoir blue waves red.

In the center of the reservoir, a huge fruit tree is like a small island. The branches and leaves are spread out. The branches are covered with beautiful flowers, and the strange fragrance is emitted. The people on the shore smell the strange smell and the face is exposed. Intoxicated expression.

A gust of wind blew.

The petals of the fruit tree fall.

Between the green leaves shaking, a full and round red apple, like an illusion, suddenly appeared, like a red agate gem, set in a green canopy, under the sun, more and more Ambilight, full of temptation, across the distance, as if you can smell the red apple's aroma.

"Fairy fruit, it must be a fairy fruit, go pick it up."

Some people leaped and leaped, their toes point to the surface of the water, licking the water and heading towards the center of the reservoir.

There are also people rowing boats and kayaking.

Some people even jumped into the water and swam toward the apple tree.

The red fruit on the apple tree has a fatal appeal to the people around you. Every thought in the heart reveals a kind of thought. Whether it is at any price, you must take a bite of the bright red fruit, like a madman. The same.

More and more people are jumping into the water and swimming towards the fruit trees.

Finally, someone came to the fruit tree and picked the first red apple.

It is the practitioner who has done a good job and brought water to the fruit trees.

He couldn’t wait to take a big bite, and the sweet juice poured into the lips and teeth. "Oh, good fragrance, the best apple I have ever eaten in my life."

In the sigh, the remaining fruit in his hand suddenly turned into a red mist and entered his body.

Then, the man’s gaze suddenly became stagnant.


Wang Shiwu’s left shoulder has blood flowing out.

He was wearing a hole in his left shoulder and was running away.

Behind him, the white man who should have died, and the white man who died more than a dozen times, with a dead face, with a hint of ridicule, is not ill, like a cat and mouse, is chasing Kill him.

This chase has lasted for a long time.

Wang Shiwu knows that he is facing the greatest crisis in history.

"Is he really a god?"

In the battle this morning, he has killed all the whites, but one of them can be resurrected constantly, as if he would never die. In the end, the power becomes stronger and stronger. Wang Shiwu’s long sword was cut off by hand and he was wounded.

Such a cat and mouse escape, several times, Wang Shiwu feels that he must die, I did not expect the other party to close, as if deliberately not kill him.

Wang Shiwu did not escape home.

Afraid of family and family.

Up to now, Wang Shiwu vaguely learned that the other party is because of resentment of Li Mu, but it seems that there is no way to take Li Mu, so to kill Li Mu's relatives and friends to vent their anger.

"How to do?"

Wang Shiwu’s mind flashed through countless thoughts.

At this time, he already knew that the other party deliberately liked to catch mice. He wanted to ask himself to ask for help from other friends, and to bring out all the people who had a relationship with Li Mu, and then kill them one by one.

The other party has this ability.

Tonight, Wang Shiwu can be sure that there is a terrible force in this white body. It is really close to the legendary god, far beyond his understanding of power... a terrible enemy.

Therefore, he did not ask his wife Su Yutong and Wang Sichao for help.

He tried several times to take advantage of the familiar road, and to use the secret method taught by Li Mu to get rid of this terrible white, but failed.

"Oh, it’s a painstaking effort. Don’t ask your friends for help now?”

The white man is like a matchman. The walking posture is very strange, but it is a fluent Mandarin, constantly ridiculing and stimulating Wang Shiwu.

"Sword meaning."


"The sword in the wind."

Wang Shiwu constantly showed his swordsmanship.

But they were all cracked by this strange white one.

"Oh, this is Li Mu's teaching skills. It's really rubbish, no wonder he dare not come to face me." Between the strange whites, they will attack the kendo secrets that are hitting the face, it is very easy.

"Oh, Li Mu garbage, you are more garbage..."

"Don't struggle any more. With your strength, in my eyes, even a grain of dust can't be counted. You don't ask your friends to help you. I have to kill you."

The strange whites made a move and kept on the body of Wang Shiwu, leaving scars.

"Give you the last ten minutes, if no one has come to save you, then you are in hell, waiting for your wife and daughter to accompany you."

The strange whites gradually lost the patience of the game.

Wang Shiwu did not respond, still trying to escape and counterattack.

Two figures, constantly chasing between the hills of the suburbs of Baoji City, moving at high speed, like a phantom.

The strength of Wang Shiwu, in the domestic practice world, can already be regarded as a super-class group. Unfortunately, the opponents encountered are really terrible, not mortal, completely suppressed, and the injuries on the body are gradually increasing, and it is like blood. Physical strength has passed, and it has gradually disappeared.

"Well, if that's the case, then you will be on the road."

The strange whites lost patience.

A red man, shot from his eyebrows, contains the power of destruction.

Wang Shiwu only felt that the whole body was locked, and it was inevitable that he could not move. He could only close his eyes and die.

"Children, can only be a husband and wife in the next life, take care of our children... with a mother, escape, don't be found." He used his last strength to send a secret to his wife Su Yutong. Such a piece of information.

If it is early, he knows that his wife will come in desperately, but in vain, the secretive white is too strong, and it is clear that it is directed at his family, only to die.

At the same time, that ruined the red mans, shrouded in Su Yutong's body.



The old Zhang head banged out and flew the opponent directly for hundreds of meters. The horrible boxing wind directly hit the dense forest in front, and blasted a gully three or four meters long and 100 meters long, like a cannon by a fighter. The same as the shuttle, the broken trees.

More than a dozen martial arts people who came to the village outside the village of Burning Temple, seeing this scene, are a little dumbfounded.

"This...the old man in the village, are you so embarrassed?"

"This kind of boxing style... The body is sanctified, blood is like the sea, how do you practice?"

"I heard that there are dozens of people in this village."

Several foreigners, 'Wulin people,' are a little bit forced.

Like the old man like Muscle King Kong, there is nowhere else, the physical defense and the defense are very high, the melee combat ability bursts, the battle is unreasonable, the exquisite moves and the sophistry, here The kind of qi and blood is like the ocean, the masculinity is in front of the old man who is still in the doldrums of the young people. It doesn’t work at all. It’s just a matter of breaking the power and solving everything with a punch.

Too hegemonic fighting style.

This made the trial work of several of them completely ineffective.

Instead of testing these old blindmen, they tried to find the one who lived in the temple.

"Roll." Old Zhang’s head with hands on his hips, a dry tobacco rod inserted in the back of his neck, and his voice is like thunder. “Master Li said, just like your three-legged cats, don’t be embarrassed again, come back next time. Leave a life."

A group of ‘people in the rivers and lakes’ finally intimidated under the hustle and bustle of the Lantern Temple, and fled.

"Dog Day, more and more people have been messed up recently, they are all in the village, they have to make a few calls a day, really **** annoyance."

"I just practice boxing, haha, I thought that when my old man hit a small Japan, I didn't feel tired when I hit a few times a day. Hey, the veterans have to reproduce their glory... I can eat a cow now."

"Master Li didn't say it, there will be more and more people waiting to make trouble, so let us be alert."

"I want to say, with this group of melons, so much nonsense, then dare to come, killing them directly, no one is a good person."

"The old king is really bloodthirsty."

"Hey, you said, will Li Mu Na'er really come back? Master Li said that he will appear within three days."

"It’s good to come back, and the people in the village miss him very much."

A group of old men squatted on the roadside of the field, squatting and smoking the smoke, the game spit the smoke circle, and there was a chat without a ride.

I am afraid that the outside world does not know. In this small mountain village, there is a group of old scorpions who had been buried in the neck by the loess. After being tuned for a small half year by a wretched old god, it is now awkward, a myth of a group of veterans. , already in the midst of gestation, will soon make the whole world shocked...

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