The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 856, Huang Long Hou Li

"Is Li Mu not because he made a mistake in the inner square, so he was expelled from the inside by the elders?" The pretty little girl with a round face widened her eyes.

The inexhaustible priest is crying and laughing: "I made a mistake? Expel him? Who is willing to expel him at this fairy magic meeting, is it impatient? Is it not the other, the girl around him, the whole fairy In the conference, there are only a few that can be provoked."


The round face girl and the intellectual girlfriends both opened their eyes.

Things seem to be different from what they imagined?

The old-age practitioner who used to open the road, said: "I don't kill the fairy, Li Mo, this time, was invited to the Fairy Congress? Could it be that he was not a small one?"

Do not destroy the Taoist priest: "The origin is not small, but Li Mu is not relying on the identity background. His own cultivation is already very scary. This time all the disputes of the three counts of the Xianmen, Li Sheren, and the list The first in the double list, the title of the list, is destined to be famous in the world... It is the Tianjiao in Xianmen, and it is difficult to compete with him. Therefore, you should not let him get angry."


The practitioners on the outer square heard all of them, all of them were dumbfounded.

It is totally different from what they imagined.

Why is Li Mu so powerful?

It sounds like the entire Xianmen has been convinced by Li Mu.

This time, the two little girls are also forced.

Especially the people who just talked about Li Mu, at this time, they all squeezed a sweat in their hearts. When they thought of them as the face of Li Mu’s face, it was like walking under the scythe of death. All of a sudden, no matter what the origins, they are honest and understand the weight of what Li Mu just said.

"Xianchang, what is the third list?" asked the pretty girl with a round face.

Do not destroy the Taoist priest: "If you have a chance to enter Xianmen, you will know... Well, if there is a fairy, whether there is a fairy door willing to accept you as a disciple, then, look at your performance, first post it. ""



On the way down the mountain, Li Mu was very silent.

Yunguang's sacred expression is complicated behind Li Mu.

The stupid dog Husky does not know where to go after the jade, but with its ability, it should be no danger, so no one cares, here is Baoji City, there is a arrogant old **** stick, the old heaven Monsters, don't dare to move this dog.

Li Mu went slow because he was thinking about something.

When I got to the bottom of the mountain, the cloud-light saint who had been silent, suddenly spoke up: "There is always a problem, I want to ask you."

Li Mu turned around and said unceremoniously: "You are a little sly, so take a good look at your identity. How come so much all day long...want to know what, ask."

The nose of Yunguang’s female voice is fast.

Originally, because Li Mu was intentional or unintentional today, she helped her to consolidate the heart that was almost broken by the jade. Her impression of this mortal was much better. Just after seeing Li Mu, she was very silent since she went down the mountain. He is in a bad mood, so he has this question. As a result... this abominable mortal, the original form is still unpleasant.

But after a few sighs, the Yunguang sacred woman finally did not hold back, or asked the doubts in her heart: "Why have you always protected those mortal monks? Even if you die, you must defend the mortal world. However, they do not lead you, and it seems to exclude you."

“Protect them?” Li Mu walked and said: “Who said that I protected them?”

Yunguang Shengnvdao: "Don't you always be a mortal man? Don't you let Xianmen kill mortals?"

Li Mudao: "You also said, I am not allowed to kill mortals, not to protect those monks."

Yunguang Shengnvdao: "What is the difference?"

"The difference is big. The spirits of the world, and the practitioners of the camps are two groups."

"Can it protect this evil world, does it make sense? The wisdom of people is more stupid than the practitioners, and they don't even know what you have done for them. What you defend is nothing but a small poor pity. There are many ruthless greedy generations, and they breed like worms. They are born to die, life and death are always in reincarnation. There is no objection to this world."

"Meaning? Do you ask me what it means?"

Li Mu turned around and looked at the Yunguang Holy Lady.

His eyes suddenly became a bit serious, as if the brilliance of the stars was shining.

"I don't want to say that there are good people and bad people in the dusty world, because no matter how good or bad, their lives, like the high-ranking monks in your eyes, are like the weeds on the roadside. If you want to pull them, you can pull them out, and you To count these things, it is really no friend meaning, I just want to tell you, the poor worm in your mouth, the little earth that is not meaningful in your mouth, used to be the whole memory of my life. So, you understand?"

After Li Mu finished, he did not wait for the Yunguang saint to answer and turned and continued to walk.

Yunguang's daughter licked her mouth.

She obviously does not recognize Li Mu’s statement.

The mouth is hard.

In the end, you will find that you will become a mouse in the bellows.


Li Mu returned to the Lantern Temple.

The old **** stick is still playing mahjong with the old Zhangtou and others.

Seeing that Li Mu came in, the old **** stick directly said: "I know, you have a lot of questions, and you know, you will not give up without asking, but can you wait, let me finish this? I Now it’s all seven small pairs, and it’s going to be ruin soon. It’s probably the first time since I finished the mahjong with the little priest...”

Li Mu is speechless.

But after less than ten seconds, the old Zhangtou shouted directly and excitedly: "Ha ha, Hu, Li. Da. Teacher, thank you for your three cylinders, you ordered a gun..."


The old **** stick was forced on the spot.

He turned to look at Li Mu and said: "You are just a broomstick. When you come, I will lose."

Li Mu black questioned the face.

Lao Zhangtou said: "There can not be so many words. When Xiaomu is not there, you have not won."

Old **** stick: "..."

When a group of old men went, Li Mucai asked about the things at the Fairy Congress today. He said, "Are you not a closed hand meditation? How come?"

Old gods said: "If I don't scare them, you will die."

Li Mudao: "Frighten?"

The old **** stick will put the mahjong away, and he will say it to the left and right. "Well, don't talk about these messy things. Tell me about the fairy palace, your kid, too high-profile, you have to do a double list first. I also went to fight the list, but I like it, oh... This time, it’s obvious that the six gods and the six anti-magic races have compromised each other. To unite the six keys and open the gates of the palace, otherwise you will miss the time, and, It is seemingly generous to use the three places of heaven and earth to decide the number of places to enter the palace. In fact, I am afraid to find so many cannon fodders. Hey, you must be careful after you go in."

Li Mu nodded.

This thing, Biyan reminded me.

Wait, what is called the palace, it seems to be the body.

Li Mudao: "Will you not go there?"

The old gods said: "What am I going to do? My old man, live well, drink every day, drink a little sleep, mahjong is playing, and a group of elderly people accompany me to play... Why go killing?"

"But you can't win mahjong."

"What about that, the most important thing is the process."

"Are you coming to Earth not to enlighten? The chance of the fairy palace, just miss it?"

"My way, not in the fairy palace."

Li Mu spent a long time, seeing the old gods stick to a firm attitude, had to give up.

He wanted to go to the fairy palace with the old **** stick. After all, such a thick thigh is not a tight one, it is a fool, but now it seems that it is not feasible, hope is not big.

In the next few days, Li Mu practiced in the Lantern Temple and waited for the exact news of the opening of the Imperial Palace.

Whether it is Li Mu or Yunguang Shengqi, they are all on the list, and they are qualified to enter the Imperial Palace. Just wait for the notice of Jintaiguan.

"The injury to the spine big dragon seems to be increasing."

In the past few days, Li Mu gradually discovered that the eight fractures of his spine have become more and more important to his own strength. The pain is clearer day by day. It seems that the injury has begun to deteriorate and needs to enter Xiangong as soon as possible. Find the best fruit to treat the injury, otherwise, the trouble will only get bigger and bigger.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

On this day, Jintai Guan came to the news that Xian Gong was about to open.

"The family asked the two to rush to Taishan. After five days, they joined the Nantianmen and opened the gate of the fairy palace." The letter was sent by a Jindaoguan politician with average strength and respectful performance.

Li Mu arranged everything about the Lantern Temple and negotiated with the old gods to prepare for the departure.

At this time, the patriarch of the Huanglong tribe, under the leadership of Luo Liang, appeared at the entrance of the Lantern Temple.

"Li Daxia, the chief of the Yellow family said that there is something to find you." Luo Liang was a little guilty. In order to chase the yellow leaves, he could be said to have racked his brains. This time, with the Huanglong patriarch to find Li Mu, he did not say hello to Li Mu beforehand. So I am worried.

Li Mu did not care about this, said: "The Yellow Patriarch, what is it for me?"

The Huanglong patriarch looked at Li Mu and suddenly slammed it and slammed it down.

Li Mu was shocked and quickly said: "The Yellow Patriarch, this is the agreement? Please pick up."

"Li Daxia, I know, you have to go to the fairy palace, I have a ruthless request, and also ask Li Daxia to help me." Huang Long patriarch is also a young age, was helped by Li Mu, struggling and squatting.

Li Mudao: "If the Huang nationality has something to say, please don't do this. If I can help, I will try my best."

The Huanglong family said: "Please ask Li Daxia to take me like Xiangong."

"This..." Li Mu carefully thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "It is not Li’s unwillingness, but the place of the Xian Palace, which is determined by the six gods of the heavens. The Huang chief should know how strict the heavenly rules are. Even if you have the heart, you can't take you in. Moreover, the trip to the Temple of Heaven is dangerous. With the strength of the Yellow Patriarch, you can enter it. There are so many fierce and fierce, I can't protect myself. I am afraid I can't protect you."

The patriarch of Huanglong originally wanted to see Li Mu for a try, but when he heard the words "Tianguan", he knew that he insisted that he would only insist on Li Mu, and it would not help.

He bit his teeth, it seems to be weighing things, thinking for a long time, and finally a heart, said: "If so, please Li Daxia help me to bring a thing into the fairy palace, Da En Dade, my Huanglong tribe never eternal Forget, as a reward, I will come up with a gift to help Li Daxia in the fairy palace, to harvest the surprise."

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