The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 858, the seven fairies of the peach orchard

The tens of thousands of monks are also mad at the same time, very spectacular.

But these tens of thousands of people, compared with the magnificent and magnificent palace, are not worth mentioning. It is like a sand sprinkled into the sea. It is impossible to see the trace in an instant, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Li Mu and two dogs, just rushed through the Nantianmen, into the white clouds, lost their way, after a burst of chaos, do not know how far rushed, and finally fainted in a pavilion covering an area of ​​about 10 acres The pavilion fell in the foot.


The tens of thousands of other monks who rushed in and out have disappeared.

Apparently like a dandelion, scattered in other places in the fairy palace.

Very strange.

Entering this fairy palace, it seems that it has lost its sense of direction.

There is a faint scent in the air, which makes you feel refreshed and happy. There is a feeling of fluttering and celestial, which is different from the ordinary aura. Is this the fairy tales in the legend?

Li Mu took a deep breath and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The white clouds are pervasive, and the visibility is only a few hundred meters. Even if it is a running scorpion, it is impossible to see through these clouds. Li Mu tried it, using the eyes of the sky, and the visibility is only a kilometer range.

The location where they were in front of them was a white fairy pavilion.

The carved wall is extremely delicate.

There is also a round stone table in the center of the pavilion, surrounded by four round stone chairs, a white porcelain plate on the table, four jade wine glasses on the plate, and a double-mouthed dragon-shaped jug outside the plate. It is about twenty centimeters tall and has a scent of wine, which comes out of the mouth of the bottle.

"Good fragrance and good fragrance." Husky made up the front of the jug, his nose swayed and said: "It is more intoxicating than the Jintai view of Xianxian. Is there still a fairy wine in this jug?"

The stupid dog can't wait to grab the jug and **** it up against the bottle.

"Don't mess around..." Li Mu quickly grabbed the jug and said: "You are really not afraid of poison inside, tens of thousands of years of things, directly plugged into your mouth."

He untied the bottle cap and saw what was there in the wine. Only the thick layer of the finger on the bottom of the bottle was brown and amber. The wine of the bottle overflowed from the brown amber and untied the bottle cap. After that, the wine is more fragrant and fragrant.

Li Mu suddenly felt dizzy.

Damn, it seems to be drunk.

He hurry up the cap.

The layer of brown amber on the bottom of the bottle is obviously a high-concentration solidified wine, or the juice is more intense, showing how long the jug is placed here. At the beginning, the wine in it must be a scent, you can be drunk, you just smell a few mouthfuls, you are drunk, isn’t it...

Li Mu suddenly thought of something and turned to look.

I saw the stupid dog Husky, and it was already lying on the ground with a snot and fainting.

Lying in the trough, this stupid dog.

It’s really drunk and died.

Li Mu is speechless.

With this product, I want to use it's nose to find the best fairy grass. How long does it take to get in? In less than ten minutes, the goods drunk themselves, and suddenly became cumbersome.

"The power of this wine is terrible. Even if it is a mysterious environment, it will be inhaled too much, but I will be drunk and die."

Li Mu thought about it, and he still collected the jug together with several cups.

"Help me carry this dog." Li Mudao.

"What?" Yunguang Shengn thought she had got it wrong.

Li Mudao: "You don't carry it, can you let me be the owner?"

Yunguang's female teeth tickle, but there is nothing to say, in the end, I had to take out an object, but it was a copper carriage.

The two bronze horses with runes and alchemy are pulling the open-top chariot. The style is extremely old. In reality, the chariot of the ancient Chinese Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period left the stupid dog in the carriage and snorted while snoring.

Li Mu’s eyes lit up.

He jumped into the car.

The glory of Yunguang is sullen, urging the carriage and walking to the depths of the fairy palace.

There is a driveway outside the Xianting, white jade shop, and I don't know where to go, but only this road, so I have no choice but to go straight inside.

Li Mu came to Xiangong, the biggest goal is to find the best fairy fruit.

Most of these things grow in the medicine pots and orchards. Li Mu’s mind recalls the ancient map given by the Huanglong patriarch, distinguishing the surrounding architectural orientation and trying to find the right and safe road.

At the end of the white jade road is a ruin of a collapsed palace.

Collapsed palace walls, white jade pillars, broken windows, door frames, sculptures, statues... Here, a long time ago, it was apparent that there was a war, there were swords and holes in the rock and palace walls, and there were broken weapons in the ruins. , rusty armor, and white broken bones...

All this highlights, once here, there was a terrible battle.

A huge golden dragonfly, a broken sword, nailed to a 100-meter-high palace wall, the broken sword pierced its heart position, nailed through the spine, inserted in the red attack, so that Li Mu felt The heart is that this gold did not know what creatures were born before, but in the eyes of the skull, there is still a light golden flame flashing, as if it were not dead.

"Get around."

Li Mudao.

The Yunguang sacred woman naturally does not want to take risks. The golden scorpion exudes a terrible and dangerous atmosphere, and she does not dare to approach.

Passing through the ruins of this palace wall, and walking forward for about an hour, it is a group of Qiulou Yuyu buildings worn by a group of roads extending in all directions.

It’s just that these Qionglou Yuyu are mostly collapsed. They are full of traces of war everywhere. There are hundreds of meters high temples, which are directly cut into two sections by a knife. There are also tall statues that have been opened by holes, high walls. On the humanoid depression, there is also the body of a sacred beast...

The battlefield thousands of years ago, today, still filled with a tragic scene.

And this is just the peripheral area of ​​the Fairy Palace.

The big palace is really unimaginable.

At a broken intersection, the copper horse chariot stopped.

Li Mu looked at a dark red statue in the center of the crossroad that was still up to 100 meters, and finally matched it with the mark on the map that the Huanglong patriarch gave.

With the reference, Li Mu finally figured out the route.

"To the left."

He said.

With a strange look, Yunguang Shengn looked at Li Mu, but did not ask anything. He urged the bronze horse chariot to rush toward a road around the intersection.

The hooves are so good that they are particularly harsh on the empty streets of Xiangong.

This fairy palace, the rumor was built by the Xiandao dynasty before the heavenly court, and was also called the emperor's palace of the ancient heaven. Later, the ancient heavenly court was overthrown by the present heavenly court. The war between the two heavenly courts must be earth-shattering. The traces of the battlefield are also reasonable.

There are many areas, from far away, you can feel the murderous wilderness of the sky, even the law of fairy tales, which are distorted in these areas, the terrible amount of temperament, I am afraid that the old monsters Can not bear, once caught in it, it will definitely become a fly ash, and die.

There are many dangers marked on the map. Li Mu is clear in his heart. Every time he informs the Yunguang Saints to detour in advance, he has not encountered any danger along the way.

"Do you know the way?"

Yunguang Shengneng could not help but ask.

Li Mu smiled and said: "Xian Gong is my home."

The cloud light saint is speechless.

Li Mu said again: "You come in the fairy palace, presumably also to find something, the cloud must have been arranged for you, it is better to send me here, you go find your chance."

He wants to open the cloud light saint.

Although it is a prostitute, it looks very obedient, but with it, it is a fixed, time, bombing, and when it happens, it may break out.

Li Mu can not really think that the Yunguang Virgin will be loyal to himself. After all, the two people, but they all want to put the opponent to death.

The Cloud Lady was silent for a moment and said: "I don't have any goal. Master's instructions to me are to be a maid and be with you to keep you safe."

Li Mu sneered on the spot and said: "But don't, I am not a fool. At the crucial moment, you don't have a knife behind you. I thank God and protect me. Big sister, you lied like a little."

He said, he squatted directly from the stray dog's neck and jumped from the bronze horse chariot. "That's it, let's part ways, don't follow me, otherwise, don't blame me."

After that, Li Mu did not wait for the Yunguang saint to answer, and directly went to the sword, turned into a streamer, and decided to make a good route, and quickly went.

The Yunguang saint stood alone for a while, eventually urging the bronze horse chariot and chasing it down.


The size of the fairy palace is simply unimaginable.

Li Mu felt that he was like a little donkey and strayed into the sea.

In a blink of an eye, it is already two days.

As a map opener, Li Mu is still wandering around the fairy palace. If it is not hundreds of times on the road, relying on the map route to avoid the dangerous place, Li Mu will doubt that the Huanglong patriarch gave himself A fake map to tease yourself to play.

It was another three days.

According to the map, Li Mu finally came outside the legendary peach orchard.

The smoothing of Li Mu is also a bit unbelievable.

Fortunately, this peach orchard turned out to be in the outer area of ​​the fairy palace, so it is still a good find, in the ruins of a palace wall, green, an emerald-colored peach forest, exudes vitality, green micro The light ruins of the surrounding palaces are all dyed with a layer of dreamy green.

Li Mu walked toward Taolin step by step.

"There is no prohibition, no formation, even the walls of Taoyuan have collapsed..."

He entered the Taolin very easily.

The legendary peach tree seems to be no different from the ordinary peach trees on the earth. Some of them have withered, and they have died from the follow-up. They have been affected by the wars of the past, and the leaves are all yellow, without the slightest vitality. Some are full of vitality and lush foliage, but unfortunately there is no result, not even flowering.

"Obviously, this piece of Taolin was destroyed by the war. It was only the vitality of the peach tree. After all, there were still some roots that did not die completely. After so many years, a new peach forest was born. ”

Li Mu carefully observed and reached such a conclusion.

If this Taoyuan is really just like this, then it will be troublesome.

Taoyuan is, there is no peach, this is the worst bad news.

Fortunately, Taolin is quite large, and Li Mu continues to go inside. I hope that I can find a peach tree with fruit, even if it is a fruit, as long as it can treat the spinal injury.

Going deep into the kilometers, Li Mu suddenly stopped.

His face showed a shocked look.

In the distance, under a huge peach tree, stood a few figures.


Seven figures.

To be precise, there are seven fairies.

They are wearing beautiful kimonos of different colors, red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, and the fairy light is flowing. They stand under the huge peach tree, and each person’s arm is holding a wicker basket. Not one, some people smile, some are moving, others are talking to the sisters around them...

But all this is still.

The seven beautiful fairies are like the moments fixed in a certain moment, keeping different movements, silent, as if they are sculptures, but so fresh, as if the next moment, the crisp laughter will Passing over, they will also come out of the tree with laughter and laughter...

Is it... the seven fairies in the legend?

Li Mu wiped the sweat on his head.

Is this a ghost?


Second, thank you for the great 666 of Xiaoliujiu

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