The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 879, Li Mu shot

Li Mu, who was invisible in the dark, was also taken aback.

what happened?

I saw the **** pike that was nailed to the body of General Qin Zhong. The tremor was more and more fierce. Like a sturdy shackle, it almost turned into a bloody, strange power fluctuation, like it was broken. Like the ripples on the surface of the pond, it spreads in the air and visible to the naked eye.

Is it really a scam?


call out!

A **** mania shot.

The **** pike was finally pulled out one inch and one inch from the body of General Qin Zhong, and then flew out.

The two thundering gods and elders in front of them were unable to prevent them from being caught up. They were not reacted at all. They were pierced by this **** long gun and smashed into powder, and the blood mist was floating in the air!


The blood-colored pistol was nailed to the wall of the city gate 100 meters away, and half of it was immersed.

"Everyone is careful."

Thunder and drink.

The face of the Lord of the Thunder is a painful color.

Lost two gods at once.

Everyone else was also shocked by a cold sweat, and they were on the alert.

"Look, the wound is healing."

The ‘ghost’ exclaimed.

Everyone followed him and saw the body of the general Qin Zhong. The blood hole that was pierced by a **** rifle was shrinking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was like a fluorescent blood stained outside. It also disappeared bit by bit.


Everyone swallowed a spit, and the throat made a swallowing movement very difficult.

Wouldn't it really be to be resurrected?

This is too ridiculous.



The familiar vibration sounded again.

I saw the short sword nailed to the hands and feet of the general Qin Zhong’s body, and it began to vibrate.

Just like the **** pistol before.

"It's not good, you can't let him push this short sword out." The voice of the Lord of the Ghosts is hoarse and succinct. "Before this life is a peerless powerhouse, and the obsession is immortal. I am afraid that it has been turned into a ghost, if he is freed from him. When the ban is opened, when it comes to me, such as an intruder, it will definitely kill."

The expression of everyone suddenly became horrified.

"What do you want to do?"

Lei is not very good at this kind of scene.

The main road of the ghost department is "very simple. On these four short swords, the new power is added. As long as the evil body can't force the four short swords, it can't really be resurrected and will not threaten us."

The main road of the thunder, "What are you waiting for? Let your people do it."

The main road of the ghost department "My ghost department has experience in practicing ghosts, but the problem is that the real restraint of the evil corpse, or the thunder of your thunder, to the yang, just the nemesis of the sinister evil spirit, by Your people will bless the short sword and the effect will be the best."

The owner of the thunder department sneered, "The old man is not a three-year-old child. Who are you cheating? I have lost two gods. If there is any change, let my people die?"

The head of the ghost department has a clear smile on the face of the head. The words "have come to this level. If we don't cooperate sincerely, we are both here, I am afraid I will be buried here."

"Hey, it’s not a big deal, we left here directly before the evil corpse wakes up." The Lord of the Thunder sneered.

The voice just fell.


A loud noise came.

On the other end, the giant 饕餮 饕餮 rivet stone door, once again closed.

This loud noise, like a heavy hammer, slammed into the hearts of everyone, making them scared.

The **** of a thunder, with a face on one side, rises in shape and wants to fly away from the sky above his head.


A thunder and a slap in the face.

This god, Xuanjing elder, was smashed into coke fly ash on the spot and burst open.



“Is it a trap?”

The two monks, all of a sudden, looked mad.

Li Mu was in the dark, and could not help but **** a cold air.

The situation is getting more and more strange.

It’s impossible to fly in the sky, the sullen atmosphere around it, the strange sound of the rustling sand, more and more clear, really like there are countless ghosts walking in the invisible place marching, this abandoned school barracks seems to be a trap . In the air, I don’t know when it started, and there was a faint killing.

"Not yet? Do you want to bless the short sword, otherwise we will die." The Lord of the Ghosts speaks loudly.

The head of the Lei Department was hesitant, and the face showed a decisive color. "Good, let us bless, but if you find it, the double ring will be mine. You only have the right to borrow." I immediately ordered a blessing, and if I didn't agree, let's die together."

"You..." The Lord of the Ghosts angered, "You are robbing the fire... well, the old man promised."

The Lord of the Thunder waved.

Immediately there were four thundering gods and elders, each playing a power of Thunder, and blessed on the four-handed daggers on the hands and feet of the general Qin Zhong.

Thunder Rune Guanghua flashes.

Sure enough, the vibration frequency of the four short swords immediately fell.


The body of the general who was still standing still suddenly struggling, and the head lifted, and a roar, his eyes opened, and it seemed to be alive.

His limbs struggled fiercely.

"Fast, force blessing, you must not let him break free." The main face of the ghost department changed.

Everyone around me has a heart hanging.

Li Mu almost exclaimed in the dark.

General Qin Zhong... Are you really going to be resurrected?

Did he not die?

At once, he thought of the suspected fantasy in the previous illusion, the general general of the steel will, commanding the soldiers of the ancient heavens, bravely killing the enemy, **** battles, and thinking of his care for himself, the last moment, Give one to yourself and force yourself to leave...

This is a respectable man.

Li Mu is still unclear until now. In the end, it was a fantasy or a reality.

But this general, called Qin Zhong, gave Li Mu a great shock.

If he really didn't die... it must be saved.

"You... is the Terran?" Suddenly, the body of Qin Zhong, who was nailed to the ground, spoke up. In his eyes, there was a red glow, and he saw the thunder and the ghost.

"God, a conscious corpse, it is a rare treasure." The Lord of the Ghosts secretly exclaimed, such a material, if it is a ghostly secret, directly refining, it is growth, the future is even Growing up to the level of the Emperor is not impossible.

Others are also looking mad, and have retreated.

A conscious body?

Is it still not dead?

"Stop, uncover my ban, the demon will come, you will be killed by the demon," Qin Zhong's voice is old and mournful, "The fire is not extinguished, I, to fight the evil spirits."

Everyone looks at each other.

The Lord of the Ghosts quickly said, "Don't believe in the enchanting words of this evil corpse. He himself is a demon. If you let him out, we will all die, continue to bless, and suppress by lightning."

The main road of the Lei Department is "nice, the ancient heavens are embers, the evils are not evil, you can't let go, continue to suppress."

Four more Thunder God Xuan shot, released the Thunder force, and blessed the four short swords.

The purple thunder, along the short sword, spread in the body of the general Qin Zhong, his face, showing the color of pain, said "the younger generation, if you do not let me go, you all have to die, the extraterrestrial demon will appear... ”

But the thunder and the ghost department, how do you let go of each other?


The strange rustling in the camp is getting clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, the old, old cockroaches and corpses lying on the ground climbed up one by one.


"Let the generals go."

"The enemy will arrive, assemble, line up, arrange, and prepare camp."

A voice came from all the way.


On the wall, the broken drums suddenly burst into a deafening sound of the snare drum, like a thunder.

"not good."

The main face of the ghost department has changed greatly.

"Kill, kill all these ghosts, all." He snapped.

The two-step gods and strong spirits, although shocked by this incredible scene, still brave the courage, each of them to display magical powers, the ones that stand up and smash fly, crush!

"Let the generals go."

A squatting figure rises to the sky and kills him.

In midair, if there is no looming light and shadow, it seems like flesh and blood in cheers.

"It is Zhao Meng."

Li Mu’s heart was shocked.

The smashing smashing is clearly the illusion of the illusion, in order to be the one who was bound by the extraterrestrial demon in the enemy's building, and finally the fierce Zhao Meng who died with the extraterrestrial demon.

"Evil, die."

The Lord of the Thunder took the shot, and the sword of the Thunder of the Sun was thrown out.


Zhao Meng was blasted out and smashed.

Its strength is much worse than when he was really alive.

"Wang Wang is a king..." The stupid dog suddenly thought of one thing. "These bones are actually alive. How does this make me eat?"

Li Mu is used to the stupid dog.

"I will go out first, look at the situation, you hide, if I can't beat it, you will come out and help, let it out." He whispered to the stupid dog.

The stupid dog was excited at the time. "Good, haha, I will be well controlled."

Big your dog's wasp.

Li Mu’s heart is dark.

He rises into the sky, people in the air, four golden swords chain, has been like a dragon, roaring out from the palm of his hand, smashing to the thunder of the thunder is the thunder of the gods.


The Lord of the Ghosts responded first and shouted loudly.

"Block him." The Lord of the Thunder took the lead and drank at the same time.

The thunder of the thunder, but in this moment, recognized the identity of Li Mu.

"It is him, the mortal, Li Mu." Lei Zang shouted.

The eyes of the ghosts were suddenly stunned. "Hey, dare to appear here... I understand, he is the one who took the first place, don't let him run."

As soon as these three words appeared, all the people present, all of a sudden, their eyes were red...

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