The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 902, Holy Pro

Half a round of the moon, a few clouds.

There are still about 50 miles away from the Xuantian City, the ruins of the Northern Wilderness. The Chiyun Beast is snorting in the moonlight, and it is under the ancient pines. It is easy to swim. Since Li Mu, there is no need to pull the cart. It is just a manned person, it is very satisfied.


Shen Jia practiced boxing under the ancient pine trees, one stroke and one style, and there was a model and a fist.

Li Mu annihilated the enemies of the great enemies. In addition to ridding their martial arts and warfare classics, they also received a lot of cultivation resources, and they all invested in the armor.

This young boy who hates hatred and obsessed, the martial arts, even if Li Mu is also admired, this may be why people who have this big obsession in their hearts are always more likely to succeed.

There is a famous teacher of Li Mu. The juvenile’s entry into the world is extremely fast. It’s only ten days away. It’s already a warrior in the realm of realm.

The moonlight passed through the fine pine branches, like a piece of broken silver, falling on the ground. The boy's face changed in the wind and the branches, and a drop of hot sweat slipped down the thin face, and the corner of his mouth was barely lifted. radian.

Li Mu sat on the top of the pine tree crown. If there is no weight, he will swallow the moonlight and practice.

The twelve layers of congenital power have become more and more sophisticated. In Li Mu's body, twelve small Zhoutian days, a large cycle of automatic circulation, absorb the purest mystery between the heavens and the earth, and integrate into the body. force.

For Li Mu, this is a wonderful feeling that he has never experienced before. He always feels that the twelve layers of congenital work are perfect, and the air in the body seems to be in the midst of it, to motivate the power of the universe, even more clearly than in the past. Feel the power of the ubiquitous rule of law between heaven and earth.

It is a pity that in this world, the aura is thin, and the law is also fragmented. This kind of sentiment can only be incomplete and cannot be clearly integrated.

"If it is in the past life, the twelve layers of congenital merits will be completed, you can certainly understand the mysteries of the stars of the universe, and the realm is a thousand miles."

Li Mu is sorry in his heart.

He slowly opened his eyes and said: "Since it is here, let's show up, why are you sneaky, hidden in the dark, is it a sneak attack like a mouse?"

Under the tree, the armor that is practicing boxing is slightly stunned.

At this time, on the rock 100 meters away, a group of blue light flashed, revealing a figure, the body is slender and thin, like a bamboo pole, the face is also slanting, the chin is squatting to the right, like a handle wide The short oblique knife is full of murderous.

"Ha ha ha, Li Zhiyuan, recently famous for the great earthquake, all the way to the north, killing all the way, the invincible, is the first genius of Heavenly Tao."

Qingguang figure laughs, and the moon is like evil spirits.

"A nest of mice in the four seas of God, can't sit still? Look at your sneaky look, the Green Shadow King is it? What three other **** kings? Let's get out together."

Li Mupan sits in the crown of the tree and rises and falls with the branches in the wind.

"Let's relax, Ann dare to speak out madly, humiliate my god, Li Zhiyuan, today you have no life." Another pale yellow figure appeared in another position, short stature, long eyebrows orange, like It is a faint flame of two groups, burning on the eyelids.

"Yellow eyebrows?"

Li Mu nodded and said: "The Purple Smoke King and the Black Face King are also coming out."

"Li Zhiyuan, a mad younger generation, to deal with you, the gods sent three kings, it is already the lion's rabbit to use the full force, the four kings expedition, you also can not afford to see yourself." A burly figure wearing a black visor, Half of the body appeared in the shadow of the woods.

"Good, the black king is coming."

Li Mu nodded and said: "The last purple smoke king, also appeared."

"Hey, Li Zhiyuan, the three kings joined hands, it is already very affordable to you, the Purple Smoke King has something else to do, and will kill you in the future." The figure of the Qingying King gradually blurs, like a group of lingering Like blue smoke.

"Oh, you can see me, but I look down on you, I don't know the so-called idiots. It is obvious that the four people have come together, but they are here to make doubts. Isn't it just for the last moment, sneak attack on the assassination? It is true that the four sea gods have always been mean and shameless. Style."

Li Mu stood up at the ancient pines.

Under the moonlight, the long knife is unsheathed.

The bright moonlight shines on the knife, which seems to be a silver frost, held in the hands of Li Mu.

"Let's go together, I am in a hurry."

Li Mu raised his knife.

"Hurricane." Green Shadow King shot, he is good at hidden weapons, especially with invisible and colorless fine needles as the most, one raises his hand, under the moonlight, it is a shimmer of green mans, countless fine needles, invisible bursts come out.

Li Muchang knife cited.

One of the three masters of Tiandaozong's three kinds of towns, the body's stunts, the body's mysterious airflow, all over the body can suppress all the forces of foreign bodies, the green needles, the ultimate three meters, they will all fall to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Li Mu was in shape.

Under the moonlight, the silver knife flashed.

The King of Shadows only felt that there was a flower in front of him. When he saw it again, he had already seen his back, the headless body, getting farther and farther in the line of sight, then a whirlwind, and the darkness in sight.


Huang Meiwang and Blackface King both jumped in the heart.

What's happening here?

How did the Qingying Wang face up, he was directly killed by the spike, and there was no chance to avoid it. This kind of strength is simply ridiculous and shocking.

At the same time, Li Mu was shaped like electricity and swept out again, just like the water of the Tianhe River.

Huang Meiwang's palm is a piece of heart. Two yellow silk threads are violently smashed out, and they are entwined with Li Mu's long knife. It is the **** of the gods, and the weapon he is best at, the smelting of steel into a soft finger, known as the weapon of the gods.

The black face of the king's palm, covered with black gloves, fine and dense strange metal scales, the palm of the hand completely covered, water and fire does not invade, the knife and gun are not in, is also one of the strange weapons.

The Four Seas gods are famous in the northern wilderness. This is the biggest force under the Xuan Tianyun Palace in the Northern Wilderness. In the past few years, because of some mysterious reasons, the forces have swelled at an astounding speed. The four guardian princes are fierce and arrogant, and they are already the strongest of the eighth sect. The hands are covered with blood, and the martial arts in the northern wilderness are shaking.

The two kings joined forces and broke out with all their strength. It is terrible.

But under the moonlight, the knife flashed.

The first is that the black-faced king's arms are directly brushed and broken, and the blood is arrogant, and then the yellow gossamer is also broken like a noodle chopped by a kitchen knife.

"No..." In the pupil under the black face of the black-faced king, there was an incredible shock and fear, and I lost my fighting spirit in an instant, and turned and fled.

Huang Meiwang's figure retreats like a lightning bolt, and he screams: " are not the eighth pass, you are the ninth holy place..."

Too scary knife.

Too scary power.

This is clearly the power above the eighth.

Li Mu did not speak, and the sword swept out. Huang Meiwang and Blackface King did not have the chance to escape. They were one by one, and they were stunned in the night.

"Not yet out."

Li Mu came to the air and looked at the West.


A lost figure, walked out of the jungle, directly on the ground, hands on the ground, the head did not dare to lift, shivering: "Li Gongzi, forgive."


This is a woman's voice.

Purple smoke king is a woman?

Under the moonlight, this squatting figure, wearing a purple tulle dress, the milky white coat is looming, this angle can just see the graceful curved waist line and the rich hip line of the peach, the long hair of the lavender On the shoulder side, in line with her status in the martial arts in the northern wilderness, this posture of seeking for it is full of temptation for any man.

"Ziyan Wang?"

Li Mu was slightly surprised.

Among the previous materials, the Purple Smoke King is among the four kings of the Four Seas, and the strongest, the most ferocious, the most murderous, the one with the deepest heart. I didn’t expect it to be a woman, and it’s still a view from that perspective. Extremely beautiful women.

"The son, the life, the slaves are willing to leave the four seas gods, follow the son of the son..." Purple smoke king changed his head and looked up.

Under the purple hair, a beautiful and beautiful face, white and jade, exquisite and beautiful face appeared, flame red lips, swan neck under the neck, looming robes are extremely loose, the snow on the chest and the rough waves, and more It was exposed at once, and almost two bright red spots on the bud were seen.

This is undoubtedly a scene of too glamorous charm.

Li Mu subconsciously removed his gaze.

The purple smoke king's poor face, a flash of haze appeared in a moment, red lips slightly open, a colorless and translucent gas, instantly hit, directly to the heart of Li Mu!

"Hey, Li Zhiyuan, even if you are practicing to the Jiujing Holy Pro, you are not in the middle of me."

The purple smoke king laughed, and when it was really like a purple smoke, it retreated, and instantly opened a distance of several tens of meters to prevent Li Mu from being seriously injured and violent, and his experience was extremely rich.

"Master..." Shen Jia rushed over in shock.

Li Mu waved his hand.

Opposite, on the beautiful face of the purple smoke king, there is a haze and murderousness that is not commensurate with this beauty. He smiled smugly: "I didn't expect it, among the four kings, the real hidden weapon is not the first. The movie king is the waste, but I, Li Zhiyuan, you don’t have to be too remorse. After all, you are not the first nine environment I killed..."

Li Mu yanked his chest clothes and said: "Yes? You don't have to be too remorse, because I didn't plan to let you go at first."

The figure is flashing.

The knife light floats.


The shape of the purple smoke king solidified in an instant.

Li Mu’s figure appeared behind him, standing still, and then he took the knife.


A blood line erupted from the neck of the Purple Smoke King.


The beautiful head rolled down from the neck.


The head that fell on the ground, said the last sentence, eyes with an incredible gaze, staring at Li Mu, and then lost the final consciousness.

Li Mu returned to the ancient pine.

"It’s still a big idea. If it’s an average person, it’s been a long time since this time, and the sneak attack succeeded. Still, you can’t underestimate the world’s warriors.”

Li Mu took a seat.

Shen Jia went to pick up the bodies of the four strong men. This kind of demolition is not. Now it should be said that it is the work of picking up the courier. Ten days ago, it was done by him. It is already a light road.

The second day, Xuan Tiancheng.

Under the watchful eyes of the four sea gods, the singer, with the sunken armor, swayed into the city and lived in the largest and most luxurious cloud inn in the city.

There is one more

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