The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 915, fully rolled

"Just by you?"

Li Mu looked up and down the four sea gods, young, is handsome, has a self-confidence that is about to overflow, the body's cultivation is good, can be said to have come to this world, the strongest person ever encountered.

"Of course, just rely on me." The four sea gods said: "This time, I am busy with the things of the true God, innocently dealing with rivers and lakes, but you are famous, but the reputation of your majesty is in my eyes. , but it’s just a joke."

"I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue." Li Mu disdainfully said: "For the so-called true God, you are not even thinking about the four sea gods?"

"Oh, Sihai Shenjiao is just a plaything when I am bored, Li Zhiyuan, but you are very surprised me. I was playing and killing you a year ago. I didn't expect you to be able to turn over the salted fish." Teaching the Lord is like laughing and laughing.

A year ago, I saw the real Li Zhiyuan who had seen the gods of the Four Seas.

Compared with a year ago, the young man in white robes had a great change in temperament and his body shape. So the first time, Li Mu, who had a memory of Li Zhiyuan, almost did not recognize him.

Perhaps because of Li Zhiyuan's residual feelings, Li Mu was looking at this person, an uncontrollable disgust and killing, rising in his heart.

"Playing things? Could it be [Crazy lion] Xiao war is also your plaything?" Li Mu asked.

The four sea gods and the young masters said: "The old guy is old, but it is a cumbersome one. With a little bit of blood and me, I will point my hand to you, borrow your hand, get rid of it, wait for me to kill. You, put your head in front of his grave, be avenged for him, worthy of him."

A ruthless person.

"Shen Xiaoyue is what you sent people to grab?" Li Mudao.

The four sea gods and the masters laughed: "Yes, the woman's blood is very important to the true God. She originally raised her in the red sleeves, like raising pigs. Just wait for the opportunity to take blood. Who knows but was saved by you, I have to use a little means to get her back."

Li Mu was in a tight heart and said: "Where is she now?"

"Oh, you are here to save people, huh, huh, it’s really a man of righteousness. For a woman who is not so important, I dare to marry the Heavenly Clouds Palace." There is a kind of confidence in the face of the Four Seas gods. With the cat's general eyes, watching Li Mu, said: "Thirty meters underground in the center of the prison, it is the nest of the true god, as long as you can pass through this level in a musk time, rush to the true **** Nest, maybe there is still a chance to save the woman, oh, unfortunately, you have no chance."

"It sounds very simple." Li Mudao.

"Hahaha, what do you say? Very simple?" The four sea gods less laughed, as if they heard the world's biggest joke, laughing and leaning back and said: "Ha ha, Li... Li Zhiyuan, you Know why you are waiting for you here?"

Li Mudao: "Because you are eager to reincarnate."

"Oh, arrogant." The minds of the four sea **** goddess slammed fiercely. "I know that you are already a tenth-level cultivation, and you are broken and standing. In less than half a year, you have such a cultivation. It is indeed worthy of pride, but, you know, what am I doing now?"

He suddenly stepped out.

The indescribable horror of the atmosphere, like the raging waves of ancient times, stirred up in this still wide stone room, like the pressure of the demon coming, and suddenly the first sword slave behind him could not control it. One, directly on the ground.


The cultivation of the eleven immortals.

The realm of legend.

The four sea gods and the masters laughed happily, and the laughter was full of confidence in everything.

The first sword slave barely looked up and looked at the eyes of the four sea gods and the masters. It was full of shock and awe. Has the strength of the young master reached this step? It’s terrible. In this world, apart from the great true God, how many people are the opponents of the Lord?

He looked at Li Mu again.

In the subconscious mind, under the tyranny of the lord, even if the genius is like Li Zhiyuan, it is absolutely impossible to counter this level of pressure.

However, from this point of view, the expression on the face of a sword slave instantly solidified.

Because he saw that Li Zhiyuan did not have any abnormalities.

Don't say it's awkward, there is no mess in the hair.

Even the young man behind Li Zhiyuan was straight and straight.

what happened?

Li Zhiyuan completely blocked the offset of the pressure of the Lord?

Is it?

A terrible guess, in the hearts of the first sword slave.

The expression on the face of the Master of the Four Seas goddess has also changed: "You...had you even entered the eleventh immortal change?"

“The eleventh place?” Li Mu smiled and reached out: “You guess again.”

With the action of Li Mu, a invisible force from Pei Mo Mo has emerged from his hands, curbing the neck of the Four Seas gods, and taking him one inch and one inch to vacate, hanging two meters in front of Li Mu. In the air, no matter how he struggled, punched and kicked, he could not break free.


The head of the first sword slave was shocked and exploded.

The four gods of the four seas also glared with big eyes, and looked at Li Mu incredulously, hoarse voice, saying: "No, impossible, how can you have this kind of power, you are not a tenth, no, not Eleven, you are... Are you the twelve Xuan Shijing?"

Li Mu faintly said: "Bingo, close to the correct answer, but no reward."

"This is impossible. How did you do it?" The four sea gods and the young masters struggled wildly, violently urging the mysterious spirit of the eleventh immortals in the body, but they were suppressed by death and could not pick up the slightest wave. .

He got the help of the true God, and he can enter the eleventh world in an abnormal way. It can be said that it is a unique opportunity from the past to the present. It is already a miracle, but only one year ago, Li Zhiyuan of the six borders did not use it. In one year, it has entered the 12th territory, which is simply a fantasy.

The four sea gods are not acceptable.

"I still want to explain it to you, but, sorry, I am in a hurry now, so, goodbye." Li Mu did not mercilessly force, screamed, the head of the four sea gods in the air, with a shocking heart The angle of the distortion, the vitality of the body is also destroyed in an instant, and the death can no longer die.

"I have to force in front of me... let's go."

Li Mu left the room with a paste of armor.

The first sword slave stayed on the ground.

He looked at the body of the Lord of the Four Seas, and there was a blank in his mind, as if he had made a long and ridiculous nightmare, and could not believe what had just happened.

Is it really the twelfth beginning?

In this world, can someone really cultivate to this theoretical realm?

This kind of enemy is simply terrible.

All his fighting spirit and martial arts spirit, like the dried sand sculpture, instantly collapsed and dissipated. In this life, even if he broke into the 18th floor of hell, he would never want to be hostile to such a person.



Li Mu took the armor and jumped directly from the layer of the word.


The ground in the center of the prison was shocked and directly pierced.

30 meters underground, a new underground space appears.

Li Mu’s figure, along with a small amount of falling rock, fell on the ground.

There was an exclamation around.

Li Mucai stood firm, and there were countless black shadows rushing up, like a frenzy.


Li Mu backhanded out the half-waste Baiyun Qingshui knife, Xuanqi infusion, knife method to display, it is the knife method evolved from [the dew seven hits], the white knives flow out, all the rushing shadows, The blood was turned back and turned back.

At this time, Shen Jia only saw the situation around him.

At this time, a pothole like an underground anthole has a hanging stalactite on the top of the head. The color is awkward. It is mostly reddish, just like a fantasy. There are hundreds of warriors wearing black scales and pullovers. Extremely good, dozens of rushing up before, was slashed by the master as a **** fog, and other warriors were intimidated, for a moment, stunned.

"There." Shen Jia saw, this group of black fish scales, the head of the armored clothing, behind a red **** stalactite, my sister Shen Xiaoyue was tied to it, it seems to have been coma, eyes closed and motionless.


Li Mu's figure is like a streamer, the knife is like a tide, easily surrounded by the black fish scales, the head of the martial arts master, surrounded by the strange red stalactites, a knife to the stone roots, while the soft knife rolls to Shen Xiaoyue, ready to save first people.

But at this time, a strong wind suddenly shot from the stalactites and took Li Mu’s head.

This wind is terrible, lightning fast.

Strong as Li Mu, at this moment, I also felt a great death crisis.

The knife light is like a lotus bloom, and the attack is guarded.


Li Mu’s figure flew back and landed on the ground, and he retreated six or seven before he stopped.

The white water knife in his hand, slamming, eventually broke completely, and the debris fell, leaving only one handle.

"Stupid mortal, dare to break my good deeds, you **** it."

A cold voice without the slightest human feelings came from behind the **** giant stalactites.

There was a burst of vibration on the ground.

Li Mu saw that a huge black monster slowly came out from the depths of the pothole.

What kind of monster is this?

It is more than ten meters high, such as a small mountain, the body seems to be stitched by the bodies of different creatures, patchwork, full of indefinite, eight legs, four hands, one far beyond normal The skull-sized head has a crack on the face of the surgical suture, and the pale black pus constantly flows from its face and some tiny cracks in the body.

Even more bizarre is that there are dozens of red-red tentacles on the body, like a whip, shrinking freely and lingering around the body.

Just hitting hands and knocking back Li Mu is one of the tentacles.

"what's this?"

Li Mu is a long-distance star, and the two are human beings. He has never seen such a thing.

Is the true **** in the main body of the four sea gods, is such a monster? A bit nonsense.


I am really sorry, when I posted the copy, something went wrong.

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