The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 918, the magic

Rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes. They will never calm down because of the genius of a person who has turned out to be born. Instead, they will be more magnificent and magnificent.

During the five years of Li Zhiyuan's seclusion, the rivers and lakes of the mainland, still bloody, weak and strong, is one of the most eternal laws in the world, but only the amazing rivers and lakes, the stunning up-and-coming talents, and the sensational powers. For Li Mu, it doesn't make much sense.

In the past five years, his footprints have spread all over the world.

Not only the northern wasteland, the Nanban domain, the Dongxiu domain, the western poison domain and the Zhongzhen domain, Li Mu has been there.

He has innumerable counts, and he has seen the martial arts in various parts of the world. He has sneaked into the top sects of the sects, the family and the sects of the ancestral halls, the martial arts halls, and the secret rooms, and there will be some on the mainland. The famous martial arts and warfare techniques have been read all over the same time. At the same time, they have walked all over the mainland. They have also learned some martial arts and warfare techniques that are not known and unique, and they have been studied in various peaceful ways.

Not only that, but he secretly self-sealed the cultivation, and he clashed with the great geniuses of the world, the martial arts masters, the lord of the sects of the ancestors, the heroes of the ancestors, and honed his own martial arts. He even boring to become a nameless **** and joined some rivers and lakes. Going in the middle, taking a small person's point of view, carefully observing and feeling, not only practicing martial arts, but also practicing the heart.

Five years later, Li Mu’s martial arts combat skills and combat experience have risen to a level that the martial arts powerhouses of this world cannot understand at all.

Even if it is ordinary warfare skills, in his hands, there is also the power of decaying into magic.

Li Mu returned to Tiandao Zong and began to retreat.

He wants to combine the strengths of hundreds of families, go to the shackles, and truly create his own martial arts skills.

Of course, this process is very long. It is not true that you can truly create your own swords and tactics by looking at the martial arts.

Fortunately, the skills and skills are different from the Tao.

Skillful things can always be obtained through summarization.

Li Mu’s retreat is another five years.

Time flies, like a white gap.

In a blink of an eye, it is eleven years since Li Soul’s soul was worn in this world.

After Li Mu went out, he played the game again and went all over the world.

And this is, his three apprentices have also become genius figures in the northern wilderness.

Fang Mei, Fang Yuan and Shen Jia are all in their early twenties. In the past five years, their reputation has risen, especially in the armor. The talent is outstanding and the heart is excellent. It is already a strong player. Second only to the teacher, it is a shocking experience. Fang Mei and Fang Yuan, each of them in the seven realms, can be regarded as the man of the wind.

Tian Daozong also has a lot of talents, and his reputation is very good.

In the northern wasteland, the prestige and status of Xuan Tianyun Palace increased day by day. The strength of Nie Renlong is said to have a breakthrough. He is quite enthusiastic about the rivers and lakes, and often appears, so that Xuan Tianyun Palace has stabilized the first in the northern wasteland. The status of Shenzong, and Nie Renlong is called the first strongest in the northern wilderness.

Of course, there is still debate about who Li Zhiyuan and Nie Renlong are tall and who are low.

Just because since the beginning of the First World War, Li Zhiyuan indifferent to fame and fortune, rarely inserted into the rivers and lakes, so after a decade of past, the reputation gradually faded, the rivers and lakes have genius, each leading the wind for three or five years, in this The world, the replacement of the name of the martial arts masters, is almost faster than the previous generation of Apple mobile phones on the earth.


A green bird cut through the clouds and swooped down and landed on the small bamboo peak huts of the Tiandao Zonghou Mountain.


The cottages were pushed away.

Li Mu slowly came out.

Ten years have passed, although it seems that there is no trace left in his body. The beautiful man who was famous in the past is now more and more romantic, and there is a kind of radiance that makes people look at themselves.

He slowly reached out and the blue bird fell on his palm and screamed.

Li Mu took the letter on his foot and opened it. It was the letter of Nie Renlong, which wrote some recent rivers and lakes.

"To the distant friends, see you, I am talking about martial arts from the last time. I have a great harvest in the past year. In this year, the rivers and lakes in the northern wilderness were calm and calm. I have already made waves. I have already made the disciples of Xuan Tianyun Palace fair and fair. Only Xiaoyou has been entrusting me to investigate the whereabouts of the demon, but there is no trace. I have contacted the other four major domain gods, combined with the power of the five great gods, to search on the Fengyun continent..."

After reading the letter, Li Mu showed a smile in his mouth and turned the letter paper into flying ash.

After the end of World War I, the **** trident of the gods disappeared into the world.

In these years, Li Mu walked in the wind and the mainland, and also had intentionally searched for the trigeminal blood sea **** demon.

This existence also made Nie Renlong always worried.

But nothing has been achieved.

Ten years later, the hidden prison in the Xuantian Temple has been transformed by Nie Renlong, and the underground lair has been abandoned. The boundless blood sea disappears without a trace, as if with the three forks. The demon **** evaporated together.

"What will not find anything?"

Li Mu thought.

Trident's magic is amazing. If he is really ironed, it is really hard to find, but the problem is that there are so many black shadow killers under his arm, there are many huge organizations, in order to Restoration, he must use that kind of magic, to swallow the blood of the martial arts masters, in order to improve the cultivation, such behavior, the noise will not be small, especially the long-lost martial arts masters are missing, difficult Concealing, Li Mu intentionally or unintentionally traced for so long, but there is no clue, this matter is worth pondering.

"A decade has passed, I have already felt it in the vagueness. In the sky and stars, there is a force to draw the summons, just like when I was in the Chinese mainland planet, when I was about to break the void, I felt the call of the stars. You can feel the rising fairy, the trident said that there is a prison in this world, and it is just like the broken space in the past to enter the sky. Just, my situation is special, how to go back to the original world? Even if it is flying to the sky It may not be able to return to the original universe. If it is not impossible to take the trident **** on the day, he will have been tortured."

Li Mu stood in front of the cliff of Xiaozhufeng, Guantao listened to the waterfall and thought carefully.

When he came to this world, it was the soul that came through and returned to the Ziwei Star Field. Is it also necessary to wear it?

But what about the flesh?

Ten years later, the martial arts combat skills are gradually not the direction that Li Mu is interested in. How to find the way home is what he really cares about.

But this question has not yet found an answer.

Li Mu faintly felt that he needed a big battle to penetrate some of the key clues.

Over the past year or so, he has turned into different identities and challenged all the top ten strong players in the five major domains. However, no one has been able to stop him from a move, and he has a sense of loneliness. .

The footsteps came.

"Master, something happened, Master." Fang Mei rushed in, with some horror on his face.

Li Mu turned and said: "Rare little thrush is so nervous, huh, what?"

Fang Meidao: "Master, more than 20 top sects in the mainland, come together, want me to be a patriarch, and severely punish the master." The master of her mouth is the armor.

Li Mu was dumbfounded and said: "What is wrong with Xiaojia?"

Shen Jia became the earliest, traveled to the rivers and lakes, traveled to the righteousness, and killed many wicked people. He was an acute child, hateful and hateful, and often used the trick to eliminate evil, so he also provoked many enemies on the rivers and lakes, especially on the surface. The heroes of Renyi and morality are famous for their heroes or famous factions. They are accused of being evil by the armor, never tolerating them, leading to many big forces. They are extremely hated for the squad, but because the armor has a enchanting master Li Zhiyuan, there are no people at all, dare to really move him on the surface, but even someone came to Heaven and Tao, looking for Li Mu to complain, have been dealt with by Lu Chuan.

However, this time, it seems that it has provoked more than 20 top sects in the mainland to come to Tiandaozong. It seems that the catastrophe is not small.

"They said that the master brother and the demon girl of the Eastern Devils are in private, and we want to surrender the master, and severely punish the loan, so that it can be effective." Fang Mei was a little worried to sneak into Li Mu, fearing that Master was angry and punished Shen. A.

Colluding with the Eastern Magicism?

Li Mu is crying and laughing.

He traveled to the mainland in his early years and learned that this so-called Eastern magical education was a sect of origins in Dongxiu. It developed rapidly and later flourished throughout the continent. It once had a tendency to surpass the five major gods, but because Acting secrets, special exercises, so was entered into the sequence of the magic, there have been several so-called 'righteous evils' in history, and finally the five major sects combined with the defeat of the major sects, the Eastern education is zero, these years of accumulation of power, quite There is a strong state of strength and strength, and the strength is gradually recovering.

This magical saint, Lan Yingying, Li Mu has also heard of it. It is called the first day of the ancient religion. The talent is amazing, the act is maverick, and the rumor center is hot. It is the most famous rising star in the oriental religion. It is called the river and lake. It is the devil's head. It is said that many of the older generation of martial arts strongmen have been planted in the hands of this blue Yingying.

Just do not know, how is the Shenjia and Lan Yingying actually linked together?

"Go, go see."

Li Mu took the square eyebrows in his heart and walked down Xiaozhufeng.

Fang Mei is also in the early stage. It is just like the age of flowers and flowers. The appearance is very beautiful and beautiful. When I am wearing a green bamboo green shirt, there is a kind of aura that is difficult to describe in my body. At this time, my face is bitter.

She knows that her master, who is the most talkative in the weekdays, has almost no shelf, but one thing is particularly harsh, that is, the distinction between righteousness and evil, even hatefulness than the master, once the encounter with the evildoer, absolutely Do not let go, the master's acting style, to a large extent, is influenced by the Master.

This time, the master, even with the cult demon, can not be mad at the master?

Really, what did the master think of, he even had a connection with the devil.

Fang Mei followed behind Li Mu, the delicate little face turned into a bitter face.

In a blink of an eye, the Tiandao Zongshan Gate Courtyard is far away.

There are thousands of foreign martial arts giants who are strong and strong, almost all of them are surrounded by the heavens and sects, and they are talking about what is going on -

Everyone can see that this through the world is not casual, but is closely related to the context, but everyone has been urging, so the knife tries to speed up the progress, in fact, the world, for the later plot, Very important

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