The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 970, green cattle

"Sure enough, it is a good place to hide. It is the black dragon horse of the king of the wilderness. It is the hiding place for you. No wonder so many thunder disciples, pulling the net search, so many days, all Didn't find you."

The old man riding on the back of the broken-horned goat looked at everything in this hidden valley and was quite admired.

The people of the mine?

Li Mu smashed his eyebrows.

The eyes of the law are quietly opened.

He wanted to gain insight into the cultivation and realm of the old man, and he expected the enemy to take the lead, but he was quickly surprised to find that with his current cultivation, he could only barely see an approximation. What is certain is that the old man must be on the road. The extent of the situation, to what extent, is difficult to fully understand.

"To tell the truth, I have not seen such a good young genius like you for many years. It is a descendant of the whip. If my master is not alive, I don't want to do it to you. After all, it is a good man of the Terran." The old man sighed, his eyes were not threatening, but it seemed to be through the vicissitudes of life and all the mysteries of the world, and Li Mu was seen through.

Since coming to this world, riding the sheep is definitely the strongest person Li Mu has ever seen.

“Is the old man also a thunderman?”

Li Mu asked.

"The old man is just a sweeper in Leilingzu Mountain Yinglingtang." The old man rode the sheep and stopped at fifty meters. He said: "Li Mu, before dying, what other words can be said, the old man must help You can do it."

“Is it really a thunderman?” Li Mu laughed. “I was very sorry for the fact that I felt that the old man was kind and good-looking and didn’t have a fireworks atmosphere. I didn’t expect to kill me.”

"Oh? Sorry for what." The old man wondered.

Li Mudao: "Then I have to kill the old man."

The old man stunned and immediately laughed.

"Interesting, it’s really not a long time to meet such an interesting younger generation. Who was the last time in front of the old man to say such words? Oh, yes, it’s a demon genius called the monthless, very The shock was brilliant, and the arrogant was going to heaven. Later, the old man had to shoot her out of shape, and then cramped her skin. She used her fur to make two leggings. It was warm during the cold season."

Xiao Jianfei on the other side listened, suddenly changed his face, said: "You ... you are Lei Daoshan's [Tian Lei] Zhou Wen?"

"Oh, is this military lord still knowing the name of my old man." The old man riding the sheep was faint.

Xiao Jianfei looked dignified and turned his head to Li Mudao: "Be careful, his origins are not ordinary. Three hundred years ago, the first day of the demon hangs the mountain is unparalleled. It is said that the gods are invincible, and the result is that this person has a thunderbolt to break the real body. After abolishing the 100-year road, even the escape was too late, and the cramps were directly cramped, which led to a big battle between the Hanging Mountain and the Lei Dao Mountain. The Qinglan Ridge was turned into a waste land. Finally, this person was only punished by the internals of Lei Daoshan, but Still being saved, now, his strength is absolutely unfathomable."

Who knows that Li Mu listened, not only did not worry, but instead laughed: "Okay, it is so good, it really makes me excited, Lei Daoshan is finally willing to send a little weight, those who killed before. Xiao Yan, it really makes me feel a little accomplishment."

"Oh, little guy, murderous, heavy, so young, if you grow up, it will be enough." Zhou Yang, the old man riding the sheep, shook his head.

"Oh, you are a ray of the road, up and down are a shameful virtue, only you are murdered, no one is allowed to kill you, such a face is really disgusting, if not your heart

Dealing with me with confidence, killing my friends, killing those innocents, I will slash the knife again? Li Mu disdainfully said: "You have lived on a dog a lot of age. Doesn't this understand?" ”

"Thundering the pulse to do anything is for the human race." Zhou Wendao, the old man riding the sheep: "Your existence is the root of the disaster, so it must be removed. If you are also a human being, then you must break yourself. The old man started."

“Are you broken?” Li Mu laughed happily. Suddenly, the laughter converges and screams: “It’s your mother.”

His eyebrows suddenly opened to the limit, and a purple **** was really thunderous, and it broke out like a slain, with the power of murderous and devastating, stabbing this man and a sheep.

"Thunderbolt? Banmen axe."

The old man riding the sheep smiled lightly, raised his hand with a light rune and fought out from his hand.

The thunder of the world is from the Lei Dao Mountain.

There are many kinds of power in this world. Thunderbolt may not be the most powerful and terrible technique, but Lei Dao Zushan is definitely the ultimate controller of the esoteric field in the field of lightning. Any Lei Xing in front of the disciples of Lei Dao. Behavior is just as ridiculous as showing off the rich in front of the emperor.

But soon, the indifferent smile on the old man's face disappeared.

Because he played the chemical ray, was touched by the purple ray, let alone spend it, it is simply not even supported, it turned into fly ash, and purple thunder like a sword, straight stab, To his surprise, he had no time to escape, and he could only face this strange purple thunder.


The scream of the goat rang.

In the eyes of Li Mu, Lei Guang constantly sprayed, locked the old man Zhou Wen, constantly bombarded, the diffuse purple light group, drowned the figure of Zhou Wen, dazzling, and almost obscured everything.


The terrible explosion of energy surges.


Zhou Wen’s angry roar sounded.

He stepped out of Leiguang step by step, the shape was quite wolf, a gray hair root was statically erected in the sky, and the thunder and nose were sprayed with thunder. He was practicing the thunder, and when he was struck by lightning, it was a shameful shame. If you pass it out, I am afraid that it will become a joke of the entire Lei Dao Mountain.

"Right, today I will draw you through the skin, use your muscles to make bowstrings..."

Zhou Wen’s face is angry, his hands are drawn in the void, and the strange and powerful lightning power is drawn from the heavens and the earth, and it is constantly gathering and gathering. This is obviously a terrible thunderbolt, not yet formed, the horror energy fluctuations and The power of pressure is as if all the heavens and the earth are destroyed.

Li Mu secretly spurred the vitality and injected it into the ring of heaven and earth.

This pair of emperors is the biggest card and cuddling in Li Mu’s hands.

At this time it is not dark night, so the Moon King is extremely powerful and cannot be called.

However, just as Zhou Wen’s thunder and lightning was about to take shape, just before Li Mu was about to hit the front of the heaven and earth ring, there was no sign, a voice, ringing in the valley, containing mysterious power, all of a sudden The horror of the thunderstorm that brought Zhou Wen together, like the blue smoke in the wind, dissipated and spread.

"A few hundred years old guy, bullying a younger generation, is it interesting?"

This voice descends from the sky.

The old man riding the sheep Zhou Wen was shocked and looked up.

But see the valley

Hey, standing a young man in a blue-colored cloth, thick eyebrows, wide-mouthed nose, national character face, thick and straight, like a small farmer who just finished the farm work from the ground, the soil is rustic, not the slightest The style of the master.

However, Zhou Wen saw this person, and his heart was shocked. After hundreds of meters in the first time, he was very alert and said: "Is it you? How come you...what happened?"

He looked like a young, straight-eyed man in this blue cloth, very fearful.

"If I don't come, you are an old **** who leans on the old, I just don't know what to do with my little fellow." The straight man in the blue cloth, snorted, immediately looked at Li Mu, and his face immediately smiled. , said: "Little doll, remember me?"

Li Mu was still amazed at this moment.

He only thought that the man of the blue-colored cloth was very friendly and his voice was familiar, as if he had seen it there, but he could not remember it for a while.

"Oh, when the Tomb of the Five Tombs of the Tomb was in the first battle, the king smashed the soul and used your body to suppress the old things of Mingguang. The king said that he would meet again in the future and there must be a thick report. This day has finally arrived. Hahaha ""

The blue cloth man smiled.

"You are... Qingniu senior?"

Li Mu suddenly realized.

His heart is ecstatic.

It turned out to be this one.

On the same day, in the Wuzhi Mountain of the Tomb of the Tomb, the evil demon Mingguang Emperor was unintentionally released, and almost the group was destroyed. Later, thanks to this young cow, the gods were separated and injected into Li Mu’s body to help Li Mu to explode the Mingguang Emperor. , reversing the battle, I did not expect today, finally saw the real master of the sacred avatar.

"Haha, little doll, it seems that you and I really have a fate." Qingniu’s face with a kind and pleasant smile, said: "This king did not think that you have become the master of the whiplash, hahaha Ok, that's great."

Li Mudao: "I am able to see my predecessors here, and the younger generation is very happy."

Is this a thigh?

At least it seems that Zhou Wen is extremely afraid of the blue cow, I am afraid that in the chaotic world, the green cow and the power behind it are definitely not lower than the mine.

"Well, don't worry, no one will dare to shoot you again." Qingniu smiled.

He looked at Zhou Wen and said: "With regard to Li Mu's affairs, my family will personally ask Lei Dao's teacher for a statement. As for you... look at the face of the manifestation of true respect, leave your sheep, let's go."

Zhou Wen bite his teeth: "It is one of my family's guardian beasts..."

On the thick face of the green ox, there is a glimmer of color, and the whole person’s momentum suddenly changes. The indescribable pressure is like a tidal wave covering the past. It is faintly said: “If you don’t want to stay in this animal, let’s leave your own life. Let's go down."

Zhou Wen was soaked in cold sweat and drenched like a fish in the water. He knew that the cow was horrible when he was crazy. He didn’t dare to say anything more. He turned and fled directly.

The goat with a broken angle has already opened up wisdom, standing still in motion, not even yelling, shivering, using the eyes of prayer, looking at the green cow for a while, and looking at Li Mu for a while...


There is still one more today, but after about 12 o'clock, everyone gets up and sees it.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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