The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 980, nine secluded soul soul fire


Metal crossover.

Under the seal of the original cloth, there are several huge iron-cast fence cages, and the cage is closed, but it is a monster full of red hair and looks like a red giant monkey.

There are three cages in total.

Inside each cage, there is a monster like this.

They have a scarlet blood in their eyes, filled with madness and killing, completely irrational, and they are struggling to hit the fence cage with their bodies, just like self-harm.

The unique flow of the cloud family (the cloud seal seal symbol), flashing light on the steel fence.

Obviously, these huge steel fences are also thought-provoking alchemy treasures.

"Flower cloud owners, is it that these mad monkeys are the strange things you said?" Yan Aaron stood up and said: "It seems that the most is the power of the gods, you can solve it." Well, is it that you are a family of clouds, and now the beasts that have not fallen to the realm of the gods can not be solved?"

The faces of many savvy masters of the martial arts have emerged with anger.

"Second brother, sit down." Another young man who looks like he is about 30 years old and looks very similar to Yan Aaron is frowning and screaming. It is the descendant of the Millennium Holy Land.

After he reprimanded his younger brother, he nodded to the cloud without apologetic: "The cloud is the owner, my second brother is a natural Menglang, rude, the younger generation is here, apologize to him on his behalf."

Flowing clouds without a faint smile, said: "Oh, Yan Erxia is young and full of strength, no harm, no matter, then, you, the monster in this steel cage, looks like, is indeed very similar to the crazy monkey At the beginning, we almost mistakenly thought that there was a fire monkey breaking into the manor, but later found out that this was not a fire monkey, but the patrol guard of my Liuyun Mountain Villa, which was invaded by evil spirits and turned into a This kind of monster is not dead."


"Live people change?"

"What strength is the guardian guard?"

"What is this poison?"

The descendants of the great holy places and the servants of the servants were surprised to hear the words.

I have never heard of a living person becoming such a monster.

What kind of sinister poison is so terrible?

Li Mu carefully observed the monsters in the three cages and found that their body shape was similar to that of the living, but the whole body was covered with flame-like red hair, temperament, full of destructive desire, that kind of performance, almost with the earth science fiction. The zombies in the Doomsday movie are exactly the same. The only difference is that this red-haired monster is more devastating than the zombies.

The flow cloud has no front and follows: "The patrol mountain guards of Liuyun Mountain Villa are basically in the upper kingdom, but after being invaded by the evil spirits, they become red-haired monsters, lose their senses, and their strengths skyrocket, almost to the divine realm. At the beginning, we were caught off guard, and the losses were heavy. Later, we barely caught a few red-haired monsters, but it has not helped, and the core areas of the villas have been occupied by such monsters. The second levy, but all ended in failure, even more terrifying is that the broken hand, will be turned into this red-haired monster after death, endless, thick and fleshy, fighting power arrogant..."

When Li Mu heard this, he was even more surprised.

This is clearly a zombie.

Infected by a zombie virus, a living person will become a member of a zombie, which is more terrible than a virus infection. In the past films and television works, it was this crazy way of spreading and spreading that the technological civilization was destroyed almost overnight and destroyed the whole earth.

Is it true that some people have invented this virus in the world of martial arts?

This is a bit weird.

The strongest of the other great holy places have no concept of so-called zombies. Except for a few people, others have never thought deeply, so they don’t feel terrible.

"Flower cloud homeowner, this is a red-haired monster, although powerful, but can also be killed?" Someone asked.

Liu Yunjia said: "You only need to cut off your head, or break your heart, you can kill, but if you get rid of other places, it has no effect, as if you don't know the pain."

"Hahaha, this is easy." Yan Aaron stood up, laughing, shining in the light, a long gun in his hand, a shot, two cold, through the fence, the front of the cage A red-haired monster in the middle pierced the head and heart.

The monster screamed and fell slowly.

Like a flame of blood, flowing out, through the gap of the iron fence, flowing on the car board, the wooden car plate suddenly burned a red flame...

"You..." The old man of a flowing family shivered and shouted: "What are you doing? Why kill him?"

Yan Aaron proudly laughed: "This kind of monster, what is terrible, why can't you kill it? Just kill them. You will not solve the disaster of the cloud family. Don't worry, it will take a long time."

Flowing clouds without front to appease the shivering old man, then stared at Yan Aaron and glanced: "You just killed the only son of my third brother. This child was infected with evil spirits for three days." Time, maybe save."

Everyone changed their face.

Although the flowless cloud has no flat tone, everyone can hear the coldness in the words.

Yan Aaron stayed in a hug and immediately smiled: "How about that, he has been infected with evil spirits, no medicine can be saved, I killed him, it is also a relief for him."

"Second brother? It’s noisy, don’t you just sit down?” Yan Ya’an, a descendant of the Millennium, stood up and scolded.

Yan Aaron is dissatisfied with the earth: "Big brother, you are too cautious. Isn't that what I said wrong? Besides, the news released at the beginning of the Yunyun Mountain Villa is this strange thing, suspected and the inheritance of the [undead Emperor] Related, we have to work hard, if only these small things, the ghost is willing to come, Liu Yunjia, you said so much, where is the inheritance of the [undead Emperor]? You are not lying about the military situation, with this poor Means let us come here and solve the problem for you?"

When this was said, many of the children and guards of the Liuyun family who were extremely dissatisfied with him were even more glaring, and they could not wait to break the madman.

He has been subjected to such insults.

Yan Yaan replied: "What nonsense, the main person of the Liuyun family is such a person, the second brother, still not sitting back..." He said in his mouth, but his eyes also looked at the clouds without a front, waiting for the following.

The descendants of other major holy places are also looking at the clouds.

This time, the young elites of many holy places, the reason why they came to Liuyun Mountain Villa not far away, the biggest incentive is indeed for the inheritance of the undead Emperor.

It’s just that the family of the Yunyun has encountered trouble. It is enough to appoint the army to destroy the monsters. Can you alarm these juvenile teenagers?

The human condition is warm and cold, which is thus visible.

When the [Liu Yun Jian Sheng] was in the beginning, where would the Liu Yun family be subject to such grievances?

After the cloud closed his eyes and adjusted his mood slightly, he ordered the red-haired monster that had already died to be pushed down with the brakes of the brakes. He scanned the crowd and took a deep look at the Yan brothers. Suddenly a smile appeared.

He smiled and said: "You are a little bit safe, listen to the old man in detail, in fact, at the beginning, we did not associate such evil spirits with the inheritance of the "undead Emperor", but later, by consulting some ancient books, I found this sinister poison, the yang to the Gang, and the legendary [undead Emperor] rituals [Feng Shen Bang] and [playing the whip], the [nine secluded soul fire] used is very similar, and later asked God to stay Tao personally confirmed that those ruling mountain guards were indeed joined by the venerating power of the nine secluded souls.

When you hear the five words of "Nine Quiet Souls", many of the eyes of the Holy Land will shine.

Li Mu has not heard of this kind of fire.

However, he saw that the dead red-haired monster had just flowed out of the blood, and it actually ignited the wooden board. It can be seen that everything is in good agreement with the description of the flowing cloud without front. Those mutant body guards were indeed invaded into the Yang .

But all this, he does not care.

What Li Mu cares about is that the strange things happening in Liuyun Mountain Villa are related to Wang Shiyu’s soul in those aspects.

This clue is released by the Taoist palace and should not be fake.

"The owner of the flow cloud, according to your statement, is it in the earth and mine mining field of the Liuyun family, dug out [nine secluded soul soul fire] not?" The sorcerer of the slang holy place stood up, the tone asked very politely.

The Liuyun family is surrounded by a vein of Xianjing Earth Mine. It is said that it has been dig a kilometer and is still producing minerals. It is a rare rich mine and one of the major sources of the Yunyun family. Under the nine secluded, so the Yunyun family found this fire, the only possibility is in the underground mining area.

There is no front in the cloud: "The shadow of the saint is really smart, it is so, now my mine area, has been completely occupied by this red-haired monster, the number is up to the front..."

"Hey, how can thousands of people be able to spend more than half an hour, killing the light is..." Yan Aaron sneered.

Liu Yun did not pay attention to him, and continued: "There is one of my family's elders. When I was a dynasty, I was afraid of being unfathomable." There are dozens of mine monsters."

On the face of Yan Aaron, it immediately appeared a sly color.

After the fire poisoning mutates, the strength will double, and the life is a boulevard. After that mutating, it is the Tao Zunjing. The existence of this degree is not what he can deal with, and the cowhide is too early.

"Is it necessary to kill all the mutant monsters, find the [Nine Quiet Soul Fire], seal it, or take it away, even if it solves the problem of the Liu Yunjia, complete this trial mission?"

A tall, thin young man stood up and asked in a tone of indifference.

Behind him, he crossed a golden sword and a pair of giant swords.

Tibetan sword sea disciple [swords rushing to the sky] Li does not regret.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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