The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 996, write a letter

"Isn't that a battle?" Li Mu looked at the monks.

"I am willing to pay a fine, instead of a duel." A purple robe young man shouted loudly: "This little friend, we have no innocence, just a little misunderstanding, no need to fight for you, we are willing to pay a fine, price you open."

"Yes, yes, it is."

"We used to be provoked by the 'Meat Mountain'."

“There are a lot of small friends, don’t worry about it.”

The other few monks who clashed with Li Mu on the streets and robbed women, most of them are young and middle-aged, even if they are arrogant in the weekdays, and are not willing to avenge a 'strong dragon' suspected of the first sword fairy. The attitude is surprisingly good.

Li Mu looked at the little head of the Dragon King Club and said: "Is there such a rule?"

The small stalls quickly said: "There is such a precedent, but only if the son is willing to accept their request."

Li Mu laughed: "Is it right? It’s not good to fight and kill. We still talk about feelings and money. Well, how much do you think your life is worth?

I just auctioned the women and spent a lot of time. I didn’t expect to be able to fill the blood so soon.

"This... I, I am willing to make five hundred crystals." The young purple robes who started talking tried to test.

Li Mu immediately raised his sword and pointed at him. He said, "Forget it, let's still fight."

"No, no, Xiaoyou, I just said wrong, it is a thousand, a thousand fairy crystals..." Purple robe young people quickly said.

"When your mother and I grabbed a woman, I could come up with one thousand and one hundred crystals. Now I am redeeming myself, but only one thousand. It seems that you feel your life, than those girls." More," Li Mudao said: "It makes it difficult for me to do this. We still have a duel."

"This..." The purple robe young man was bleeding, and quickly said: "No, no, I think of it. I have two hundred crystals on my body, a total of one thousand two, one thousand two, a small friend, this is I can take the limit."

Li Mudao: "This way, you can consider it, but you must not be stubborn. I am never willing to be strong."

"Not reluctant, not at all reluctant." Purple robe young people are crying out.

Today is really a **** mold.

I really shouldn’t have joined in the fun, just picking up the squatting with the 'Meat Mountain' and actively challenge Li Mu. Now I have dug a hole for myself. The rules of the Magic Mountain Underground City are like this, and they should not be destroyed. The other party agrees to the fine, otherwise it can not refuse to play.

From the hands of the young purple robes, Li Mu took 1,200 cents and smiled like a blooming flower.

In the end, the other seven challengers, each with an average of one thousand two, each paid the so-called fine, one heart is bleeding, the escape also generally left, for fear that Li Mu is making some moths.

"There is such a good thing."

Li Mu counts, he can still return to the book a little bit.

He looked at the crowds on the outside of the arena. The idea was still unsatisfactory: "Is there still, do you have to challenge me? Hurry up to sign up, no longer come when the machine is not lost, I am waiting for you here... ”

The onlookers are strong, one by one.

It’s too strange to behave around the swordsman.

At the beginning, the kind of high-cool swordsman Fan, collapsed so quickly.

Is this the true color, the original shape is exposed?

Of course, I saw eight people, including purple robes, and the miserable backs of the pits. At this time, if there are people who dare to jump out and challenge Li Mu, then the real brain is in the water, and it is not ordinary water. It is definitely boiling water.

"What a pity."

Li Mu did not hesitate to leave the No. 1 duel area and left with 13 beautiful women.

The eyes of the monks of all parties have been watching Li Mu leave the East.

This time, it was really the story of the ‘Raptors crossing the river’. The strong dragon crushed the head snake.

The news spread quickly.

The entire Moshan underground city has shook.



In the inn.

When the Qingniu Taoist saw Li Mu coming back with 13 beautiful women, the eyeballs almost fell on the ground. I have not found Li Mu’s hobby before, and I brought back 13 of them all at once. The young people are so angry. Strong?

This is too crazy.

Li Mu did not explain too much, and directly entered the room with thirteen beautiful women.

The Qingniu Taoist looked at the door that was closed and slammed his mouth and grew his mouth.

At this moment, he felt that his heart was shaken.

Are young people now so tigers?

in the room.

Li Mu smiled and took out his pen and ink. Thirteen beautiful girls were pens and said: "Don't lie, write a letter."

"write a letter?"

"What letter to write? To whom?"

The Yuzu Princess and the Jianing Shimei asked with courage.

Li Mu has a natural way of saying: "Of course, write to your family members, let them bring money to redeem you."


"You... need money?"

Some girls are very surprised.

Li Mudao: "Crap, this is still asking? Although I am soft, but I am not a big man, I will be stupid enough to use my fairy crystal to redeem for you... Remind, what value are you now, you should be very clear in your heart, letter Make it clear, let your friends and family, with the corresponding Xianjing, come to me to redeem people, it is better to be faster, I will leave after three days."

The beautiful women looked at Li Mu somewhat silently.

There are several of them. In fact, they have been touched by Li Mu’s performance in the arena. After all, a young, multi-gold, and powerful tycoon, and people who are suspected of having a great background, especially the long face value is not bad. White and delicate, these conditions are combined, it is still very easy to impress the hearts of many high-spirited girls.

Everyone thinks that they are the protagonists of fate, and the miracles will happen to them. Before these disasters, the beautiful women who are in love with them are no exception. They subconsciously feel that Li Mu is redeeming himself. He must want to approach and understand. Pursue yourself, others are foiled.

But now, the man who touched their heart, but talked about money.

Talking about money hurts feelings.

"You are not a swordsman who is arrogant, how are you..." Jianing Shimei looked at Li Mu, she was one of the tempting women. At this time, it was difficult to disappoint and said: "How do you care so much?"

Li Mu said plainly: "Who said that I am a martyr, do not make up my own brain? If I don't pay for you, you now don't know which wild man is lying on the bed and want to do it. Dreaming here? It’s not bad to not charge your interest."

"You..." Jianing Shimei was shivering by this vulgar voice.

The sorcerer stopped and stopped. "This son saved us. It is already a great affection. It is a good thing to pay back. If it is not a son, we may really die now."

She was the first to take the lead in writing.

The other women saw it and they quickly wrote it.

Ink and ink papers are special alchemy items. After being written, they can be delivered to the recipient's hands in the shortest time, which is of great value.

Li Mu waited for all the women to write the letter, did not read the content, let the flow cloud unintentionally took it out together.

"Well, everyone, before your relatives and friends pay the ransom, the shadow temple is set in your body forbidden. For the time being, it will not help you. In fact, I will not solve it." Li Mu clap his hands and said: I have already made people prepare a room in this inn. In order to save money, two people, before you redeem, everyone lives, eats, drinks, uses, I am handsome and lovely. The young man is paying, waiting for your family and friends to come, remember to pay back... Finally, I know that some of you are very dissatisfied, but the protest is invalid."

The girls are again a belly.

At this time, the original gratitude for Li Mu has disappeared a lot without knowing it.

After the women left, Li Mu began to practice in his own room.

Today, the use of the "Dagger White Sword" for the enemy, especially in the final killing of 'Musk Mountain', is very inspiring for him and needs to be sorted out.


[Not thinking about the building].

"Big brother, the fourth child is so dead, we can't ignore it."

"Yeah, if I was really afraid of the kid, then we will have lost our face in the Stars of the Magic Mountain. Big Brother, this thing, I have to think of a way."

"The two sages are a little bit safe, and the brother has sent someone to check the identity of the thief. If he is the best of the Tibetan sword, he will be the best. If not, he must be smashed into four. The younger revenge."


"Mom, Mom, I am mad at me, I am not willing..." The young man in purple robe licked everything in the room and yelled: "When I was purple, I was here. Kind of humiliation, give me an investigation, and give me the investigation of the origin of the little chop."

"Young Master, I have sent people to investigate, and I will soon have a conclusion. You will eliminate your anger and don't get angry. When the big and the young come, the minions can't explain it."

"When is Big Brother coming?"

"Before the start of the [Club Club], you will definitely arrive."

"Well, wait until the big brother arrives, hey, even if the little thief is really a descendant of Jianhai, you have to let him spit it out... even if he can't kill him, he has to take a good breath. ""

"Yes, yes, as long as the big and the small are coming, under the age of the younger generation, how many can resist him?"


"I can finally come out and take a breath, soaking it in the Leichi liquid all day, the whole person is getting soaked."

A figure came out of the Lei Daozu Mountain, and embraced the void with open arms, with a fascinating smile on his face.

"From now on, I want to open a time that belongs to me, Li Mu, wait, one day, one day, I will let you pay the price."

A purple thunder boat floated.

He stepped on the boat and said: "Go, go to the Stars of the Magic Mountain. I heard that after three days, it is the latest Dragon King Club [Club Club]. Go and see, Master said that there may be [Ziji Lei Liquid] appearing. Help me to practice, I must get it."


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