The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 999, 100,000 kilograms

No one thought of this, my white boy suddenly burst into trouble, and it was so full of provocative swearing, even if it was the two masters of [not thinking about the building], but almost everyone present can feel a The illusion of a dog's **** head.

The second home was even stunned and did not react in the first place.

He can't believe that some people dare to blame themselves on such occasions.

Bald heads are also a bit aggressive.

Waiting until the whole scene of the stunned and embarrassing erupted like a boiling magma, the two dynasty and the big master who reacted, the temperament stood up all of a sudden, his face was red and angry, his eyes were like a knife.

"Little chop, you are looking for death." The big murderer is boiling.

Li Mu simply smiled: "Don't force it, there is a kind of shot."

"You..." At that moment, the big master couldn’t control the direct shot, but on the other side of the house, he still pulled his sleeves and started to work on the [Club Club]. There is no difference between the scene and the death.

"Don't dare to shoot, and dare not continue to raise the price, just retract the head and continue to be a tortoise," Li Mu unknowingly sarcastically said: "Don't think that you [not thinking about the floor] is very famous, out of the magic mountain underground city, Not even a fart, two turtles that have been smashed by the courage, what to force!"

[Do not think about the floor] two big masters, two faces can be said red and black, black and purple, purple and white, almost on the spot to give the gas explosion, why have they been pointed at the nose so licked?

Other people on the floor are also a little worried.

Li Mu’s words are simply two people who are not thinking about it.

Until the Dragon King will maintain the order of the masters at the same time, at the same time issued a warning to the two heads of Li Mu and [不思蜀楼], so that they are quiet, this storm caused by the auction, the surface subsided.

"Hey, boy, OK, you have kind, this **** soldier [天叹] is yours, I hope you can always have kind." Dadang laughed, looked at Li Mu, sat back, and his anger disappeared.

Damn, I can bear it.

Ninja Turtles, you two.

Li Mu saw that the two men actually sat back, so they sat down.

He wanted to anger the two men, and then the dragon king's hand, to get rid of them, anyway, because the death of 'Musk Mountain' has already enraged with [不思蜀楼], the attitude of the other party is not like wanting good, Therefore, Li Mu naturally does not have the woman's benevolence.

However, these devils, the old rivers and lakes, can really bear.

In the end, Shen Bing [天叹] was photographed by Li Mu.

The Dragon King’s person personally sent the golden hoop to the seat of Li Mu, and Li Mu paid the fairy crystal on the spot. [天叹] officially belongs to him.

The Qingniu Taoist knows that Li Mu’s hand has the 100,000 cents sent by Liu Yunjian, so he does not care about this huge sum of money, and to be honest, as the No. 2 figure in the Ming Palace, he There is no concept of money treasure, so it is impossible to understand the shock of others in the field.

A bastion of 10,000 soldiers, it was actually shot 80,000, too crazy.

Tonight's doubling of the most competing products, non-Shen Bing [天叹] is none, the problem is that many people know that [天叹] is the name of the demon. It is said to be invincible. To say that it is worth 80,000 cents, it is definitely a joke.


A complete madman.

Many people look at Li Mu's eyes, mixed with fear and disdain and incomprehension.


Li Mu got up directly and walked outside the venue.

Qingniu said: "Is it going to be lively?"

Li Mudao: "Don't look at it, the money is spent."

The Blue Bull Taoist said very straightly: "I can borrow you."

Li Mu shook his head: "Do not borrow."

Qingniu said: "Well, I still have one thing, I have to take it, I have to wait."

Li Mudao: "Well, see the inn."

[天天] has already arrived, Li Mu wants to wait to return to the inn, find the soul of Wang Shiyu inside, if it is two, then all the tasks that came to the chaotic world this time have been completed, you can rest assured.

Li Mu’s departure has caused a lot of people’s sorrow.

I thought that this madman would continue to go crazy and take a lot of money. It turned out that he was only rushing to [Shen sigh]. Many people have a heartbeat. Is this [Sky] hidden secret, so this mysterious young Will people take it at all costs?

"Send someone to stare at him." [Don't think about it] The bald head of the family said: "Tell the third child, don't worry, wait, wait until he leaves the Magic Mountain Underground City, and then start."

The second home is gnashing his teeth: "I am going to do it with my third child."

Dadang said: "Well, when I photographed that thing, I came to join you. Hey, a fake disciple disciple, dare to be so arrogant, I want him to regret coming to this world."

Not far from another VIP seat, the young man in purple robe said: "Brother, that chop will slip."

Another young man in purple robe said: "Old ad, trouble you."

Standing behind the young man, the grey-haired old man with his eyes closed and sleepy, opened his eyes, and there was a trace of cockroaches in the muddy pupil, and he said: "Dead? Live?"

The young man in Zipao said: "It’s best to die half dead."

The gray-haired old man nodded and turned and went out.

"He has gone." In the heart of the slang, the Jianing teacher and sister lost in the heart, and did not know why, even a little disappointed.

The sorcerer did not speak, and looked at her sister and thoughts.

"This young man is a good-looking gentleman, but his body is suffocating, involving the big karma, and you two are best to stay away from each other." Middle-aged beauty woman.

The road she walked on the rivers and lakes was far from the two young apprentices. With a pair of eyes, she could see a lot of people.

"I will definitely ignore this guy who is rude and rude to talk about money." Jianing Shimei rushed.

At this time, on the central stone platform, the heroic auctioneer said: "The next lot, called [Ziji Lei Liquid], only one bottle, was the remnant of the undead Emperor from the robbery. The ultimate repulsive pulp has great benefits for the Leidao monks. It is said that once absorbed, it can be buried in the body with a seed of the emperor. The starting price is 50,000 yuan, and the price is not less than five thousand each time."

The audience is at a loss.

The low price is 50,000, and the price increase is not less than 5,000 each time.

This horrible number made many people feel dizzy and felt their poverty.

In the VIP room of the most quiet and quiet part of the audience, I always closed my eyes with a high-profile figure, slowly opened my eyes, and my mouth was slightly tilted, showing a smile, saying: "It’s finally, purple pole, The foundation of the Great Emperor, once refining, I can even get rid of the fragments of the gods list, hahahaha, it is simply prepared for me."



In the inn room.

Li Mu placed [天叹] in the center, and then nervously took out the rust sword and injected it into the real element, slowly urging.

A smeared silver sword smudges between the rust.

The vibration frequency of the blade is also extremely high.

But in [天天], there is no soul of Wang Shiyu.

Li Mu frowned slightly.

How is this going?

Is the information of Daogong wrong?

That's not right, the rust sword reacts, exactly the same as the response when I found Wang Shiyu's soul in the past few times. Normal reasoning, [天天] must have the soul of Wang Shiyu, even if it is a glimpse, but now it can not be manifested. ?

Li Mu put the rust sword aside and carefully observed [天叹].

The golden long stick, the material looks like gold, but obviously it is not, the weight is not heavy, it is about a thousand pounds, the lively dragon dragon pattern, the two golden five-jawed dragons are separated from the middle of the stick body, their respective directions On the other side of the golden stick, the whole stick looks thick and thick at the center, and has a perfect feel and impact.

Li Mu waved his stick.

The shadows are heavy, and the sound of dragons is faint in the air.

The two dragon carvings on the sticks are like living.

Everything looks perfect.

But when Li Mu tried to inject the real element into the stick, he found that it could not be realized. It was like a wooden stick could not conduct electricity. This strange gold stick could not accept any real yuan injection.

Li Muyi.

Does this stick only work on physical strikes, not the increase in internal strength?

If this is the case, how can it become a demon name?

Wait, the demon?

Li Mu suddenly realized a point that had been ignored by himself.

The golden stick [天天] is the name of the demon family. Does it mean that only the demon power of the demon can motivate him, and the real power of the human race cannot actually make it react?

"You can give it a try."

Li Mu’s right hand, when he was urging the original blood for the green fox demon, the root phalanx branded the blood essays of the Qing fox, layered, can promote the demon, but these years, he has been Nothing is used.

The real element is injected into the right hand, urging the **** runes on the phalanx.

A layer of faint blue blood appeared in Li Mu's palm.

That is demon power.

When Li Mu grasped [天天] with the hand that had changed, the next moment, hey, this demon name finally swayed, and the incredible thing happened. The two golden dragons seemed to be alive. In the same way, the shackles of the sticks are rotated like two rotating drill bits. What is even more incredible is that their rotation does not affect the feel of [Shen sigh], and the feeling of feedback from Li Mu is still It is smooth and cool, and the grip is very strong.

"It's getting heavier."

Li Mu felt that with the twisting of the two dragons, the weight of [天天] increased exponentially. In the blink of an eye, the weight has already exceeded 10,000, and it is still growing wildly.

"Interesting, is this the true form of [天天]?"

Between the statistics, the weight of this golden long stick has reached 100,000 kilograms.

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