The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1001: Qing Niu Shangzun

"Tester, I and other fairyland creatures exist, there must be a reason to exist, why should we kill them all?" The gardener spoke out, his voice was not shocked, his expression was indifferent, and he was full of noble temperament.

Ignorant young girls are quite the opposite.

The shadow of the daffodil floating above his head is unknown.

Perceiving the change of the owner, everyone suddenly felt an uneasy heart, as if what would happen next.

The elder brother frowned slightly and said, "You have a choice of things, you are in a fairyland, so many people of Yingjie sleep for a long time, but now it is just reincarnation.

It's your turn to fall. "

Ever since ancient times, the mainland has prospered, and one generation is better than the next.

The former Kyushu genius is far from comparable to today's Kyushu Tianjiao.

"You have to say this, I can't help it, but warn you, let me go immediately, while you still have a day." A day later, the disaster came.

The horror of the flower disaster is enough to cause 20% of the trials to stay forever.

"I hate threats most of my life!" The old man said indifferently, the fragmented chain of his right hand twitched again, and suddenly, the body of the nine granddaughter who was shattered was soaring under the chain.

A ripple of soul disappearing from the world, surging around.

"You have eight more chances," said the master, subduing the gardener, holding Vientiane weapon-level chain fragments, and there was no rival in the city.

He wanted to kill only one thought.

The owner's eyes narrowed, and sadness was drawn in his eyes.

Even though it has a long life span, it is not easy to belittle the world's conflicts, but it is still not bound by blood.

"Well, fulfill all of you!" The owner's eyes glowed with indifference, and flowers of all colors suddenly began to bloom in the owner's heavenly cover.

Virtual shadows are constantly performing and can't keep up.

"Oh my God, the petals are falling on the sky!" A woman's nose tipped coldly and a petal was falling, and she looked up subconsciously, screaming in a loss.

When they heard it, everyone looked up, all surprised.

Outside the Jiuxiao cloud, there are actually scattered petals scattered from the sky, radiating from the garden city to the outside and to the entire fairyland.

On the hill in the distance, a cute and bright young girl riding a flame burning phoenix with a swirl in the corner of her mouth and giggled and smiled: "They failed, the flower disaster came early, I'm looking for the next goal

Marked. "

call out--

The flame-burning phoenix screamed sharply, shattering the void with sound waves, leaving the void.

Trials everywhere in Wonderland found petals falling from the sky.

The vast majority of people are novel and dazed. Only a few people know that it is a flower disaster!

The big brother was also stunned, and his face changed suddenly: "How did the flower disaster happen? Five major natural disasters, one disaster on the 7th, and the ancients have not changed. How can the flower disaster be one day earlier?"

"What? It's a flower disaster?" The Tiangongmen who knew the truth was astonished.

"Ah! My nose!" Suddenly, the woman who first noticed the petals drifting screamed, her nose suddenly lost consciousness, and she took a closer look, her nose had a wood texture

, The delicate Joan nose turned into wood in the blink of an eye!

Not only that, the wood texture spread from the tip of the nose to the entire face, and when she screamed, the entire face had become wood!

Then came the neck, the limbs.

"I, my body ..." The woman spoke hard, and then it was difficult for her to utter a whole sentence, because her body also began to lignify.


Before long, she was still in place, covered with white skin, and became a rough dark gray, like a stump, motionless.

Where is she half-human? To be precise, she is no longer human but woodcarving.

"Ah! Brother, save me, me, I am also touched by petals!" A male disciple screamed.

Like the woman, the male disciple quickly turned into woodcarving in a short time!

The flower disaster, the smallpox rotten, touched by the tester, will be transformed into wood carving in a short time, vitality and the soul disappear.

Any cultivation, even the old Vientiane monster, can't stop the woody force of the flower disaster.

Because, that's what Lin Langchen left.

And the narcissus king, as the owner of the garden, has never shown the ability to control the flower disaster!

In the other parks, the natural disasters were launched on time, and the owners could not control them.

Only the garden owner can control the launch time and strength of the natural disaster.

"All of you, stay!" Said the garden owner indifferently, his voice falling, the ceilings increasing sharply and extremely dense.

For a time, the genius of Kyushu in the wonderland of Linlang was extinct.

The illustrious mainland talents were transformed into woodcarvings in the unwillingness and roar, and the spirits were destroyed.

The decisive and ruthless man immediately cut off the petal touching position and barely escaped.

There are only a few top powerhouses who use their magical powers to make a disaster.

The big brother's face changed greatly, and he said angrily, "Stop it now, or you will be killed!"

The owner's expression was dull: "Once the flower disaster begins, no one can stop it!"

She can start the flower disaster, but cannot stop it.

The Tiangongmen hated and couldn't keep arresting her eight other granddaughters.

What she did was to save them.

"Then start the teleportation array immediately!" The elder brother shouted sharply. Only those who could reduce casualties to the utmost extent were able to use the teleportation array to teleport to the weakest areas.

However, the owner still looked faint: "I refuse."

"Then I'll kill you!" The elder brother soared into the sky, seeing that the disciples of Tiangongmen had nowhere to hide, they were turned into woodcarvings, their eyes turned red.

The owner said calmly: "I live forever, and my life will never end. What's the point of being trapped in a fairyland? So, I blocked my mind and appeared as a girl! You killed me, but

Let me be free! The garden will not die because of my demise. When I die, a new garden owner will be born automatically. "

The words Xiao Xiao and loneliness, indifference and helplessness in the words were contagious.

The big brother was so furious that all the abacuses before and after failed!

"Okay, complete you!" The master sighed loudly, the shard chain that bound the gardener suddenly tightened, and the gardener's life was strangled to death.

However, at this moment, the gardener's whole body was cold and bursting with unprecedented strong red wine.

The light is full of space power, and it is swallowed up by the owner in an instant.

"Space moves?" The elder brother's expression changed suddenly, his eyes shot back suddenly.

Beside the unsuspecting Su Yu, the red light pervaded and the figure of the garden owner appeared.

Su Yuyi grasped the owner's shoulders and chuckled: "Brother, since the flower disaster can't be stopped, what's the benefit of killing one more person?"

Master's pupil shrank fiercely: "Space talent? Do you have ancient spirits with space attributes?"

There is no realm of Vientiane, but there is only one explanation for manipulating the power of space.

Ancient spirits, ancient spirits with spatial attributes!

Su Yu didn't bother, but stared at the owner: "Open the teleportation team and leave with me."

The owner of the garden gave Su Yu an indifferent look, and drew his gaze expressionlessly. He did not resist, but seemed to have given his life.

Death in the hands of Su Yu and Brother Brother is actually no different to her.

"Don't waste your time, in her eyes, what's the difference between you and us?" Yu Liang dodged the smallpox that landed while winding around behind Su Yu.

The elder brother scolded, "Su Yuxian, give her over immediately!"

Obviously, in fact, he did not intend to actually kill the gardener, capture a gardener, get the preserved flowers, and have the opportunity to open the mysterious sixth garden.

Does he have a reason to kill?

Just now, it was just intimidating and intimidating her to start a teleportation battle. How could she really kill it!

Su Yu ignored it and said leisurely: "Park owner, have you ever thought about leaving the garden one day and arriving outside?"

With dim eyes, a taunt appeared from the corners of his mouth: "You are already the tenth tester who speaks similar words to me. Useless, the creatures of Linlang Wonderland are subject to the rules of Linlang Wonderland.

Can't leave. "

Su Yu said, "Is that right? I never feel that there is anything in the world that can really restrain people."

His eyes were slightly closed, and in the sky, an invisible giant hand suddenly cut through the sky.

In the perception of the elder brothers and others, it seems that an extremely powerful will suddenly appeared in the heavens and the earth.

However, in the eyes of the garden owner, he clearly saw that there was a shadow of black hair on the shore of Su Yu flashing across the Jiuxiao sky.

Lin Lang Wonderland was shocked, crumbling, as if about to be broken.

"Return to the true meaning, the pinnacle !!!" The gardener's pupils kept enlarging, and his indifferent expression disappeared. The silent heart was beating.

The realm of returning to God's will, the realm reached by Lin Langchen.

She just stayed at this step and never got one step further,

Su Yu's return to the true meaning of God reached the realm of Lin Langchen, shaking the rules she established.

The thing that most made her heart beat was that Su Yu's Shinto road was completely impenetrable and seemed extremely destructive, but she didn't know what it was.

Su Yu's divine intention is only one word, inverse.

The pinnacle of returning to God, against all restraints.

Linlang Wonderland is a self-contained realm, which is a **** that reveals the meaning of God. It should be possible to break this bondage.

If you have a chance, you can break the rules of Linchen Chenxian and take the owner away from Wonderland.

Yu Liang's eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn't even notice what the changes just meant.

"Brother, let's shoot together, kill Su Yuxian first, then **** back the owner, and leave the place quickly!" Yu Liang said.

The master yelled, "Su Yuxian, you asked for it!"

In their opinion, it was impossible for the owner to agree to Su Yu's request to open the teleportation array.

However, at their instant, Su Yu flashed an invisible silk thread in his sleeve.

The fragmented chain that trapped her was easily cut and broken.

"How is that possible?" Master was surprised!

Permian Vientiane monsters may not be able to break the shackles. How did Su Yu do it?

"I believe you have made a good choice." Su Yu put her hands in her sleeves, without fear of the garden owner shooting at her.

The owner nodded slightly: "Of course I know."

His eyes swept away, looking at the elder brother and Yu Liang who came from the attack, and the rest of the Tiangongmen.

Vientiane power surging, murderous swarming around, swarming around.

Suddenly, the faces of Tiangongmen were extremely ugly.

They killed her granddaughter with their own hands. Now that they are out of trouble, how can they give up?

"Yes, you all must die!" The owner of the garden was out of trouble, killing himself, without turning his head, and flung his fingers behind him.

Suddenly, the powerful force of Vientiane used to break through the void and swept around.

"Everyone fights!" The master screamed, his heart roared, and he took the lead to take out a cyan puppet.

Take a spin and stand in front of you.

The others also took out similar puppets.

When the powerful force of Vientiane swept, all the crickets shattered and turned into pieces.


Tiangongmen, including elder brother and Yu Liang, all vomited blood and flew up.

"Stand-in?" The gardener's eyes were astonished. With this blow, they instinctively left them all and killed them all on the spot.

In order to allow more disciples to gain the good fortune, Tiangongmen is a blood bank.

However, in the face of the absolute force of Vientiane Boss, the death can only be postponed.

"Brother, you can't wait any longer! Please Grandpa, please!" Yu Liang wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and roared.

The big brother gritted his teeth. If the laborers live or die today, they can only try it!

"Congratulations to Heaven Bull!" The elder brother took out a broken copper bull and threw it into the sky.

Bronze bull rolling out inside, a majestic force!

That power made the sky tremble, as if to be opened up by this power.

Su Yu's pupils shrank fiercely: "The power of the dust fairy!"

In the mysterious copper bull, the explosion is really the power of the dust fairy!

And, in Su Yu's keen perception, there is a weak, but very powerful consciousness inside the Copper Bull, and he is waking up!

"Come on!" Su Yu said quickly.

He vaguely remembers that in the rumor, the founder of Tiangongmen was not a human race, but a green bull.

When the gate of the day developed and became the overlord of the Sky Sword Domain, the green bull suddenly left, leaving a bronze ox with its own imprint on it. Once urged, it could be summoned.

This is something that happened six thousand years ago.

When I saw it in ancient books, I thought it was an absurd story.

Unexpectedly, it was true!

That copper ox gave Su Yu a sense of extreme danger!

Without Su Yu's urging, the owner also noticed the crisis, a daffodil emerged from the head, and a few drops of crystallized droplets flew out, falling on the static array.

Suddenly, the seal was lifted, and the formation was running quickly!

The owner of the garden took Su Yu's arm, and a teleportation brought him to the teleportation array.

The big brother was annoyed: "Don't let them escape!"

Even the ultimate means, Qing Niu Shangzun has been exhibited. If you can't take everyone away from the flower disaster, it will be a godsend!

It's too late.

The matrix method spurred extremely quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Su Yu and the owner were involved in the space teleport.

When the powerful consciousness in the broken copper cow was fully awake, the figures of Su Yu and the owner had disappeared.

The big brother hated his teeth: "Su Yuxian !!!"

Everything went smoothly.

However, Su Yuxian made all the calculations fail!

In the end, I did not know what measures were used to persuade the owner to deceive him away! !!

And Tiangongmen people, waiting for them is a flower disaster that lasts a whole day!

When the flower disaster is over, no more than five of them can survive.

"Green Bull, please save one to save the disciples and grandchildren!" The master clenched with five fingers and bowed to the ground.

Inside the broken copper cow, a soft blue light was emitted, covering the heavenly gatemen present.

Amazingly, the petals falling from the sky cannot penetrate the blue light.

Seeing this, Tiangongmen ecstatic.

A few breaths, five of them have fallen under the flower disaster, and now there are young people protecting each other, it is considered to avoid flower disaster.

But they ca n’t be happy too long.

Now it is used to save lives!

"Qing Niu Shangzun, please take charge of us!" After being happy, Tiangongmen were all annoyed.

Su Yuxian, broke their grand plan!

Qingniu Shangzun can only be used once. Since it is used, he must destroy that Su Yuxian together! !!

"Who is he?" Inside the bronze cow, a lingering word was conveyed slowly.

Tiangongmen people bow to the ground one after another, like gods.

"Back to Shangzun, he claims to be a disciple of Heavenly Demon Sect, Su Yuxian!"

"Heavenly Demon Sect, Su Yuxian, I know!" Broken copper is full of blue light.

Su Yu in the process of transmission, covered with huge earthquakes, in the midst of it, there seems to be a mo

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