? Brief analysis, Mo Tianxuan is not difficult to cope.

With the characteristics of being unable to take the initiative to attack and having weak defenses, the tester who was sufficiently prepared to pre-emptively attack it and destroyed it with a single blow when she first started the active attack.

The problem is that there are still ninety-nine layers. Even the four star geniuses cannot guarantee that each layer can seize the opportunity.

What's more, with each subsequent layer, there is a strict limit on the time to defeat, and it becomes shorter and shorter!

At the 30th, 60th, and 90th floors, the requirement is spike!

Therefore, it seems that Wu Tower has left enough opportunities for the testers. In fact, almost no one can complete the hundred-level customs clearance.

What he didn't know was that at the moment when he cut down the silver sword, all the testers in the Wuta felt the tremor in the space they were in. It seemed that the space power next door was too huge, and the shock was transmitted.

Those who haven't gone away and give up Wuta are even more surprised to find that there is a crack somewhere on the first floor of the Wuta, which is claimed to be unassailable! !!

After taking a short break, Su Yu entered the second floor, except that there was a "second floor" text description in the room, which was almost the same as the first floor.

The same magic day Xuanyuan, the same degree of slowness.

The only difference is that this request was defeated within half an hour.

This time, Su Yu did not intend to test.

The meteor streamer array was arranged first, and Su Yu added the ninth round bead, Huang Quanzhu.

Opening the distance, Su Yu screamed, "Get up!"

Almost at the same time, Mo Tianxuan opened his eyes, and his hands were transformed monsters transformed by the surging magic.

But all the matrix methods that were run up were instantly empty.

At the same time, Mo Tianxuan sacrificed the mysterious inky sword, trying to block a ball.

As long as a bead stops spinning, loopholes appear.

Unfortunately, the one she intercepted was the one she should not intercept.


Huang Quanzhu was like hitting tofu, killing Mo Tianxuan into nothingness, leaving a two-star crystal ball and a bone.

Standing in place, Su Yu was lost in thought.

I thought Mo Tianxuan was just a simple tadpole, and she would follow the established procedures. However, she just used a sword to resist the movement of the ball, which is clearly not a mechanical procedure.

A hint of brilliance, twinkling in Su Yu's pupils.

On the third floor, Su Yu adjusted the meteor streamer array and placed Huang Quanzhu in the center.

As a result, once opened, Mo Tianxuan was spiked before he could react.

In this way, Su Yu challenged to the 30th floor, completed the spike in accordance with the time requirements of the 30th floor, and successfully cleared the 30th floor.

With a smile, Su Yu stepped into the thirty-first floor.

Immediately after entering this floor, Su Yu immediately noticed that her movements were slower.

Time is more than 60% slower than outside bounds.

Under these conditions, Su Yu tried to arrange the array and defeated Mo Tianxuan, and of course it succeeded.

The problem is that the meteor streamer array is running at a slower speed than the previous thirty layers, resulting in two kills before the kill is completed.

The Magic Sky Xuanxun is 30 floors higher than before, but it is not affected!

This time, it will be difficult to reach the 60-second spike, and once it fails, it will be eliminated.

When you change outsiders, you must be helpless and rack your brains to think about strategies.

But for Su Yu, the power of time, hum!

At the sixtieth floor, Su Yu's left eye was a dark purple, launching the power of time!

The power of time around him has accelerated three times!

The slowness of 60% of the time was not only offset, but it was more than nine times faster.

With a bang, Su Yu had no suspense and successfully cleared the level.

"The last forty levels are left. A spike is needed for the ninety floor. According to the calculation, the ninety-three floor starts, the time is twice as slow, and the ninety-four floor is three times slower. It's so slow, there is no objective condition for a spike! The last ten layers only need to ask for customs clearance. I only need to use the time to accelerate at the ninety layer. "Su Yu secretly analyzed.

And Su Yu's time to accelerate magical power, can only be used once a day.

Therefore, when the 89th floor was killed, Su Yu had to stop and rest for a day.

The next day, when recovering, Su Yu ascended the 90th floor.

However, the ninth-floor puppet is not ancient too empty, but a woman with a tall sword and a tall, beautiful face.

The young girl gave a very strange feeling, there was no sternness on her body, and because of that, she felt unpredictable.

Staring at the woman, Su Yu secretly said, "The absence of Mo Tianxuan Xuan appears on this floor, which means that she failed on the 90th floor. This woman should be the pride of the heavens, Mo Tian, ​​who came to this floor before Mo Tianxuan. Xuan failed to break her record, so it is still her stay here. "

After thinking about it, Su Yu used the gourd to paint a scoop and cast a large burst of meteor streamers.

However, at the moment when the other party opened his eyes, Su Yu was icy and covered with swords.

Just one glance includes the ultimate Kendo, the realm of Kendo, which seems to be an immortal realm of sword body, but more complete and deep.

"Who is this person?" Su Yu was frightened, and she talked about swordsmanship.

A hundred years have passed, if this woman does not die, she should not be an unknown member of her nationality.

Deeply remember this female portrait, Su Yu stepped into the 91st floor and the last 10th floor!

The 91st floor is still the negative sword woman.

Meteor streamers burst into bursts, and do not give sword opportunities.

Until the ninety-fifth floor, time acceleration could not resist the slow time, and Su Yu could only resist hard.

Fortunately, Tianzhu Yinzhu sword is indestructible, and everything is not cut.

The woman was destroyed by Su Yu before she sent a powerful move.

But Rao is so. Su Yu still bears a little bit of swordsmanship and looks fine, but the body is filled with a lot of sword gas, destroying the vitality in the body.

So much so that Su Yu had to swallow the fountain of life to supplement life.

Otherwise, if you have not left the tower, you will die because of extinction.

After a short rest, the sword energy in the body was resolved. Looking up at the 96th floor, Su Yu was lost in thought.

Starting from the next layer, the time acceleration can not offset the slow time of Wuta. According to the record, for the 96th layer, the time acceleration will be four times that of the outside world, exceeding Su Yu's limit.

And as long as a mobile phone meeting will be given to a woman with a negative sword, how many people can block the sword?

However, Su Yu is still confident and continues to clear the customs.

With a change of heart, he teleported to the 96th floor.

However, the eye-catching woman is no longer a shocking woman, but rather. open!

Nothing on the ring!

Su Yu, who was already psychologically ready, said, "Where is the master?"

"What's shouting, layer master went home for dinner, and something will come tomorrow." The voice of the void, a sound familiar sounded.

Su Yu squinted her eyes and looked around: "So, did I go straight?"

"Thinking of beauty! The layer master didn't see it, why was it cleared?" The voice in the murmur floated.

Su Yudao: "The tester arrives in accordance with the rules, but the layer master is not on the scene. Naturally, it is the layer master's responsibility, and the tester passes the customs unconditionally!"

"You don't have to say anything, nonsense, go back."

Su Yu sneered: "Linlang Dust Fairy has fallen through the ages, and the rules she has set have expired and have fallen to the point of arbitrary changes?"

There was silence in the air.

For a long while, sighed, "Okay, you're over!"

"What about rewards?" Su Yu looked at his feet.

"Reward? No lord, where's the reward? Don't make a fool, go home for dinner!" Said the voice in the meditation.

Su Yu didn't move, and kept sneering: "Wuta failed without duty, why did you do it to me? As I clear the customs, I don't have too many crystal **** and bones!"

"Hey! You have the courage to dare to speak up, uncle, me, me." The voice in the mourn sighed helplessly: "There is no master, I can't help it, or you can go for a tour and sightseeing for free. In the Wuta rule, there is a reward for the master. There is no master. I ca n’t give a reward.

"Story Master, just call them back?"

"Well, they have a long vacation, and no one expected that anyone could climb to the 96th floor?"

"They can't come, can you replace them?"

Su Yu never asked the speaker's identity.

"Uncle Ben is the towering spirit of Wuta, but a trace of illusory wisdom. The master needs a solid body. How can I become the master?"

"Smart? Hehe, you can deceive others, you can cheat me?" Su Yu stomped. "Why don't I know, a savvy, who can manipulate a large array at will, putting all the testers in the psychedelic state?" Array, playing with applause? "

"Ah! How do you know. Hey! What the **** are you talking about, why can't I understand a sentence?" There was a panic in the voice in the bottom.

Su Yu looked around and said lightly: "If you want to get to this point, I still need to break it? This so-called 100-level customs clearance, in fact, all the testers, including me, always stay on the first floor, and never Did anyone go above the second floor? "

"Along the way, the only change in all levels, each layer is the change of digital patterns on the wall and the time limit, as well as the compression time! All of this is transformed by illusion!" Su Yu said, not a small one. secret.

Annoyed in annoyance: "Joke, imagination, conceal one person's eyes and eyes, but how to conceal 20,000 people's eyes and eyes? Conceal one time, how to conceal it for hundreds of times? Among all previous geniuses, there are always pupils Well, if it is illusion, it is already seen through. "

Su Yu dismissed: "When did I say that vision is confusing to this illusion?"

Existence in nothingness, flustered a bit: "Nonsense, isn't illusion obfuscation?"

The so-called illusion is to deceive the brain through vision and produce wrong judgments.

"That's just the understanding of the people in the world. In ancient times, illusions have multiplied to the extreme, and they are widely used. There are countless illusions targeted at hearing, smell, and sensation, but only very few are passed on to this world, unknown."

Back in the End of the World, Su Yu read a huge amount of ancient texts and benefited greatly from the amount of knowledge.

Existence in nothingness strongly defended: "Haha ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ You touch it, listen to it, smell it, where is the illusion?"

Su Yu sarcastically said: "That's because this is another more mysterious illusion! Mantra illusion!"

"Do you still need an explanation? Once the explanation is clear and Mantra is broken without attacking, I would like to know what interesting things will happen."

There was a moment of silence in nothingness. A moment later, an angry and helpless sigh came: "Damn! You won! Here you are!"

Ding Dong, a ball and a bone landed.

It is a reward for customs clearance at the 96th and 96th floors.

"Enough?" The man said angrily.

Su Yu smiled and said: "The two things are exactly what I want, of course. Not enough! I will continue to challenge the 97th floor to the 100th floor!"

As soon as this word came out, the nothingness leaped like thunder: "I still challenge a fart! Knowing that it is mantra of magic, you're fluffy! Take the things and hurry up while playing, this uncle will wait for a bunch of idiots! The next hundred years Rations depend on these idiots. "

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