The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1036: Born King

"Yes." Dongfang Tianfeng affirmed: "In the early millennia, the fairyland was conceived, and a large number of unparalleled heavenly pride were cultivated. In the millennium, three of them grew up to become the emperor and unified Kyushu. Falling. "

As if Su Yu caught something, her eyes flashed: "How did it fall?"

"The first generation of the Kyushu Emperor died from a fire!"

"The second generation of Emperor Kyushu, died of the Devil!"

"The third generation of Emperor Kyushu died of ... a meteor."

Speaking of the last one, Oriental Tianfeng paused.

After listening, the people present fell into a long silence.

The three, no, together with the dust of God, are all dead!

They seemed to be able to see that, invisibly, there was a dark giant hand obstructing the unification of Kyushu.

And Su Yu is more aware of some connections.

Coming into the devil, the devil, the meteor, the seemingly unrelated three, Su Yu thought of an item!

Floating door!

The meteorites descended from the sky to open the floating door, opened the floating door, and emerged from the demon race!

It is the talents of the demons to make creatures go into flames!

Is n’t the meteor the sign of the coming of the floating gate?

Moreover, the second-generation Kyushu emperor died directly in the hands of the demons!

Perceiving the truth, a little sweat came from behind Su Yu!

Could it be that the devil is the one who controls everything!

Su Yu, the envious black dog, was more sure of what he thought.

Mozu, the creator of the figurines! !!

"According to my Dongfang family's calculations, there are traces of the demons behind." Dongfang Tianfeng whispered.

Han Fei raised her eyebrows: "Devil!"

"The most terrifying race ever since?"

There are few records about the ancient demons in ancient books, and the records are unknown.

What is certain is that the last time before the end of the ancient times, the human race in Kyushu was almost extinct, and it was the descendants of the dust that sheltered the people, and they were able to reproduce and regain their vitality from the edge of the genocide.

What made her a little strange was that Rao and Han Fei all showed solemn expressions, except that Su Yu's face was no different, as if not surprised.

"The black dog that my tribe calls the black undead should belong to the demons by accident! It killed me, the genius of Kyushu's eternal genius, which led to the decline of the Kyushu mainland!" Tianfeng Dongfang said coldly.

Han Fei tapped her white chin lightly: "There is no doubt about this, the black dog has a demon-like atmosphere."

While talking, looked at Su Yu.

A similar breath exists between the two.

"Without concealing you, the main purpose of my participation in Linlang Wonderland is not in Wonderland resources, but in the eradication of the black undead!" Oriental Tianfeng looked around at everyone with a determined expression.

Han Fei said indifferently, "This is the purpose of your Oriental family to come to Linlang Wonderland?"

The Oriental family knows the past and the present, and realizes that the mainland is at stake. What then?

Kill the black undead and save the world?

"If you say to help justice and save the Kyushu continent by turning the tide, you certainly won't believe it." Dongfang Tianfeng laughed at himself. "So let's say, the Oriental family has been staring at the black undead for many years, and killing it, the Oriental family can get a lot The benefits, as for what the benefits are, family secrets, no one can tell. "

"It's a pity that it has never appeared. This time it's a rare opportunity. I have to remove it! So I must go to the cemetery!"

Han Fei nodded her head: "If you have a goal, you can do it."

In the heavens and the earth, there may be great sentiments that are not dedicated to themselves.

But there is no such thing as an unprofitable organization.

Any organization is a combination of interests. The same is true of the family. If the family of the East has no interest and kills the mainland, then Han Fei cannot trust Oriental Sky Phoenix.

"What about you? Do you want to slay black undead when you stay? What is your purpose?" Dongfang Tianfeng blinked his eyes and looked at Su Yu and Bing Wuxin and Han Fei one by one.

Han Fei said lightly: "Magic."

Kill the black dog and get pure magic.

Bing pointed at the remaining blood on the ground unconsciously: "The sword in my hand !!"

The dying Trial Beast trial provoked Bing's unintentional killing intention.

"So what about you? Brother Su of unknown origin?" Dongfang Tianfeng's eyes flashed crystal.

Su Yu's mouth ticked: "Me? Confirm your guess."

After swallowing the candied flowers, Su Yu had a bold conjecture on the essence of Linlang Wonderland under strong perception. Now, it is time to confirm the conjecture.

Dongfang Tianfeng smiled softly: "Well, it's considered that the interests are the same. Let's meet the black dog now!"

Interlinked interests? Su Yu disagrees.

He never believed in a person lightly, let alone a stranger with only one side ... one side.

Reached the goal, the three went to the last garden, the cemetery!

Before leaving, Su Yu finally glanced at Wuta, a hundred-story Wuta, above the second floor. What was it?

A day later.


"Ha ha, it is said that the cemetery is the place where Lin Chen's remains are buried, the remains of a dust fairy, and the oldest remains between heaven and earth, whose value is immeasurable." look.

Among them, a huge tomb standing in the sky stands tall.

That is the remains of Lin Langchen.

"Wait! The remains of Linlang Chenxian, haven't they been weathered, and only Shenjing remains?" Su Yu frowned, not quite the same as the rumor.

Dongfang Tianfeng shrugged: "Dust Fairy's remains are comparable to fairy wares. Do you think it might be weathered? That's just a rumor, and only her soul has become a **** crystal."

Is the remains alive? Everyone felt a little shocked.

"So, what happened to the other tombs?" Su Yu looked around the tombs, large and small, and under the eyes of perspective, she saw a black figure with a mighty shore, exuding a terrible breath, wandering around the tombs.

Any soul has extreme coercion comparable to the dust fairy strong!

Sudden colors emerged.

After hearing the words, the eyes of Dongfang Tianfeng are much more dignified: "It was Lin Langchen who was beheaded and killed by the aliens who invaded Kyushu. Their corpses were all sealed in the cemetery, and their souls were bound here. Tomb. "

"Near the tomb of Linlang Chenxian, the risk is extremely high! Those alien souls are terrible!"

Han Fei's face appeared a little startled: "Dust fairy's residual soul !!"

The remnant soul of the dust fairy, even if it is to the genius of the sky, also has a lethal threat.

Gaze at many dust immortals, no one dared to step in.

At the border of the cemetery, in addition to Su Yu and others, there were many survivors of the trial.

The strange face should be part of the other 20,000 trials.

They also lingered at the border, staring at the cemetery with greed, but hesitated to step in.

"A bunch of waste! Just the cemetery! Give me a break!"

Suddenly, the sky roared like a thunderous roar, and the golden shore surrounded by the golden light, the mighty and mighty shore figure, stepped on the clouds, and broke the wind.

Seeing this person from afar, the faces of all the people became wild, and the fear spread away.

Han Fei and Dongfang Tianfeng turned back suddenly. As star geniuses, their faces changed at the same time.

"Why is this lunatic coming?" Dongfang Tianfeng was so dignified, his expression was dreadful.

Han Fei was also stunned, saying one word at a time: "The first genius in the sky, Zhongzhou is unparalleled!"

The four geniuses of the starry sky, Han Fei ranked third, and Oriental Tianfeng ranked fourth.

The first is also the strongest among them, the first strong contemporary young people in Kyushu mainland, the first strong under the starry sky!

Disciple of Zhongzhou Wang, matchless!


Jin Guangyao shouted the world.

Warriors came down in the middle of the cemetery.

The cemetery trembled, and countless tombs were knocked to the ground.

All the lingering souls of the mighty shores sent out an angry will.

The will appeared, the heavens and the earth suddenly dim, from day to night, and the biting winds blew the cemetery.

The warriors standing on the edge of the cemetery retreated in horror, and many of them who retreated slowly were turned into powder by the overcast weather, and even the soul had no time to escape.

In Jin Guang, Zhan Wushuang revealed his true content.

A golden armor, full of domineering between the eyebrows, standing in place, there is a tendency to win the world.

"Zhan Wushuang?" Su Yu's eyes froze slightly, was the disciple of King Zhongzhou?

Dongfang Tianfeng stared at the mighty figure, fearing: "Zhan Wushuang, the born king! Born in the family of the emperor of the world, when the rumor was born, the soul of the three thousand emperor pilgrimage, he became emperor at the age of three, and weakly defeated at the age of five. Strong, annexed the Zhongzhou mortal empire and made the nations rule! At the age of ten, the establishment of a martial arts unparalleled door swept the forces in the domain and caused the 3,000 gates in Zhongzhou to bow their heads! At the age of fifteen, they encircled the Zhongzhou Royal Palace and asked the King of Zhongzhou!

"Received by the King of Zhongzhou and accepted as a disciple! It is said that when he was fifteen, he was able to resist one defeat of the King of Zhongzhou, two when he was sixteen, three when he was seven, and four when he was eighteen. Now ten Nine-year-old, but can not resist the five moves of Zhongzhou Wang! "

"According to the calculations from the top of the family, he is the most powerful genius in all ages. His qualifications are far above the emperors of Kyushu!"

"Our family is very optimistic about him, he is likely to become the new generation of the Kyushu emperor in the mainland! Just like in his life course, he is the king's body and the king comes to the world!"

Hearing that Rao is a hostile position, it is inevitable to marvel.

At the age of five, he became the emperor of all nations!

At the age of ten, he became the king of martial arts in Zhongzhou!

At the age of fifteen, the legendary emperor who is close to the king of Zhongzhou!

All life is emperor!

A born king? Su Yu felt a little bit of pressure.

"How specific is his qualification? The same as the four star geniuses ~ ~ have you ever known?" Su Yu said.

Dongfang Tianfeng scratched a bitter bitter mouth: "Also a star genius? To be precise, he is not born at the same level as us, the natural king!"

"At the Xingkong Tea Party, we selected the new star genius. Do you know how his first place came?" Dongfang Tianfeng held out a finger: "One move, only one move to defeat our other three starry geniuses ! "

"Looking at the world, the younger generation, no one can stop him, no matter who it is."

The three starry geniuses are superimposed.

"He is indeed the king who is above the younger generation. I have heard that the Golden State Five Guards who led the King of Central Zhou, the Emperor Guangming, the blood emperor, and many Vientiane strongmen cultivated, not the King of Zhongzhou, who was closed all year round, but he , Warriors! In a sense, they should call him a master. "

Point the Vientiane strong, or the blood emperor, the famous Vientiane old man like Jin Guangwu?

Is he really the same generation as them?

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