The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1059: State king

The only one who can save Yinmu is the tree god.

There was no change in Yinmu Muran's face, but his tone was much lighter: "You are a friend of the Bronze Tree, and it is right to help you."

"The enemy may not have gone far. Let the Bronze Man's tribe rest for a while to take refuge," Silverwood suggested.

Su Yu didn't refuse. Just now she continued to use God's will and consumed a lot of mental energy.

Three days later, in the quiet gorge of the Bronze Tree Man tribe, Su Yu was full of energy.

"God's will really be tempered." Confirmed again and again, Su Yu's face showed joy.

If it can continue to confront the realm, the divine will will be further tempered, and the benefits will be endless.

The unexpected discovery gave Su Yu many hints.

In the future, the practice of Shinto may no longer be single.

In thought, Su Yu turned out a black book of life and a jade of memory.

The former is Mo Jidao's Yin Shu, and the latter is the recorded content of Mo Jidao's Yang Shu.

One yin and one yang is Moji Dao, a sentiment and experience left by this old Shinto genius.

Now Su Yu finally has time to read them carefully.

"Xiao Bai, if anyone comes to visit, tell me that I am practicing." Su Yu said, respectfully the silver cricket standing behind him nodded and flew to the sky to lock the four sides.

The silver badger is, of course, the badger with the heart of badger.

The puppets, which had only the quality of God, were forcibly elevated to the level of threefold Vientiane by the puppet heart, which became a great help.

The most amazing thing is that the puppet's heart makes this puppet, with a self-cultivation consciousness, able to continue to grow by devouring the flesh and blood of souls.

Concentrating on his thoughts, Su Yu took out a drop of candied flowers, and at the same time, the left pupil was filled with purple light, and the time accelerated 500 times.

Mo Jidao's book of Yin and Yang was completely opened by Su Yu.

His life experience, life thinking, and understanding of Shinto are like naked virgins, all appearing in the eyes of Su Yu.

Su Yu was sometimes amazed, sometimes confused, sometimes suddenly open, sometimes joyful, and sometimes painful.

Various expressions flashed on his face, reflecting the change of inner thoughts.

What he didn't know was that the goddess behind him who was flying and cloaked with ancient cloaks stood again silently, standing upright behind Su Yu, looking far into the distance, very far-reaching.

The appearance of the divine appearance shocked Yin Mu.

His wooden expression also appeared moving: "Faith of the Divine Residence! This is a sign that the immortal spirit will soon arrive!"

"Just, why is this **** so strange?" Yin Mu was lost in thought.

In the acceleration of time and space, Su Yu realized that it was a whole year, but the outside world was less than half a day away.

Under the indoctrination of ten times the comprehension of Baihua Candied Fruits, Mo Jidao's divine will, most of Su Yu fully realized.

After seeing it, the eyes were surging with the light of God, still immersed in the spirit of Mo Jidao.

"It's worthy of being a **** of all ages, and it's also scary for the powerful gods. But on the understanding of Shinto, I and the ancients are too far behind. Even though most of the powerful gods are too weak, they say they are. Under gods, the first person of Shinto is no exaggeration. "

From Mo Jidao's divine book, Su Yu learned that Mo Jidao at that time had only one step to get a glimpse of Shinto and become a god.

However, the physical limit is only a hundred years, and it is about to settle.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to enter Linlang Wonderland, to gain chance and good fortune, but unfortunately, he never got the chance, and he was dead.

When he was dying, he came to the Shuyuan deliberately. After his death, he deliberately left his life experience and sentiments as a mantle of inheritance.

"It is a pity a Shinto genius." Su Yu sighed silently, if this person has no physical restrictions, he may have become a god.

The Shinto of Mo Jidao gave Su Yu many hints, and it should also prove that he had many suspicions of Shinto in his heart.

Closing the book, the book mark on Su Yu's head always appeared, turning slowly, exuding amazing fluctuations.

Book disaster is coming immediately.

In theory, the five major disasters in Linlang Wonderland have been forcibly abolished by Su Yu, the master of the tower.

However, his own book disaster was not deliberately wiped out.

Because, this is an opportunity.

The waves spread, and Su Yu's head was clear, and a round of black and white stone gates appeared across Tianyu.

One black and one white, opposites.

Black is yin, white is yang, and the double doors of yin and yang run through the cycle.

This is the Shinto of Mojidao, unyielding to the status quo, wanting to open the yin and yang with the mortal body and control the reincarnation.

The purpose of Su Yu is to use Mo Jidao's yin and yang spirit to integrate what he has learned.

Su Yu learned that there are Shinto peaks that return to the true meaning of God, innate martial arts in the realm of fire and flames, and many methods of martial arts, Jiulong Town Devil, Sun God Palm, and the three bloodlines given by Jiuling Ding. Strength, time, space and soul.

Combining Shinto with innate martial arts, acquired martial arts, and blood veins is the insight that Su Yu gained.

Because Mo Jidao's Yin and Yang Shinto is just for this.

Unfortunately, he didn't wait until he became a god, got a complete body, practiced many Taos, and just sat down.

Staring at the yin and yang gates, Su Yu took a deep breath and sacrificed her own god, the eyes of the sky, and the hands of the sky.

At the same time, there is also the time force contained in the left pupil.

The eyes of the sky and the power of time strike together.

Open and accept both.

But soon, the other side of the Yangmen opened, spit out the broken eyes of the sky, and scattered the power of time.

They failed to merge successfully!

Su Yu shuddered, blood was flowing from her left eye, and she was traumatized.

This is the role of the yin and yang double doors.

The harmony of yin and yang is the key to the balance of all things.

After the two forces enter, the yin and yang shimen will coordinate the two to promote the integration of yin and yang, and if they fail, they will spit out from the yangmen.

"The power of time is too weak, and the eyes of the sky used to be strong." Su Yu quickly analyzed the failure of the fusion and tried again.

This time, it failed again and was spit out by Yangmen.

"The power of time is still too weak ..."

"Still almost ..."

"It's a little bit ..."

This is a lengthy adjustment process that requires patience and perseverance.

Until half a month later.

A force of time and the eyes of the sky were hit, and after a long wait, the Yangmen slowly opened.

From it, a huge purple eye appeared!

Unlike the golden eyes of the golden sky in the past, after the coordination of the yin and yang stone gates, the eyes of the heavens merged with the power of time, and the difference becomes a deep purple.

With the eyes open, tens of millions of miles radiate the world, all under the control of the power of time.

In the past, Su Yu could only face to face, using time alone.

But now, the range of radiation covers millions of miles!

At the same time, the addition of the eyes of the sky makes the power of time soar! !!

The time to freeze the enemy has skyrocketed from the first three breaths to ten breaths!

Such a huge progress, Su Yu could not help but rejoice.

The power of Shinto fusion blood, and indeed the mighty metamorphosis, is not as simple as one plus one, but a geometric multiple growth!

"This step really did not go wrong!" Su Yu wiped the blood flowing from her left eye, her tired face, blooming with joy.

Next, Su Yu fought iron while hot, and merged Shinto with many Taos.

He didn't know that he was on a path that few people would take.

January is over!

Two months pass!

March is over!


After half a year, Su Yu fell into an unprecedented state of cultivation.

The mainland has also undergone tremendous changes in half a year.

The aftermath of Linlang Wonderland failed to disperse from the mainland for a long time.

Many of these rumors have shaken the mainland several times.

The fall of Demon Eater reflects the birth of another genius overlord who shakes the continent!

Su Yuxian, this unknown genius who has known Kyushu all night, has used absolute force to crush and kill the demon emperor, who is famous for his cruelty!

His fall caused the rise of Su Yuxian.

In the contemporary continent, except for the Warriors, no one doubts his second supremacy.

If this news is not enough to surprise mainland warriors, then another shocking secret that has been widely spread recently has made him famous in Kyushu!

A few years ago, the fierce Taoist who chased and killed the Blood Emperor and killed the Five Guards of the Golden Light was not someone else, or this outside disciple hidden in the Red Blood Palace, Su Yuxian, real name, Su Yu!

Suddenly, he stood out from his junior status and became a towering figure standing shoulder to shoulder with the older generation of Vientiane.

That unachievable achievement has become a topic of interest for Kyushu martial arts.

Some people say that he is the illegitimate son of a certain dust fairy, and he has secretly practiced his best ability.

Some people said that he was actually the guardian of Mo Tianxuan's sacrifice of hue to help her fight against Zhongzhou.

It is also said that he is actually from Xianshan in the Kyushu restricted area. Only there can he get out of such unborn talents.

Today, Su Yu, the world's most famous, replaced Gu Taixu and became the first person in Dongtianfu area.

As for why it is not the first person in Zhongzhou, because there is also a matchless destiny in Zhongzhou.

In any state, Su Yu can win the honor of being the first master in the state.

Only in Central China is impossible.

A born emperor is above all contemporary arrogance.

However, what really shakes the Kyushu mainland is undoubtedly the true identity of Lin Langchen!

The patron saint of thousands of years, but it is the demons.

The Kyushu continent's billion-billion people cannot accept this truth. Even if the news comes from the Taoist Sect of the extreme north, from the Eastern family of the eastern continent, and from the central region of the central continent, they cannot convince them to believe this foolish rumor.

It wasn't until ~ ~ Yujushu in the southern continent was destroyed overnight, and finally the people of Kyushu continent woke up like dreams!

Yuju Prefecture, one of the nine states.

Heared the world with the name of the big and small beast forces, among which the holy spirit beast door became the forerunner, and he became a supreme lord with a dust fairy strongman and ten monsters who are about to reach the realm of the dust fairy.

However, this is the one state that drove hundreds of millions of monsters into a ghost prison in half a year.

Half a year ago, in front of the gate of the Holy Spirit Royal Beast, there was a beautiful woman with white hair, purple lips, and a glamorous peerlessness.

An hour later, the woman went down the mountain gate,

In the door, there is no living mouth, down to the disciples outside, to the elders, to the monsters, the heart is hollowed out, and the soul is destroyed.

The dust fairy-level doorkeeper sat on the palm-zun **** chair, his eyes opened, but his heart disappeared, and his soul disappeared.

The life cards on Zongmen are all shattered!

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