The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1093: Deprive the soul

Tian Dao Yu's heart seemed to move, and the familiar feeling seemed to have met, so he couldn't help looking at the sky.

A huge round of eyes spanned 100,000 miles.

Standing under the giant eyes, there is no end at all in sight, endless.

"This ... is his god?" On the day Su Yu was chased and killed by Tian Daoyu, he was forced to erupt a strange deep meaning. On the same day, he sat in the town, not knowing how far apart he was, and also realized the existence of giant eyes.

Later, he heard the return of several deputy domain owners to personally narrate, surprised.

Now I can see with my own eyes the shocking sound.

"This is the peak of returning to the true meaning of God, and it seems to be mixed with the rest. Have you ever seen it?" The three old domain masters were startled, but they were Shinto, and they were cultivated to the state of returning to the true meaning of God.

In today's younger generation, except for the ancient Tai Xu, only this Su Yu.

"Yes, it ’s the peak of returning to the true meaning of God, and the integration of other Taos has become weird and unpredictable. I ’m afraid that the ancient Taixu is better than anything. I have seen it with my own eyes. A person teleported to an extremely distant area would not have much damage, and the impact on us would be close to zero. "The owner of Tiandao domain held his hands in his sleeves, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

Even the true meaning of returning to the show, it seems that he has run out of lights and exhausted his cards.

"It is a rare Shinto genius, but unfortunately it is an alien race, well, death is not a pity." The three old domain masters said indifferently.

Out of fear of Su Yu, they did not immediately start, but intended to wait for Su Yu exhausted, and no more fight back, the use of thunder means to kill him.

The huge eyes of the sky gradually took shape, and the whole city of Zhongzhou City was astonished and looked up.

The martial arts soldiers within ten thousand feet were swept away with ease, and the redness in their eyes was mostly wiped out by the strange vision.

The owner of Sky Knife, who was waiting for the final blow at leisure, suddenly frowned. This eye, as seen from the day, and described by those who fled back, seemed to have some source.

The horror of horrible space is a huge burgundy eye, in front of it, it is ... pale eyes that echo the ripples of reincarnation.

"The three old domain masters don't seem to be right." Tiandao domain master's hands in his sleeves were pulled out leisurely, his face a little more solemn.

He was hesitating whether the Zhongzhou people below need to be warned to flee, and the giant eyes of the sky have been activated.

A round of rippled eyes, shaped like an eye of reincarnation, exudes a breath that makes the soul throb.

Suddenly, the ripples in the eyes suddenly turned, and the circle of contraction seemed like a deep abyss.


An old man with only nine grades of flying immortals, without any warning, suddenly fell to the ground.

Its complexion is bland and has no abnormal colors.

Then, one after another, the strong within ten thousand feet, Jiupin Feixian all fell to the ground.

Immediately followed by Yipin God Lord, followed by Erpin God Lord, Sanpin God Lord, Sipin ...

As if an invisible plague, the people in the ten thousand squares have fallen to the ground one after another according to their grades.

Standing at the angle of four Vientiane veterans, there are black Zhongzhou people gathered underneath, like overwhelmed wheat fields, one piece after another.

And a soul that was hard to see with the naked eye, struggling, terrified, roaring being forcibly dragged from their physical bodies and sucked into the eyes of the giant reincarnation of the sky.

The look of four people changed dramatically!

Their soul was forcibly swallowed by this giant eye!

In today's world, there is no magical power that can forcibly strip human souls unless the body takes the initiative.

But the eyes of reincarnation above his head were unusually overbearing, actually ... they sucked their souls directly, leaving a dead body!

"Everyone, immediately withdraw from Wanzhang, no, it is beyond 30 thousand Zhangs!" The old domain master yelled loudly, and awakened with a loud voice, the Zhongzhou people who did not know why.

The heads of the three old domains were crazed, and sure enough, as this alien said, chickens and dogs within ten thousand feet were not left!

Seeing the people around them fell one after the other, dying in despair, and then seeing their transparent souls struggling to be sucked into the giant eyes of the sky.

The boundless fear finally suppressed the greed, as if shrouded by a huge shadow, stiffened, and continued to recede beyond the bounds.

However, it was late at this moment, it was already late.

The sucking power of the giant eyes of the sky slowly brewed to the extreme, bursting out!

Suddenly, it was not only the Lord of God, but also the soul of Vientiane was sucked wildly.

"Ah! Don't!" A pile of Vientiane old hesitations hesitated for a moment, and then he was horrified to discover that as a Vientiane, his soul was sucked up by an invisible force and madly detached from his body.

Although sorrowful, but to no avail, a whisper, an almost substantive, lifelike soul with horror, roaring, struggling to be caught in the giant eyes.

Immediately afterwards, it was everything.

Immediately after that, there are threefold.

The face of the short, black-faced man changed dramatically. At this moment, he was worthy of stepping on the edge of the man, and he was about to escape, but his soul was caught by the sucking power from the sky, and he was inseparable from the flesh.

It's all because of his hard-willedness that he can barely cling to the flesh, otherwise he will be swallowed up by the terrible eyes like the rest.

At this moment, there is a half-faced "Justice of Justice" on his face, all filled with an appalling expression, saying: "Let's ... let go, will you make mistakes again and again?"

Su Yu didn't say anything, went straight to the center of the ruins, and swept away the ruins, revealing the teleportation array.

It is worthy of being a god-level teleportation team, and there was only a battle, but the teleportation team was not damaged.

Squat down, put the spar aside and restart it, Su Yushi said indifferently: "Isn't this the result you want? I believe that I am an alien with a different heart. As an alien, I will do the slaughter of the people Is it right? "

It's not important to save you. Don't hurt when you kill you.

"Ah !! Stop fast, or the Zhongzhou people won't let you go!" The dwarf warrior roared, his face no longer treacherous, and was replaced by panic and anxiety, because his soul was about to support him.

Su Yu narrowed her eyes, and said blankly, "Stop, you won't let me go."

call out

With a scream, the soul of the dwarf warrior was suddenly stripped of his body, and in the terror roar, he was drawn into the void.

Looking around, within ten thousand feet, there really isn't any chicken or dog left, no one is alive, and no one escapes!

Even the famous murderer, Heiqi Dao, was not spared.

Black Seven Swords, but the fierce generations comparable to the original blood emperor, the strength is also very similar.

Unexpectedly, like grass and mustard today, it was easily slaughtered and killed.

The Zhongzhou people standing outside Wanzhang were sipping cold air, especially the three people who had left the Wanzhang cautiously at first. Their backs were cold and sweaty, and their legs could not help shaking.

Within ten thousand feet, die.

Million feet away, live.

The Zhongzhou people standing outside Wanzhang, at this moment, their teeth are stumbling, and the soles of their feet are cold. How dare they step into Wanzhang?

Even if there are a few old monsters with fourfold Vientiane cultivation hidden in the crowd, they dare not come forward.

Therefore, under the gaze of 100,000 eyes, Su Yu stood in the dead zone, and if no one turned on the teleportation array.

The space vibration was launched again, and it only took five breaths to transmit it away from Kyushu.

At this moment, everyone is trembling, no one dares to stop.

They dare not, they dare.

"Kill my people in Zhongzhou, do you want to leave now?"

The eyes of reincarnation above their heads couldn't help them.

Su Yu glanced at her eyes, glanced deep into the clouds, inconveniently appeared to the public, and said indifferently: "You can try to stop, if you are not afraid of death."

The combination of time fixation and the big picture of the sun and the immortal of the day, to kill the top Vientiane strong, if the cooperation is good, the timing is appropriate, may not be successful.

The three old domain owners really have the courage to take a shot, and have already done so. How can they still threaten with words now?

I'm afraid they will also ride a tiger, but if they don't show up, they will be afraid of the king of Zhongzhou.

"Sin barrier, you can't catch it without hand?" Sure enough, they just scolded, but really didn't dare to get too close. The encounter of the nine deaths of the Tiandao domain master, You Xin's body lying on the ground, made them feel shocked.

They didn't want to fight with Su Yu, but they had to pretend to be normal. In fact, it was them who wanted Su Yu to leave immediately.

Four interest rates remain.

Su Yu is counting silently, and the three old domain owners are also counting silently.

The owner of Tiandao Yu froze, and could not help yelling: "Three old things that are greedy for life!"

The old domain owner who has lived for thousands of years is more thorough than the sky sword domain owner. What is the most important thing in the world? Gongfa, elixir, opportunity?

No, it's fate!

Now that they have reached the peak of Vientiane, the King of Zhongzhou himself is just a dust fairy, and cannot give them the opportunity to become a dust fairy.

So, why should they use their lives in exchange for the reward of King Zhongzhou?

Seeing this scene, the owner of the Tiandao domain was so annoyed that it had been known for a long time that he should not tell the truth.

Therefore, a very weird scene appears.

Three prestigious old domain masters in Zhongzhou City stood in front of Su Yu with indignant threats, while Su Yu's two ears seemed to close half of the gate, just squinting and not saying a word.

There are three interest rates.

Two breaths!

The three old domain owners are all nervous ~ ~ Can't wait to step forward to help him and speed up the operation of the teleportation team.


The three secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, smiled unconsciously and finally threw this difficult potato, whoever wanted to chase him down.


A muffled sound came suddenly.

However, it is not the teleportation team that successfully transmitted, but the teleportation team suddenly disillusioned.

The three looked dumbfounded and couldn't believe staring at Su Yu.

It's not the others who broke the teleportation team, but Su Yu himself!

But seeing his finger point on the teleportation array in front of him, a little lightly, a little bit of infuriation made the immediate formation method stop working.

"Ah, you're finally here." Su Yu's eyes narrowed, Xu Xu opened his eyes, looking to the void above his head.

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