The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1113: Race against time

Su Yu gave a cold glance at the King of Zhongzhou, and under his staring gaze, he opened his mouth and swallowed the whole heart.

"Yeah! Ants!" The king of Zhongzhou was furious, and he worked hard for more than ten years to cultivate the blood of God, and made a wedding dress for people!

However, the King of Zhongzhou had to stop his mouth immediately and was just distracted. The two death daggers in his body quickly flowed into the body. He had to converge and suppress the death dagger with his whole body.

Su Yu also closed her eyes slowly, quietly digesting and repairing the blood of the gods.

Time passed little by little.

Regardless of King Zhongzhou or Su Yu, they are racing against time, one is to dissolve the flow of death in the body, and the other is to refine the blood of God.

Whoever scrambles for the better is better.

Qin Xianer was getting nervous. Xia Jingyu could only calculate the situation that led Su Yu to come. After that, the existence of the Sanjiu disaster disturbed the speculation and she could not see the future.

In the end, Su Yu is alive or dead, unpredictable.

They desperately chose to be here to fight the King of Zhongzhou in this adventurous way, and the results were unpredictable.

Half a day passed.

Wang Zhongzhou stabilized the outbreak of death and was gradually pushing it out of his body.

The spiritual blood of Su Yu's body also showed signs of merging with Su Yu.

The two are comparable, and who will take the lead first can't be determined at all.

Qin Xianer snuggled up next to Su Yu, her little hand pressed against her chest, her lips twitched, and her eyes staring at Su Yu were extremely firm.

It's been half a day.

The ninth and final day of the robbery.

The King of Zhongzhou has forced 30% of the death airflow, and then 30% of the death airflow, it is reliably repaired to forcibly suppress the other 40% airflow, and began to shoot.

And Su Yu has refined 30% of the blood, and the blood of Xiushen has begun to play a role.

He stayed in the cultivation of Jiupin Feixian, just like a weed grows wildly. In one day, he has broken through the realm of God and reached the level of Liupin, but it is far from enough.

If you give Su Yu half a day, it should be enough, but now.

Half a day, finally passed.

Only half a day before the robbery broke out.

The king of Zhongzhou has been able to act reluctantly, and the death air in his body has forced nearly 60%.

He could immediately release a line of dust fairy power, kill Su Yu, and rush before the blood of Xiu Shen was completely merged.

And Su Yu, Xiuwei Kankan skyrocketing to the level of Vientiane, there is still a big realm from the top of the dust fairy.

Seeing that nothing could be done, Qin Xianer gritted his teeth, holding Su Yu's waist, broke away, and at the same time he suddenly said: "Brother Su Yu, continue to lotus, leave the rest to me! We still have a later hand."

Half an hour later, Qin Xianer's cottage.

She raised her palm and shattered the cottage, but there was a teleportation array that was already prepared under the cottage, and it was an extremely rare super-transportation array, enough to span an entire state.

Although Su Yu was practicing, she was also able to perceive the external environment and was surprised.

With them both, how to arrange a super teleport array?

Arranging this array requires not only masters of spatial arrays who are proficient in spatial calculations, but also huge resources, at least the foundation of the state king, to arrange a super teleportation array.

"Sister Jingyu negotiated with me. In the event of a defeat, you can leave the back road. This teleportation array was arranged by Sister Jingyu. She read all the books on space array methods in the world, and after half a year of research, she suddenly became a master of space array methods. "Qin Xianer said with envy.

she was? Su Yu relieved, there is probably nothing that can hardly get her in everything between heaven and earth.

"Can arrange the formation method need huge resources? How did she obtain the resources?" Su Yu wondered, Zhenlong City was almost unable to gain a foothold. Where can I find so many resources?

Qin Xian'er said, "Isn't it easy? Just dismantle the legacy of the god-level teleportation array."

"We decided to settle here when we found the remaining ruins here. Later, we found that this ruin was originally a barren god-level teleportation array. After the efforts of Sister Jingyu, we restored some functions and were able to teleport several times. Excessive materials, sister Jingyu used to set up this super teleport array. "

Su Yu was surprised, who was in the middle of the mountain and the god-level teleportation team connected to it? What is the intention?

Looking back at the mountain belly, the skeletal Frost Dragon who had been lying quietly for a long time, Su Yu was full of doubts.

"Brother Su Yu, let's go. The King of Zhongzhou should be here soon." Qin Xianer took Su Yu out of the formation and quickly teleported away.

Half an hour later, Zhongzhou King's speed and stature slowly arrived here, staring at the already dark formation, secretly angry, and the formation on the other side had been destroyed.

Su Yu escaped again!

"Stinger ants! Traitor! The king wants you to die for life!" Zhongzhou Wang swept his eyes, turned and shot at Yushouzhou.

The state is deserted and uninhabited, and it has become a ghost, because the sudden arrival of Linchen Chen has caused most of the forces to leave the property too late to clean it up.

Because of this, many teleportation arrays have been retained.

Near the gate of the Holy Spirit Beast, a teleportation array hidden in an abandoned valley, suddenly shining brightly, out of Qin Xianer.

Her small body, holding Su Yu's waist in one hand and holding his arm in one hand, struggling to lift him out of the formation.

"Brother Su Yu, rest assured, you will refining with peace of mind, unless Xianer is dead, you will not let go of you." Qin Xianer wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, and helped Su Yu slowly climb up to the gate of the Holy Spirit Royal Beast.

After experiencing the matter of Linlang Chenxian, the Holy Spirit Beast Gate has long been reduced to silence. No one will come here except the lonely ghost and ghost.

Qin Xianer supported Su Yu with difficulty and rushed to the teleportation formation in the martial arts. His face was happy: "Sure enough, it was the same as half a year ago, and it was not seriously damaged."

Half a year ago, when Lin Langchen was ravaging Yuju Prefecture, she and Xia Jingyu came to the place at the most dangerous time and set up a teleportation array in the valley ...

Su Yu was speechless, and her heart was full of warmth.

Because of their clever arrangements, nowadays they want to borrow the abandoned teleportation array here, which is very convenient and no one will obstruct it.

If the rest of the states are changed, I am afraid no one would dare to disobey the king of the state, and allow Su Yu to use the teleportation array.

Qin Xianer carefully put Su Yu down, Qian Ying folded, and bent down to check the teleportation array, with a little worry: "This super teleportation array, in theory, can be teleported to any super transmission array on the mainland, but because of the fear of Lin Lang Dust Fairy used this teleportation array to reach their area, so most of the other end of the teleportation array was closed, and now there is one place left to go, I just don't know where to go. "

After the inspection, Qin Xianer sat beside Su Yu like a little white rabbit, staring smartly around him, feeling extra nervous.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt a ray of anxiety in her heart, distracted: "He is coming soon!"

It was only half an hour's journey, but the king of Zhongzhou spent two hours, and his strength was indeed overwhelmed.

Qin Xian'er had been prepared for a long time. He lifted Su Yu with a hoe, and placed a spar in the formation, and quickly entered the teleportation state.

When the Zhongzhou King arrived, they had already teleported away.

However, staring at the teleportation array located at the gate of the Holy Spirit Royal Beast, the king of Zhongzhou showed a gloomy expression: "You also don't want to think about how the Linchen Dust that was besieged by the kings of the five states six months ago evaporated."

call out

He tore the void in one hand, dozens of times faster than before, and his strength was quickly recovering.


With a muffled sound, Qin Xianer and Su Yu appeared in a dark underground chamber.

Just when I was young, my breath was breathtaking. Opening my eyes, there were corpses that had lost their heart and soul.

Su Yu only took a look, and her heart sank abruptly: "Here is ... underground in the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace!"

Isn't this the place where Lin Langchen hides? These bodies are enough to illustrate the problem.

Qin Xianer listened and was taken aback: "What, Zhongzhou Palace? How come we are here?"

"It's my intention." Su Yu's face was a little heavy, and he dared to open up the formation to accommodate Lin Chen, who else besides King Zhongzhou?

The only one left, the matrix formation that is opened, must be Zhongzhou, and it is the palace!

"Then let's run away. This is the old nest of King of Zhongzhou, who knows how many masters have been left." Qin Xian'er was full of anxiety. It didn't matter if she died.

Su Yu waved his hand: "It's too late, fight for it. If my guess is correct, there should be a chance."

After speaking, Su Yu immediately refined the blood of spiritual cultivation in his body.

Now 80% has been refined, Xiuwei temporarily soared to the realm of dust fairyland, there is still some distance from the peak.

And he needs two and a half hours.

It was two and a half hours before the robbery broke out.

Whether you can survive the robbery depends on these last two and a half hours.

Perhaps it was the life and death crisis of Su Yu. At the moment, Jiulong Shending also poured out the blood of God. With this help of blood, Su Yu's refining speed was 10% faster.

A delight in Su Yu's heart, so a tea time!

Time passed little by little, and an hour passed, Su Yu refined 90%, and repaired to cross the second realm of the dust fairy.

Two miles away from the peak.

Another hour passed, Su Yu refined ninety-five percent, and Xiu reached the third realm of the dust fairy.

With the last half remaining, you can fully integrate the blood of spiritual cultivation.

It's too late, and despite the constant flow of God's blood from the God of Kowloon, there is still a tea time left.

And Su Yu can already feel the uneasiness in her heart.

King of Zhongzhou, come soon!

Is it going to fail? It ’s just ~ ~ Just when Su Yu was anxious, a lazy weird laughter came to her mind: "Hey, boy, you have today, too, and you will be braided soon. Is it a flower or a flower? Oh, no, your kid is the most vicious and will not let me go out when I die. In this way, shouldn't I be buried with you? "

Speaking, Su Yu's eyes actually showed reincarnation ripples. A pure divine power flowed out of her eyes and merged into Su Yu's body.

Suddenly, the speed of refining and repairing the blood of God was ten times faster!

This, is this the power of the evil god? Su Yu was secretly surprised. When did he recover to such a point that the divine power could penetrate the soul space?

In other words, soul space can't control this evil **** at all!

But now there is no time to think about this, the king of Zhongzhou is already here!

Tomorrow evening between 8:30 and 9:30, open more.

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