The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1124: Goodbye tree god

Su Yu did not pretend, she said concisely: "How many people are there in the Eastern family?"

The black dust fairy showed a tragic face: "There are only a few thousand people left."

Although the Teleportation Array had been used to escape thousands of people, but more than half of the tribes lost their power because of the excessive power of the deities, and eventually left only thousands.

"Elders don't have to worry. Please call up the remaining clan members and prepare to leave Kyushu Dongfu with me a few days later. I believe that if the distance is too long, the curse effect will be weakened accordingly, and the quiet and prosperous life should be able to restore the peak of the Eastern family.

The old man was surprised, and Su Yu was willing to take them away!

"Here, this great grace, why does my family in the East think of it?" Bai Chen looked at the Oriental Moon in shy words behind her eyes, but secretly sighed, if it was possible to marry Su Yu before, now, what about Yue Er? Deserve him? It is not feasible to have the wife's room beside him.

Suddenly, White Dust Fairy caught a glimpse of the Five Elements Mountain behind them, and Black Dust Fairy noticed.

The two looked at each other and bowed their heads slightly. They have not studied the mountain for many years, and the power of the Five Elements has not been of much use to them. Instead, it was Su Yu who practiced in the mountain's belly and looked very helpful to him.

Together, the two were perfect to send this out.

"Su Yu, the Five Elements Mountain has nothing to do with our Eastern family, which is beneficial to your cultivation. This mountain represents it to you on behalf of the Eastern family, and I hope you will not quit."

Of course, Su Yu will not renounce the snowy forest (the legendary fan of Lu Xiaofeng)! The Five Elements Mountain is useless to them, but it is a treasure to Su Yu!

With some humility, Su Yu got the Wuxing Mountain beautifully.

Although this mountain is not shrinkable, it can be included in Jiubi Lingzhu, saving a lot of trouble.

Looking at Su Yu taking this mountain away, the black and white dust fairy was taken aback. The mountain could not be accommodated in any space at all, even the space created by their dust fairy.

"This son has even the world of the caves that he has with him. What other treasures does he see? Our Five Elements Mountain, I'm afraid he just accepted it?" Thinking of Su Yu's resignation, they smiled bitterly. , That is Su Yu really quitting ...

The Oriental family settled.

Next, there are the Master Zhuanxian Ya and the Bronze Man.

After thinking about it, Su Yu used the god-level teleportation array and came to the far north.

On a cliff that was sticking into the clouds, Su Yu saw the Lord of the Immortal Cliff that was being wounded.

"I didn't think you really succeeded. It seems that my business is not losing money." Master Zhuanxianya laughed.

Su Yu came, of course, to fulfill his promise.

If it is said that people are the ones who helped him the most, Duanxian Yazhu can take the lead.

Without this King of Darkness, who had been entangled in the King of Zhongzhou for five days, I am afraid that history would have been rewritten.

"After six days, come to the ruins of Zhongzhou City and board the ship at that time."

Hearing that, the owner of Duanxianya showed excitement and sighed with regret: "Finally, I can leave Kyushu Dongfu."

Su Yu caught a trace of hatred, faintly flashing through his pupils.

It seems that the master of Xianxian Ya came to Kyushu, which is not so simple.

"Well, that's goodbye," Su Yu said.

Broken fairy lord summoned: "Wait, I have picked up Wuxi. Would you like to meet?"

little devil? Su Yu smiled softly: "Have she been taken back from the ancient wicked forest? Are you not scolding me?"

That day I left the little devil in the bad ancient forest, and said that she would pick her up after finishing the work. Who knows how things will develop to this day, almost forgot her almost. With the temperament of this little aunt and grandma, I ’m afraid I ’m going to hate my teeth .

"Er ... little girl, en, little girl just carved a sign with your name written on it, and then prayed every day, yes, it's prayer." Lord Zhuanxianya smiled reluctantly.

Su Yu drew the corner of her mouth: "Is that a spiritual bit? Is she cursing me?"

Suddenly, Su Yu thought for a moment that he took out Lin Langxian's staff, which was covered with cracks. He could only cast it once and it would be completely discarded.

"This is the wonderful fairy rod that she promised for no evil at first, hoping to help her dispel the potency of the immortal grass."

The head of Duanxianya shone, Xinxin took over: "Thank you Su Gongzi, hoping to be effective for the little girl."

In fact, he didn't know why he wanted to use this medicine to relieve the elixir of immortality. It was by no means an immortal, but it might not be completely useless. He could still try out the country and feed the pigs.

"Farewell then." Su Yu tore through the void.

The next moment, Su Yu came to the ancient bad forest and appeared directly in the valley.

Yinmu immediately rushed over and was worried that it was the invasion of foreign enemies and found that it was Su Yu, could not help saying: "You cultivate to the peak of the dust fairy so quickly? Incredible, incredible!"

With a stubborn look on his face, he tried to make a look of surprise, which was extremely funny.

The news of the barren ancient evil forest is closed, and it is unknown what happened outside these days.

"I want to see the tree god. I don't know if I can help her with my current practice." Su Yudao, who was only a small flying fairy, is now the top dust fairy, and I wonder if I can shake the handle The spear that the evil spirit gathers.

Yinmu nodded gladly.

Once again came to the underground magma, a small golden tree growing in the magma.

The arrival of Su Yu immediately awakened the soul of the tree **** left on the small tree, but with Su Yu's current knowledge, it should be called the first-line **** source left by the tree god.

"Open the divine realm." Su Yu said.

Opening a pair of eyes on the small tree, it was discovered that Su Yu had arrived, showing joy: "Hundreds of years, or thousands of years? Have you cultivated this way?"

He fell asleep, not knowing how time passed.

Su Yu smiled bitterly, silent, waiting for the divine realm to open, and immediately entered it.

Still as it was then, a beautiful young girl with a delicate body covered with a thin layer of green veil sits on the throne and sleeps peacefully and sweetly.

On the abdomen, a halberd full of evil spirits is inserted into its abdomen and will be worn back and forth.

Under Su Yu's current vision, he can clearly perceive that the evil spirit is densely packed in the tree god's body. Fortunately, the divine source in the tree god's body continuously generates divine power to resist this evil spirit.

This evil spirit is a god-level power. The galaxy star sand has no instrumental spirit and exerts less than one tenth of its power. It cannot absorb the evil spirit.

Only by external force, forcibly remove the diseased halberd.

Su Yu stepped forward, grasping the halberd, and the evil spirit on the halberd immediately rolled over, and rushed into Su Yu's body.

Su Yu didn't dare to care about her. She condensed the power of the Dust Fairy to guard against death, and encouraged to block the evil spirit, but it could not be blocked for too long!

Holding the halberd tightly, Su Yu drew her five fingers and suddenly pulled out.

噗嗤 ——

With a muffled sound, the halberd was pulled out partly.

This is a long halberd that wears the body of the tree god, and only a part of it is still inserted into the abdomen.

On the side of the tree **** god source, he was pleasantly surprised: "Come out, come out!"

Su Yu was speechless for a while, but she wasn't giving birth!

However, when Su Yu tried to pull it out again, the halberd was still motionless, making it harder to pull it out.

"Shenglang ... It's been a long time since I saw the autumn and warm weather." Suddenly, a misty voice came from the girl. She was still asleep, but she could make a sound.

The tree **** is awake!

Compared with the previous one on and off, the Tree God spoke very smoothly this time, showing that the consciousness was fully awake!

Finally, those eyes that closed for an unknown number of years, opened slowly after a tremor.

It was a pair of beautiful emerald pupils, shining brightly.

With a fresh and beautiful face, it gives people an inexplicable breath of life. Just looking at those eyes, I feel the haze in my heart is gone.

Su Yu knows that this is the Shinto breath that the gods inadvertently emit, which can easily affect the perception of others, and immediately protects the whole body with the power of the dust fairy.

"Finally seeing you, Juvenile Lang." The girl began to speak slowly, her voice sweet, like a bamboo.

She opened her bright eyes and looked at Su Yu, with a tender smile like water on the corner of her mouth: "It turned out that you were like this. The last time you awakened, you couldn't perceive the specific situation of the outside world. So after falling asleep, I kept thinking, you are What kind of person, what race, what it looks like. "

Su Yu dare not look directly into her eyes, and said lightly: "Disappoint the tree god."

"No, from the perspective of God, the shape is very beautiful, I like it very much." The tree **** applauded.

Su Yuwei 囧 ~ ~ This tree **** is quite straightforward and thought: "The mainland will move, and the Kyushu Dongfu will soon be deserted. I ’m here to let you know in advance. I will take you and you six days later. Of the tribe boarded the ship, entered the galaxy world, and left this place, well, if you would leave. "

The tree god's white fingers rubbed his temples and said, "So, I feel that in sleep, someone has touched the ground vein of Kyushu mainland. It turned out to migrate the whole continent. So, do I want to be homeless?"

When she spoke, a pair of green eyes looked at Su Yu brilliantly.

To be honest, the last thing Su Yu wanted was to bring the tree **** into Jiubi Lingzhu.

Based on the perception of the tree god, I am afraid that Tai Shang Xi Di cannot hide her, but as a wooden god, I am afraid of Tai Shi Shang Di Tu, there is an irresistible temptation, maybe she will do something to change Jiu Bi Ling Zhu It is entirely possible to believe that it is yours.

As a god, shouldn't she be so shameless?

Besides, the halberds in her abdomen were not taken out, and she should not be too brazen.

"Uh ... the juniors have a small cave world. I don't know if the tree gods and people are willing to accommodate ..."

"I'm willing!" The tree **** thought without thinking about Su Yu, and groaned with a smile: "Where you want me to go, I will!"

Looking at the tree **** who did not know the modesty and politeness, Su Yu retracted the polite words to her mouth, and intuitively told Su Yu that this tree **** had a mindset that did not match his temperament.

"Okay, but my Dongfu world is relatively small, I'm afraid I can't accommodate so many ethnic groups, and I can't accommodate the tree **** ..."

"It's all right!" The tree **** waved his hand, if it wasn't nailed to the throne, he thought he would stand up and point to the mountains and rivers: "We are so familiar with the trivial matters, leave them to me. meeting."

I'm not familiar with you! ()

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