The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1137: Super battleship

"Who are you? Why are you on this boat?" He Jinghong's mind roared.

The man knelt on the ground and shivered and said, "Two months ago, there was a handsome young man with silver hair, who said that he had a fortune to do, and as soon as it was done, he would give me one hundred **** coins, and in advance Ten advances! "

"He asked me to wear such a mask and go to Xinghe to pick up someone. I just received his signal and I set off. The adults of the crane **** family, small, small, really don't know where to offend you! "

He Jinghong's mask creaked, his face embarrassed.

The rest of the crane **** family is also calm.

They were all fooled! !!

Just two months ago, Su Yu was planning!

This is not Su Yu. So, where is the real Su Yu?

On the shore, the disguised old man looked at Su Yu surrounded by groups, I do n’t know the details, but only said that Su Yu was caught, playing with another purse in the palm of his hand, and he laughed: “Why you can only collect money with both hands One hand? Alien, don't blame me? Who is too little for such a good thing as money? "

However, as soon as the voice fell, an indifferent voice pierced into the ear: "Sometimes it's fatal to stretch out one more hand."

The disguised old man had no time to see a silver-haired handsome face with a cold smile, and then his eyes were black and his soul was destroyed.

Su Yu picked up the two pockets on the ground, looked at it, and looked at the scene of confrontation in Xinghe. His corner of the mouth ticked away and went in the other direction.

There, there is also a quiet drifting little **** bone ship, on which sits a mysterious man with a black cloak.

When Su Yu stepped onto the ship, the man in the cape lifted off his cover, revealing a beautiful woman.

"The master of the black market is really unreliable. Fortunately, you have two hands to prepare, build a ship brightly, lead the enemy away, and secretly let me prepare another ship." Who is the beautiful woman in front of you, not Jian Wusheng?

The ship she prepared was the real back-hand of Su Yu.

As for the boat that was secretly prepared for swimming in the mountains and waters, Su Yu did not think that a family of gods would not have smart people and would not see his purpose of swimming in mountains and rivers.

So the boat he prepared was a bait.

Arranging Jian Wusheng to do is also preparing a **** bone boat.

When everyone's eyes are focused on him, who will pay attention to Jian Wusheng who has never appeared?

"Let's sail, they will react soon." Su Yu said.

A small god-boned ship, like a flat boat, sails silently into the dark galaxy.

In the secret room of the Baotong Trading House, Yangtai listened to the elders' news and reported the situation on the scene.

"Back to the young master, everything is as expected by the young master. He left the **** bone ship not long after he was surrounded by the eight **** bone ship regiments already ambushed by the crane **** family. It seems that the crane **** family has already seen When he was secretly preparing for the movement of the bone ship, he bought the blacksmith's craftsman. "

Yang Tai had a faint confident smile on his face and commented: "Hey, smart man, there is such a problem. If you look down on others, you look at yourself. Oh, you do n’t need to worry about coming back ..."

"Wait!" Suddenly the old man on the other side said, "Young Master, it seems that the situation is not right! They were brought back ... not the kid!"

"Wait!" The old man was surprised again. "They found the body of the black market refiner. Nothing else was lost on them, but it seems that two bags of God coins were lost!"

"Young Master, please indicate!"

"Young Master ... Young Master, are you there?"

There was still a faint smile on Yang Tai's face, but the smile was completely frozen, and even his confidence was gone.

After a while, Yangtai inhaled, "He, um, he, I will go by myself!"

Somehow, Yang Tai was in a bad mood. He liked smart people, but he didn't like someone as smart as him.

Because of this, it makes him feel that he cannot control this person.

When he came to the port, the people of the crane **** family were still arguing on the shore. They were discussing fiercely where to find Su Yu.

Yang Tai stared at the corpse of the refiner lying on the ground, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and said for a moment: "Okay, then I will test you!"

"Go tell them that Su Yu ... entered the Xinghe! Direction, southwest." In Yangtai's speculation, Su Yu was throwing a bait, not hitting the west.

Now that the fish is on the hook, Su Yu must have left.

As for the direction, to avoid the eyes and ears of the crane **** family, it is bound to head southwest.

The old man paused, and secretly seduced a porter of Baotong Company to inform them that he saw a silver-haired young man kill the black market refiner, and then fled southwest.

The crane **** world is getting into trouble with this matter. Hearing the information will be doubtful, and after thinking about it, it is very likely.

Half of them left searching and the other half chased southwest.

The old man wondered: "Young Master, why are you doing this?"

The young master who is also very interested in Su Yu, why suddenly helped the crane **** family to deal with Su Yu?

Without the guidance of the young master, I am afraid that the crane **** family will need a lot of work to understand the key.

Yang Tai said lightly: "Nothing, test him."

The old man on the side, but faintly felt, the young master seemed to be secretly competing with Su Yu.

Su Yu's **** bone ship wandered all the way in the endless galaxy.

Behind them, they can't see the concrete appearance of the continent, they can only see a bright and bright light.

"We seem to be out of sleep." Jian Wusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yu shook her head: "Before the end, don't be careless."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Wusheng suddenly looked behind him, his face slightly changed: "I'm afraid you're right!"

I saw four Bone Ships behind them, quickly chasing after them.

Vaguely, one figure standing with the seal of the crane **** stood on the bow of the ship.

Su Yu sighed softly: "The clever family of gods has emerged, and it's a little unexpected to catch up with us so soon."

However, there was not much panic on Su Yu's face, and he calmly said, "We are also speeding forward, the target is north."

He Ruchu, who stayed on the shore, suddenly received a message from his brother He Jinghong: "Follow up quickly and find them, heading southwest!"

Hearing that the crane was like a young chicken pecking rice, and immediately led the people on the shore to catch up.

Yang Tai's face smiled again with a confident smile, as if everything was under his control.

"Wait, he changed course, right north, you block in the north!" He Jinghong roared excitedly at the other end.

Yang Tai's smile faded and he lost his thoughts. True north, why did he turn suddenly?

Turning rashly is greatly detrimental to his escape, because True North is a straight direction for He Ruchu and it is very easy to be blocked by He Ruchu.

"Get a boat, let's follow it up." Yang Tai was more vigorous and determined.

The old man sighed, but was unable to disobey the young master, and soon found an excellent god-boned ship and headed north.


In the Xinghe, the four **** bone ships chased one **** bone ship frantically, biting each other.

He Jinghong seemed to be a hunter for a long time, and the hunter who was about to catch his prey laughed loudly: "Where can you escape?"

escape? There was a smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

Half a day later, when the two ships were very close, and four warships were about to surround them, from the south, they finally rushed to the other four crane-bone ships.

With the eight ships encircling, Su Yu could not escape.

He Jinghong sneered, catching this person was a great achievement.

However, there is no small regret in his heart, what if he killed his sister He Xianran? Without a younger sister, this great work will be more precious.

Crane Ruchu still looks awkward and sends out a pig-like voice, leading the clan to block Su Yu.

The two sides surrounded and Su Yu was about to be surrounded.

In the distance, Yangtai quietly looked at this scene, showing a victorious smile.

Suddenly, a loud bang came, and then, a **** bone ship around He Jinghong was suddenly overwhelmed as if it were a sudden force, and a ship of the crane **** family fell into Xinghe.

The beast hidden in the galaxy flew immediately, and the strong men of the three crane **** families were swallowed up immediately without any bones!

The rest of the people climbed into the other little **** bone ship with fear.

However, it has not stood still. Suddenly, another **** bone ship was blown up!

This time, they responded in time so as not to cause tragic casualties.

Inexplicable panic, covering their hearts like weeds, where is the thrill of catching up with Su Yu?

He Jinghong stared into the distance, and in a nebula, a behemoth was faintly hidden!

As the nebula broke open, a behemoth appeared in front of them, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

It's a brand new, dark ship, and a battleship for battle!

On each side of the warship were a hundred darkened entrances.

In a hole, a trace of smoke and dust remained.

He Jinghong's pupils shrank into a needle, and her feet were cold!

This kind of warship is a terrible giant in the galaxy. Unless the gods are there, everyone will be cannon fodder.

For the galaxy that can't accommodate the physical body to cross, only the battleship of the ship can decide the victory.

Of course, there are warships in the crane **** family, but who would think of chasing a small alien with a warship!

In the face of such a behemoth ~ ~ Mo said that they were eight unarmed little **** bone vessels, that is, eighty, and they would be destroyed by the entire army!

In the distance, Yang Tai looked calm and shook his palm.

Su Yu prepared not one boat or two, but three ...

And, the third one was a warship he hadn't expected!

He remembered the information, and Su Yu obtained a huge amount of **** coins that made ten small **** bone ships.

Now it seems that the first two are under the guise, and the last warship is the real purpose of Su Yu!

Where did he flee? He was obviously seducing the crane **** family, ready to wipe them out!

Ridiculously, he pointed at the crane **** family and stepped into the trap set by Su Yu!

This feeling of losing on Zhilue made him particularly unhappy.

Su Yu took a calm look, the little **** bone boat ran across them centrally, the crane **** family was aimed at by a hundred guns, but he didn't dare to move.

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