The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 111: Bury the sea forever

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The **** hand sneered: \ "On water, my pirates practice water attribute skills all year round, proficient in water warfare, and you choose to enter the water, you are looking for your own way!"

\ "Four Seas Youlong!" Bloody hand coldly sang.

After jumping into the water, his legs crossed and swayed like a dragon's tail.


Rolling water waves around **** hands.

The rapids are turbulent and the sound is rapid.

Its speed is soaring, even three points faster than in the air!

\ "Choose to fight in the water, is your most stupid decision! \" Blood and water are so fast that they catch up with Su Yu in an instant.

嗤 啦 ——

A single palm strikes, wrapped in a powerful stream of water, penetrates everything, and bombards Su Yu!


However, a scene that slightly changed the face of Blood Water appeared!

The sea water behind Su Yu was suddenly frozen into an iceberg!

Blood and water caught off guard, a palm hit the iceberg, and if it hit the copper wall and the iron wall.

Severe pain in the palms and cracked phalanges!

At the same time, the force of the counter-shock caused the blood and water to tremble and spit, causing a spit of blood, and the body flew down a few meters.

\ "This is ... the artifact of the ancient kingdom of ice **** !! You ... you can actually use it!" "Blood and water was scared, and immediately thought of such a weird scene, it is very likely that it is the ancient artifact of the ancient city of ice god.

The fleeing Su Yu did not know when he had turned around, and the ice **** ring in his hand exudes a cold awn.

Against the cold face of Su Yu, it is extremely cold.

There was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and it seemed ruthless in the cold water at the moment.

\ "Water is my world of Su Yu! The moment you choose to go to the sea, you are destined to end! \" Su Yu smiled calmly, looking calm and confident.

Floating silver hair, refracting a faint silver light in the clear sea.

Like a fairy purple dress, it drifts slightly with the current.

He was brilliant and beautiful.

Suddenly, the **** hand seemed to see a King of Ice God, looking down at him indifferently!


Having ice **** silk is equivalent to having the power of the ancient king of the ice **** that year!

In the water, it is the ice **** world!

Su Yu is the King of Ice God!



Bloodwater retreated madly and was about to burst out of the water.

But he glanced at Yu Guang, and his pupils shrank, and he found that, when I didn't know when, a transparent and crystal silk thread drifted in the sea and passed him by.

Do not!

Not one!

Looking down, there are ten, hundreds, thousands! !!

Dense lines of silk, around him, shaped like a giant net!

Silk and seawater blend into one, the color is transparent, and it is extremely difficult to detect!

He only chased Su Yu all the way, never guarding against Su Yu setting up a trap.

At this moment, he unknowingly fell into the other party's huge net!

\ "Icebound world! \" Su Yu's silver hair fluttering, dancing in purple, just like the ancient **** king, indifferently announced the demise of the world!

Ka Ka Ka Ka-

The sea is frozen and the Quartet world is frozen!


The **** hands roared again and again, the silk threads around them shot the cold and cold air together.

Seal the seawater with him into the frozen world!

Its face, which remained in a state of fear, was sealed in the iceberg!

Looking into the distance, an iceberg emerges from the bottom of the ocean, and inside it is frozen.

However, a touch of aura on the first floor flows around the frozen person.

He is not dead!

嗖 ——

Su Yufei flew out of the sea and crossed in emptiness.

With a flash of light, Su Yu drank a low voice, and her palm clenched suddenly: \ "Break! \"

嗤 啦 ——

I saw countless ice goddesses that lifted the huge iceberg out of the water.

Iron ice is cut into the iceberg, and a piece of wire is buckled into the iceberg. With the strength of Su Yu's palm, such as the mesh wire, tighten together!


Ice God Silk, cut the iceberg from the inside out!

In the frozen eyes of the **** hand, the cohesion was deeply frightened.

This is also his last look in this life!


The iceberg shattered countless small pieces, and the frozen people were cut into dust together!

嗖 ——

At the tip of Su Yu's eyes, Bingshen Silk rolled his jade card back.

The first peak of the generation of the Holy King, frozen and perished!

Su Yu's own strength is at most comparable to Dacheng's first-order holy king.

However, with the help of the ancient artifact of the ice god, in the sea, it is like a fish.

Inventory the jade card.

Ten holy kings in half steps, totaling ten.

Xiaocheng Shengwang has five ranks, a total of fifty.

The Dacheng Saint King has one order, a total of twenty people.

The peak holy king is one order, totaling thirty points!

Overlay score, one hundred and ten! !!

It's already over a hundred points!

In this way, Su Yu can not only enter the inner door, but also get a rare and precious Chinese Xishui Pill, and get the guidance of a valuable elder!

The owner of the Li family once said that a hundred years ago, Li Guangneng escaped by death, but had an elder intercession.

This time, you can take this opportunity to meet the second elder.

The truth is true, and should be protected by the second elder.

As a result, he is flowing. [,! ] Xianzong, barely stand still.

With joy in his heart, Su Yu carefully put away the jade card.

\ "Oh, good harvest. \"

With a faint smile, it was close to the ear and it sounded softly.


If Su Yu was struck by lightning and stood on the spot, her palms trembled fiercely, almost shaking the jade card.

Actually ... Someone came behind, he didn't notice it! !!

Looking back, a young man in his twenties, standing with his hands on his shoulders, was in the dark.

Full of momentum, convergence is barely exposed, and he looks at it like an ordinary person.

But a terrifying feeling that made Su Yu shudder, like a huge shadow, enveloped Su Yu.

Moreover, Su Yu has an illusion that the other person can crush him with one finger!

Who this person is, no doubt, the leader of the sea robbers!

Among the rumors, the Holy King second-order strong!

Every time the Holy King advances, his strength soars one level.

The second-order strength of the Holy King is far from comparable to the first-order of the Holy King.

\ "Why don't you kill me?" Su Yu said lowly.

Although he is a pirate leader, there is no pirate-specific brutality in his face, but it is light and light: \ "I am not comparable to these dirty pirates. \"

Eh? Why is he so demeaning as a pirate king?

Pouting with a smile, the pirate leader smiled: \ "You flow the fairy ancestors, and let out a few geniuses in this area, but you will lead the snake out of the hole. Would you like to lead me out? Unfortunately ... you will lose the jade pendant that you carry and the fairy ancestors. And it ’s hard to master your location. \ "

\ "The most ridiculous person, they regarded that U Pang Yun as the best disciple, and focused on monitoring his situation secretly. As everyone knows, the real genius is not him, but ... you!" Appreciate deeply.

Looking at Su Yu's eyes, the pirate leader smiled: \ "At the age of fourteen, he realized the inheritance method and was resourceful and not afraid of danger. He defeated the first step of the top king with a half step of the holy king, so it is a pity that he is in the Immortal Sect. \ "

Su Yuranran: \ "What do you mean? \"

The pirate leader smiled: "" The sea robber is just a little pirate I regained. The pirate leader is just a cover up. My true identity is ... the Dark Dynasty Silver Guard! "

\ "I am stationed in the waters near Liuxianzong. The task is to find outstanding disciples for the Dark Dynasty. Of course, your new disciple of Liuxianzong is also within my search scope. I will take them to the Dark Dynasty! \ "

\ "You are immortal, and you realize that I exist, but unfortunately I ca n’t determine my position. It is convenient to use your group of disciples who have no qualifications to exile to my activity site, and then send a master to secretly follow the key target U Pang Yun. Once I show up, take away Wu Pangyun, hide the master secretly, and I will show up and subdue me. \ "

Su Yu relieved, that's it!

As Yun Yan said, the enrollment assessment of this trip has a hidden purpose.

The true genius has long been protected by Liu Xianzong in advance.

For example, U Pang Yun, Su Yu and other chicken rib disciples are used as bait to seduce the pirate leader who robs the disciples of Liu Xianzong.

\ "Fortunately, I didn't look down on Wu Pangyun. Instead, it was you who observed all the way for a long time, but it is a real genius! Understanding, mind, mind, and all are the best!" "Pirate leader, very optimistic about Su Yu, pouting and smiling: \ "Come with me, the dark dynasty is your world! \"

Su Yumu dignified: \ "What if I say one? \"

Xian'er and Jingyu are all going to Xianzong. Seeing that they will meet again, how can he leave?

The pirate leader smiled lightly: \ "Looking at your potential to become my teacher and brother, I will give you two choices. First, die immediately! Those who are not available to my dark dynasty, the rest of the forces, never get it! Second, I ’ll give you a chance to escape. Within half a day, if I can escape from my hands, I am incompetent! \ "

嗖 ——

Su Yu was decisive and abnormal, leaving nothing to escape!

The pirate leader froze slightly, and immediately smiled, his smile deepened: \ "Decisive, good!"

After a cup of tea, Su Yu's energy loss was not small, and he flew a hundred miles away in the case of running away.

One hour, enough to fly out five hundred miles!

\ "It's a bit slow ... hehe ..." A slight smile came from Jiang Baiyu!

Looking intently, the pirate leader stood with his hands up and down, standing in a cloud of mist, with a relaxed look, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and seemed to be waiting for Su Yu for a long time.

So fast! !!

Su Yu's heart is pounding!

嗖 ——

Su Yu immediately changed direction and flew constantly!

However, after a tea!

On the top of the island in front of the mountain, the pirate leader sits leisurely, holding a pot of wine in his hand, slowly tasting, commenting: \ "You need to practice some body skills. \"

Su Yu's body style, floating light, has long been of no use.

Uneasy in my heart, if after half an hour, I still cannot escape.

Either he died, or he entered the inexplicable dark dynasty!

But it's not easy. I will meet Xianer and Jingyu soon. How can I leave again?

Grit your teeth, Su Yu fled!

Finally, half an hour later, Su Yu used up all his time.

In the white clouds above his head, the pirate leader was regretful: \ "It seems that you must make a choice, die, or follow me! \"

Su Yu's eyes are struggling!


噗通 ——

. [,! ]

Su Yu leaned into the water.

\ "Resist? Sorry, you chose death! \" The pirate leader, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, gradually solidified.

Looking down at the waves and the sea, my mouth is cold and playful \ "Want to accompany me in the sea battle? Unfortunately, the artifact of the ancient kingdom of ice god, you only have a trace of fur ... By the way, I have lent it to you for half a month, presumably you have Enough! It's time to take back! Together with your life, take back! \ "


The pirate leader looked cold and entered the sea.

Under water, Su Yu's figure is blurred and visible.

With a faint smile, the pirate leader flicked, a terror of aura, a condensed air flow through the sea, like a sharp arrow across time and space!

A crisis of life and death came suddenly!

Under this finger, Su Yu actually has the illusion of turning into dust!

\ "Icebound world! \" Su Yu whispered, the ice gods buried along the way, and at the same time exuding a terrifying chill!


The sea water, including the pirate leader, instantly freezes into a huge iceberg!

Even if the tricks are re-implemented, it is still difficult to avoid the death ending if the ice **** silk is not noticed!

However, what makes Su Yu's pupils shrink is that within the iceberg, a blaze of flames is burning!

It looks like a flaming red flower, blooming softly in the icy cold ice!

A fire man with a contemptuous smile in the corner of his mouth stands against his hand.

In such freezing cold, the flame can burn! !!

\ "Inheritance exercises !!!" Su Yu took a sigh of relief!

The pirate leader smiled with contempt: \ "I have reminded you long ago, don't compare me with those dirty pirates, it will inherit the exercises, not just you! \"

\ "Extinguish! \" The pirate leader gave a low drink, flames all over his body, splashing all around!



The iceberg shattered!

Countless pieces of broken ice, splashing in all directions!


Su Yu accidentally hit her chest with a piece of crushed ice.

Suddenly, if someone took a hammer and slammed his chest fiercely, making him open his mouth and spit out blood!

At this moment, the pirate leader surrounded by the flames that were difficult to be destroyed by the sea water, came leisurely.

In the light of Su Yu's eyes, the unyielding flames flickered, and the irresistible eyes made the pirate leader slightly surprised.

\ "Before you die, can you tell me why you are so persistent? Since it is a new disciple, Liuxian, you have no sense of belonging, and follow me to the Dark Dynasty. What is the difference? \" Pirate leader, faint.

Under Su Yu's flying silver hair, a pair of eyes that are deeply star-like, filled with a touch of warmth: \ "Because, Liu Xianzong has two of the heaviest people in my life ... One, my fiancee who has been far away, I owe her Lifetime protection! One, is the red face that I respect like a mountain, and I owe her kindness! \ "

\ "They, I must see them! Even if the sea is thousands of miles apart, even if the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, even if ... forever separated from the yin and yang, I must walk to them!" "Su Yu's eyes were firm.

The pirate leader was a little lost, listening to the words of Su, but at this time Su Yu, though humble, was so dazzling, and after a short while, he said coldly: \ "Even if you die? \"

Su Yu nodded, deep in the sea, her eyes were so bright and eye-catching, like a deep-sea pearl.

\ "Yes! Although I don't regret it! \" If you can't accompany Xianer in this life, if you can't repay Xia Jingyu's kindness, he will be permanently lost in his life.

They are the heaviest women in Su Yu's life.

\ "So! I, Su Yu, can't go with you, and can't die here !!" "A ray of silver hair floated over Su Yu's forehead, blocking his absolute expression at this time, but couldn't stop it. Eyes permeated with purple light.

With **** stretched out, Su Yu slowly nodded to the pupil and took off two films.

A pair of closed eyes opened slowly, noble and mysterious purple light, permeating the sky and the earth, shining deep into the sea.

At this moment, time and space seem to freeze, and the world seems to be still.

Only the purple clothes fluttered, only the silver hair flying, and only those distinguished mysterious pupils, spanning time and space!

At this moment, Su Yu, like the **** of space and time, sent a desolate sigh from the depths of time and space: \ "You, bury the sea forever! \"

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