The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1176: Big Thunder Mother

"You are still back." Su Yu smiled helplessly, gave him a group of divine sources to let him leave the vortex as soon as possible, but did not expect that he did not leave, but always followed Su Yu, and rescued Su Yu in an emergency. .

Evil Shinto: "What do you mean? What is it back? I'm just lost and just happened to meet you."

He smiled, and his heart was filled with gratitude. With a wave of his hand, Su Yuyang took out the halberd of the evil evil spirit: "Give it to you, the evil spirit above should be able to play its due role."

The evil **** took the halberd politely and raised his head, saying, "Don't get me wrong, I just watch this dark-skinned guy displeas his eyes, drive him away, and I will leave."

The words fell, the evil **** and the tree **** shot at the same time.

In four months, the evil **** gave the refining power to the group of gods. From the point of view of breath, it should be far from the time to restore the realm of the gods. !!

Luo Shashen's brow frowned, and there was an extra touch of gaze on his face, staring at the evil **** and chanting, "Where are you sacred?"

Obviously there is no realm of gods, but it makes him feel terrified. This feeling is absolutely unusual!

"Kill the God Emperor of Heaven and Earth!" The evil **** grinned, and the dog's paw rushed forward holding the evil evil halberd.

The tree **** also bite a silver tooth and fought side by side with the evil god.

Together, the two recovered the defeat to a great extent.

Although still losing ground and losing to Rakshasa, depending on the situation, it can persist for a short time.

They were in a state of anxiety, and the flash of glory of the **** Liuxian flashed to Su Yu, and he said, "Give me death!"

He could already feel that the gods were coming, and once they arrived, the gods of Liuxian had no chance to shoot again!

Su Yu deliberately penetrated into the belly of the Five Elements Mountain, submerged into the deepest part of the mountain, and reached the dust fairy barrier.

Wuxingshan's powerful five-element force can isolate the will of the gods, so it can avoid the end of being killed by the mind.

The Emperor Liuxian was annoyed, followed closely and rushed into the belly of the mountain. The power of the five elements here did not hinder his deity, and almost reached the deepest point in a short time.

Looking at the isolation barrier in front of him, the **** Liuxian whispered softly: "The strong isolation of the enchantment is not weaker than the enchantment of the tombs of the gods."

What made him slightly mistaken was that Su Yu entered the other side of the enchantment and went deep into the cave.

"Huh, die!" Liuxian Shen scorned Lengheng, taking advantage of the enchantment in front of him, and moved in with the teleportation.

But in the breath, the **** Liuxian chased to the deepest dark place.

At the deepest point, there was a god-level teleportation array that had stopped operating. In the corner of one side of the teleportation group, a cross-legged bone was sitting.

"Remains of the dragon dragon god?" The Liuxian **** was surprised, and there was no dragon dragon monster in the East Gods Union.

Moreover, judging from the breath remaining on the remains, this demon god's strength was not low before his death.

At the same time, he also found Su Yu, who stood in front of the dragon's remains and worshiped respectfully.

"Dead to a dead person? It's ridiculous ..." The Lucian **** sneered, but when he suddenly thought of the gods 'sacrifice, Su Yu also worshipped the tombs of the gods, resulting in the gods' wills in many tombs jumping out of God. Tomb, protecting Su Yu, beating the gods' will of the Book God family.

not good! The God of Liuxian noticed Su Yu's intention, and his face changed.

However, Su Yu has already completed the worship service, looking at the remains in front of her. The power of the bloodline of Sisigangdalei flashes in her body. Although it is an imitation, it is possible to hide the will of the gods.

"Hope I didn't guess wrong." Su Yu secretly.

The Emperor Liuxian suddenly moved, and was not prepared to give Su Yu a chance, a palm of divine power, to destroy Su Yu's vest.

This palm must be gone!


His palm couldn't be photographed, and he was grasped by the dead white hand.

Even if the magic power was wrapped in the palm of the **** of the gods, he could not break the white palm.

From the eyes of the dragon dragon's remains, two turquoise flames were burning, and a faint will of God was looming, looming, attached to the remains, and controlling the remains to pinch the arm of the **** Ryukshin.

"Stop it!" The **** Liuxian gave a loud shout, and the whole body's divine power poured into his arm like a torrent, trying to disperse the wreckage together with the will of the gods.

However, what shocked him was that he grabbed his white bones and only tightened it, so as to subdue his divine power!

"How is that possible?" The **** Liuxian was horrified. The remains of the gods, even if they had the will of the gods, were dead things after all.

For example, the empty line mother, the remains of ancestors of past dynasties, attached to the will of the gods, are far from strong enough to subdue him!

In the perception of the **** Liuxian, this remains is not weaker than the mother of the empty line!

If that's the case, how powerful was the dragon's remains?

"Baby ..." The white dragon's remains are rising slowly, a pair of green eyes are looking at Su Yu deeply, and the gods will express affection, self-blame and emotion.

That is the mother's affection for her long-lost child.

Su Yu showed a shameful expression. Sure enough, the white dragon's remains were indeed the mother of Gang Dalei, so Su Yu could imitate the power of Gang Dalei's bloodline and awaken the gods' will in the remains.

At that time, Jiu Lao picked up a child with a bow head at a site of a teleportation array and raised him.

The site of the teleportation array leads to the hinterland of the Five Elements Mountain.

Su Yu had already speculated for a long time that the identity of the remains might be Gang Dalei's relatives, or more likely her mother.

Judging from the situation at the time, it was clear that this dragon dragon demon could carry Gang Dalei together and escape, but in the end, only Gang Dalei was teleported away, and she left alone to face what.

Now, it seems that the other dragon that was suppressed and died at the foot of the mountain is the Qing Mo Chen dragon.

What kind of person will sacrifice himself for a newborn child?

Except for selfless motherly love, right?

"Sorry, I'm not your child." Su Yu thought, opened the world of Wuta, and summoned Gang Da Lei to this place.

There is still six breaths left before time freezes, enough for their mother and son to meet again.

Gang Dalei appeared, his face blanked: "Brother Su, why are you calling me out ..."

He did not go on, but stared at the bones of the dragon in front of him, whispering, "It seems to have been seen somewhere, so familiar, but why can't I remember?"

He scratched his head, puzzled.

The dragon's remains turned to look at Gang Dalei. The feeling of the true blood connection came, causing the dragon's remains to tremble slightly, and stretched out a bone claw to touch Gang Dalei's head.

Gang Dalei thought about not evading, and intuitively told him that the remains of the dragon dragon's body like him were not malicious.

When the palm of his hand touched his head, Gang Dalei did not know why his body trembled slightly, his eyes were uncontrollably wet.

"Strange, why do you feel kind ... Well, why am I crying? I never thought of crying!" Gang Dalei said strangely.

That was the reaction of the body. Although Gang Da Lei didn't understand it, the body had already reacted.

"Child ..." The will of the dragon dragon's remains made a low call, trembling.

Suddenly, Gang Dalei was shocked, as if he had more information in his head, opened his mouth and was surprised: "Are you my mother?"

She suddenly remembered where the familiar breath came from, which was the breath imprinted in her soul when she was born.

"Poor child ..." The fingers of Chen Long's remains, nodded to Gang Dalei's forehead, transmitting a trace of golden light, it seems to be some kind of inheritance.

Su Yu looked envious, and Gang Dalei actually had a god's mother. Now most of the gods will inherit everything from Gang Dalei to Gang Dalei.

It's really worth throwing goods at the merchandise, people are more angry than people!

The flash of light from the pupils of the Liuxian **** flashed off, while the dragon's remains passed down, he suddenly cut off his arm, and at the same time, swept his mind, and did not forget to take the opportunity to kill Su Yu.

However, the dragon's remains just looked at her indifferently.


The scene that caused Su Yu to take a cool breath, the divine gods did not even escape, and was destroyed on the spot! !!

What exactly is the remains of the dragon? How so terrible? The will of the gods can easily kill the living gods. If it is in the state of resurrection, will it not sweep the East Gods Union?

In his surprise, the dragon's remains were passed down.

Her godly will seemed weaker and almost dissipated.

In the process of inheritance, Gang Dalei closed his eyes slowly, tears, and shouted his mother softly.

As the inheritance ended, he fell asleep.

The dragon's remains turned to look at Su Yu, raised his hand, and the power of the five elements to destroy the dust fairy dispersed here.

"Thank you ... for ... my child" Xiaolong's remains intermittently spoke.

Su Yu said: "I used the feelings of my predecessors to help me destroy the enemy and to bear the gratitude of my predecessors."

The dragon's remains said: "No ... it doesn't matter ... my will before death is to see my child again, to teach him the Shinto of my life, and tell him what happened to him ... but I am **** Will is about to dissipate, and he can't wait for him to return ... "

Su Yuxindao ~ ~ Gang Dalei has grown up in the world of Donglong Dongfu since he was born. How can he return here?

Speaking of which, he did return, that is, after the death, Gang Dalei's remains have come here.

Unfortunately, at that time, only the remains were left, without the power of blood, and the **** will of the dragon's remains was not awakened.

"So ... Thank you very much for bringing him ..." Xiaolong remains said intermittently: "As a thank you, this Five Elements Mountain ... entrusted to you ..."

The brows of Chen Long's remains flew a delicate mark, submerged in Su Yu's forehead.

Su Yu and Mount Wuxing suddenly seemed to have a very close connection.

The black and white dust fairy has studied Wuxingshan for many years and has never refined it. Presumably the reason lies in this mark.

Only this mark can control this mountain.

"Thank you seniors!" Su Yu rejoiced.

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