The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1181: Miserable assembly

After an hour.

In the main cabin, nine gods were darkened.

The Holy Spirit shook a tight and exposed leather coat, belly button, thighs, and even half of his breasts, all exposing his fair skin!

Where is this noble, dignified and elegant holy god? Obviously a charming and wild woman.

Under the watchful eyes of the other eight gods, he was ashamed and angry, and said fiercely, "What are you looking at? Where are you going?"

Baotong Shangshen touched his one-eyed dragon eye mask, and couldn't help laughing: "I've become a one-eyed dragon, haha ​​..."

This is a handsome Shulong Baotong business god. He lost all his vitality. With a tattered dress, he looks like a wicked villain.

"You're fine, are you miserable?" The excalibur behind the sword **** disappeared. Instead, an extra broom was placed on his shoulders, and his shirt was worn like a slave on a ship.

"Haha, is it miserable? Is it miserable for me?" Another goddess smiled nervously, shook her body, and suddenly gave out a pungent body odor, as if she had not bathed for a few months, and her appearance was then put on makeup, Like the demons.

But before being disguised, he was a deer god, a goddess known for his cuteness, and then turned into a fiendish and stinking demon after makeup.

The rest of the gods, if not so, changed the divine temperament, and all became lower-level characters.

"Yo gods, is this a miserable assembly?"

Da da--

At this time, Su Yu walked in, looked at them in costume, and her eyes brightened, admiring: "Black Phoenix, you are doing a good job."

As a killer, he is best at two things: first to kill, second to disguise, how to disguise himself as various characters, Black Phoenix is ​​the best.

With the help of her, the entire warship personnel's temperament was completely reborn, disguised as a dark and inferior character temperament in accordance with the land of God's legacy, so as to avoid being suspected.

The nine gods glared at Su Yu, especially the holy god: "Why don't you disguise?"

At the scene, only Su Yu was dressed brightly, without any disguise, and stood among them like a flock of chickens.

"Haha, of course I don't need to, but I am the owner of this Star River Pirate Ship, the three sons of the Tuoba God Family exiled, Tuoba Yun."

The Tuoba God Family is a **** family of the West God Alliance Alliance family on the other side of the Galaxy.

Three years ago, the Tuoba **** fell unexpectedly, and the three sons and daughters scrambled to fight for the lineage. The grandson won the final victory, the second son was killed, and the third son was unknown. He only knew that he had fallen into the galaxy and has not found Here.

Only Black Phoenix knew that as early as three years ago, she had witnessed the third son Tuobayun being robbed by a group of Star River pirates during a mission. The pirates did not know the identity of Tuobayun.

Therefore, no one knows the life or death of Tuobayun so far.

In this way, Su Yu can generously borrow his identity, and the gods behind him can disguise as Tuobayun's loyal servant.

The entire battleship was disguised as the Star River Pirate Ship, and they also became persecuted and had to become the Tuoba family of the Star River Pirate.

The most indispensable place in the land of the gods is the Star River Pirates. It can be said that more than 90% of the pirates in the Star River use the land of the Gods as their base camp. It is normal for new pirates to visit each day.

"Ren that the book **** is expected to be like a **** again, and he never expected the gods who had been supreme in the past to disguise themselves as robbers." Su Yu smiled with a special sunshine.

The holy **** stared at Su Yu and said in shame, "If your plan fails, the **** will never spare ..."

"Well, it's not enough. My burst queen, you should be more hot, but there should be more style and charm in the hot, so that it fits the image of a woman surrounded by a stinky man all the time." Broke him, interested pointers.

The holy god's forehead was beaten with blue muscles. She regretted taking Su Yu on the boat. Everyone knows that it was Su Yu who took the opportunity to avenge them to take him to board the ship.

Obviously there can be better options!

However, they have to admit that this costume is that they themselves will not think about it.

According to their plan, sneaking into the land of the gods, making a little makeup, and being an ordinary person is the biggest limit. Wherever it is, the temperament has changed dramatically, for fear that their parents and mothers would not recognize it.

Da da--

A brisk trot, accompanied by a soft and weak cry: "Su Yu, I changed it, what do you think ..."

Sheng Yuanxin trot along all the way, his eyes glanced naturally in front of the gods, stopped immediately, exclaimed: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

But looking closely, Shi feels familiar and can't help but open his mouth: "Ah! You are ..."

"Yuanxin, don't say this ..." The Holy Spirit was embarrassed.

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Sheng Yuanxin: "Ah! Su Yu, who is this exposed woman? She is so ashamed to wear the ground ..."


The Holy God turned red and stared at Su Yu in anger, which meant to kill him!

Her father and mother didn't know her. She didn't know, but her daughter didn't know her.

I heard that the gods are funny and bitter.

After returning to God, Sheng Yuanxin's eyes widened: "Are you ... mother?"

After confirming it, Sheng Yuanxin was so hung up and took a breath to choke himself, staring at Su Yu fiercely: "You, you gave my mother ..."

Su Yu squinted her eyes, smiled evilly, and provoked her lightly: "Little beauty, how can you talk to Master Ben? Did you taste Master Ben last night, reluctantly? Don't worry, rest assured The boat will send you to sell for a good price, and there will be a man to make you comfortable. "

Sheng Yuanxin's face was flushed. Her identity was a descendant of the gods captured by Tuobayun, a quasi-beauty little beauty.

Hearing Su Yu's evil ridicule, even if she knew that Su Yu was false, she could not help showing blush, and said softly, "Well, you Su Su, when you return to the East Gods Union, you look good!"

Angrily hit Su Yu's hand, Sheng Yuanxin ran away shyly in a long skirt.

When Su Yu looked back, she felt nine cold rays.

The Holy Spirit calmly said, "I'm fine, well, I'm really fine."

Shang Shen glanced at her and said secretly, why is your fist so tight?

"Cough, Su Yu, you have good acting skills, I hope we will arrive safely on this trip ..." Shang Shen coughed a few times.

Su Yu solemnly said, "Less nonsense! Master Ben entered the land of the gods, so he must have good wine and food, you all go to work, and hang around in front of Master Ben, get out!"

The nine gods clenched their fists together.

The land of the gods, the port.

Shushen and Rakshasa stand in a restaurant, waiting quietly for news from the port.

"A few days ago, their intelligence personnel were active. Presumably they have arrived nearby. Why didn't they show up?" Rakshasa was a little nervous.

The expression of the book is self-confident: "Don't panic. If I infer that they are good, they must choose to lurk in. They will certainly not be too swaggering. There are pirate gods sitting at the port in person, plus nine goddess crossbone crossbows. return."

Hearing the Crossbow of Destruction, Luosha God has a lot of peace of mind. This crossbow has been lost for a long time, and only nine are left in the world.

Once launched, the gods must be hunted and killed endlessly. In the ancient era when the two major alliances just appeared in Xinghe, the crossbow was a killer that made the gods scared.

There were no fewer than a hundred gods who died under the crossbow of the year, and many of them had powerful gods ranked higher.

It is the fourth-ranked Rakshasa god, and he has no confidence in being able to escape the killing of the crossbow.

With this crossbow present, whenever you find the gods, you will kill them.

But Rakshasa is still a little worried: "In case the **** that chased down and chose to hide it, the pirate **** may not be easy to detect?"

"Not just in case, but definitely! With my understanding of the characters of the gods of the East Gods Alliance, they will definitely choose to abandon the ship to enter the land of the gods! Therefore, I have told the pirate gods that they must carry out strict investigations on small ships. ! "

If they cross the galaxy, you can know without doubt, it must be a god.

Because only gods can cross the galaxy!

And in the rest of the land left by God, there are enchantments created by nine gods together. If they break into the rest of the land, they will necessarily attack the enchantment and expose themselves.

So they want to enter the land of the gods, there is only one way, the port!

There is only one way to enter, the boat enters.

After listening to the analysis of the book god, Luosha God completely reassured: "The book **** is thoughtful and it is easy to play the group of gods who are higher than the sky!"

Two days later, a giant warship broke through the nebula and headed directly to the port of God's legacy.

From a long distance you can see the hugeness of the warship.

Divine light flashed over the harbor, a **** covered with divine light emerged quietly, staring at the giant warship with staring eyes: "Only those who can build such a warship, the **** family of the two east and west gods alliance, is it East? The gods of the Divine Alliance, so I do n’t know how to do it, dare to enter the land of God ’s legacy with integrity? ”

"Pirate god, do you want to launch a crossbow of God and break through the warship?" The three quasi-gods below licked his lips, showing excitement.

The pirate **** stared deeply into the warship ~ ~ shaking his head gently: "Wait!"

Close, the warship was clearly visible, but it was not a sign of the East Gods Alliance, but a scarred, warlike ship that had drifted for a long time, and a skull flag was raised on the ship.

Look at the characters on the deck, all of them are fierce and fierce.

"Pirate ship?" The Pirate God stumbled slightly.

Suddenly, a beautifully dressed, handsome young man, shaking a folding fan, groaning and looking at the land in front of him.

The pirate **** watched carefully and didn't let go of any person on the ship, their appearance, manners, expression, and even the eyes were all in their eyes.

As a pirate god, you can see at a glance who has seen all kinds of pirates in the world in disguise.

The pirates in front of them were a little jerky, unlike pirates, with traces of camouflage.

While he was on alert, a younger silver-haired man who was less like a pirate appeared in sight, making the pirate **** slightly hesitant.

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