The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1214: Blood Liwei

?Oh? Su Yu was surprised that she thought that the level of the gods would be very clear about the existence of the Xinghe World. I did not expect that even they knew everything.

In this way, they are even more unaware that there is a group of extremely cruel and inhuman demons in the Devil Realm who are killing outside the Xinghe?

Interesting, the devil world is much more complicated than expected.

After understanding all the information, Su Yu's eyes flashed Huiguang: "The urgent task is the hidden enemy hidden in the world of static rain. They must have heard the news of Gouwa here. Unsurprisingly, they should be rushing towards Pianfan City."

The Puppet Master said, "Please ask the Lord Lord to take His Royal Highness back to Wanghai City as soon as possible. The masters in the city are like clouds, so as to protect His Highness."

"No! Just stay here." Su Yu flashed her eyes.

Qian Jun's face was calm: "Master, don't take care of yourself! Even the demon king, who is very fringe, has been bought. It shows how well the six emperors are prepared. The subordinates are worried that the Emperor Demon Lord and the Green Bull Demon Lord we met may be Only part of them! It is likely that there are more quasi-gods enemies! Puppet territory, there is no strength to protect His Highness and adults. "

The Puppet Lord deeply believed: "He is right. There may be a mid-term quasi-god strong among the enemy. Once the enemy comes, I am afraid that none of us can stop it. This place should not be left for long!"

Su Yu said lightly: "How can we draw them all out if we don't give them a chance?"

The snow-white beast that was scratching his bones was caught, and stared at Su Yu angrily. Is this to attract the enemy's firepower? Is this abominable **** trying to kill me?

Qian Jun and Pian Ling Demon had to persuade him again, but Su Yu waved his hand and interrupted, saying, "I don't have time to find out the enemies lurking in the quiet rain world one by one, lead the snake out of the hole, and hit all of them is the fastest way! "

"The order is given to all the masters under Wanghai City. You must rush to Pianyu Demon City in three days to see the master of this city!"

Qian Jun said: "Yes!" He paused, and then said, "What if I refuse to see you?"

"Nobody, just remember the name."

"Yes!" Qian Jun said, but in his heart he was thinking, with the disposition of the city owner, I do not know how those who refused to see would end up.

Soon, the eighty-one city of Mochizuki City, except for the ruined Youran Demon City and Pianyu Demon City, all the lords received the order of the new city owner Yu Mo, and they could leave for the Pianyu territory.

For this new city lord, there are few willing to submit to it. Previous city lords can only be gods. Who is Yu Mo's character? I have never heard of it.

However, Her Royal Highness the Nine Empresses passed on the order, and no one could do anything about it, and most of them got up and went to the puppet territory.

at the same time.

A huge cloud of magic, just as the soldiers were under pressure, flew to the Puppet Demon City.

"Sir, unsurprisingly, the lords of the various parties in Wangyue City have left the territory one after another, and set off for Pianyu Demon City."

After getting the report, the eyes of the purebred demons were cold and glorious: "Very good! Their movement determines one thing, that is, the Nine Empresses are still in the Phantom City! It seems that the Nine Empresses have not had enough lessons, so it is so easy. Expose her position! If she leaves silently, I may not be able to confirm her whereabouts at one and a half, but the fanfare ordered the lord to come to **** and expose her position, it is really stupid! "

"Hey, maybe our Royal Highness the Nine Emperors thought that the lords of Wanghai City were enough to resist us?" Beside the purebred demons, there was a very pure demonic race, ranking second only to the purebred demons.

The scorn of the purebred demons evoked contempt: "The whole army listens to orders and speeds forward, let us surprise the nine emperor girls!"

The leaders of all parties in Wanghai City left the territory, causing speculation.

Many people realized that they were going there, in the name of seeing the Lord of the Sea City, but in fact they were going to see Her Royal Highness.

But what they don't know is that they have taken on the task of escorting them secretly.

There are many opinions and speculations.

As the center of the storm, Su Yu meditated in her residence.

At present, he is still mainly based on the inheritance of the Enlightenment Tree God. He has cultivated for many days.

"Thanks to the experience of the Five Elements Prison in the past, I have a deeper understanding of the wooden attribute power in the power of the Five Elements. Otherwise, I want to understand the wood-based Shinto, and I am not afraid to start from scratch." Basically, it can play a bit of Shinto power of the tree god.

On power, it is not weaker than Su Yu's current peak.

As for the deity of Su Yu himself, he incorporated the latest ability of Jiulong Shending into the divine will.

That is, the field of life!

After the emerald dragon has completely brilliance, the magical abilities obtained, under the shroud of the realm, all living things will be immortal.

This ability has never been shown, but this time it can be of great use.

The refining and refining of the Five Elements Mountain has also reached a certain stage. At present, it does not rely on the Five Elements Mountain, but it can also urge the forces of the Five Elements Mountain to suppress the enemy.

After further refinement, you can use the power of the five elements more flexibly.

It is worth mentioning that during the process of refining the Five Elements Mountain, Su Yu's comprehension of the power of the five elements increased day by day. Of the nine hundred demon characters, Su Yu had secretly enlightened three hundred.

All of this is hidden from the blue ink dragon in the five elements **** cell.

He has never forgotten the advice of Su Yu's remains to Su Yu. Don't believe in Qing Mo Chen.

Therefore, in the face of a major crisis, Su Yu did not use the Five Elements Prison again.

However, if Su Yu fully understands the demon characters and has control over the five elements, when he is still on the green ink dragon, the situation will be very different!

Finally, Su Yuxiu, staying at the peak of Vientiane for a while, it is time to prepare to break through to a higher level!

Dust Fairy!

Once in the realm of the dust fairy, Su Yu can instill the power of the **** into the **** source, and give birth to the **** power that belongs to Su Yu, and then use the power to strengthen the **** source, and gradually make it stable and not be taken away.

Moreover, after the Realm of the Dust Fairy, Su Yu's soul power will also get a qualitative flyby. At that time, the fifth layer of Heavenly Qi Wangqi can begin cultivation.

Su Yu can predict that her strength will be transformed again when she reaches the realm of the dust fairy.

But for some reason, Su Yu faintly felt that it might not be that simple to break through the dust fairy, at least, not like ordinary creatures.

For three days in a row, Su Yu opened her eyes slowly.

Outside the door, Qianjun and Pianzhu Demon Lord have waited respectfully.

"How's the situation?" Su Yu said indifferently.

Qian Jun said: "Master Lord Huizhang, seventy-nine lords, sixty have come, five are still on the road, and fourteen ... nothing."

"Well, it's three days! The demon who is still on the road, and those who are not moving, write down all!"


The Puppet Lord said: "Master, the Lord, how do you arrange them to protect His Highness and the Lord?"

"Protect us? No!" Su Yu said, "Gather them, entertain them well, no order, no matter how many enemies come, no shots are allowed!"

"Ah!" The Puppet Lord couldn't understand Su Yu's thinking, was he an idiot? The number and strength of the enemies are unknown, and their subordinates who have been summoned have been hung up aside!

"What did the Lord of the City tell them to do?" Pina Min Demon almost wanted to get angry.

Su Yu said lightly: "My dog ​​and I don't need them to guard! Please ask them to come and let them remember a word."

"Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die! They should be grateful that a large number of enemies will use blood to show them!" The implication is that without these enemies, Su Yu would probably kill some of them.

The puppet master took a sigh of coolness: "Crazy! You fight against the enemy on your own?"

She was finally convinced that the feather devil was a complete lunatic!

The new official took over Liwei, which is understandable, but it is so arrogant and outrageous that it is not a lunatic?

The master of Pianyu Demon said coldly: "Unfortunately, the enemy's whereabouts also appeared, half a day away from Pianyu Demon City! They are all quasi-gods, there are a hundred quasi-gods! The median quasi-gods ... two! I Lord, you want to die, and your subordinates don't advise you, but you want to take Her Royal Highness to the funeral, but your subordinates can't do it! I will take Her Royal Highness to leave! "

For Su Yu's lawless behavior, the Puppet Demon Lord has had enough.

Su Yu's mouth evoked contempt: "I thought that there would be a high-level god, really disappointed!"

After hearing this, the puppet master shook his head: "What a lunatic!"

A median **** is enough for them to drink a pot, let alone two? There are also far more quasi-gods.

Such an irreparable disadvantage, Su Yu could even vowed.

Gently staring at the puppet master, Su Yu said: "You can take the baby boy anywhere without leaving the magic city area, but if you leave one step, my kindness will not give alms to you for the second time!"

The silver fang of the puppet demon bit his bite, and hated, "Now it's too late to inform the rest of the goddess of Her Majesty!"

This is the second time that she has suggested that Su Yu, in the name of the queen, order her former Majesty the **** to come to escort.

Even if a **** is dispatched, this crisis can be easily resolved, but was rejected by Su Yu without hesitation.

"I've said it many times! Please ask the gods to come to death!" Su Yu said coldly: "During the hunt for the Nine Emperor Girls, may I ask, have those Her Majesty gods ever made any rescue efforts?"

The puppet master shook his fist, she didn't want to admit it, but the answer was no.

If not, how could the Nine Empress Girls end up so miserably.

"However, they may not have all surrendered to the Six Emperors. It may be inconvenient to get involved in the affairs of the city."

"They don't always have to surrender, but I don't see how much they are loyal to the Nine Emperor Girls ~ ~ At first sight, the Nine Empress Girls were beaten back to their bodies, and their strength was greatly damaged. That's why you Are you sure they trust? Are you sure you invited them, and they won't shoot at the Nine Empress?

"Even if one of the gods has a different heart and moves a little bit, it's not that you and I can guard against it!" Su Yu drank: "This kind of stupid attention, don't say the third time, you are really disappointing ! "

Pian Ling's main teeth bit his lips, and Su Yu refuted without saying a word.

"Sit down! Go and sit as I ordered! I will take no action against all the masters!" Su Yu yelled.

They all stepped back, looking at Su Yu's eyes with deep suspicion.

Is Feather really crazy?

He has to fight against Yunyun by his own strength, so as to prestige?

madman! What a lunatic!

Only the baby boy raised his head and stared at Su Yu in surprise, his eyes flashing different colors.


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