The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1220: Messenger visit

? He is no longer a **** of doom, but he can't expect the doomed **** of death, leaving an ultimate doom.

What is more unexpected is that this doom will appear on a silver-haired demon.

Speaking time later, the book **** quickly moved away from it.

Unfortunately, the doom was not a physical attack. As long as he shot Su Yu across the border, Doom followed his divine power.

I saw the black air flowing like a shadow, and in the wrath of the book god, it penetrated into its body without hindrance.

On his forehead, a trace of black mark appeared.

The **** of the book was shocked and immediately expelled with divine power.

After a long while, his eyebrows wrinkled deeply, and his face sank into the water, extremely gloomy.

Sure enough, as legend says, doom can only be suppressed and cannot be resolved, but his suppression time will not be too long.

As a **** of books, knowing everything about the heavens and the earth, it is because of knowing that it is almost impossible to resolve doom.

"It is the **** of doom in the land of the gods. It's strange, isn't he dead? How can there be an ultimate doom to stay in the world?"

From beginning to end, she seemed very calm, and did not even prevent Doom from being attached to the Book God.

The book god's face was calm, and there was a deep hatred in the pupil's eyes: "Who else besides Yu God?"

Yep? The six-faced queen girl with a bland face, her eyebrows raised sharply: "Is he?"

A gleam of chill emerged from her eyes, but she did not forget that it was Su Yu's efforts to destroy the eyes and eyes of the demon world in the Xinghe-the land of the gods!

I did not forget that it was Su Yu that led to the death god, which caused the transmission of the Nine Demon Sealed Rings to collapse, and he and the seventh brother were almost involved in the sea of ​​bitterness. If the demon emperor took the shot, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The first two grievances stopped, and now it is him who broke her big thing!

"Father God, feather demon!" The six queens chuckled, and her smile was extremely cold: "In the Xinghe, you have repeatedly done bad things to me. When you reach the demon world, you still fight against me and destroy my plans! It is really difficult to kill you. Rong! "

The Book God is also in a heavy mood and full of hatred. In the land of God's legacy, it was difficult to escape from Su Yu's scheme. Who would have expected that Su Yu was still being counted by the devil in the devil's realm, and he lost his luck!

"Book God, the affairs of Jingyu Realm. As an queen girl, I will not be able to intervene or let Her Majesty's gods shoot. Otherwise, it will be too easy to leave traces and be punished by the devil! It has nothing to do with the queen! Therefore, the **** of feathers is at your disposal! "

The **** of books silently said that the six emperor girls would be punished for their shots, wouldn't he be an outsider? I'm afraid there will be even more terrible punishment.

"I understand your concerns, but you only need to take a shot at Yu Shen and remove it. As long as you don't move the Nine Empresses, you won't be shocked."

The book **** seems to be thinking.

"Rest assured, if you can capture the feather god, I will ask the father emperor to help you expel the gods 'doom! Looking at Xinghe, the only one who can expel the gods' doom is the first strongest person in the river, the demon emperor!

The book **** got the conditions he wanted, and finally nodded.

There are not many powers in the world that can resolve the bad luck of the gods, and the power of the demon emperor is one of them.

No wonder the six emperor girls stared at the Book God being possessed by God's doom. It turned out that she was waiting here to control him and work for her.

"I can do it, but can I kill him?" The hatred between Shushen and Su Yu was indescribable.

"No! As long as I live, I want to be intact!" Su Yu must be able to reverse the magical anti-sky ability, no matter how to get it.

The **** of the book has wrath, but the enemy is just in front of him, but he can only catch and cannot kill. How painful is it?

But there is nothing strange on its face: "Yes!"

After the words were finished, it turned into a ray of breeze and dissipated in the closet.

Wanghai City, as the guardian of nine gods in Jingyu Realm, is extremely prosperous.

Business, population, and all industries have achieved unprecedented development.

Compared to the East Gods Alliance, Jingyu Realm is more advanced as a Demon City.

The rumors of the chaos, chaos, harsh environment, killing each other ...

It can be seen with your own eyes, but it is a peace and prosperity, far better than the East Gods Union.

Just the comprehensive strength and resources of a full moon city is worth more than half of the Eastern Gods Alliance.

Not to mention, there are eighty-one quasi-gods in one city. How many quasi-gods in the East Gods Union? No more than two hundred.

Looking at the sea city in the void, Su Yu felt the smallness of the Eastern and Western Alliance of Gods more and more.

There is no need for the entire army of the Devil to dispatch, as long as any prince or queen leads the souls in their respective realms, they can easily conquer the Eastern Union.

"What the **** is going on? The Devil Realm really wants to destroy the Eastern Union, it has already been destroyed. Why are you careful and spend hundreds of years to arrange it?" Su Yu was deeper in confusion. Only the members of the royal family can respond to this question.

It seems that it is necessary to help the dog baby recover some strength, at least to allow it to communicate freely.

Surrounded by dozens of surviving quasi-gods, Su Yu sat in the main residence of the city.

This mansion was reserved by the previous city owner. Not only are there handwritten writings arranged by gods, but even the mansion of the mansion is kept.

After the inspection, Su Yu was also pleasantly surprised. Many of these resources are things that can only be used at the deity level. They may not be useful to Su Yu, but they have unexpected benefits to the evil gods and the unicorn gods.

Of course, there are many resources that Su Yu can use, especially those that break through the dust fairy.

Calming the previous crisis, Su Yu can predict that the next crisis is not far away.

A rare free opportunity must seize the time to break through to the realm of dust fairy.

After reaching the Realm of the Dust Fairy, both Tianziwangqi and Shenyuan will be greatly benefited, and their strength will once again grow by leaps and bounds.

The only problem is that Su Yu is the human race. When breaking through the dust fairy, if it brings a very different vision of the demons, it is not a good thing.

Therefore, we need to find a way to shield the vision of heaven and earth when he broke through.

While Su Yu was thinking, Shaer came behind him.

Qian Jun was in charge of leading the army to fight against the lord who did not obey the order. Shaer took the place of his father and conveyed the order for Su Yu.

"The Lord of the City, Lord of the Demon Cloud City, send a messenger to see Lord Lord of the City."

Demon Cloud City is one of the nine major cities in the world of Jingyu. The owner is a real god.

"Well, take him to the living room." Su Yu said, he is the new city lord, and the rest of the city lords will come to visit. It did not surprise Su Yu.

What is uncertain is that the comer is good or evil.

The other eight city owners, who remained loyal to the Nine Empresses, could not be confirmed.

Perhaps during the heyday of the Nine Empresses, they were loyal and loyal, but in the current state of the Nine Empresses, it is not impossible to have conscience.

When Shaer left, Su Yu summoned the Nine Emperor Girls and stroked her furry head: "Dog, look at the cities, can there be gods you can trust?"

Su Yu asked, just in case.

After thinking seriously, Gouwa shook her head.

Really not? Gouwa knows his situation, and no one can be trusted now.

There is no one available, Su Yu can't help frowning. The enemy is the six princes who have many gods and the **** of books.

"Don't hold their handles, so they have to obey?"

Gouwa shook his head.

"Is there any way to curb their second hand to prevent the situation like today?"

The dog baby shook his head again.

Su Yuqing Jin jumped and stared at her: "As an queen lady, what do you usually do?"

"Eat!" Gou Ba was very difficult to spit out a word.

"anything else?"


"and then?"


"That's enough, you, the waste wood queen!" Su Yu had a headache. As a member of the royal family, did she not know the cruel competition, far better than mortals?

Mortal competition is only winning or losing.

Royal competition is life and death!

The Great Devil Realm, but the members of the royal family only have the Demon Emperor and nine descendants. Where are the siblings of the Devil?

No doubt they fell into a pool of blood.

The tusks of Gouwa protest, meaning, you say that I try to waste wood and see if I bite you.

"So, you have no control over the nine gods under your control, and no back-hands that can intimidate them. Your situation today is really sympathetic." Su Yu felt a headache, There are eight uncontrolled gods, and any one of them is in danger.

At the moment, most of the messengers of the Demon Cloud City are not good.

After a short while, the reception hall.

The messenger of Moyun City is a mid-term quasi-god, and it is a rare purebred demons!

"The Envoy of the Demon Cloud City has seen the Lord of the Demon City of Yu." The envoy was not humble, and looked down at Su Yudao.

Sha Erdai frowned slightly, and said, "Well, a rude messenger, seeing the Lord of the City, kneeling on one knee is the basic etiquette. I know all about a little devil, don't you understand?"

Because it is the messenger, we should understand the etiquette.

The messenger's eyes were calm and he said, "We Demon Cloud City only discusses heroes based on their strength. To obtain respectful etiquette, we need corresponding strength."

This statement is undoubtedly directed at Su Yu, a peak of Vientiane, and it is not worth him to kneel down with the rituals of the gods.

Sha'er yelled, "Presumptuous! How dare you slander the Lord!"

"I'm just telling the truth, if you have to convict me on this, I have nothing to say," the messenger said lightly.

Sha Er laughed, this messenger was too arrogant, and did not put Su Yu in his eyes at all.

The news of Su Yu's appointment as the new city leader was spread, but the news that he had killed the Quartet in Pianyu Demon City and destroyed three medium-term quasi-gods in the near future might spread.

If the messenger in front knew that he would give him a hundred courage, he would not dare to be so presumptuous.

She wanted to argue in court, but was stopped by Su Yu with a wave of her hand, and said, "The visitor is a guest, etiquette, etc. I didn't take it seriously, let's say, what's the matter about the Lord of the Cloud City sending you?

The messenger looked at Su Yu and took out a black metal-colored token ~ ~ The magic order of the Lord of the Cloud City!

"Seeing this order is like seeing the Lord of the Cloud City!" The messenger held the token in his hand and drank softly, but stared at Su Yu as if waiting for Su Yu to move.

Su Yu sat firmly in the main seat, not moving, and said lightly, "The Lord of the Demon Cloud City wants you to come, just to show me the token?"

The messenger withdrew the token and said in an equal manner: "This messenger is under the command of the Lord of the Cloud City, and has full authority to represent the Lord of the Cloud City and discuss the matter with the Lord of the Cloud City."

Yep! Su Yu raised her eyebrows lightly. This Lord of the Demon Clouds really did not put Ding Dian in his eyes!

The same as the city owner, the Lord of the Demon Clouds sent his subordinates to discuss with him. The implication is that Su Yu's status is only a mid-term quasi-god in the eyes of the Lord of the Demon Clouds.

Don't say that Su Yu himself, Shaer on the side heard it, and they were all angry: "You Demon Cloud City is too much!"

The dog baby on the side also blinked, and said, "The Lord of the Cloud City really bullies people. I'm not there, so he is so presumptuous and treats my orders as nothing?"

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