The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1227: 7 City Alliance

"Oh, I'm Su was really jealous of being in the midst of existence." Su Yu's mouth could not help but raise a little self-deprecating.

When the Feixian realm broke through, it encountered 39 disasters, almost disappeared, and was erased from the world.

This breakthrough to the realm of dust fairy, encountered another robbery.

Theoretically, this is only for the descendants of the gods, when they break through to the quasi-god realm.

But Su Yu, an ordinary person, can come to God ’s Devil arbitrarily if he crosses it. Who would believe if no one secretly manipulated it?

"No matter who you are, God is useless to me. Why can't you help me!" Su Yu looked up at Cangyan, staring at nothingness, provocatively.

Now he is doing his best to kill the mid-quasi-gods.

The **** rob is prepared for the top of the dust fairy, and now Su Yu is no longer a disaster.

It seemed that some kind of existence was provoked, and the aura of robbery was really solid.

"Oh, somebody is actually manipulating it." Su Yu confirmed his conjecture more and sneered: "No matter why you are targeting me, but I will write down this account temporarily. If there is a chance to meet, it will be paid back ten times!

At the beginning of the disaster, Su Yu died several times, and the danger was left in his memory.

If you can confirm the manipulator, you must give back your teeth!


Wanli clear sky suddenly thundered, and lightning flashed across the sea.

The breath of God is getting heavier and heavier!

However, it will take half a month to prepare for the coagulation type.

And half a year, just ready for Su Yu time.

call out--

Su Yu took out two hundred drops of God's blood from the palm of his hand, and then took out the Star River.

The opening of the Xinghe Jing requires the activation of **** blood, one hundred drops of **** blood at a time, and then one hundred drops of essence blood are sacrificed to the god-level beast.

However, after thinking for a while, Su Yu put away the "Xinghe Jing".

Summoning a god-level thug is powerful, but it will not help the Seven City Alliance, which is likely to happen.

Instead, use it to water the Kowloon Shending and see if you can turn on the fifth dragon!

In fact, Su Yu tried to activate the **** blood in the land of the gods, and there were more than fifty drops of **** blood, but the fifth dragon was useless.

It seems that the further back, the more difficult it is to start a dragon.

The last drop of Shenlong blood caused the Emerald Dragon to open. This time, the fifth dragon spent fifty drops of Shen blood, but it is still difficult to open, showing the difficulty.

However, judging from the capabilities brought by several dragons, the harder it is to start, the greater the expectations.

Sinking down, Su Yu punched two hundred drops of Divine Blood into the eyebrow's heart.

Every drop was absorbed by Jiulong Shending.

When fifty drops were reached, the last fifty drops accumulated, a total of one hundred drops, but Jiulongding had no response and did not mean any dilution.

"Isn't it a hundred drops?" Su Yu looked at the only one hundred and fifty drops in her palm, and was very patient, continuing to instill little by little.

When 50 drops were scored again, Jiulong Shending still had no dilution reaction.

Then, another 50 drops were added, plus the previous blood of God, a total of 200 drops.

"Isn't it that the Kowloon Shending has not only increased the quantity, but also the quality requirements of the blood of God?" Su Yu's eyes were astonished.

His eyes flickered, and the last fifty drops of blood were shot into the Jiulong Ding.


What delighted Su Yu was that after two hundred and fifty drops of essence blood, Jiulong Ding finally trembled a little.

But then, the blood of the God of Ding, which is almost overflowing all over Kowloon, is no longer diluted, but compressed by ...

A total of two hundred and fifty drops of **** blood were compressed into a drop of gray blood!

"Gray **** blood?" Su Yu stumbled endlessly. It was the first time that he found gray blood, **** blood, shouldn't all be golden yellow?

When Su Yu was curious, Jiulong Shending shook again, the gray-white **** blood was diluted again, and turned into a gray **** blood.

The gray **** blood flows along the tripod wall, flowing slowly from the fifth dragon, the black dragon body surface.

A deep, dreary, creepy dragon moan rang slowly in my heart.

From Su Yu's palms, a small black paint dragon gradually emerged.

Yu Long's body exudes a terrifying atmosphere, giving a very unknown feeling.

Staring at Yulong in the palm, Su Yu's pupils narrowed slightly: "This is ... death!"

Black dragons represent death!

The fourth emerald dragon, representing life, walks on the left palm.

The fifth black dragon, representing death, lingers on the right palm.

The left hand represents life and the right hand represents death.

"It's going to be death!" Su Yu mumbled, and eight kinds of mysteries in heaven, Su Yu had mastered time, space, soul, life, death.

All the abilities brought by Jiulong Shending are related to the mystery of heaven.

"What is the Kowloon God Ding?" Su Yu thought secretly.

At this time, a strange message appeared in Su Yu's mind.

As before, the ability of the black dragon to crystallize one-third and get the death is death!

By touching, depriving living beings, the effective range is that the vitality of living beings does not exceed the gods.

In other words, under the gods, Su Yu can directly deprive them of life and put them into the ranks of death.

And even gods can take half of their vitality. Although they will not cause them to die, they can be injured. If they encounter severely dying gods and their vitality is less than half, the palm of death can directly kill them.

The premise is that there will be a mobile phone meeting.

Judging from Su Yu ’s experience with the quasi-god, it is difficult to imprint the death **** on them under the alert of the other party unless he is unexpected.

As for the gods, it is more difficult.

However, even so, it is a terrifying ability.

Under the gods, the late quasi gods can be included! That is very close to the existence of gods, however, life can still be wiped out with one palm!

He has not yet broken through the dust fairy, but has the strength comparable to a quasi-god!

"The most critical juncture, it is timely to get such overbearing ability." Su Yu secretly.

咚咚 ——

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"City lord, my dad is back." Shaer said outside the closet.

Su Yu bowed his head: "Well, I know, now I need to retreat. If there is no major matter, your father and daughter will handle it by themselves."

"Master, returning to the city, only my dad is back."

A person? Su Yu opened her eyes suddenly: "Let Qianjun come to see me!"

Soon after, Qian Jun knelt on one knee outside the closet, with ashamed eyes: "Humble Master, please the Lord of the City punish me!"


Shimen opened slowly, a trace of extremely weak breath of death, unintentionally vented.

Qianjun, who was kneeling on the ground, was suddenly clever, and was almost wiped out by this breath of death!

"What happened?" Su Yu slowly converged to escape the breath of death, glanced at the situation.

He was full of injuries, looking rather embarrassed, and now ashamed with his head down.

"Back to the Lord of the City, the Lord of the City sent to the humble person and was detained!"

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Which city lord came to my jurisdiction without permission and hit you?"

In terms of his relationship with several other city owners, it is most likely that only them can detain dozens of early quasi-gods.

"No, it's not the city owner, it's the eldest son of Wanghai City Lord!"

Wanghai City Master? Su Yu stumbled a little, and then tasted it after a while: "The last Wanghai City Lord, did you have a son?"

"Exactly! After the giant bitter sea landed, the owner of Wanghai City transferred all his sons and daughters to the Demon Emperor in case of an accident! But for some reason, his heir, the eldest son, came back suddenly and forcibly shot our people. Seize all! "

Heir to the sea god? Su Yu's eyes were stunned: "How is his strength?"

"Later quasi-gods!"

Su Yu's eyes flashed: "So, did he deliberately let you come back to talk?"

Dozens of early quasi-gods were detained and no reason could escape.

"Exactly!" Qian Jun said.


Qian Jun also rebuked and resentfully said, "The granddaughter said that if he wants loyal subordinates, he will go to Demon Cloud City. The seven city leaders will gather in Demon Cloud City to hold a meeting and invite you to join them."

In order to prevent Su Yu from not attending the conference, are those early quasi-gods a threat?

"My lord, don't be fooled! I have heard the wind while carrying out my mission. The seven city owners have been very close in the past month. It is very likely that they are plotting against the lord!" Qian Jun said: "The lord must be fierce when he goes here." less……"

Su Yu waved his hand: "If they want to get started, they don't need to invite me to the talks. Why would they have to do it all together to kill the army? I guess, they are worried, they are ready to serve the soldiers!"

"If you can force me to surrender the queen by words, naturally you don't need to take the risk of clearing the monarch's side. You are facing the gang, after all, the royal investigation is ultimately risky!"

With a few words, Su Yu analyzed the other party's purpose to seven or eight.

It can be confirmed that the Lord of the Cloud City must advocate a direct attack on the city and take the opportunity to kill Su Yu ~ ~ Yi Xueqian shame.

Among the other gods, one or two gods who are not insignificant should be cautious and adopt conservative strategies.

"In this case, the adults can ignore them, anyway, it is impossible for the adults to give their highness to them, and the talks will have no results." Qian Jun said.

Su Yu smiled at the corner of her mouth: "No! This talk is just what I want! I was worried that I didn't have a chance to talk to them. Instead, they came to my door. Oh, it really helped me."

Qian Jun opened his mouth. In his opinion, this was a dangerously dense talk anyway, but in the eyes of Su Yu, it was an opportunity!

"You stay in the city, I'll go there."

After half an hour, he cleared up a bit, and Su Yu used the teleportation array to cross the city and land in the magic cloud city.

He did not immediately go to the mansion, and there are still several days before the talks.

However, his arrival was naturally discovered by the gods in the city.

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