The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1240: Ready to leave

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"Did I get something wrong?" Su Yu said suddenly.

The six princes shook her head: "No, you haven't misunderstood. My request is literally, take me to elope and leave the realm."


So turning, Su Yu was messy in the wind.

After returning to God, Su Yu groaned, "Although your princes and queens are oppressed, shouldn't it be difficult to escape from the demon world?"

Last time she and the seventh prince arrived in Xinghe through the Nine Demon Sealed God Ring.

"There is no difficulty in leaving the demon world, but it is extremely difficult to avoid the chase and chase and kill." The six emperors sacrifice a drop of demon blood. Compared with ordinary demon blood, it has a unique royal atmosphere: "Whenever I have a half royal The blood is still there, no matter where they fled, the Holy Devil Church can find me, and the prince and queen who escaped from the demon world in the past told them everything. "

"So, if I take you on an elopement, the Holy Magic Church can't find it?"

The six princes looked at Su Yu's right hand: "Yes! You can reverse the demonization of Baotong Shangshen, you must separate my demon blood, if you can also separate the breath of my demon royal family, holy demon Don wants to find me inaccessible. "

No wonder the six princes and seven princes, at first, would rather risk offending the **** of death to **** Su Yu.

They probably speculated on the role of the Milky Way Star Sand.

Su Yu was lost in thought, and after a conversation, he realized that the seemingly prosperous inner world of the devil was in danger.

The demon emperor could not retreat, and Princess Yunxia held the power of the demon world and launched a killing on the prince of the demon world.

Really not as good as the sky, the situation far exceeds Su Yu's expectations.

"However, as long as you are willing to help me, I am willing to be your companion, my beauty is the first in the devil, my second queen of strength is second only to the great prince, and staying with you can protect you from growing up until you Until she became a god. "The six empresses came over, lean and slender, leaning gently against Su Yu's arms, her mouth twirled with a charming smile.

Su Yuyun's light breeze lifted the dust fairy's power to shake it away, and said lightly: "You don't have to hold your heart down and laugh."

The six empress girls had a rigid smile. Indeed, as a Demon race, she naturally despised Xinghe Shengling and married someone other than the Demon Race. She really hated it.

"Then what is your decision?" The six princes looked at Su Yu's eyes and looked forward.

"Sorry, I refuse." Su Yu looked at the Six Empresses lightly: "Intuition tells me that you are not trustworthy."

There are too many loopholes in the discourse of the Six Empress Girls!

In the simplest case, why did her attitude change so much before and after?

A month ago, he sent a book **** to catch him, but now he is in trouble, and would rather commit to Su Yu?

The change must be concealed in the middle.

"Farewell!" Su Yu turned, and Zitong City Lord and Yaoyue City Lord suddenly appeared, alerting Su Yu to leave.

As for the promised good book god, Su Yu didn't ask, but he already guessed some.

Watching Su Yu leave, the sixth emperor girl's silver teeth bite, and a gloomy glow flashed in Feng's eyes, coldly: "It seems your strategy is not working!"

Da da

A middle-aged man who was pale and no longer elegant was walking out of the bamboo forest, who is not a book god?

Where does he show any signs of being caught?

"He didn't agree with the reason. If anyone changed, he would doubt the intentions of the six empresses." Shushen didn't care.

The plan behind the plan was indeed the **** of books.

"Huh! If it wasn't for Princess Yunxia's troubles, I sent four maids to guard her. Why should I be so troublesome, grab them directly and take away the ability in the right palm!"

What she said just now is seven points true and three points false.

In the ambition of Princess Yunxia, ​​the situation of the prince and queen is not a lie.

The princes and daughters have reached the moment of life and death. They are secretly accumulating strength and preparing to launch a coup. Before the sacrifice of the sea of ​​bitterness comes, they will fight hard to resist.

She launched a surprise attack to assassinate the ignorant, the most careless Nine Emperor Sisters, in order to have a more powerful force in the coup.

In the eyes of outsiders, the six empresses killed their fellow sisters in order to fight for the throne. Only she knew that she was just trying to save her life.

As for sacrificing his sister, what is the relationship between the Mozhuang royal family?

She adopted the strategy of Shushen and included Su Yu in her own pocket. The purpose was to give herself a retreat. In case of a coup failure, she could use Su Yu's ability to eliminate the power of the royal bloodline and avoid being tracked by the Holy Magic Church.

But hate Su Yu's firm will, she willingly promised each other, the other side was unmoved.

The Book God also regrets that if Su Yu fell to the Six Empress Girls, he had a hundred ways to kill him silently.

"This matter requires long-term consideration." The six empresses exhaled a deep breath: "Once the coup is launched, it will be irretrievable. If it fails, only the escape of Xinghe will have a glimmer of life, and the royal breath in my blood is a hidden danger ! "

A bit of bitterness and helplessness bloomed in his lips.

Wanghai City Mansion.

Within three days, Su Yu practiced silently, stabilizing the three realms of the dust fairy that had just broken through.

A day later.

Purple pupil demon quietly came to Su Yu's retreat.

"How?" Su Yu opened her eyes and looked around.

Zitong Devil's face was calm: "The six queens are right, you are really surrounded. The four maids of Princess Yunxia hold the four directions in the southeast and northwest of Wanghai City. It is almost impossible to escape without alarming them. . "

"In addition, it is true that the sacrifice of the bitter sea is true! And, according to the last random selection of the sacrifice, it should be the six empresses. It is no wonder that she is so eager to act, trying to annex the world of quiet rain, eager to master the stronger Strength, she is really anxious. "

"Sure enough." Su Yu's heart was much heavier.

Although the six empresses did not have good intentions for him, Princess Yunxia seemed to be bound to get the Milky Way Xingsha!

"Tianjizi, tianjizi, you really left me a big task!" Su Yu mumbled, if he didn't bring the words, he would not be able to fully control the Milky Way Star Sand, and he would not be able to awaken the sleeping tree **** .

But if there is a word, the Milky Way Xingsha will be taken away by Princess Yunxia, ​​and he will lose his life.

"At the moment, the four maids are staring. You can't delay too long, otherwise Princess Yunxia will lose her patience and will directly detain you to the Demon Emperor. At that time, everything will be late. Little friends, you need to plan early."

Su Yu flashed lightly: "Going to the Demon Emperor now must be a self-death, but if you are late, it is not enough, time is urgent, and some plans need to be arranged in advance."

"The decree continues, and Her Royal Highness Nine Emperor returns, and feasts all the princes!" Su Yu groaned for a while, her eyes flashed, and she wrote eight letterheads, each covered with the nine empress's jade seal.

Zitong Demon was slightly surprised: "Does the Six Empress Girls also entertain?"

"Please!" Su Yu said.

The Zitong Demon realized that the situation was serious and the situation was extraordinary. He immediately held six letterheads and sent them around.

After he left, Su Yu summoned a thousand.

"Did you find the early quasi-god detained by Li Ying?" Su Yu said.

Since deciding the magic cloud city, Qianjun has been in charge of taking over the affairs of the magic cloud city, and looking for those loyal early quasi-gods are also on the task.

"Let's live up to everyone's expectations. We've found it."

Su Yu bowed his head: "Well, they have a total of one hundred people, leaving thirty people to listen to your appointment. From now on, they can hide the demon world and never fall asleep."

"Ah! Lord, what are you?" Qian Jun was surprised.

Su Yu said: "Perhaps, I will soon leave Demon Realm and return to Xinghe. You will lead them to stay in Demon Realm, lurking, and secretly exploring the news of Demon Realm."

The situation changed drastically, Su Yu had to make plans early.

"Sir, I am willing to leave the Demon Realm with you." Qian Jun said that Su Yu had the grace to rebuild him, and it was worth following him.

"Oh, for me to inquire about the role of news, digital gods can't compare! In the demon world, there are not many people I can trust. You are one of them, and this matter can only be left to you." Su Yu patted him on the shoulder. "After I am gone, the affairs of the devil will take care of you."

With a touch of solemnity, a solemn ceremony: "Yes, the subordinates must not disgrace the mission."

Before long, he and Shaer led thirty carefully selected quasi-gods and disappeared in Wanghai City.

Their movements, of course, could not hide the eyes of the four goddesses outside the city, but a group of quasi-gods were comparable to ants in their eyes. They were not worth paying attention to and didn't care.

Leaning on the Lord of the City, Su Yu was lost in thought.

The dog baby didn't know when to come out, and he lie on Su Yu's feet, and the bright dog's eyes curiously looked at Su Yu.

To calm down the world of Jingyu, Su Yu, who could have killed the emperor and became the actual master of Jingyu, suddenly faced the terrible existence of Princess Yunxia.

If it was normal, Gouwa was already gloating, but looking at Su Yu's frown, she couldn't laugh.

"Although this guy is abominable, it is not easy. First, a group of quasi-gods are chasing and blocking, and then there is the Qingjun side of the Lord of the Demon Cloud City, and now she is being followed by Princess Yunxia." Gouwa thought to herself, although Su Yu was bad, she was right. She didn't seem to be malicious, at least better than the Lord of the Clouds.

It would be a shame if it died like this.

After thinking and thinking, the baby boy opened his mouth and spit out a golden spear.

The spear is full of gold and bright, and the surface burns a layer of golden flame, if any, and it is very gentle and without burning gas.

"This is it?" Su Yu looked down, suspiciously.

"Jin Yan forbids the wood ..." Gouwa spit out: "Here you go ... for your life."

Su Yu's pupils shrunk slightly, this is the first magic tree of the devil restraining the giant bitter sea giant, Jin Yan forbidden wood?

There are only ten in total, one for each of the nine princes and queens, and one for the devil.

This thing should be the most powerful thing on the dog baby.

Without taking the spear, Su Yu picked up the baby dog ​​and put it on his thigh. His eyes were soft: "Dog, don't you want me to die?"

Goowa hesitated, nodded his head, and hummed, "I don't think so! Huh, let you smell bad first!"

"Ah, sure enough, you have been in love with me for a long time, have you been deeply rooted?"

The dog's fangs groaned as if to say, shameless! Opening her mouth and swallowing Jin Yan forbidden wood, she regretted it.

But he swallowed half of it ~ ~ but was forced out by Su Yu: "Dogboy, to be honest, how can you recover what you spit out? Let me keep it for you. "

Holding Jin Yan's spear without any mercy, Su Yu stroked her head gently, soothing the babies.

After struggling for two protests, the baby boy lay down obediently, enjoying comfortably and stroking, and he enjoyed the "" in his mouth.

She didn't realize that she really became more and more like a little white dog.

Groping for Jin Yan's banned wood, Su Yu's eyes contained a bit of regret: "It's a pity that there is only one spear. If there are enough Jin Yan's banned wood, it may not be so passive."

Gou Ba's ears moved, hesitating for a while, and said, "Jin Yan forbidden wood seeds, in the hands of ...

Yep? Su Yu was shocked.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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