The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1247: Early coup

The six empress girls watched them coldly: "Do you think, by the way, how many of you are my opponents?"

As the second strongest member of the royal family, the six empresses are qualified to say this.

"Oh, if you were in the heyday, the five of them would not be your opponents, but you are seriously injured ..." Shushen remembers very clearly that the six princes were all wounded and secretly inquired. It was known that he was wounded during a fight with Princess Yunxia's three maids.

These are the five city masters who finally decided to mutiny.

In the coup d'état, the six empresses who were so seriously wounded could not have any hope at all. Instead, it would be better to go back to Princess Yunxia and kill the six empresses by the way.

"Kill her, while she is seriously injured!" Shushen ordered indifferently: "The chance of her serious injury is once in a lifetime!"


The five deities are full of killing intentions, and all shot together.

The six emperors of the heyday did not even have the courage to do it, but now ...

Chi Chi

Two muffled noises came suddenly.

The five besieged siege momentarily staggered and immediately startled.

The **** of books is also surprised: "You ..."

Where the six empress girls looked seriously wounded, she grasped a group of Shenyuan on each of her left and right hands, and the masters of Shenyuan and the two city masters were killed and killed on the spot!

The corners of the six empress girls evoked cruel and playful radians, swallowed the two groups of **** sources in one sip, and sneered: "Su Yu's strategy works really well. Only bitterness can lead you to the old fox's tail!"

"Su Yu! You mean, you pretend to be seriously injured, is Su Yu's attention?" Shushen stared, his face quickly glooming.

The sixth empress sneered: "Yes! He gave me a message, and he guessed that a villain like you would not be willing to risk a coup with me and would choose the most favorable party, so you must have taken advantage of it I was absent and turned to Princess Yunxia! Second, he speculated that you are good at calculating people's hearts, and while I am away, you must take the initiative to cling to my city! "

"Now it seems that his speculation is correct!" The six empresses had previously received the jade pendant left by Su Yu before leaving. She was still skeptical at first, but she also knew that the matter was big and she had to give it a try. .

She pretended to be seriously injured, and at the same time she summoned her **** to **** her.

To this day, he suddenly changed his mind temporarily and immediately launched a coup.

They were hurried, finally showing their feet!

Su Yu's prediction was really true!

Seriously think about it, launching a coup without any knowledge, the six empresses were first attacked by the Book God and the five gods attached to themselves, and they might even be killed on the spot!

Even if she was lucky, Princess Yunxia, ​​who had already received the news, must have prepared a trap for death in the Demon Emperor. All their princes and princes rushed over, if only to find their way!

Fortunately, Su Yu woke up and gave him this jade in advance, removing the hidden dangers first!

Shushen's face changed drastically, and he did not want to escape immediately.

The six empresses sneered, regardless of him, but first settled the three rebellious city lords in front of them.

"Her Royal Highness, me, I was blinded for a while, and I never dared anymore. I am willing to follow Her Royal Highness to overthrow Princess Yunxia, ​​please give me the opportunity to lose my crime!"


As soon as his words fell, he was destroyed by the six emperors.

"No need! Those who betray me will be killed without amnesty!"

There was a **** rain, and the last two city owners fell into a pool of blood.

As for the **** of books, the six empresses did not chase, but waited quietly.

Soon, the endless magic cloud came.

There is a wave of divine light inside, which is truly more than forty demon strong!

Among them, seven of them exude a royal atmosphere!

The head is the great prince, surrounded by all the princes and queens including the seven princes.

Behind them were the city lords who were loyal to them and were ready to accompany them.

The eldest prince held a book in his hands, dropped it, and threw it to the six princes: "Yu Mo is right, this person has turned to Princess Yunxia, ​​and the one who stays with you must not be the deity! His deity, Be sure to hide in an extremely safe place! "

The six empresses looked at the book in their hands and whispered, "Even he expected this! What a fun thing!"

The seventh prince wondered: "Brother, six sisters, did not tell us in advance about the coup d'état in advance? Didn't you start after ten days? The coup d'état, my people are not ready at all!"

The second queen was also dissatisfied staring at the two of them: "You two make up your own mind and don't ask us for advice, hum!"

In the message of Su Yu, the six princes also told the great prince, but only told the great prince.

This is also Su Yu's stare. Even if the rest of the princes and daughters are credible, are their people credible?

Launch a coup in advance, and the fewer people you know the better.

Of the six queens, only the eldest princes can be trusted, and the rest are hard to trust.

Therefore, when the bitter sea giant waited for the shore, the big prince notified the other princes without warning, called the loyalty loyal to their city lord, and quickly went to the six princes' area.

Until this moment, they did not know that they were going to coup ahead of time. Before that, they simply thought that it was only to rescue the six empresses.

The great prince calmly said, "I don't tell you, it's my decision. Is there a problem?"

They dare to condemn the six empress girls, but they have no such courage to the great prince.

The Six Empress Girls cast a grateful gaze, and the elder brother took the initiative to help him bear all the pressure.

"Yu Mo's speculation is that everything is correct and undoubted. Our coup has long been known to Princess Yunxia!" The grand prince said loudly: "Only with the coup in advance, we can still have a chance!"

"The giant bitter sea is the opportunity and signal that the demon created for us. The giant bitter sea and other shores are the time for us to advance the coup!"

The bitter sea giant heads directly to the Demon Emperor Capital, and will certainly draw most of the firepower of the Devil's Holy Devil Hall. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, is there a better time to launch a coup?


Although the bitter sea giants and other shores must cause unimaginable damage to the demon world, it is better than they die in the bitter sea giant population?

"Prince Yunxia imprisoned the demon emperor, perverted the persecution, persecuted the descendants of the royal family, and destroyed the order of the demon world.

"I am waiting for the descendants of the royal family today to uphold the will of the royal family and wage a sacred war against Princess Yunxia!"

Raised his arms and shook the clouds.

The princes and daughters looked at each other with staring eyes.

"Kill the demon concubine and save the father!"

Loyal to their gods, they also roared: "Kill the demon concubine, save the demon emperor!"

The shout of the gods shook the earth.

This day must be a day that contains the history of the demons.

Nine princes and queens of the demon world, launch a coup!


In addition to the princes and queens, a total of forty gods, savagely killed the demon emperor.

Sky full of **** light, endless magic cloud, unprecedented spectacular.

Wherever he went, the landslide shouted, and all souls bowed down.

Under the combined force of more than forty gods, he transformed into a sharp long arrow and shot it at the Demon Emperor and the princess Yunxia who caused trouble in the demon world!

The actions caused by the news of the bitter sea giant and other shores have not yet subsided. The news of the coup prince and the lord princes and the gods coup has shocked the demon emperor like a tsunami!

When the coup army arrived at the Demon Emperor's Capital, the preparations made by Princess Yunxia were not even fully operational, and they were destroyed by the sudden coup army.

The three stubborn gods guarding the demon emperor are extinguished in the mighty army of gods like fireflies.

The army had two paths, one led by the six empresses, killed the ancient altar, and guarded their retreat.

The other way is headed by the great prince, killing the imperial palace!

Suddenly, the Demon Emperor was boiling!

The princes and daughters rebelled collectively, never before!

There is no need to pass on the message, and the people in Huangdu can also feel the strange fluctuations in the heavens and the earth.

In the mansion, Su Yu, who had been sitting quietly for ten days, opened her eyes suddenly, and her face was tense: "The coup has finally begun!"

"Everyone obeyed, and immediately performed the task as I told you!" Su Yu yelled, from the vicinity of the house, more than 70 initial quasi-gods were shot like raindrops, and they shot at them in all directions to perform their assigned tasks.

Su Yu was single and stepped out of the house.

At the door of the house stood a man, a beautiful woman in a white veil.

The slim waist is not gripped, and the figure is very slender, which gives people a sense of morbidity.

With a white gauze **** on top of his head, he could only dimly see the picturesque face.

"Who are you?" Su Yu stared.

He wasn't even aware that he had her breath outside!

What made Su Yumulu even more powerful was that in the early days of guarding outside his house, none of the quasi-gods came to report to him.

They don't have a mutiny, they are totally loyal to Su Yu!

She can stand here silently, she must have done something to the guards!

"The little girl is clear at night, and the teacher is Zitong Demon." The woman's voice was weak and she was a bit sick, but her tone was very calm.

"Is it you?" Su Yu's eyes flashed ~ ~ The pupil of the Zitong Demon was in the mansion, but he didn't know that he was a woman.

"Follow me!" Su Yu was too lazy to care about her.

The woman bowed her head lightly: "Is it going to the altar? The giant bitter sea giant waits for the shore, the prince and the queen take the opportunity to launch a coup. If they are clever, they will occupy the devil exit of the altar as a retreat. If the adult wants to leave the devil, it may be the best opportunity now."

She was reminding Su Yu that now is her time.

Su Yu turned her head and looked at her lightly: "You seem to think you are smart?"

Unlike Zitong Demon, his heir seems to like to show his sharpness!

He tried to guard his guard outside the door, showing his uniqueness, and now he thought he reminded Su Yu cleverly.

Compared with the low-key modest modesty of Zitong Demon, his heirs are totally two kinds of people.

"Don't, it's just that my eyes have seen something through." The woman calmly said, her eyes hidden under the white veil flickered with a touch of purple.

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