The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1256: Collective mutiny

The second empress was dumbfounded: "Brother, six emperor sister, what are you doing? Are you crazy? How can you treat your allies like this?"

The six princes shook their heads and sighed: "Sister Huang, we have a common goal in the demon world, so we are allies, but if you look around, where are we?"


Xinghe Shengling, and the Devil Living Being, have always been incompatible.

Back at Xinghe, Su Yu regained the identity of the Eastern Alliance acting god.

And they are still demons.

There is an irreconcilable relationship between them.

All the way Su Yu did, he was unpredictable and could never see what he would do next.

Even as an ally, what they saw all the way made them feel terrified.

The great prince Shen said: "Su Yu is too dangerous to guard!"

The princes and six princes turned their faces like books, which was unexpected.

But Su Yu and Zitong Demon were not shocked, as if they had been expected.

"Hahaha, it is indeed the best royal descendant of the demon world. You did not expect to choose the opposite blade, and it is the same for me." Su Yu laughed.

The eldest prince and the six princes all shrank their pupils.

"Do you expect this step again?"

"of course!"

"I don't believe it!" The Six Empress Girls warned that she didn't believe that, before leaving the Demon Realm, Su Yu analyzed the current possibility.

It was from this moment that there was a violent wind behind Lengding Ding and the six princes.

The prince was seriously injured and had the blood of the giant bitter sea giant in his body. He was too late to resist and was hit hard by the bad wind. He vomited blood immediately and fell into a semi-coma.

The six empresses were intact, and turned irritably: "You dare to betray !!!"

The shots were not others, but the six **** city lords who were loyal to the great prince and the second prince! !!

"We have never betrayed you, because we have never been loyal to you, and we have always been loyal to the Lord of the Seas!"

If the six emperors are caught in a spiral, "How can you be loyal to him?"

"Why is he loyal to him? Quite simply, he can take us away from the demon world, that's it! As for you, huh, why are a group of princes and queens who can't protect themselves worthy of our loyalty?" The six city-lord gods surrounded the six queens.

The six empresses came from sadness, and their rebellion was like a thunderstorm.

"When is this happening?" The six empresses gritted their teeth.

"One month before the coup d'etat," the six city-lord gods smiled and smiled. "The early quasi-heralds he sent convinced us."

"How can you be so easily convinced? If you don't choose a coup, wouldn't it be better to stay in the Demon Realm?" Six Empress Dowagers.

The faces of the six city gods were gloomy and sneered, "Is it still pretending to be unknown? How did the Holy Magic Hall develop from nothing to strength, and how to develop from weak to strong to this day, we know what we know!"

The face of the six emperors sunk into the water. At the beginning, there were only six demon gods in the Holy Magic Hall. Today, there are hundreds of demon gods. Where did they come from?

Of course, not out of thin air, but transforming one by one.

The change of the Lord of the Clouds explains everything.

This is an open secret, and the gods of the city will not reveal it.

"Once included in the Holy Magic Hall, it will completely lose its freedom and eventually become a monster! The six of us wanted to escape from the Demon Realm long ago, but there was no way. In the long run, we will be transformed into a monster of the Holy Magic Hall one day! The ambassador of the Lord of the Seas gave us the opportunity to escape from the demon world, and of course we chose to be loyal to him! "

Hearing here, the Six Empress Girls are speechless.

It turned out that from the beginning, all their princes and queens were counted!

They think they are loyal city owners, in fact, they have long been Su Yu! !!

"But you have left the Demon Realm, the size of the galaxy, you can go wherever you want, do you still need to remain loyal?" The eyes of the six emperor girls turned.

"Oh, Her Royal Highness, we don't need to stir up alienation, we can see more clearly than you! This place is Xinghe, the land of all living things. Once our demon appears, it will be incompatible. How long can we live in Xinghe? The Lord of the City promised us that as long as he is under his control and will not harm Xinghe, he can give us the status of a **** of Xinghe without worrying about being attacked. "

The sixth emperor girl's silver teeth clenched and stared at Su Yu fiercely: "You bastard, everything is calculated !!!"

"However, the six of you think that you will be able to suppress me?"

The six gods of the city seem to laugh with smile: "Of course we can't suppress it, but Wanghai city master has prepared some gifts for you already!"


The six took out several blood-red puppets at the same time, exuding a breath of corrosive breath, not the blood of the giant bitter sea, what was it?

"You, where did you get it from?" The pupils of the Six Emperors shrank, showing inner fear.

How the seventh prince died tragically under the blood of the giant bitter sea, she can vividly remember.

But she remembers very clearly that these blood-stained puppets prepared by the seventh prince were not taken away by the other three city-lord gods, and they should have been buried in the monsters of the Holy Magic Hall.

"Of course it was the Lord of the Seas. We secretly ordered us to ask them. The three gods of the city are also ours. Unfortunately, they were dragged down by those stupid princes and queens, and they failed to escape."

what! !! The Six Empress Girls were completely frightened by Su Yu's methods and lost her temper.

She claims to be clever, but in Su Yu's palm, she only has the qualification to be played.

"His Royal Highness, it is not easy to escape from the demon world, but it is better to obey the Lord Wang Haicheng and cherish life. It is better to fall into her hands than to be a bitter sea giant."

Looking around at the fatal scarlet puppets, the six empresses smirked, staring viciously at Su Yu: "Do you want to control our queen queen like this from the beginning?"

"No!" Su Yu shrugged. "I'm just guarding against your mutiny. If you are doing your part, I will dissolve your royal atmosphere and then go your separate ways. But if you have dissatisfaction, these backhands are for you. prepare!"

Hearing the words, the six emperors stunned: "What do you mean seriously?"

"Well, there is no need to lie to you."

A bit of a bitter smile bloomed the red lips of the six emperor girls. She and the eldest prince made themselves clever, but made themselves cocoons!

After struggling for a long time, she said, "What do you want to do to me?"

"It's impossible for you ~ ~ You two are too strong. It is difficult to deal with you if there is no surprising way to win, so I can only control you in my palm." If you want to blame, they move Suffering, Su Yu had to watch out for them.

"How to control?" Six Empress Dowager said.

The six city gods looked at each other and smiled. One of them took out two six-color marks: "I've prepared them for you."

"You guys!" The six empresses were resentful, and even the seal of the six gods was ready!

"Her Royal Highness, remind you that this is a special seal of the six gods. Unless it is the six of us who shoot at the same time, even if you find a hundred gods, it will not be resolved, and if you are not careful, it may cause a seal and kill you. die."

The six empresses laughed so much that even the last leak was blocked?

If the nine gods are found in Gouwa, they can be erased directly.

However, the imprint of the six gods in front of them contains the blood of the six demon gods. Unless they are all shot at the same time, they cannot be unlocked.

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