The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1262: Fade away

There, Su Yu felt the strongest breath in the mansion.

There was huge movement here, and he was still unmoved. The only explanation was that he was at a critical juncture of cultivation.

"Stop him, don't let him take another step forward!" The steward screamed sharply.

However, where Su Yu has gone without people, who can stop it? Who dares to stop?

Destroyed along the way, most of the mansion was razed to the ground.

Su Yu walked to a basement guarded by a heavy soldier.

The two early quasi-gods were immobile.

With such a huge movement, they are still holding on to this place, and it can be seen that the mid-term quasi-god in the back room has an extraordinary status.

"It looks like Gongsun Shanshen is undoubted." Su Yu said to herself, staring at the eyes, swept towards the two: "It has nothing to do with you, let it go!"

Waiting for the two quasi-gods to shoot, Su Yu shakes her hands with a light of five colors, banging them.

Also hit by the fly were huge stone gates.

Stepping a little, Su Yu entered the underground without thinking, and walked down the long stairs to the underground chamber.

It was a fairly vast underground space, a young man with a stout body sitting in a boiling blood pool.

Around the age of thirty, his skin was dark and his expression was fierce.

On top of his head, a blood-red thread was continuously pulled from his heavenly cover.

With each pull, the momentum rises by one point.

"Oh? What a coincidence, is breaking through the late quasi-god?" Su Yu whispered, looking at the blood-red silk thread with cold light.

Those blood-red silk threads, if imaginary, entangled in the soul.

With every trace of blood drawn, bloodshots struggled, releasing a trace of magic.

This thing Su Yu is no stranger, especially when he has just returned from the Demon Clan, it's a demon.

Long-term devotion and depression can create a demon, hinder cultivation and comprehension.

In front of the young people, they must resolve the long-lost obsessions and depression, and then begin to gradually resolve the demon.

Judging from its gradually increasing practice, it should quickly break through the late quasi-gods.

咚咚咚 ——

Gongsun Wuxie trot along the way, and when the foreground seemed to fall into his eyes, the beautiful eyes rose to hate: "Gongsun flashes !!"

"I tortured my father to death, finally vented your years of grievances, and started to break through?" Gongsun Wuxie's body was trembling, recalling his father's inhuman torture before his death, but his face was beyond recognition and his heart was pained.

Gongsun flashed, Gongsun Wuxie rushed forward and wanted to interrupt him.

As soon as he moved, his shoulder was gently held by Su Yu: "Don't move lightly. He has a **** enchantment arranged by Gongsun Shenming. If you break through, you will only burn on the spot."

A bounce of his fingers, a ray of dust fairy fired at Gongsun Shan.

As he approached Baizhang, ripples rippled in the void, as if hitting a soft film.

Then, the power of the dust fairy burned silently.

This is the power of the dust fairy, let alone Gongsun Wuxie?

"Hum, who I am, making trouble with Gongsun's mansion. It turned out to be you slut. I don't know where to find the wild man." Gongsun, who was in retreat, opened a pair of eyes, covering the scene with abuse and sneer.

"Gongsun flashes!" Gongsun Wuxie couldn't kill Ana, hate skyward.

"Hehe, this expression is exactly like your father when you were dying! It is really pleasing to the eye!" Gongsun Shan grinned cruelly.

"Do you know how your father was tortured in the end? He begged me !!!" Gongsun Shan's smile became sloppy, and he laughed wildly, the bloodshot in his body got faster.

"He begged me not to hurt you any more. I refused. I told him that after he died, I would make you die. It would be miserable a hundred times more than he would give you to the demons to eat it alive!" Gongsun Flashes: "So, he regretted it, and regret gave birth to you, giving you a painful life!"

"That scene is so wonderful !! Hahaha!" Immerged in the thrill of revenge, Gongsun Shan's demon retreated faster, and the momentum soared sharply!

There were tears in Gongsun Wuxie's eyes. His father died in pain like that, or was she cherished before he died?

"You beast!" Gongsun Wuxie clenched his fists, his lively and smart eyes used to be hatred.

Throughout her life, she will live through hatred and pain.

"It's ridiculous! Your father robbed my woman, and he also worked with them to give birth to you, a shame that made me a Western Union shame. How many people still laugh at me. Do your father and daughter know how painful I have been these years?" Gongsun shouted sternly, with hate in his eyes: "Did your father's selfishness hurt me so much, did you forget it?"

"Hahaha ..."

Suddenly, Su Yu, who had never spoken, laughed.

Gongsun flashed coldly: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's too bad to laugh at the heirs your Gongsun family has cultivated!" Su Yu laughed: "It's obviously an offender, but he considers himself a victim!"

"At that time, it was clear that you had persecuted and jealous, persecuted them in a marriage, but failed to get it, causing a smile, not regret, but blaming the innocent father for being selfish? According to your theory, I fancy you Woman, you are not allowed to resist, resistance is selfishness, is it hurt me? "

"Surely this self-centered face can only be cultivated by the Gongsun family."

Gongsun Shan didn't take it for granted: "What is my identity? What is that mediocre bitch? My identity is worthy of this marriage! Doing this is not only good for Mayfair, but also for Gongsun family, more It's for the lord! Blame him for being poor! "

Such a sounding robber logic, Su Yu shook her head.

This kind of self-intoxicated, egoistic thinking, really can't communicate with words.

"I don't know who you are, but dare to break into Gongsun's mansion, presumably you are ready for everything?" Gongsun Shanyu laughed and said, "When I break through the late quasi-god, I will do it myself, oh, in front of innocence Their faces are the best. The remorse of their father and daughter is really wonderful. "

Su Yu shrugged: "Speaking of which, you are very confident in dissolving the demon and taking advantage of the later period to quasi-gods."

"Of course! Untied hearts have been untied for many years, from depression to explosion, breakthrough in the late period of quasi-gods and gods, to thanks to the miserable end of their father and daughter, hahaha!" Gongsun Shanxian laughed longly: "Being out of the gate, I will let you two Let us have a taste of the pain. "

Su Yu fumbled his chin: "It's strange, the evil father hasn't died, but you are happy to be like this, alas, is it that" your woman "is expected to marry him, so the knot of years has been untied?"


Gongsun Wuxie shuddered, his father was not dead?

"Haha, it's a joke. I personally tortured him to death. I don't need to shake my mind here and affect my breakthrough! I broke through the quasi-gods in the late period and conformed to the people and the place in the sky. No one can stop it!" Gongsun smiled, Right as a joke.

"I never lie." Su Yu also smiled, and an emerald dragon was swimming in the left palm, and it was placed on the Jiubi Lingzhu of her arm.

In Jiubi Lingzhu, under a group of emerald light, gradually reshape a human figure.

Eyebrows, calm and restrained, not who is the master of Broken Fairy Cliff?

In Su Yu's body, there are ten true dragon spirit tendons refined by Master Zhuanxianya, and his breath remains, and it is easy to revive it.

The master of Xianxianya was bewildered, and the pain before his death still remained on his face: "Where is this?"

"Lord Xianxian Ya, I'm here to tell you."

"Master? Who?"

"Su Yu!"

Duanxianya's main pupil shrinks sharply.

"The master uses great magical power to hold your body and soul back and reshape your body when you are dying. He is waiting for you right now."

At the end of the speech, the space was filled, and the master of Xianxianya who was still ignorant was rolled out.

In the eye, it was Su Yu's familiar face.

Although he still had great doubts, but wanted to see the young girl's words were true, he immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you Su Gongzi for his life-saving grace!"

"Father ... Father!" Gongsun Wuxie opened his mouth unbelievably.

Her father's body was shown to her deliberately. She could not die anymore. Why did Su suddenly appear beside Su Yu?

The master of Xianxianya shuddered, looked up suddenly, rolled tears in his eyes, and hugged Gongsun Wuxie tightly: "No evil, you, you are fine!"

"It was Brother Su Yu who saved me, father, how are you alive?" Gongsun Wuxie ate, completely unbelievable.

The master of Broken Immortal froze: "It's Su Gongzi ... I will be rescued from the time of death with great magical power."

Although it cannot be explained, it is the only possibility.

The father and daughter were reunited, safe and sound.

Warm scene, fiercely stimulate someone.


A spit of blood spurted out, and Gongsun Shan, who was thrilled by thunder and thunder, was unable to withstand the situation in front of him. The demon quickly poured water, the blood flowed back, and spit a blood.

"Well? Brother Gongsun is also happy that their father and daughter are reunited? They are so excited that they vomit blood, really ..."

"Impossible!" Gongsun Shuang's mouth was bloody, his eyes widened.

Su Yu said: "Nothing is impossible. I use great magical power to save his soul, and then reshape his physical body. What is impossible!"

Raised his hand: "Well, I'll take their father and daughter to meet the eighth girl. The family is reunited, brother Gongsun will practice well."

Hearing this, the infinite **** drip irrigation is even more rapid, and the hard days of hard work in the blink of an eye are put to waste!

Staring at the intact father and daughter, the shame of the heart condensed again.

They must not be allowed to leave, otherwise he would be reduced to a greater smirk.

啵 ——

With a loud noise, the enchantment set by Gongsun Shenming himself was opened by Gongsun.

"You guys, don't even want to leave!" Behind, there was a snarling, low-pitched roar of Gongsun.

At the same time, there is also the oppression of the divine power that suffocates the father and daughter ~ ~ Zhuan lowly ants, this time you can't die any more! With a loud drink, Gongsun shimmered like a ghost, and the majestic divine power turned into a hundred-pound golden spear that penetrated the sky, annihilating Gongsun's father and daughter, and Su Yu.


Su Yu smirked at the corner of her mouth, finally fooled, and walked out of the enchantment.

The whole body of gold flashed, the five elements of gold covered both fists, and at the same time the two **** sources in the body each released their divine power, condensed on one punch, and collided with the golden spear.


The golden spear burst with a single blow. Along the spear, the golden fist was like a dragon, all the way was like breaking bamboo, and it exploded in Gongsun's chest.

嗙 ——

With a loud noise, Gongsun shimmered like a smashed flying stone, and hit the stone wall of the underground secret chamber fiercely, causing a fierce tremor.

Gongsun Shanmulu couldn't believe it: "Divine power ... you, who are you?"

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