The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1270: Ancient memory

"What about me?" The baby boy jumped, and it still looks like the body and has little combat power left.

Su Yu looked at her and said, "Isn't it good that you are this way? After you recover, your strength will be like that."

The dog waved its claws in protest, protesting.

"Your situation is very complicated. According to the history of the royal family, once you are beaten back to the body, there is almost no possibility of recovery." Su Yu frowned slightly.

He has discussed this matter with the sixth and second queens.

Similar to the demons and royals being beaten back to the body, this has happened in history and can be recovered from nothing.

The dog baby was suddenly discouraged, lying on the ground silently, unhappy.

"Sir, if you have a chance, it's better to find a way to restore Huangmei." Six Empress Dowagers.

Su Yu nodded.

The six princes paused and said, "I mean, the sister of the emperor is special, and it may not be useful to adults in the future."

"Detailed." Su Yu heard what the Six Empress Girls seemed to want to emphasize.

The Six Queens said: "A long time ago, our royal family circulated the saying that one royal family was no more than nine. There were no more than eight princes and queens in the past. Only the ninth queen was born this year, which is a strange number."

The royal family is only nine? Seeing the expressions of the great prince and second prince, it seems that this is indeed the case.

"I asked the Zitong Demon to speculate. He mentioned three words, the ancient **** realm."

Ancient God Realm? Unfamiliar nouns come to Su Yu's mind.

"Where is that?"

"I don't know. The purple pupil demon only detected the existence of this place, but couldn't detect the deeper mystery. According to him, he couldn't continue to detect as if it was blocked by some mysterious existence."

And so on? Su Yu's eyes are surprised, in Xinghe, is there still an ancient **** domain?

Seems to find time to ask Zitong Demon.

Now he was in the jewels and couldn't show up.

His life is near. Before the medicine force escaped from the demon world, he consumed too many divine sources, and now he has little life left.

At the last minute, he was pointing his finger at Bi Wanqing, trying to give Bi Wanqing a chance to break through the gods when he was dying.

If nothing is necessary, Su Yu is temporarily unwilling to disturb them.

"Well, if I find a way, I will try to help her recover." Su Yu said.

Gouwa shook his tail in excitement, and plucked Su Yu's calf flattering, as if he were a pet.

"Go down and rest."

When the secret room was empty, Su Yushi had time to cultivate carefully.

Su Yu's first concern was the eyebrows, the stern eyes.

After several times, it finally fell asleep again.

According to records, after waking up for the first time, he was semi-mature.

Waking up after the second deep sleep will be mature.

The mature eyes, the strong greed, will be satisfied by feeding on the gods.

It finally began to become tricky, as Yun Yazi dreaded.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth." Su Yu secretly said that with his current forces, he grabbed several gods, and it was not a problem to feed the eyes of the puppet. It should be safe for the time being.

Followed by the dead soul worm in the ancient ice.

According to the evil god, this worm is a worm that hits the median **** and fails. Although it has died, it still has a deadly destructive force on the soul.

It is never easy to use before the critical moment.

Subsequently, Su Yu's mind moved, and the soul entered Jiubi Lingzhu.

"My son." Sheng Ge smiled and stood in front of Su Yu. With the help of Su Yu's resources, she also achieved amazing results in her cultivation.

After looking at her for a moment, Su Yu said, "Unfortunately, there is no quasi-god deity source of the ghost clan, otherwise it will not help you to break through the gods."

Throughout Xinghe, the ghost clan is a rare existence, and only the Eastern Union has a ghost clan.

"Thank you son! But I want to try and prove the throne through my own efforts." When Shengge spoke, two very different breaths appeared in the body, one was the spirit of the ghost family and the other was the smell of the Buddha.

Su Yu was surprised: "Oh? Are you sure you have attained the throne?"

He was not surprised. In this world, the gods born were almost all the gods who inherited from the previous gods.

It is rare to be a **** alone.

Sheng Ge actually had the confidence and independence to become a god, which really surpassed Su Yu's expectations.

"Eun, Xiaodie helped me." Sheng Ge thought for a moment, his hands were imprinted, and a majestic scent filled with the charm of ancient times.

Vaguely, two huge divine dharma statues stood quietly behind her.

One divine law is the ghost and god, and the other is the Buddha.

"this is?"

"Ancient Shinto is in Kocho's memory."

Su Yu's pupils have shrunk slightly, ancient Shinto? Chaotic colorful butterflies, have ancient memories?

"Where is it?" Su Yu said.

Sheng Ge pointed to a pelargonium silver bamboo that had been eaten more than half, and saw a group of colorful silk cocoons hanging on it quietly.

"It's cocoon again?" Su Yu showed an incredible color.

By the time the caterpillar morphed into a butterfly, it had cocooned once.

Today, as a butterfly, she cocoons a second time and continues to evolve.

"When did this happen?"

"After eating all the Tianzhu Yinzhu, it started to cocoon."

After coming in last time, Su Yu allowed Chao Chao colorful butterflies to devour all the Tianzhu Silver Bamboo except the most primitive Tianzhu Silver Bamboo.

Unexpectedly, after swallowing, abnormal changes occurred again.

"With ancient memory, can you evolve it again? It's been underestimated." Su Yu smiled slightly and seemed to get some unexpected surprises.

When looking back at Shengge, it was Su Yu who couldn't help but show envy: "The Shinto that is hard for outsiders to find, but you easily get it from Kocho's memory. This is your creation. If one day breaks through the gods, I will set you free. . "

It was said at the beginning that if she performed well, she could be free.

Now that she has the opportunity to become a god, why should Su Yu stop it again?

"My son, I am willing to follow my son all the time. Without you, there will be no Sheng song of today." She can have today, really because Su Yu spared no effort to cultivate, otherwise, what is the qualification of a flying fairy devil to look up to God in the sky?

Su Yu smiled lightly: "The young eagle grew up ~ ~ After all, it is to fly to the distant sky. If I stay you, it will actually hurt you."

"Reassure yourself of this ancient Shinto. I can feel that you may prove the God faster than I am."

After that, Su Yu looked towards the nursery.

There are only two lonely old trees in the nursery today.

One of them is Tianzhu Silver Bamboo, which is as high as a thousand feet, and Tianzhu Silver Bamboo recorded in history. This bamboo is exaggerated.

Judging from the magical cultivation effect of Taishang Polypterus, this Tianzhu silver bamboo has been cultivated since the seed was discovered. Today's year has been more than 9,000 years, and if you check it for another thousand years, it is 10,000 years of Tianzhu silver. bamboo.

Su Yu has always been looking forward to what kind of magic will be born in the extreme years of Tianzhu Yinzhu. Unfortunately, except for its huge size, Tianzhu Yinzhu has not changed significantly.

"Cultivate it again. If it is more than 10,000 years, and there is still little change, then use it." Su Yu said to himself.

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