The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1279: The truth

"You ..." Luo Fei turned his head and saw that Su Yu was covered with earthy halo, and the breath was connected with the broken continent of Jiuli Dongfu World.

"What are you so anxious for? We might as well talk about how to control Gongsun Ya." Su Yu smiled lightly.

Luo Fei's pupils narrowed slightly, Shen Shen said, "I don't understand what you're talking about, but you must follow me now, otherwise there will be danger to life."

"Will you be in danger if you go with you now?" Su Yu looked as usual.

what? Luo Fei flashed a deep light in the pupil, and suddenly a light shot in his sleeve, piercing Su Yu's chest from a short distance.


It is a pity that with a clear sound, attacking Su Yu's things, as if hit on the indestructible things, was bounced away.

"How are you possible?" She stared at Su Yu and found that the earthy halo of Su Yu's body turned into a piece of gold, and it was plated like gold.

The hidden weapon struck the chest, leaving a shallow mark, which was easily blocked.

Su Yu smiled, and the color of her body suddenly changed again, turning it into a multicolored color.

At the same time, the multicolored light manifested into a long chain, which suddenly entangled Luo Fei.

Luo Fei was shocked. Su Yu was about to block the multicolored chain.

However, as soon as the chain was added, Luo Fei was under the heavy pressure of the Dongfu world, feeling extremely heavy and moving slowly.

When he realized that he wasn't good enough and wanted to avoid the chain, it was too late and he was entangled with the chain.

His body was soft, unable to withstand the weight of the multicolored chain, and fell to the ground with a bang, crushing the broken continent.

Su Yu stood up against her hand, sucked in the air, and tightened the multicolored chain, and flew her to Su Yu.

Su Yu squinted her eyes, looked at it slightly, finally locked her eyes on her lips, took out a jade knife in the palm of her hand, and gently scratched on her lips, scraping a layer of bright red rouge.

Rotating the power of the pupil, Rouge is constantly enlarged in Su Yu's eyes.

When zoomed in to the limit, the color suddenly changed, and the jade was suddenly shaken away.

Almost immediately, the rouge on the jade knife suddenly squirmed! !!

And turned into a handful, sprayed on Su Yu's face.

Fortunately, Su Yu responded in time and threw away the jade knife without being sprayed on.

Under Su Yu's extreme eyes, you can see that the so-called blood-red rouge is actually a collection of tiny red bugs that are faint and dusty!

In other words, Luo Fei's mouth is full of such weird bugs!

This bug gives Su Yu a bit of anxiety from the soul, which shows that they have a great impact on the soul.

Taking a breath, Su Yu said, "You are indirectly controlling Gongsun Ya through these bugs, right?"

Before attending the wedding, Su Yu carefully checked Gongsun Ya to ensure that he had no hidden dangers that could be exploited.

However, as a result, Gongsun Ya was still used.

But from beginning to end, the Lord of the League of Luo did not touch Gongsun Ya.

But, there was one who touched him, and that was the bride!

Also, they have drank wine, and the wine glass touched by the bride's lips was fed to the groom.

Now think about it, the bride intentionally left the worms on the lips to the wine glass, and then passed the wine to the groom.

In this way, Gongsun Ya suddenly went crazy and was controlled by someone.

"You, what do you know?" Luo Fei asked, looking nervous.

Su Yu shook her head and said, "Everything you know, you know, for example, it is known that the Luo League leader controls Luo Fei in secret. Moreover, Luo League leader must be near the Jiuli Dongfu World and set an ambush. As long as I leave the Dongfu World, Will be regarded by your ambush as absconding, and then I will be killed by the righteousness! "

Luo Feiqian's eyes flickered with suspicion, and it was found carefully that Luo Fei's expression was unnatural.

As if there was a hidden personality, suppressed by something.

Su Yu sighed silently: "Luo, Lord, in order to keep the leader, I can understand that you sacrificed Gongsun Ya, but can even your daughter sacrifice it?"

According to his plan, the seal was opened by Luo Fei. Then, if Su Yu absconds, he can escape the relationship?

Even if she is not killed, she will be killed by the angry Western Union gods.

Gongsun Ya will die, and Luo Fei will die.

唰 ——

An amazing divine power suddenly flooded the entire Jiuli Dongfu world, shook the world, and shattered a large area.

Those who have this divine power, only Luo Lord!

"Oh, you've tasted it so quickly?" Leng Buding chuckled slightly, sounding from behind.

You don't need to look back to know that it is the Lord of the League of Romania.

Su Yu sighed, her heart moved, and the power of the five elements intensified. Luo Fei was overwhelmed and fainted.

Turning around, looking at the faint, confident and extraordinary Lord Luo, Su Yu said: "Sacrifice his daughter and Gongsun Ya, I want to know, what are you going to do next?"

The leader looked at Su Yu as if looking at a dying man who had fallen into the trap. He did not hide his ambition and smiled: "Of course, everything that can affect the position of my leader is removed."

"For example, she seems to know something about the evil species you brought back!"

Su Yu's eyes were a little cold: "Sin species? Fortunately, Wuxie never called you grandfather."

"Oh, gods are long, all relationships are false. Only the avenue of heaven and earth in the meditation is my lifelong pursuit. These relationships will only become my obstacles, remove them!"

Su Yu said: "After killing Gongsun Wuxie? Can you sit still for a while, can you sit still for the first time? I believe that my death will make the Anti-Magic Family doubt."

"Then killing them can't be doubted!" The leader replied coldly: "Lin Langfan has repeatedly opposed me, and it's also time to kill the chickens and tamarins and show the rest of the family of resistance to magic!"

Su Yu shook her head slightly: "You can't be a avenue, you have put down the obstacles of family relationships, but you are held by power, and you are destined not to go long."

Hearing the words, the leader laughed and laughed: "It's a joke! Only in the world can you be qualified to give pointers to mountains and rivers, and you can hope to touch the avenue that all living beings can't touch. You are a dusty fairy, what is the avenue?"

"In short, obstructing my right to control the world is obstructing my road, obstructing my road, killing without amnesty !!"

Long laughter shook the world, the world of Dongfu boomed and shattered, and the smoke disappeared.

The endless water of the galaxy, poured into it, will completely destroy the remaining continent.

"Everything is over, Silver God. When you are granted Silver God here, you are destined to be just a stepping stone to the throne." Luo Meng stepped in, and said lightly: "Rest in peace, this is your glory ! "

However, at this moment, an old sigh sounded loudly.

"Hey, I'm old, it really isn't suitable for the leader."

The abrupt old voice made Luo Meng's face froze, his footsteps abruptly, and his pupils shrank: "Ximen Sword !!! You are not dead !!!"

"Yeah, I'm surprised, Lord Lord!"

唰 ——

An invincible force, not to lose the horrible divine power of the leader, forcibly landed in the world of Dongfu and completely shattered the world.

The gods gathered in the sky, gathered in the galaxy into a stature, old-looking, muddy eyes old man.

Carrying a vicissitudes of wood sword, like an ancient soul, come slowly.

"It's you! No, you should be dead! I have checked your body, and there will be no fakes!" Lord Luo was horrified.

Simon Jian faintly said, "You can hide the ancient cup technique, why can't I hide another secret technique? Could you forget what my body is?"

The main pupil's pupil narrowed slightly: "The family of Simon is the ancient true spirit, the body of the sea snake. Can the sea snake die twice?"

Xi Menjian shook his head: "To be precise, it is a two-headed sea snake body. Unless two heads are cut off at the same time, it will not die!"

"On the big wedding, it's just that I have a snakehead. After a little rest, I can recover from it."

Hearing that, the leader was secretly surprised.

His ultimate goal was to kill rival Simon Sword, but he wasn't dead!

Suddenly, he glanced at Su Yu's indifferent expression, an incredible thought appeared in his heart, and Shen said, "Silver God, do you know that Ximen Sword is not dead?"

Su Yu laughed and said nothing.

Xi Men Jian gave a complicated look at Su Yu, and when he looked at the lord, he showed compassion: "I pretend to be dead, that is his attention! You have planned completely, long ago, he all knew that he was the one he sent The tree **** came to me and told you what you want. "

"I didn't believe it at first, but it wasn't until you appeared secretly near my house and tried to kill my son that I believed that you would fight me!"

After listening, the leader of Luo League was shocked: "How is this possible? All my plans are careful and thoughtful. Is it because Gongsun God betrayed and leaked the news?"

Simon Jian's eyes were even more pitiful: "Luo Luo, are you still unclear? You have encountered a more sophisticated and thoughtful existence than you, and you have a first step into all your calculations! This is why I am here!"

"Impossible!" Luo Mengzhu couldn't believe it, and thought that the thoughtful plan of killing two birds with one stone was already seen by others.

Ximen Sword did not speak ~ ~ glanced at the Quartet suddenly, grabbed suddenly to the void, and suddenly a crystal ball hidden in the void floated out.

The crystal ball has already been turned on. On the other side, there are many gods in the Western Union! !!

They were led by "dead" Simon, standing on the other side of the crystal ball, and the city watched the details of the place.

The heart of Luo Meng's heart shook, and his heart swelled. How can I explain that he appeared in the Jiuli Dongfu world, and he drank aloud: "Ximen sword! Hello, bold, it turned out to be pretending to die, and wanted to frame silver. God! Immediately grab it, or the lord will not spare you! "

"It's ridiculous." Xi Menjian shook the old head: "Master, you don't have to be acting, this image crystal ball has existed for a long time, and your words and deeds were passed to the Western Union's family of resistance to magic. ! "

"Hehe, blocking you from being the ally is to stop you from pursuing the avenue, and to stop your seekers from killing no pardon ... and you sacrificing your daughter, sacrificing Gongsun Ya, and eradicating the gods of Lang Lang, these words have spread throughout the Western Union! So, lord, please stop your ridiculous acting, Western Union has no place for you! "

All his conspiracies surfaced.

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