The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1281: Does anyone disagree

"Then, let ’s ask again, can a contradictory Western Union really be able to exert its full strength when it comes to fighting against the Demons? Not to mention, we still have to unite the Eastern Union, the conflict between the Western Union and the Eastern Union. deal with?"

The **** question made the gods present deeply pondered.

Yeah, they're too scattered, but the demons are all united.

The strengths of the two sides are inherently disparate, and they are still not aligned.

Ten years later, the battle was a battle of doom.

Ximen Sword and Lin Lang gods take it for granted. In the Western Union, choosing any **** to become the new leader cannot solve the problem.

Time is too tight and they urgently need to smooth out contradictions.

"In your opinion, who is the most suitable person to choose as the leader?" Ximen Jian and Lin Langfan threw the difficult questions to Su Yu.

However, even they never expected that Su Yu could give the best candidate,

Because, Su Yu cannot be more familiar with the Western Union than they are.

"Of course I am the most suitable!" Su Yu said lightly.

As soon as this word came out, the entire Xinghe River was silent. All the discussions and discussions seemed to be severely cut off. !!

All the gods have an illusion. Is the mind saying something wrong?

Rao is a **** of langlang. After a long while staggering, he asked, "Yin God, what did you just mean?"

Su Yu calmly said: "It literally means, confederate, I'm here!"

Suddenly, the entire Xinghe exploded.

The leader of the Western Union, that is the highest status existence of Xinghe, and the noble status of the Eastern Alliance empty line mother, the devil of the demon world!

A talented fairy immortal three realm, only 20 years old, but the status of an agent god, threatens that he is more suitable as the leader of the league than anyone?

If it weren't for your own ears, it would only be regarded as a joke worthless.

However, this scene appeared before him.

"Silver God, are you sure you know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, as the leader of the Western Union, anyone in the presence of the gods can serve, only you can't?"

"On qualifications and strength, Yinshen, you have to pay attention for the time being!"

These are kind, and the malicious sneer is unknown.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, an alien god, but there is a strong **** who is on duty, and he is trying to get the position of leader!"

"That's why, why? Because he's a little smart?"

"If he is truly the leader of the Western Union, then it is really a joke to become a galaxy!"


Ximen Sword and Lin Lang's deities were also calm and silent.

Su Yu's request is really ...

This is simply impossible!

Su Yu looked faintly at the presence of the gods, and the corners of her mouth showed a faint expression: "Originally, I had no interest in the position of the leader of your Western Union, and it may not be rare for me to give it. It is your performance on the big wedding, let me Make up your mind that you, the lord, will not give you any more. "

This is the determination made by Su Yu.

Take the position of leader!

Finally, a deity questioned Su Yu positively: "Silver God, why do you want to be the leader of the Western Union?"

When many gods want to come, Su Yu will probably say the beautiful words of unifying the forces of all parties and uniting against the demons.

Until, Su Yu said that they would explode.

"Because you are so stupid! You need a smart person to lead you!"

The audience was silent for three seconds and was instantly burst.

"Who do you say is stupid? It's arrogant!"

"Silver God, take back your words immediately, otherwise, I can regard you as an insult to our Western Union!"

Scolded like a tide.

However, Su Yu calmly looked around the gods, and sneered, "You still need me to insult? Just a few words was used by Luo Ling, and there was no room for thinking, so who was yelling at the wronged? If I am the Devil and any of you is elected, I have a way to make a fool like you kill each other like today! "

The gods were angry, and Su Yu's words poked them down, but they couldn't convince them.

"This, it's just that we trust Luo Luo too much! It's not that we lack thinking."

Su Yu evoked a sneer radian: "What do you mean, if you have another unexpected situation, you will be very calm and rational?"

Upon asking this question, many gods looked very gloomy.

"Silver God! You always have a limit to bullying people? Anyway, we are gods who have experienced thousands of years. Don't deny our thousand years of rest because of one thing!"

Su Yu said lightly: "Okay!"

I saw Su Yu's wrist shake, and the bead made a jingling sound of collision.

Then, the nine terrifying horrifying spirits suddenly came out of the sky, suddenly covering a galaxy.

In the magic air, the body of the nine demon gods looming, exuding the terrible breath of the trembling galaxy.

In particular, the three headed by them gave majesty to all the gods present.

"Devil ... devil !!"

"Nine devil !!"

"No, those three, yes, are the devil and the devil !!!"

"The devil ... the demon emperor ..."

"Run! The demons have invaded, and the invasion is bad !!!"

If they were ordinary deities, they would probably not be so panic.

However, it is not the ordinary demons that appeared, but the rumored demon prince and devil queen! !!

Combined with Su Yu's experience, they instinctively fear.

Panic spread like a plague. I don't know who was frightened and screamed and ran away. A hundred gods fled in a panic.

"Stop it for me! Escape, kill!" Ximen Sword and Lin Lang's deities drank at the same time, and the intention of killing was astonishing.

The two were dignified, and a roar really scared the frightened god.

Suppressing the fear, they reunited together, staring in horror at the shadows of the nine deities.

In the galaxy, there have never been nine demons come together, and never have the demon prince and demon queen led the team in person.

Especially the devil prince and devil queen, the impact on them is too great!

"Silver **** ... Silver **** is a traitor! He actually hides the devil with him!"

"No wonder he can survive the Devil Realm, he, he must have surrendered the Devil Realm!"

"He gained our trust just to lead the demons to attack us!"

"Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people. Let ’s go together and destroy the silver **** first, and then fight against the demon together !!"

In a panic, everyone warmed up and found a common goal!

"Stop it! Shame !!!!" Simon Jian's old face flushed and snorted.

Lin Lang's gods stared at them coldly, "A bunch of idiots!"

Let the two gods swear, showing how angry they are.

The gods are slightly quieter.

"But, the silver **** and the demon collusion ..."

"Don't shut up yet! How long will it take for you to calm down?" Lin Lang glanced at him with an angry expression.

"He really colluded with the Demon Realm. Is it not easy for you to kill all of you while you are poisoned at your big wedding today? Is it necessary to be outnumbered now?"

Yes! After many gods were scolded by Ximen Sword and Lin Lang gods, they finally calmed down a little and realized that it seemed to be such a problem.

Waiting for all the gods to calm down, Su Yu sneered: "This is what you call a thousand-year recuperation? Is it good to be insulted? Good to be calm and calm?"

Faced with the skeptical gazes of the gods, Su Yu said lightly, "Tell these stupid people, your identity."

"Yes, master!"

The nine demon gods all flew behind Su Yu, with respectful expressions, and yelled at the master.

This scene made Xinghe fall into a dead silence again.

It took a long time for the air-conditioner to say, "I, am I right, master?"

"It seems ... it's called the master!"

"Did he subscribe to so many demon gods? But there are royal families ..."

The great prince drew the sword in his arms, stunned the gods, and said coldly: "The great prince of the demon world, Jing Feiyun!"


In the crowd, once again the sound of inhaling cool air, the demon world ... the great prince! !!

Rumored that the most powerful prince and queen?

Ximen Sword and Lin Lang were trembling, and their scalp was tingling.

It is rumored that the great demon of the demon world is the second most powerful man behind the emperor and the **** of death?

The two looked at the Grand Prince, and they felt as if they were being penetrated by a sharp arrow.

"The Six Empresses of the Demon Realm, Jingxuan! Alas, a bunch of idiots." The six empresses hummed coldly and proudly. When Yu Guang fell on Su Yu's body, the beautiful eyes bloomed.

The more you follow Su Yu, the more you can appreciate the charm of Su Yu.

In contrast, the self-confident deity, in front of Su Yu, is as stupid as the ants.

The more she looked, the more emperor's heart beat.

"The second queen of the demon world, Jing Yan! Really, why should I report the origin of this group of weak idiots?" The second queen stared at Su Yu with dissatisfaction.

Of the three princes and queens, only she was not banned.

But in that tone, it seemed to be under the fence.

"Master of the Demon Fire City, Zhang Shun!"

"The Lord of the Demon Qinyuan City, Zhang Lie!"


The nine demon gods each reported their origins, and they looked indifferently to the hundred Western Union gods.

That high arrogance and contempt are in stark contrast to their respect and respect for Su Yu!

At this moment, all the gods in the alliance were shocked, and there was no doubt anymore.

Su Yu really regained three royal demon gods and six city-lord demon gods!

For the first time since ancient times, this is the first time that Xinghe is living! !!

Su Yu looked at the gods indifferently, and said indifferently: "History tells us that the group is foolish. You used your actual actions ~ ~ to explain this historical summary very well!"

I heard that the gods of the heavens are all blushing and have a sense of self-compliance.

They vowed that they had cultivated for thousands of years and refused to accept Su Yu's criticism of their stupidity.

But it turned out ...

It turns out that they are stupid, panic-stricken in the face of unexpected events, and have no room for thought.

I would like to ask, what kind of person should be the leader of this group in case of sudden invasion by the Mozu?

The gods laughed bitterly, and no one dared to confront Su Yu!

Su Yu looked around at them coldly, and her voice rang to Xinghe: "I want to be the leader, you, who else is not convinced?"

Who else disagrees ...

Who disagrees ...

The majestic echoes kept echoing in Xinghe.

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