The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1283: ASEAN Mutation

Union House, Parliament Hall. → eight → eight → read → book,. ↓ .o≥

Su Yu sits quietly on the throne of the Alliance leader. This is forged from Xinghe Tianxuan Crystal Sand, which has a very significant effect on Shenyuan.

There are also huge benefits to Xiuwei.

In just ten days, Su Yu was silent. From the Three Realms of the Dust Fairy to the Four Realms of the Dust Fairy, only one step away from breaking through the quasi-gods.

At this moment, he was quietly looking through the precious books collected by the main government of the League.

These books are Xinghe's solitary books, which are not available to the outside world.

They have been in the Confederate Mansion for thousands of years and are the oldest books in the world.

Moreover, only the confederates have the authority to read these inherited books.

Many of the messages recorded relate to the severance of ancient times.

Although the information of the classics is messy and fragmented, it is not difficult to see that the ancient times of Xinghe is a prosperous to incredible age.

At that time, an elixir could make a mortal one step into a god, and a book of magic could make a mortal contend with heaven and earth.

At that time, the gods of Xinghe were as many as ox hairs. The entire Xinghe and Dongfu world were connected together, and the vast light of the gods illuminated the entire time and space of Xinghe!

At that time, there were many worldly figures like hegemons in the heavens and the earth. In a single thought, the world of the Dongfu shattered. In one finger, Qiankun reversed the yin and yang.

However, that era died before hundreds of millions of years ago.

The cause of perdition has not been described in any of the classics, as if there was a certain existence between heaven and earth, and the cause of perdition could not be recorded.

All I know is that the heyday was ruined overnight.

The overlord of heaven and earth lost its sight, the gods of the world fell one after another, and the world of endless caves continued to collapse.

The shining star galaxy, in an instant, turned into a dark dead silence.

Only today's two major alliances are lingering, less than one billionth of a billion in the heyday.

What happened that year that made that glorious era disappear overnight?

Su Yu looked at the secret, but found no clue.

Only from a broken ancient book, I saw three vague words marked by the ancient blood of God.

"Ancient God Realm!"

This broken book is a "history" that records the important history of Xinghe.

The word "Ancient God Realm" is the last three characters recorded in this "history".

After that, it seemed to be destroyed by some force.

Even if it were n’t for those three words, marked with the blood of God, it would be erased.

"Another ancient realm ..." Su Yu mumbled. He knew from the mouth of the demon emperor the existence of the ancient realm, but they did not know where it was and what it represented.

Before the extinction of the heyday, the last record in history was the ancient **** realm.

Could it be that the destruction of that era is related to the ancient **** realm?

Look, Su Yu can't help himself for a long time.

It turned out that Xinghe had such an incredible age.

All the leaders of the past have left a mark on the classics, and they call it the era of ancient myths.

They all showed boundless longing and regret, hating that they had never been born in that glorious era of myth.

Unfortunately, everything was wiped out in the mysterious upheaval, and the two remaining alliances only passed on the fur of the mythical era.

Su Yu sighed silently, and her heart was not calm for a long time.

When the Holy Spirit, Sword God, and Holy Yuanxin entered the temple, the purpose was to lean on the throne of the lord and read the figures carefully.

Because books blocked their faces, they had never seen their faces clearly, and could only recognize that the figure like a great emperor was very young.

The sword **** took a breath and stared at the Holy Spirit, all showing surprise.

"Holy God, if this worldly power has not deliberately concealed his age, it seems to be more than twenty, right?" The sword **** secretly spoke.

The Holy Spirit was very surprised: "Yeah, he's too young, shouldn't he be the leader?"

No matter how wealthy it is, at this age, it cannot become such a powerful and powerful shore.

However, Ximen Sword and Lin Langfan bowed down and worshiped: "When you return to the lord, you will be brought here."

He is really the lord! The Holy Spirit and the Sword God are horrified. How could that great and ruthless worldly great emperor be so young?

"Oh." Su Yu woke up from contemplation, closing the book slowly.

The holy god, the sword god, all held his breath, staring at Su Yu, who gradually revealed his true features.

They were very curious, what kind of existence this young emperor!

When the ancient classics were completely closed, Su Yu's true face was fully revealed.

The long silver hair is freehand, and the handsome face is handsome and bright, reflecting self-confidence.

At this moment, the holy **** and the sword **** are stunned, and this sacrifice is full.

They faced Su Yu's face, their eyes did not blink, as if in a certain doubt.

They even flashed weird thoughts in their hearts, because there was a strange fantasy formation here, which made them see Su Yu.

Until Sheng Yuanxin screamed and pulled them back to reality.

"Su Yu! You ... you are not dead !!!"

An exclamation, full of surprise, full of joy, and gloomy excitement.

"Presumptuous! Dare to call the name of the leader!" Simon Jian drank softly: "Don't you kneel down and ask the leader for forgiveness?"

Ximen Sword was so majestic, that Sheng Yuanxin's knees softened and he almost knelt.

"Hahaha, Yuanxin, I haven't seen you in a long time." Su Yu put down her books and smiled slightly.

The Holy God and the Sword God looked at Su Yu unbelievably, his lips opened, and He was speechless.

How did they accept that Su Yu, who died clearly in the demon world, became the leader of the Western Union in an instant, or was a galaxy power that overwhelmed eternal time and space?

The difference between the two is like cloud mud.

"Ximen god, Linlang god, you go down."

Simon Sword and Lin Langfan retreated in awe.

When only they were left, Su Yu smiled lightly: "I haven't seen you in years, have you been okay?"

The Holy Spirit spoke extremely hard: "OK, okay ..."

The sword **** stammered: "Okay, long time no see."

Only Sheng Yuanxin's eyes were bright and his face was full of surprises, staring at Su Yu without blinking.

"Sit down." Su Yu waved and smiled.

The Holy Spirit and the Sword God are still in their dreams, saying, "No, you don't have to, I just have to stand and talk."

It was only at this moment that they immediately worshiped on one knee: "I have seen the Soviet Union leader!"

Su Yu sighed helplessly: "Both are old people, why are you so born?"

Holy **** and sword god, how dare to regard Su Yu as a little Eastern Union acting god?

Hearing the words, sitting with a sorrow.

It is Shengyuanxin, who is pure in nature, sits down with a smile, and yells, "I know that you are not so easy to die. Huh, you are the most cunning. Everyone said that you fell into the devil world, and you must be dead, but I think , You are probably not dead! Sure enough, you guy, not only did not die, but also became the leader of the Western Union! "

Regardless of the stunned eyes of the Holy Spirit and the Sword God, Sheng Yuanxin kept asking himself: "Hurry up and say, what did you experience in the demon world, did you make the demon world full of storms? I heard you regained the devil How did you and the queen do it? And how did you escape from the demon world ... "

Su Yu laughed, and roughly explained his party in the demon world.

Sheng Yuanxin is like listening to a legendary story, his eyes are shining, and he can't help excitement when he gets up and down, and sweat for Su Yu.

When he heard Su Yu's strategy to turn danger into danger, he couldn't help clapping.

The Holy God and the Sword God also listened with great interest and were extremely enchanted.

Su Yu's encounter in the demon world is really a step-by-step killer. A slight mistake is a complete disaster.

It is true that Su Yu is helpless, relying on the strength of one person, and stirred up the devil world upside down.

After listening, the three breathed a sigh of relief.

It's so exciting, it's even more exciting than the fictional story.

"Well, after the gossip, it is time to finalize the alliance between the two major alliances." Su Yu said.

The holy **** and the sword **** are happy, and finally wait until this day.

The alliance between the two parties has a foundation of half a year, and the places where the discussions have been held have been discussed and perfected, but they have been intentionally obstructed by Gongsun Shenming.

Now that the two sides hit it off, the agreement for an alliance was quickly reached.

The two sides will form an anti-magic alliance, integrate forces, and gather in one place.

As for who issued orders in the Anti-Magic Alliance, each of the two major alliances will launch a person and jointly control.

Of course, Su Yu took a step back and decided to relocate the Western Union as a whole and merge with the Eastern Union.

Such great projects will certainly cause dissatisfaction with the Western Union deities.

But this is extremely necessary.

The Western Union is too close to the Demon Realm. If the Demon Realm no longer keeps them in captivity and chooses to make all-out shots, the Western Union will perish if it is not supported within a day.

Therefore, no matter who objected, they must be relocated here.

After some discussion, the two parties signed an alliance contract.

The Holy Spirit and the Sword God wished to achieve, and couldn't help it.

Su Yu was also slightly relieved. The alliance of the two major alliances was the top priority in fighting against the demons.

This step is preliminary!

In a relaxed mood, Su Yushi remembered one thing, looking a little cold: "Holy God, Sword God, I want to ask you one thing, my deceased person in the Kyushu Dongfu world, father and grandson, who is the master Repatriating them to the Western Union? "

The holy **** and the sword god, their faces suddenly froze, and their looks suddenly hard to look.

They almost forgot that Su Yu's situation in the Eastern Conference is now.

Seeing that the two were still talking, Su Yu said lightly: "Does the two feel that there is no worries about having a contract?"

Even saying this ~ ~ shows that Su Yu is dissatisfied with their attitude.

Where can the holy **** and the sword **** dare to hide again? Dimpled: "It was ordered by the air traveller."

"I don't know the so-called Virgin!" Su Yumu Lu Hanguang, in fact, he had speculated for a long time, it must be him, could not help but kill.

Staring at the dodging look of the two, Su Yu said coldly: "What else did she do, related to me, say it all, don't stutter! My temper, you should know that deceiving me will only make the situation worse ! "

The Holy Spirit smiled bitterly, and the worst situation appeared.

Not only did Su Yu come back alive, she also became a high-powered Western Union leader, thinking about the fate of the Eastern Union.

"Hey, Yu God, I hope you can calm down and listen to her. You did a lot of things for you. If we speak out, I hope you are prepared." The Holy God sighed deeply.

Su Yu sneered: "Say! I want to see what this empty line mother did!"

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