The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1285: Milky fishing rod

Su Yu's pupil flickered slightly.

The tree **** was extremely worried: "The strength is far above me. So to speak, at least it is equivalent to the existence of the six empresses! Who will it be?"

"Whoever it is, but ..." Su Yu stood up slowly, her expression gradually becoming serious: "The chase of the demon world has finally arrived!"

He took away the four princes and queens of the demon world, making the bitter sea giant unable to recover these reincarnation reincarnation, hindering the "Mantra of the Demon Spell", and it was completely expected that the demon would be hunted down by the demon world.

However, they came faster than expected, only two or three months later, they followed.

What was most unexpected was that it was unusual for them to find Su Yu's position so quickly.

"Who is Zhongzhou Wang's father?" Su Yu murmured.

After a moment of contemplation, Su Yu groaned, "It's time to speed up and move as a whole. The side of the demon world shouldn't stay long."

"Ximen sword, Lin Langfan, you come in." Su Yu said.

Su Yu informed the news that the Demon Realm was chasing troops. Ximen Jian and Lin Langfan were also surprised: "Look at the Alliance leader, what should we do?"

"First, send god-like strong men to detect, aren't there a group of gods waiting to sacrifice their powers? Order them to inquire about the enemy's falsehood and realism. If they are successful, everything in the past can be erased!

"Second, speed up the overall migration of the Western Union. Time is not waiting. After the devil is disturbed by me, what will be the next step? No one can predict that it is extremely unsafe here."

Simon Jian Shen said: "The first point is fine, but the second point is just for discussion."

"Say." Su Yu asked.

Simon Kendo: "The Western Union ’s perseverance in the fall of the Devil for millions of years is not only used to this place, but more importantly, this place is the foundation of the Western Union. More than a hundred cave worlds will not be separated overnight. Things."

This point, Su Yu understands.

Just like the land of God's legacy, it relies on a broken emperor's holy instrument, and the Nine Demon Seals exist.

Otherwise, the strength of the galaxy alone will blow the Dongfu world in a floating and floating place in the starry sky, and it cannot be fixed in one place, let alone connect the nine Dongfu worlds into one.

The Eastern Union is fixed in one place in the starry sky, mostly under the alliance, and there is also some kind of support.

It is conceivable that bearing the nine Dongfu world requires a broken sacred artifact of the emperor's path. Then, bearing hundreds of Dongfu world like the Eastern Union and the Western Union is bound to be extraordinary.

This is also what Ximen Jian said.

These details may not be very powerful, but they have unique uses for being fixed in the sky.

Su Yu has long been in possession of the alliance, and the ancestors of the alliance have not completely mastered it, but they have never seen what the Western Union so-called heritage is.

However, it would allow the Western Union to run the risk of confronting the demon world at a close distance, and insist on refusing to leave. It can be seen that the so-called background, it is difficult to find a second one in Xinghe.

"Don't question my words, the power of the demon world is beyond your imagination, mobilize all the gods, give up as much as you can, leave this place, and join the Eastern Union!"

The two men who got the order left the Alliance House with a bitter smile.

"Is the leader's fear of the demon world too much?" Ximen Jian could not help it.

After all, it has been an alliance that has resisted the devil for millions of years. Before Su Yu came, they always believed that the strength of the Western Union and the Demons did not want to go up and down.

Although Su Yu told the Demon Realm that they hadn't witnessed it, they let them feel lucky.

Lin Langfan frowned: "From the perspective of the leader of the alliance, he is by no means a timid person. Let him be so jealous. I think we should speed up and get out of the truth and go to the Eastern Union."

Xi Menjian nodded, and there was still a bit of carry in his heart. Before seeing the true strength of the demon world, he couldn't convince Su Yu's story of wolf captive sheep.

Su Yu's order, they carried it out.

Six god-level powerful men, led by dozens of quasi-gods, headed in the direction of the devil.

Exploration operations of this magnitude are very rare in the history of the Western Union.

Some keen beings noticed unusual things.

Coupled with Ximen Sword and Lin Langfan as representatives, it has accelerated the speed of the Dongfu world's detachment, which makes people even more nervous.

Could something happen that wouldn't happen?

Deep in the cold and dark starry sky, a cloud of blood-red magic cloud, with blood, floated quietly across the starry sky.

In the blood, a dying spirit was firmly bound by the demon cloud.

There was no trace of his divine body, and the divine source disappeared.

If any of the gods in the Western Union are here, they will recognize that this deviating spirit is not someone else. It is the former leader of the Western Union, Luo Yan! !!

He screamed resentfully that day, and one day he will make a comeback. As a result, he has fallen to this point?

"Master Marshal, five days away from the Western Union." An extremely powerful bank, a demon with an almost indifferent look, stood coldly at the head of the demon cloud.

Behind him, many demon gods were trembling, without saying a word.

"Well, I have sensed the breath of the creature that escaped from the demon world. Unless there is someone stronger than me, I can't escape my induction lock." Wei An's indifferent demon, Xu Xu said.

He glanced down at the bound Luo Luo spirit, indifferently said: "He is useless, reward you."

It was said that the many demon gods behind him showed greedy eyes, opened their blood bowls and opened their mouths, and rushed to swallow the spirits.

Luo Yan scared the souls!

"Wait! Lord Demon, I, I still have use, as the leader of the Western Union, I have a lot of useful things."

Luo Yan looked at the devil in front of Wei An, could not help but jump!

Although it has been ten days since he met him, he will never forget the power of this demon!

From beginning to end, he used only one hand to suppress him, who was the first player in the Western Union, to crush his flesh and devour his source.

The ability to make Luo Yi despairing, he still remembers, still shaking.

Before meeting him, Luo Yan did not believe that such powerful and terrible characters still existed in the world.

His mind was completely crushed by the appearance of this demon.

He finally believed that Su Yu's words were not half false, the demon world was strong, and he was so strong that he always regarded Xinghe as a captive sheep!

From the dialogue between these demon gods, Luo Ye knew that this demon god, named, the six demon gods, is exactly what Su Yu said, the first person under the demon emperor!

"What's the use of being deprived of your lordship?" Said the six demons indifferently.

Originally, they could not find Su Yu, because the royal breath of the four princes and queens was not known by any means, so that they could not sense the specific position.

How to find the vast Star River?

However, Luo Luo who was caught got an important message from his mouth, and a strong man escaped from the demon world appeared in the Western Union.

The six demon gods sacrificed their blood, and toward the Western Union, tried to stir the curse left by the king of the state, and was really provoked and discovered the existence of Su Yu.

Because of this, they set their sights and went straight to Su Yu.

All of this is due to Luo Yan's contribution.

Luo Yi immediately said: "I know a lot of classics from ancient times. These are passed down from generation to generation in the Western Union. Only the leader, I know, if you want to know ..."

"Classical books?" The six demon gods shook his head indifferently.

Behind the six demon gods, a pretty demon servant, with a cold face, showed a sneer: "Our devil has recorded all the history of millions of years ago, you galaxy and soul, what is that broken record?"

If Su Yu were here, she would surely recognize that this maid was Princess Yunyan's first maid, Cai Lin, a human race.

In the same way, the existence of the demon world can be much older than Xinghe Shengling, at least in historical records, it is definitely more complete than Xinghe Shengling.

Luo Yan's forehead was cold and sweaty, and suddenly, there was a flash of light: "Wait! As a leader, I know a lot about the Western Union's heritage. Believe this, should I be able to work for the demon master?"

Cai Linxiu frowned: "Information of the Western Union?"

This is something they have in the history of the demon world, but the specific situation is only known to the demon emperors in the past, and they are not aware of the ordinary demon life creatures.

"The bottom line is extremely mysterious, not only can withstand the pressure of hundreds of Dongfu world, but also extremely powerful power. If used properly, no one in the galaxy can bear it."

Cai Lin looked cold: "In order to save your life, are you alarming here? If the Western Union really has such a powerful heritage, it would have penetrated the Demon Realm! Moreover, in the history of the Western Union, there have been several times that it has almost destroyed the clan, and I have not seen you use it. . "

What kind of characters Luo Yan knew when he heard the tone, said, "So, use it properly!"

In fact, Luo Yan did not know how to use the power of the bottom line, but now it was just a fright to scare them to save their lives.

Cai Lin casts her eyes to the six demon gods.

The six demon spirits flashed, and said lightly, "Keep his life first."

Luo Yanchangsong took a breath, eyes resentful, secretly said: "Silver God! It is you that made me come to such a point, and I want you to be like me, so that no one will end like a ghost!"

He did not dare to resent the six demon gods, but only to anger Su Yu.


Western Union, in a house.

Gongsun Ya, Gongsun Wuxie, Luo Fei, the family of three are grateful.

"Engong, you saved my life again!" Gongsun Ya was grateful and guilty: "I didn't listen to Eun-gung's advice, only to be fooled, I almost made Egong harmless."

Su Yu waved his hand: "Don't care, Luo Yan is a long-term thinker. If you want to hurt you, you can hardly prevent it."

"You leave the Western Union, find a remote place away from the Demon Realm, away from the two major alliances of East and West, and live with peace of mind." Su Yu said.

In this way, once they have passed through the ordeal, they can live in peace without having to participate in the war between the Xinghe Shengling and the Demon Realm.

The second came from a dead heart. Gongsun Ya, he has been rescued twice. The first time Su Yu deceived them with a lie of great magical power, but the second time he disappeared like a god. If he appeared again to outsiders, Su Yu's ability to recover from death must be exposed.

Therefore, their family must leave the Western Union.

"I don't want it, I want to be with Su Yu's brother." Gongsun Wuxie pouted his mouth and hugged Su Yu's arm.

Su Yu shook her head: "If I am still alive ten years later, you will come to me again. Now, quickly leave the Demon Realm, this place is not your place to stay for a long time."

"Fish God ~ ~ Send them away."

"Wait!" This time it was Roffey. He hesitated a little and took a snow-white fishing rod out of the space ring.

"Thank you to the Emperor for rescue several times, Luo Fei can't help but give this fishing rod to the Emperor."

Su Yu stared at the fishing rod, felt a little familiar, and said, "What is this?"

"I accidentally discovered it in a Xinghe ruins that year, holding it in the hands of a deity whose corpse has not decayed for millions of years."

Millions of years ago, the corpses have not decayed? Common sense is impossible, except as in the first demon emperor, practicing the "Mantra of Mantra", nourishing avatars to continue themselves.

The only explanation is that the millions of years of corpses were absolutely human figures.

Su Yu couldn't help but remember that in the classics, the former Xinghe was walking with many heaven and earth overlords.

Could it be that the owner of the fishing rod is one of them?

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