The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1299: Keika Tenjin

嗤 啦 ——

Su Yu grabbed her palm, a book flashing Xinghe's light, floating in her palm.

In the past, there were no less than ten god-level wild beasts in this book, and the weight of the remaining god-level wild beasts was unparalleled.

Sure enough, the Little Mermaid, despite screaming and wanting to kill Su Yu in the past, stared at the scripture and was extremely frightened.

Indeed, she sensed the breath of blood from this human race, not only the blood of fellow god-level tomb guardians, but also the blood of many other gods.

Intuition told her that the human race in front of her was very, very dangerous!


After a loud roar, the little mermaid's brows suddenly opened a slit, a blood-red, silky-worm, flew out, and quickly disappeared into the vast water.

The little mermaid was paralyzed and comatose.

Bayi stepped forward to catch it, but was preempted by a five-colored light, and lifted it lightly.

Su Yu's pair of pupils were pale, she saw every inch of her body, and sneered, "Sure enough, the thief is immortal!"


Su Yu grasped a starlight to the right and pressed her chest.

When the mermaids saw this, their faces were a little weird.

Ba Yi was sullen: "A jerk, dare to belittle the princess' body ..."

Bayi smashed it, but was stopped by the big mermaid: "Bayi stop!"

Flying over, the big mermaid stared at Su Yu's palm. Although the palm was indeed in the place that shouldn't be pinched, at this moment, I still suspected that Su Yu would be bad for her sister.

Sure enough, I saw the silver light in the palm of Su Yu's palm. From the young mermaid's chest, she drew a faint blood red line, unwilling to struggle and twist.

"This is ... the demise of the god-level tomb guardian?" The great mermaid recognized it, cold and cold.

God-level tomb guard is really cunning!

However, when she looked at Su Yu, Jing Yan was filled with deep surprise.

Earlier, Su Yu said that he could kill the grave-keeper, but she didn't go to her heart.

But now, I have to face this sentence.

Because, he really scared away the god-level gravekeeper!

She doesn't think that simple intimidation can scare away the fierce gravekeepers, and Su Yu must have something that the gravekeepers fear.

With a five-finger grip, Su Yu shattered this divine thought, and then handed the little mermaid to the big mermaid, and then waved her sleeves to put away the five-element mountain that blocked the entrance, and entered the ship leisurely with both hands.

Bayi's face was cold and harsh, and he drank, "Stop, who allows you to enter without permission!"

The mermaid was so annoyed that she saved their sister twice and saved the benefactors of a catastrophic mermaid tribe.

"Shut up for me!" The Great Mermaid scolded.

Bayi said: "But he ..."

"Tell you to shut up!" The mermaid's face was cold.

Bayi shook his fists, his cheek muscles squirmed several times, and he closed his mouth after all.

Just looking towards Su Yu's gaze, a little bit more resentment.

Su Yu looked at him lightly, and a meaningful smile evoked in the corner of his mouth.

There are no holes in the interior of the battleship. When the production is complicated, the large-scale organs cover the interior of the giant ship.

Unfortunately, most of them were damaged, and only a small part of them remained in operation. The barrier protection of warships was one of them.

Su Yu Jinjin looked at the ancient civilization that has lost hundreds of millions of years, and was amazed.

The civilization of this battleship alone is less than one ten thousandth.

If you can have a complete battleship, you will be worthy of a Western Union!

Of course, Su Yu's most curious artillery has not yet been counted in.

When he came to the place where the towering artillery was placed, Su Yu was disappointed to find that all the interior of the artillery was completely destroyed, and no one could use it, let alone copy it.

"My son, I apologize for Bayi's rudeness." The Great Mermaid came behind, bowing apologetically.

Su Yu didn't look back and didn't care.

The great mermaid thought Su Yu was still angry, but said helplessly: "Ba Yi is usually very smart and unambiguous, but ... maybe because our sister is close to you, he is jealous, so ... "

"A smart and capable person will lose the basic ability to determine the situation?" Su Yu turned around, and said lightly: "In the case that there are god-level gravekeepers who may be mixed in, as the gatekeeper of the key, not only does not obey his subordinates It is recommended that the entrance be closed immediately to ensure the safety of the entire mermaid tribe. Instead, they led the defenders out. Your Royal Highness, do you really think that such a person is suitable for such an important entrance? "

The great mermaid heard what it meant: "You mean ..."

Su Yu shook her head: "This is a power dispute within your mermaid. I will not reconcile it, but for my personal safety, I will give you a suggestion. His performance just now lacks the quality of a capable gatekeeper, and he definitely has a problem. , Advise you to replace him as soon as possible, the sooner the better! "

"This ..." Da Meiren chanted, but Su Yu's words were reasonable, and after thinking about it, Bayi's performance was too abnormal!

"Let me order it, order Bayi to think behind closed doors, hand over the entrance key to me!"

Before long, a team of mermaids brought the keys.

"Oh? I don't see. You are quite prestigious in the Mermaid Horde." Su Yu looked at her.

For some reason, in front of Su Yu, the great mermaid felt the slightest pressure, as if she was facing a certain big man.

"You can call me Green Pearl." The Great Mermaid Green Pearl said, his expression gradually became serious: "Excuse me, when did you find that my sister was boarded with a god-level tomb guard?"

Su Yu looked around and said, "I noticed when you first found your sister."

At the moment when the eyes of perspective were displayed, Su Yu vaguely noticed that the little mermaid had a strange body, but the other party was hiding well, and Su Yu didn't care.

"In the beginning ... so to speak, my sister has long been boarded by a god-level gravekeeper!" Luzhu was surprised.

After groaning for a while, Luzhu murmured, "No wonder we will meet so many grave-guarding spirits there, so that makes sense!"

"There were very few gravekeepers in that generation of waters. I've wondered why there were so many at once, there were god-level gravekeepers nearby!" Luzhu murmured softly.

After pondering for a long time, the mermaid gradually realized.

"Maybe the son is right, we have problems with the mermaid tribe. How could it be so coincident that our two princesses went out and encountered a large number of gravekeepers hunting down? Now I want to come, it is our whereabouts that leaked, and my sister was God. The tomb guards stay at the level, and there are people behind the scenes to push, but who will it be? "

Su Yu said lightly: "It's very simple. If you analyze the situation of your tribe today, you can roughly guess the people behind the scenes."

"If I'm not wrong, your tribe mermaid has recently fallen into a serious power struggle, and you are a very promising candidate for power."

Luzhu stared, and said, "Who told you?"

Su Yu is clearly a guy who doesn't even have common sense. How can I know that the mermaids are fighting for the highest levels of confidentiality inside? Ordinary mermaids don't know.

However, after Su Yu came in, he never spoke to the rest of the mermaid. How did he know?

"Of course you told me that a princess can easily change the generals of battleships. This unusual situation cannot happen in ordinary times, unless you take over the power of the supreme power, but from them to you Judging from the title, you are still a princess, so you only have the right, no name, and the name is not regular, and the words in your hands will inevitably lead to scramble. "

"I suppose that the supreme powerman was either just dead or seriously ill. In this case, isn't it normal to have a chaotic scene of power struggle?"

Lvzhu was stunned, it took a long time to take a deep breath, staring at Su Yu, his eyes were brilliant: "You are really a man of God !! You can see the whole picture with every move!"

She was so shocked that Su Yu was so shocked that if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that there were such intelligent and admirable creatures in the world.

"As the son said, the supreme power man ca n’t afford serious illness. He is my father ’s king. He gave me great power before coma. The soldiers respect themselves, and if they leave me immediately, they have a rebellious heart and intend to fight for the position of the king of fish. "

Su Yu listened, musing.

Luzhu tentatively said, "My son, dare you ask, which of them is more likely to be the mastermind of this conspiracy?"

"They?" Su Yu smiled, eyes widened: "I think you should beware of it, the tough guy in your mouth who is dedicated to help you."

Lvzhu Surong said: "My son, General Blackfish really helped me. Without him, I would hardly support it to this day. It is impossible for anyone to conceive this conspirator!"

Su Yu smiled: "Look, even you think he can't be a murderer, let alone someone else?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple! You are dead, who is the first beneficiary? Of course, those two soldiers who are self-respecting, so they will undoubtedly become the object of suspicion! At this time, the most unlikely General Blackfish ascended , Revenge for your sisters, who do you say the people of the mermaid tribe will be? Are you a traitor who is inclined to kill the royal family, or a loyal black fish general who is loyal to the royal family? "

If Lu Zhu was struck by lightning, this, this possibility, she had never even thought about it.

"Yes, but he has always helped me resist two sentient generals!"

"Oh, if he watched your sisters be out of breath, wouldn't he be completely given the two Titans? So, of course, you must support your sisters against the other two Titans! Now, your sisters use value Almost gone, as soon as you die, you get the support of the mermaid tribe ~ ~ So, who will die if you don't die? "

Luzhu was again topped by Wulei, and Sanguan was completely subverted.

Obviously, what Su Yu said was all speculation, but every sentence was incisive and reasonable. It was as if Su Yu was a high-level onlooker, Dongxi everything.

"Well, that's all for now. How to choose between you and your mermaid tribe, Sumou is not interested in peace, I'm here to check some information."

Lu Zhu calmed down from shock, and was more respectful of Su Yu, respectful of God.

"My son, please, the mermaid tribe is helping the son."

Su Yu nodded: "Well, I have two things to investigate, first, how to leave the ancient **** realm; second, I want to collect all the advanced weapons information of the ancient **** realm."

He can't stay in the ancient **** realm all the time, and Xinghe will be in a world war. He must go back.

However, before going back, if you can bring back a group of ancient **** realms, and leave hundreds of millions of years of super weapons to fight against the demons, you will have the ability to reverse the sky.

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