The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 127: perish together

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Cao Xuan's repressed killing intention finally broke out, carrying his hands, slowly laying down, the voice in his mouth, extremely cold: \ "I have no self-knowledge! I really regret giving you a chance to confess death or death, or I will do it myself and send you on the road! \ "

Holding out his fingers, Cao Xuan pointed his fingers flatly at Su Yu.

This finger is bland and speechless, but it is surging in the sky and the irresistible trend.

It seems that all vitality will be wiped out under this finger.

Moreover, Su Yu, who was locked by Yaoyao, had uncontrolled stiffness, the power of Qi and blood, and the power of Reiki.

This feeling can't resist, he only felt it in the second elder.

The difference is that the second elder made him unable to move.

Cao Xuan, however, only affects the functioning of the internal body.

Absolute color, a face emerged, Su Yu's five fingers gripped the sky: \ "Han Mingzhu! Now !!!"


The blue water cold pool among the cold stars suddenly roared and roared, and the blue waves were shocking.

A house-sized turquoise bead breaks through the clouds!

With the potential of light and shadow, cross the inner and outer boundaries and descend above Su Yu's head!

The terrible cold, the detached level of "cold", is shocking!

Many ordinary disciples turned into ice sculptures just by looking at the cold pearl!

With a trace of azure cold, the sky and the earth seemed to be frozen!


The mists of water condensed into **** and fell to the ground with a crisp and sweet sound.

For the first time, the elders whose expressions are dull!

With a hint of dignity and surprise, everyone waved his face: \ "The cold pearl in the cold water of the blue water !!"

\ "This bead is the star core of the cold star, the seal is extremely cold! Once broken, within a mile of the circle, vitality will be extinct! Unless you reach the dragon's realm, you will definitely die! Distance is also a lifetime! \ "

\ "Protect the disciples! \" Sovereign Master Liu Xian, a middle-aged horse face, turned his eyes slightly, but did not stop Su Yu, but shot to protect his disciples with aura!

The digital elders did not dare to hesitate, and shot to protect the disciples around, and flashed in his eyes.

How could such a terrible killer be controlled by Su Yu?

With a gloomy face, Han Zhi was disgusted and furious: \ "Xuaner! Retreat !!! Danger !!!!!!"

A wave of panic spread the mind of Han Zhi.

How could he have expected that a holy king ant could control the terrible cold pearl?

Cao Xuan's expression of killing and contempt appeared in the cold pearl, and he was completely solidified!

At first it was dazed, and then recognized the origin of the object, the pupils gradually contracted, shaped like a pin eye!

The last is panic, scalp tingling, frightening!

The pearl of cold water in the clear water! !!

Because of its existence, the cold water of the Bishui Hantan is endless.The pool of water is because of it.

Even if Hualong Realm falls into the cold pool, it will have more deaths and fewer lives.

If he is invaded by the turquoise cold air among the cold pearls, he has only one way to lower the dragon realm, that is, death!

No suspense, you will be deprived of life by Han Mingzhu!

Su Yu, he ... he even controlled Han Mingzhu!

Swallowing spit hard, Cao Xuan's liver and gall were cracked, his face was pale!

Hearing Master's furious roar, his legs trembled, and he did not hesitate to turn and fled!

At this moment, Su Yu, who had no qualifications to even talk to him, Su Yu, which could be killed with one finger, became the source of fear in his heart!

\ "I said, you must die !!!" Su Yu gave a cold drink, hugging Fairy, flying over the cold pearl, stepping on the pearl, and chasing quickly!

Han Mingzhu was extremely fast, exceeding imagination, Han Xing just blinked into the inner door.

Not to mention chasing Cao Xuan?

One thousandth of her breath was not reached, and she was caught up by Han Mingzhu.

\ "Destroy it! Do the last thing for Fairy!" Su Yu is cold like a dying king, and it is so cold!

Han Zhi raised his case and yelled angrily: \ "Little dare !!!!"

Cao Xuan was his disciple for many years, but he was killed in front of him?

It was not his intention that he had not guarded, but that he had never put such humble disciples of power like Su Yu in his eyes, so that he had the opportunity to sacrifice a killer!

Su Yu turned a deaf ear to her eyes and said coldly: "" Han Zhi, old thief! Unfortunately, I did not kill you, or I will send you on the road! Now, say goodbye to your disciples first! \ "

嗤 啦 ——

The cold pearl banged, and Cao Xuan was suppressed!


With a loud cry, Cao Xuan, who was on the run, was crushed to the ground by Han Mingzhu!

Within the cold pearl, the green cold of the seal is about to move!

Just leaking a little bit, Cao Xuan screamed and panicked!

A pair of cold eyes, completely replaced by fear.

\ "Su Yu ... Do you want to kill the core disciples in public? Kill me, you will go to heaven, there is nowhere to escape!" "At the time of Cao Xuan's death, he was outraged by his instinct for survival.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth evoked a cold arc: \ "If you don't kill you, you will also kill me. Before you die, do n’t you make a big profit? \"

\ "You ... you can discuss it with me! Put away the cold pearl, I ... I can let you go!" "Cao Xuan's eyes flickered, the surface seemed to yield, but deep in his eyes, there was a icy killer!

He can put Su Yuyi. [,! ] Life path, but there is no guarantee that Master and Zongmen will let him go.

Today, he was making a big wedding ceremony, killing Xu Rong in public, and Yu Zongmen would not tolerate it. He must die!

\ "Want to delay the time and let your omnipotent Master rescue? \" Su Yu glanced at the elders stepping forward, piercing Cao Xuan's inner calculations.

He even gave Cao Xuan a chance to speak, pushing the boat for Shunshui to attract the second elder, and then ... to send Cao Xuan to the road, and before he died, shave a piece of meat for the second elder!

\ "Boom! \" Su Yu laughed and roared!

The turquoise coldness inside the cold pearl is surging wildly!


A deep crack appeared suddenly in the cold pearl!

\ "No !!!! He wants to detonate the cold pearl !!! Protect your disciples and retreat all!"

The digital elders were also shocked.They did not need to remind the Master of the Immortal and knew what to do, and quickly passed away.

\ "He is crazy !!!" An elder, retreating, was deeply shocked.

\ "People are in a state of death, they should fight to death, Cao Xuan and his master are too aggressive, evil is reported, and deserved deserved! I don't have to get involved in rescue! \" The digital elder secretly exchanged his eyes.


Click, click--

Dense shattering sounds, accompanied by the terrible green cold, swept out!

Cao Xuan was shocked to the extreme!

Looking at Su Yu, who showed madness and death, his heart was full of regret and resentment. I knew this was the case, and the God of the Moon should kill it that day! !!

Han Zhi's face changed suddenly, a ray of jealousy flashed deep in his eyes, his somber face, and his face full of anger: \ "Little miscellaneous !!! Just like your Master, all **** it !!!"


How powerful is the Supreme Elder?

When Cao Xuan died, it was also the day that Su Yu was buried!

However, being able to share everything with Cao Xuan and injuring Han Zhi before he died, everything is worth it!

\ "Sigh ... is it all the same? It's a daydream. \" A husky voice, mixed with drama, suddenly echoed Su Yu's ear!

It's really close at hand! !!

Three inches behind him, a man appeared silently! !!

Su Yu froze, approaching him three inches, and almost clinging to him, she did not notice the arrival! !!

Its strength ... Han Zhi is worse than all!

The sound makes Su Yu extremely familiar!

Second elder! Ugly girl! !!

A jade hand, resting on Su Yu's shoulders, was full of strength and imprisoned!

Cold pearls at his feet, lost the urge, and gradually quieted.

At the critical moment of the outbreak, forcibly stopped!

Cao Xuan was overjoyed! Face exposed: \ "Su Yu !!! I want you to die !!!"

Han Zhi was shocked by the strength of the second elder, and when he saw Jiang Baiyu being subdued, his eyes flashed and killed: \ "Like your Master, I don't know what is good! Death! \"

While Su Yu was subdued, Han Zhi suddenly shot!

Su Yu has a huge hate in her heart! !!

In the final moment, she was blocked by the second elder, the ugly face woman! !!

Can't pull Cao Xuan on his back, but he must be killed by Han Zhi!

However, just now!

噗嗤 ——

A burst of energy suddenly popped from Su Yu's shoulder.

Go straight to Han Zhi!

Han Zhi caught off guard and hurriedly resisted.


It was just a ray of energy, but it knocked Han Zhi down a hundred meters away!

His shirt was smashed with energy, his hair was messy, and his breath was disrupted, making him look embarrassed.

Han Zhi was shocked and angry: "" What are you doing? Why did you hit me? ""

\ "Ha ha ... \" The second elder walked out from behind Su Yu, a disfigured ugly face.

Even in broad daylight, it's trembling.

Many junior disciples, don't overdo it and dare not look at it.

Yi Xiao generation also looked away, and there was a vague look of disgust.

Even the other digital elders, although they did not change their faces, still looked a little bit disgusted in the depths of their eyes.

The face is so ugly that it is hard to feel good about it.

On the ghost face, a pair of pale eyes, sneer staring at Han Zhi: \ "He is the one I want to kill, and only I can kill him. You touched him, have you asked me?"

Han Zhi's face turned blue and red, but he didn't dare to refute too much.

The second elder was temperamental and moody, and he didn't dare to touch her brow.

\ "He killed Tongmen, and I dispose of him on behalf of Zongmen." The second elder had to borrow Zongmen's name.

The second elder's eyes narrowed: \ "Is that old woman? Well, my granddaughter clearly has a marriage contract, but she forced her to marry another and betray her faith! Means are mean, ruthless and unjust! Kill well!"

\ "He is a disciple outside the door, but he breaks through the door, what's the explanation?" Han Zhi vaguely noticed something strange, it seems that the second elder is sheltering Su Yu!

The second elder sneered: \ "Three days ago, he has been recognized by Han Mingzhu, and he has already qualified as an inside door. What is a trespass? \"

It turns out that it's no wonder that it's amazing.

\ "Huh! Then how can he count if he hurts many disciples and the guard of the iron bridge?" Han Zhiyue noticed that something was wrong,

The second elder raised his ugly face slightly, and sketched a sarcastic arc: \ "A group of wastes, who are not as good as others, were hurt by this kid. Who did they complain about? \"

\ "Hu stirs up. [,!] !!!" "Han Zhi was furious!

An ugly face of the second elder, a ray of evil spirits appeared, and his teeth said: \ "You mean, I'm making trouble out of no reason? \"

Han Zhi's expression was stagnant. Familiar with the second elder, everyone knew that tooth decay was a sign that she was about to explode!

Once she goes crazy, no one can stop it except the elder and suzerain!

Swallowing a spit gently, Han Zhi didn't dare to collide again.

\ "Hum! If you know the photo, dare to say a word and pull your mouth full of old teeth! \" The second elder converged and hummed.

After speaking, the second elder turned around and stared at Su Yu: \ "Hehe ... go, poor worm, you can't die in the hands of others! I haven't played enough! \"

\ "Thank you ..." Su Yu whispered, showing a smile of gratitude.

How can Su Yu not understand today?

Seemingly ugly, abominable and perverse elder, in fact, is helping him!

From the Foreign Affairs Hall, told him that Xianer was about to get married, stimulated him to practice hard and rescue Xianer.

Until now, hiding outside the house, watching the developments until Su Yu appeared in crisis, it suddenly appeared, using the excuse to bring Su Yu and Xianer out of danger.

She seems to be the most abominable, but in fact, she really helped him!

Otherwise, the drama abuse looked at the poor worm in her mouth, and it was good to die here. Why show up and confront others?

The expression of the second elder's drama suddenly freezes, and his eyes fluctuate.

That wave fluctuates, Su Yu sees it through.

There were accidents when the heart was pierced, there was a sudden panic, and there was also a trace of embarrassment that was grasped.

He stared at Su Yu fiercely, and said fiercely in his mouth: \ "I am playing with you! Do you understand? \"

But Su Yu smiled at the corner of her mouth, as if seeing through all her acting skills.

The lips of the two elders twitched, and they had some dodges against Su Yu's eyes as deep as the stars.

After a moment, looking away, only a snorting cry in his mouth: \ "啰 嗦! Follow me! \"

If her skin is intact, she can see that awkward reddishness.

With a smile, Su Yu was grateful.

He and the second elder have only one side.

Although I don't know why the two elders helped each other, Su Yu could feel it.

The second elder is not ugly.

However, always deliberately protect yourself in a hateful way, not let people see through.

However, just as the second elder was about to take them away.

\ "Hmm! \" A heavy cold hum, came from the elder seat!

It was an old man with white hair and wrinkled face, as old as if he was about to enter the soil!

A dark red artillery, flowing with palpitating fluorescence.

A pair of cloudy eyes, but none dare to look at each other!

The elders' faces changed, their hearts beat gently, and their eyes were full of awe!

The Master of the Immortals also showed a dignified color, his eyes flickered with deep fear.

A single humming noise made the audience silent and the atmosphere did not dare to pant!

This person's identity is ready to come out!

Elder Zongmen!

Master Han Zhi!

Strength is the strongest person in the sect, comparable to the lord!

The old pupil eyes fluttered to the second elder, his voice was dull, but there was majesty that could not be beaked: \ "Without my permission, they are not allowed to go! \"

The second elder is lawless, but there is a rare fear in the pupils: \ "Hmm! What do you want? \"

\ "Su Yu, put to death! Qin Xianer, continue to marry Cao Xuan!" "The elder was calm, but it seemed like the suzerain's order, no one resisted.

Suzerain silently, will not tear his face for a Su Yu and the elder.

You elders are even more afraid to confront the elders.

For a moment, he reversed the situation with a word!

Cao Xuan smiled and said: \ "Su Yu, Su Yu! You are dead, your woman, I will take care of you for you !!! I will love her very much !!! \"

Su Yu's eyes are killing!

A grim smile appeared, and the elder's palm was gently pushed away, with gratitude in his eyes: "" Elder, you have done everything right, let me do it next! "

Re-embarking on the cold pearl, Su Yu erupted intently.


Han Mingzhu sinks suddenly, crushes Cao Xuan below and grunts!

The elder's eyes were dull, and he slightly shook his head: \ "Dead is not sorry! \"

嗖 ——

Its figure suddenly disappeared!

Appeared again, but suddenly appeared in front of Su Yu!

An old palm, seemingly bland, has made Su Yu lose all his strength and slap his head!

Su Yu's heart was stunned and her mouth

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