The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 134: Death Phoenix Bloodline

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The second elder's yard.

Su Yu's ice-light **** wings unfolded all the way, as light and shadow flickered.

After coming to the courtyard, there is no fairy!

The feeling of ominousness is stronger.

嗖 ——

Fei swept back to the room, and saw Xianer still lying on the bed, sleeping loudly.

The petite body is like a kitten, and the expression is unbearable.

Su Yu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, all right.

Stepping forward, Xianer kneads her little face full of love.

But, your finger is about to touch the moment!

\ "Stop! Don't touch her! \" A husky rebuke came from behind me.

Suddenly, the second elder rushed over and gave a quick glance at Qin Xianer, pale eyes, calmly changed, and suddenly appeared dignified.

Su Yu's fingers stopped abruptly.

Looking back, the feeling of ominousness reappeared.

As the Supreme Elder of Zongmen, can she make her dignified, can it be simple?

\ "Second elder, what does Cao Xuan say, what exactly does it mean? \" Su Yu had a heart that seemed to be grasped by the invisible hand and tightened.

When the second elder came, he fixed his eyes and stared at the sleeping fairy for a moment, and sighed: \ "Sure enough ... \"

After speaking, the big sleeves waved, and a layer like Xueyuehua poured from the sleeves, like a veil, covering the fairy body.

Under the moonlight, Xianer's whole body appeared a faint black mist out of thin air!

The black mist condenses into the shape of a phoenix bird, enclosing the fairy.

The second elder looked at Su Yu with some sympathy, and sighed softly: "" It is the dead phoenix, it is hard to see with the naked eye, and it can only appear under special circumstances. "

\ "Dead Phoenix? \" Su Yu has a strong feeling of badness.

\ "Dead phoenix is ​​relative to those who have the blood of the Phoenix. Being in the blood of the Phoenix does not mean that they can practice with the power of the blood, because ... 30% of the people are in a state of sleep. \"

\ "The phoenix blood in a sleeping state is not harmful to the body, nor is it beneficial. However, some of the phoenix blood in a person's body will gradually dry up with age and become dead, such a phoenix is ​​called a dead Phoenix! That's it. \ "

Dead Phoenix? Su Yu suddenly remembered that this morning, there was a faint layer of black mist flickering after seeing the mark of Jiufeng behind Xianer's neck.

At that time, it didn't matter.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a sign of death!

Su Yu was nervous: "" How does Death Phoenix affect my body? "

\ "Effect? ​​That's not the case. \" The second elder shook his head, but the voice suddenly turned: \ "It really has no effect on the body. That's because the blood vessels have completely dried up and the dead phoenix will completely die.

\ "This kind of incident has occurred several times in the ancestral gate, and it has been introduced many times in the ancient books. Once the dead phoenix comes, the host is dead, and no one can save it." The second elder solemnly said.

Su Yuzheng, eyes lost: \ "Direct death ... how can it happen? Then why did Cao Xuan swear that she could make Xianer live? \"

A trace of compassion appeared in his eyes: \ "That's because ... Cao Xuan is a special body of fire and Yang. If he combines with Qin Xianer, he can use his body of Yang Yang to cross the blood of Phoenix of Xianer. Enter the flame of the fire and yang, so that you can keep the blood of Xianer Phoenix alive and gradually awaken to completely solve the power of the dead Phoenix. \ "

\ "So, you have two choices. First, keep watching Xianer die! Second, give her to Cao Xuan, and through multiple marriages between men and women, maybe Xianer will still be saved. \"

The second elder couldn't help but feel sad for Su Yu.

After clear trials and hardships, Qin Xianer was finally recaptured from Cao Xuan, but the ultimate fate was to send his own woman back to Cao Xuan's bed!

And, I am afraid that as Cao Xuan said, unless Su Yu begs her, Cao Xuan may not be willing to rescue Qin Xianer.

It depends on how Su Yu chooses, whether to let Qin Xianer monopolize her and gradually destroy her, or to think about her life and endure love.

Regardless of the choice, for Su Yu, it is cruel.

Su Yu was trembling all over, why is this so?

Xianer either died or was sent to Cao Xuan to ruin it?

In the chest, if the flames burn, Su Yu is unwilling, dead, and unwilling! !!

\ "Is there no other way to continue the blood of Jiufeng except the flame of the Sun? \" Su Yu did not believe it.

The second elder sighed and shook his head slightly: "" Besides, there is no other way ... "

and many more!

Suddenly the second elder remembered: \ "It is not completely helpless, but there is no equivalent to \"

If Su Yuxi drowned a dying man, he suddenly found a life-saving straw, and his eyes were horrified.

He even forgot his identity and rushed to grab the second elder and swayed vigorously: \ "What method? Say! Say it! I can do it! \"

The second elder caught off guard and was frightened by Su Yu's crazy gesture.

Looking at Su Yu's radiance to the extreme, the elder's heart moved, and Su Yu used emotions, so deep?

\ "The method is very simple, find the blood of the Phoenix! \" The second elder said: \ "The reason why the dead Phoenix came is because the blood of the Phoenix has dried up. If you can find the blood of the Phoenix and cross it into the body, the exhausted blood of the Phoenix is ​​not only Recovery, will also wake up completely, and will be unprecedentedly powerful! \ "

Blood of the Phoenix?

\ "Where? Where ??" Su Yu was extremely excited.

The second elder sighed: "This is why there is no equivalent. Phoenix is ​​the true spirit of heaven and earth. It is rare to see it for 100 years. Where can I find the blood of Phoenix?"

\ "I have read many ancient books, and the last time the blood of the Phoenix appeared, it was 300 years ago by my ancestor. [,!] Obtained by a strong dragon, and made into a blood dragon. \" 二Elder Road.

Su Yu's heart seemed to be splashed with ice water, but he still refused to give up: \ "Where is the predecessor of Hualong Realm? Has the elixir been swallowed? \"

The second elder looked at Su Yu in sympathy: \ "He was missing! He was one of the four disciples at the core of Zongmen and disappeared in the ancient temple of Xianyun. \"

\ "Where is the ancient temple of Xianyun? I will look for it immediately! \" Su Yu was anxious.

\ "You can't go. \" The second elder sighed and shook his head: \ "Xianyun Ancient Temple is an ancient temple drifting in the clouds, wandering around, appearing every five years, and descending on the sphere of influence of Liuxian, according to time After March, it's time to come. \ "

Three months? Su Yu busy said: \ "How long can I support according to Xianer's situation? \"

The second elder looked at Qin Xianer, and he must have said a number: "" Half a year! "

\ "Half a year! Half a year is enough! Since the ancient temple of Xianyun came to my ancestor, why can't I go?" Su Yu asked.

\ "Because of the limited number of places available, there are only twenty. Select the top twenty according to Zongmen's strength ranking. With your current strength, do you feel that you can be ranked in the top twenty of Zongmen?" The second elder asked.

This statement was like cold water, making Su Yu sleep cold.

The peak of the double sky is repaired, and the comprehensive strength reaches the peak of the triple sky.

However, in the ranking of Zongmen, Mo said that the top 20 and top 100 are in danger!

Such a strength, there is no chance of Xianyun ancient temple!

\ "And, even if you make it into the top twenty, you are not eligible to enter. \" The second elder sighed and added again.

Su Yu's chest was tight and she said lowly: \ "Why? \"

\ "Because, the people who enter must be loyal to Zongmen. If you repeatedly violate the rules, I may be able to speak for you, but you are too short to join Zongmen. Thank you for your contribution and loyalty to be investigated. Xianyun Ancient Temple is a very precious experience and often changes by leaps and bounds! In such an opportunity, Zongmen will not give untrustworthy people. \ "

This is indeed the case.If someone who speculates on the heart, the ancient temple of Xianxian Yun, mixed into the top 20 of Liuxianzong.

Afterwards, rebellious Liuxianzong, isn't it a huge loss?

This incident has occurred in the history of Liuxianzong, so if an old disciple who is very old in Zongmen or has done great work for Zongmen, he is not allowed to enter.

\ "Then how can I show loyalty? Will I pass on all the exercises to the Zongmen? \" As a fairy, Su Yu will never regret learning everything!

However, the second elder shook his head slightly: \ "I'm afraid that you just dedicate yourself to Zong Men, and it is also difficult to prove in a short time. \"

At this moment, Su Yu's unyielding intentions were deeply desperate.

The top 20 mountains are ahead, and there is an even more insurmountable mountain! Even if both are in line, entering the ancient temple of Xianyun, luck is very good to find the missing core disciple three hundred years ago, but who can guarantee that he did not swallow the phoenix phoenix that was enough to save Xianer's life?

But despair is only a moment.

Su Yu is not convinced or willing!

Desperate, he is not inexperienced, just in front of him, even more desperate!

Whenever there is a trace of hope, Su Yu will never give up!

\ "Second elder, please tell me, when will the scramble to enter the quota begin? At any cost, how can I get the loyal recognition of Zongmen as soon as possible? \" Su Yu bowed down!

The second elder's ugly face changed slightly. After learning such a desperate fact, still failed to shake his determination?

At this moment, the two elders couldn't help but want to help Su Yu find Fengxuedan in person.

Unfortunately, there are restrictions on the repair of Xianyun Ancient Temple, and she is not allowed to enter.

\ "After March, Zongmen will hold a battle of fairy clouds, the top twenty are eligible to enter. \"

\ "However, the registration time is within this month. The requirement is that it be repaired to a minimum of the fourth-order holy king! You are still the peak of the second-order holy king. It is not enough to repair it. If you can, I advise you, or give up……\"

Unexpectedly, Su Yu was stubborn: \ "No! In this month, I will break through the fourth-order holy king! \"

At all costs, Su Yu will also sign up for the Xianyun scramble! !!

Within January, break through the fourth-order Holy King Xiuwei!

\ "Okay ... \" The second elder took a breath, and Su Yu's strength made her a little difficult to follow: \ "How to get the loyalty recognition of Zongmen, the only thing you can try is to participate in Zongmen The high-level missions released are to perform difficult tasks for Zongmen and gain the trust of Zongmen. This is probably the only way for you ... Although it is very slim, even if you die nine times, you may not get Zongmen's approval. \ "

\ "Then have a try !!!" Su Yu gritted her teeth and would never give up!

How can he give Xianer to Cao Xuanyuan! !!

Xianer, but he once vowed that he must be protected!

\ "Okay! In one month, you work hard to break through the fourth-order holy king to obtain the qualification for registration, and at the same time strive to obtain the recognition of the sect, but, I can't help you ... keke ..." A coughing violently, a hint of dark red blood sprayed.

\ "Master! \" Mo Wu, who is waiting outside, hurried in to help the second elder.

A pair of cold beautiful eyes, staring at Su Yu fiercely, with deep grievances.

It means that you harm Master!

\ "No matter ..." The second elder wiped away the blood from the corner of the mouth without a trace, hugged the fairy who was sleeping, and rushed to Su Yu: \ "I need to heal, and I will retreat for three months, so I ca n’t help you, As for Qin Xianer, I'll help you bring it into the back room. If something unexpected happens to her, I can shoot in time. \ "

\ "Thanks to the second elder !!! Thank you, Su Yu, I will pay 100 times in the future. [,!] Also!" "Su Yu bent down deeply, sincerely thank you!

The second elder helped him too much!

Gently waved, the second elder hugged Qin Xianer and left, leaving an admonition before leaving: \ "Hello for yourself ... \"

There is one more, half past nine

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