The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1444: Destruction


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? Rumors, the most difficult mantle to inherit is the war emperor.

He inherited his three styles of battlefield battles, and the blood power alone was not enough, but he also had an immortal war heart.

Reborn in despair, erupted in hopelessness, nibbled in blood.

Therefore, the descendants of the Emperor of the Battle of the Emperor are almost dead, because they have died in Nirvana again and again.

Therefore, the three types of battle days will be exiled.

He never expected that Su Yu not only practiced, but also succeeded in Nirvana to the second type, the infinite type!

After reaching the realm of how many descendants of the Emperor of the Emperor never reached, Su Yu has arrived!

The killer surging in his eyes, this son must not stay, otherwise he will become a confidant in the future!

"Give me death!" The anti-Emperor screamed in anger, and the anti-idea broke out, and the severed right leg was reborn instantly, and was annihilated with a stronger anti-intention.


The weapon transformed by Su Suyu was immediately broken.

But not waiting for him to be happy, the shards of pieces immediately coincided, recasting the magic soldier.

Divine soldiers sharpened the world, sharp cold cold heart.

An indomitable warfare, not only did not weaken, but strengthened even more!

The rebellious emperor crushed again, breaking the magic soldier.

But the shards overlapped instantly, and were recast as magic soldiers!

It's sharper and more warlike!

A wave of rebelliousness rose in the hearts of the rebellious emperor. There was nothing in the world that could repel him. He didn't believe that he could not kill an ant!



Time and time again, Su Yu was trampled by the boundless giant palm and turned into endless fragments.

But, it was recast again and again, stronger than the war, and colder than the sharp.

Until 9,999 times, the anti-emperor finally panicked.

Qi Su Yu can't be killed, and can't be destroyed, just like the rumored "promise", the war will be endless until the enemy is destroyed!

At this moment, the magic soldier transformed by Su Yu is extremely terrifying.

With one blow, you can cut off half of the body of Gutian Guyun!

The stubborn warfare, immortal rebirth, finally rebelled against the sky.

He couldn't help it!

Not only is he unable to kill Su Yu, but more importantly, if he never retreats, this part of his soul will be cut off in this dream!

The deity of the outside world will sleep forever!

This time he can't kill Su Yu, but the oppression of Su Yu again and again, so that Su Yu Nirvana was born again, and realized the infinite style without anyone's understanding!

"Su Yu! How about you and I draw this?" Niantian Guyun said, instantly, his chest came with severe pain, which made Niantian Guyun bite his teeth and seemed to endure the heartbreaking pain.

What's even more weird is that his immortal illusions have shrunk by a factor of two and turned into a figure of five thousand.

As an anti-Emperor, no one can defeat him since ancient times. This is his strong reason.

Now that he chooses to stop, it means that he has violated his own irreversible will, so he has weakened by more than half!

Suddenly, however, Su Yu's dark red eyes, like a lit spark, Yu burned more and more fiercely.

I answered Su Tianguyun, Su Yu's sharper edge.

He turned into a long whip and drew it suddenly.

嗤 啦 ——

The remaining blood-red light curtain was directly shredded by this terrible blow, and there is no residue!

Gao Tianguyun screamed and was torn half of his body, and the half of his body sealed with the saint was also torn.

Gao Tiangu Guyun was furious: "Boy, you really want to fight with the emperor to the end? Don't forget, it is only a matter of time before the emperor's soldiers are under pressure, and the emperor's deity is ten thousand times stronger than in dreams!"

The cricket's voice has just fallen, and its five thousand feet is less than three thousand feet.

He flinched again, and his weakness weakened again.

He answered him, and Su Yu destroyed the attack again.

Gao Tiantian Guyunmu filled with monstrous resentment: "Junior, you forced the emperor to retreat, destroying the emperor's inverse path, the emperor swears that it is necessary to frustrate your ashes!"


He answered him with a blow from the meteor hammered by Su Yu, which smashed his three thousand feet body into pieces.

He was directly bombarded!

At the moment of Qian Qianjun, he shouted, "Exit from the dream!"

For a while, a mysterious wave swept past. Before this part of the soul was completely shattered, Gu Tianguyun escaped to his destiny.

But, his rebellious figure shrank from thousand feet to hundred feet, Bai feet shrank to ten feet, and finally turned into an ordinary size.

The rebelliousness of the rebellious emperor is destroyed!

Yi Ni Tian Yi Qiang is powerful because of anti-intention, unparalleled.

Everything in the world has its advantages and disadvantages.

Yi Niyi achieved the strongest dynasty, but it also restrained them. Once they performed Niyi, they could not shrink back.

Retreating is contrary to the way of anti-intention, just like cutting off the foundation of the way of anti-intention. If you retreat before the anti-intention, once you retreat, the way of anti-intention is immediately destroyed.

Therefore, the anti-sky pulse easily uses the anti-intention, if it is used, it will fight with death.

In the dreamland, the soul body of the anti-Emperor can only be used, but now he chooses to shrink back, and the anti-intention of thousands of years of hardship has been shattered.

In reality, apart from Xiu Wei, there is no strong way to go against it, and 30% of his strength has been lost!

噗 ——

Over Vatican, in a huge building, in a dense room protected by countless guard rings, the lonely sky, sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes suddenly, and opened his mouth with a milky white blood.

His eyes were sullen, angry and mad, just like a deliberate rebel who was exposed before the coup.

His whole body, the anti-intention is fading at an alarming rate, and even the spewing blood is gradually darkening.

Hearing the movement in the secret room, the two guardians guarding outside rushed in immediately: "Monarch!"

They subconsciously saw that a few drops of **** blood on the ground were quickly dim.

They see that the score is clear, this is a sign that the bloodline power is fading!

Moreover, the inverse intentions of Anti-Sky Guyun's body are incomparably clear.

The two were startled: "Monarch, this is ..."

Cold and cold, the two realized what was going on, and they were all cold.

"My way of disobeying is broken, hey." Gu Tianguyun sighed softly, and could not hear any blame.

Ye Ke's two confidantes were full of cold sweat, shivering, and kept their heads begging for mercy: "Please, the monarch, please! We, we haven't seen anything, please the monarch for mercy!"

"This is the fault of the emperor. I want to involve you. My emperor is very sorry. Well, you can go with peace of mind. The emperor will take good care of your family." Gu Tianguyun said lightly.

The two guilty hearts trembled, knowing that they had broken the secret of the lonely sky, and they were about to be killed. At this moment, how dare they wait to be killed?

The two of them said nothing, but jumped up and fled.

Before Ke escaped to the door of the Chamber of Secrets, he was pierced by his two palms through his head, and was destroyed together with his soul.

When the five fingers rose to a blast of flame, the two corpses were burned into ashes without leaving any trace.

Nianyun Guyun waved his sleeves, wiped out the remaining inverse intentions of the sky, and returned to his seat indifferently: "Come in!"


For a while the guard entered, looking at the ashes of the ground, his heart shaking.

"The two guards on the left and right tried to rebel and were discovered by the emperor in time. They were destroyed on the spot. Now you immediately arrest the relatives and friends of these two, and even anyone who is involved."

A guard said, "Yes! Dare to ask the monarch how to deal with them?"

"Well, now is the time to use the soldiers, just in case, just kill in place!" Gu Tianguyun said: "In addition, pay attention to whether they have items such as the jade pendant of communication, anyone must not read it privately, must submit Deal with the emperor personally, and the offenders will be punished with the traitors, destroy! Nine! Clan! "

"Yes!" Everyone was terrified, and immediately led the army.

Next, there was a panic in the barracks, and the whole wind filled the whole barracks.

But the matter was dealt with very secretly, the commotion quickly subsided and almost no one noticed.

Soon after, Gutian Guyun got a bunch of rumor jade pendants, one of them was held in his palm, his face was cold: "Huh! I really passed on the news, but fortunately the emperor was ready."

It turned out that the two men, at the critical moment, knew that they would die, and passed the news secretly.

What a pity, was chased back by Gutian Guyun again.

He didn't want to let the outside know that his antipathic Shinto was broken and his strength dropped!

"Pass on the Guard."

Not long after, a team of the Guards came. This was another group of cronies of the anti-Emperor, responsible for the defense of the periphery.

He was guarding the retreat just now.

"See the monarch!" The guard commander bowed down.

Gao Tiantian Guyun replied coldly: "My emperor has found out that there are traitors in the Internal Guard. You wait for me to take them to justice!"

what? The guards thought they heard something wrong, but the internal guards were absolute cronies against the Emperor!

"Yes! The general will command!" Said the leader.

"Slow!" Qi Tianguyun's eyes shot fiercely: "After the case, they don't need to bring them back, do you understand?"

what! Everyone secretly air-conditioned, meaning beyond words, to execute them secretly?

But they dare not ask and obey orders immediately.

Waiting for them to leave, Gutian Guyun sighed: "Don't blame me for being cruel, who let you know too much."

He couldn't guarantee that if the Guards who performed the mission also knew the news, the only way was to kill them.

What he didn't know was that, outside his secret room, a dark shadow passed silently, and he saw everything in his eyes.

Sheng Shengjing.

King Wang family clan.

Wu Cailin and Zeng Lin, Su Yu and the maiden's forehead gradually faded, and the pink mist gradually receded, making everyone present delighted.

It depends ~ ~ Su Yu successfully rescued them.

But weirdly, they didn't wake up slowly.

They were worried for a long time, and finally, Cai Lin and Zeng Lin woke up.

The people in the hall immediately gathered up and said, "Worry about us, you finally woke up!"

The Lord of the Holy Son Temple was most excited, looking at Zeng Lin with both eyes, as if looking at a treasure, very excited.

On the contrary, the lord of the maiden's temple frowned deeply and asked Xiang Cailin: "Cai Lin, what about Su Yu? The maiden? Didn't they save you? Why haven't they woke up?"

Cai Lin looked at the maid of the maiden's palace, and a flash of strange color flashed in her eyes, but she soon covered it up, her face revealing a dazzling color: "The three of us were trapped in a dream by the enemy, forgetting ourselves, it was Su Yu entered the territory of the dream and rescued us! However, we encountered a lonely cloud against the sky! "

what? Everyone couldn't help but take a cool breath.

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