The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 139: Angry Dragon Roar

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The voice of cold majesty sounded in his ears, and Li Nian stiffened.

There was a cold current in his heart for no reason, making him cold all over the body.

It seems that really killing Zhao Guang by raising his palm will cause terrifying murder!

Immediately, Li Nian gritted his teeth and still hit the killer!

First, he executed Zongmen's ordinance to execute Zhao Guang, his name was right, and Su Yu dared to stop it, which was against the Zongmen's ordinance!

Second, he may not be jealous of Su Yu! On strength, he is confident that he will not lose to the other!

\ "Cut in accordance with the law! \" Li Nian drank, a killer!


However, at the time of his killing approach, a palm wrapped by Bingyan was astonished and went straight to his head!

Murderous, no hesitation!

Li Nian's face changed greatly! Su Yu dare to kill him!

Furious, Li Nian's moves changed, killing Zhao Guang with one palm, and when he was about to hit, he collided with Su Yu!

\ "The obstruction of Zongmen law enforcement, the crime should be ridiculed, exterminate ... \"


However, his voice stopped abruptly and was replaced by a scream of screams in his mouth!

When the two palms collided, an oppressive power came along with the ice flame that devoured life!

His moves, like a mud ox entering the sea, even without a moment's resistance, were easily disintegrated.

The other hand slammed into his chest as if in no one's realm.

He slammed violently, as if the mountain was coming down, causing him to open his mouth and spit out blood.

The gap in absolute strength surprised Li Nian.

Although I heard that he defeated Cao Xuan who was the second-ranking sage king at the top of the peak, who knows that he is so powerful by reiki alone?

蹭蹭 蹭 ——

After taking a few steps back and forth, blood squirted and filled his mouth, and anger appeared: \ "Su Yu! Do you dare to obstruct my law enforcement and hurt me in public? You know, you violated the ban on the ancestral gate! \"

唰 ——

A purple suit, silver hair, a pair of ice light **** wings, not Su Yu, who is it?

\ "Law? It's your weapon when you dispel aliens! It's your umbrella when you're in danger! So unfair law, don't let it go!" Su Yu Lengheng, Bingguang Shenyi fanned freely!

嗖 ——

Only one residual image was left in place, and then Li Nian screamed!


He didn't even have time to react and was shot by Su Yu with a palm on his chest!

The clothes were torn, the flesh was fuzzy, the ribs were dirty, and there was trembling!

Li Nian's body flew up, and the blood in her mouth drifted, like a bright blood curtain.

\ "Dare you despise the sectarian decrees ... \"

However, the voice stopped abruptly again!


He was flying Su Yu once again in the midst of flying!

This palm, the aura of horror, penetrates the flesh, passes through the chest through the body, and comes out through the back through the body!

The viscera is broken, and the ribs are broken!


Screaming screaming, like killing a pig, straight into the sky!


He slammed heavily on the ground, Li Nian's mouth was covered with blood, and he was miserable.

The audience was shocked!

The legendary king of the meteorite came, but he said nothing. With the thunder of thunder, Li Nian, who was a deacon, was beaten to death!

Recalling the rumors that Su Yu was crushing Cao Xuan from beginning to end, the disciples on the sidelines were very awed!

As a rookie, Su Yu is too fierce!

Many outside students discouraged with excitement.

Su Yu has long been the goal of the disciples.

The meteor is above the sky, and they fought against the fate of Cangtian.If they were close to yesterday, they will see them vividly, and their blood will boil abnormally.

唰 ——

Su Yu appeared, and stared coldly at howling Li Nian: \ "These three palms are for the brothers! Now, get out of me! \"

Li Nian endured terrible pain, climbed up hard, and was full of fear.

Su Yu is not afraid of the sky, and is not afraid of it, like a fierce attitude, it really shocked him!

Su Yu is ten times more scary than rumors!

However, at this moment, a cold hum came: \ "A big majestic force, after entering the inner door, dare to go to the Foreign Affairs Office to make trouble! \"

唰 ——

A middle-aged man with a cold face, walking out with a loss of hand!

The whole body is magnificent and complete, thick and solid, reaching Xiaocheng fourth-order holy king!

This person is the deputy chief of the Foreign Affairs Hall, Qin Gang!

At the same time, it is Xi Ruolan's confidant!

\ "Huh! Don't you need to cultivate? \" Qin Gang looked at him coldly for a week.

Everyone who was caught by his eyes trembled and his heart fluttered.

The crowd trembled, awed, and bowed their heads.

In the blink of an eye, it was empty.

Immediately, Qin Gang snapped sharply: \ "Su Yu! As an inner disciple, you should perform your duties with due diligence and maintain the ancestral law. What crimes should you take when you break into the law enforcement scene and disrupt the law?"

\ "Law? Then I asked the deputy leader of the Qin Church to tell me that he insisted on letting his brother abandon the name of the master and take the opportunity to beheaded and killed. Is it also a law?"

Li Nian opened his mouth to refute: \ "Nonsense! I act impartially ... \"

However, he shut up quickly.

Because Su Yu cast a strong killing! It's a real killer!

Feeling guilty like Li Nian, dare not talk back.

In Qin Gang's eyes, Li Guang even worse: \ "Su Yu !. [,!] Hugh must be in the right place, Li Nian is upright, righteous, how can he take advantage of the opportunity to kill? It is clear that you are arrogant and badly hurt! \ "

A hint of vague killing flickered in Qin Gang's eyes.

Integrity and righteousness?

Su Yu closed her eyes silently, and when she opened it again, her eyes were clear and calm, and her mouth was ridiculed with a trace of self-mockery: \ "Stupid as I am, I will be able to reason with you! For you, fist and strength are the real reason! \ "

He sheltered Li Nian, it was so obvious!

In addition, Qin Gang is Xi Ruolan's confidant, and he will not tell any justice to Su Yu.

\ "Why, even the chief of the Foreign Affairs Hall, you want to fight too? \" Qin Gang scratched the vague coldness.

Due to the elders behind Su Yu, Qin Gang did not dare to teach Su Yu.

However, if Su Yu doesn't know what to do, and takes the initiative to challenge, he can justify it as a martial artist and kill him in public!

In this way, whether it is the Xitang owner, Elder Han, or Cao Xuan, they can be relieved.

Su Yu, it was totally delivered to you!

\ "Hit? No! \" Su Yu calmly shook his head: \ "It is just for Brother Zhao to get back a fair and unfair treatment! \"

Qin Gang sneered lightly: "" Who allows you to be qualified to get justice from me? "

\ "Eligibility is not allowed by others, but ... I won it myself!" Su Yu's cold light flickered, and the ice light behind his wings spread!

The war-fighting sentiment filled the two.

Invisible air waves collide, tilting the billowing dust.

Flying sand and rocks, smoke and dust permeated.

Terrible gas collision between two people!

Li Nian aside, my heart trembled: \ "Is it just the war intentions that can trigger the Aura fluctuations? Qin Gang is too strong! \"

Something provocative at the Foreign Affairs Office, after all, quickly spread as the people who just watched retreated.


Several figures came, including Mo Wu.

In addition, there are several patrolling law enforcement church disciples, including Wang Theology.

In a blink of an eye, the stars scattered and several people came.

When Mo Wu descended, he couldn't help anger: \ "Everything is wrong! It only takes a long time to provoke Qin Gang! \"

Complaining and complaining, in its beautiful eyes, it is difficult to hide the worries of wandering: \ "Su Yu this time, it caused the wrong person. \"

Wang Theology rushed forward and found Su Yu intently, showing awe and joy: "" I can finally see you again. "

However, when he saw his opponent clearly, Wang Shenxian took a sigh of relief: "" Buddha King Kong, Qin Gang? Su Yu ... how could he provoke him? "

His face was extremely ugly, and anxiety appeared, deeply anxious for Su Yu.

嗖 ——

Gritting his teeth, Wang Theology desires to rush up, but he is sneered by Li Nian: \ "My foreign affairs hall challenge, what are you doing in law enforcement hall? \"

\ "Let ’s go! You bully Su Yu when you first arrived, I do n’t know Qin Gang's details, this battle is unfair!" Wang Shenxue angry.

Li Nian Lengheng: \ "That has nothing to do with you! Step back, unless you want to stir up two contradictions! \"

"You guys ... you bully too much!" Wang Theology was shocked and angry.

However, Li Nianzhi had to be cautious.

It is indeed inconvenient for the Law Enforcement Hall to get involved in the Foreign Affairs Hall.

He had to pass on Su Yu's anxious eyes constantly, hoping that he would notice.

It is not that he does not believe in Su Yu's strength, but Qin Gang is too strong!

His cultivation is only superficial, and the real strength is reflected in the flesh!

When Qin was young, he once swallowed the heavenly treasures, the flesh changed, and his physique was arrogant.

Although Xiaocheng fourth-order holy king Xiuwei, even Dacheng fourth-order holy king confronted him, it was extremely tricky.

His strength is by no means comparable to Cao Xuan's overhaul.

In that battle, Su Yu defeated Cao Xuan in three moves.

But if it was Qin Gang's shot, it would not take three moves at all, and one move would seriously hurt Cao Xuan at that time!

Su Yu's current strength cannot match Qin Gang at all!

Qin Gang opened his attack posture, and the corners of his mouth raised a radian of great success: \ "Boy, I have to regret to tell you, challenge me, you have found the wrong person! \"

\ "Drink!" With a low drink, Qin Gang's shirt shattered, exposing a pair of copper and steel!

Fast muscles, like stone carving, hard and full of explosive power!

The strands of far more powerful breath than ordinary creatures spread slowly, making people feel alarmed.

Su Yu's eyelids jumped slightly.In his perception, it was not a human creature standing in front of him, but a wild beast.

Good physique! Even stronger than Cao Xuanhua's physique!

It is no wonder that he was a fourth-order holy king, but he is qualified to sit firmly in the deputy church!

Compared to him, he was a tall Zongmen strongman, but he didn't have it, but he chose to sit in the town foreign affairs hall alone.

There was a tremendous pressure, as if a mountain came.

\ "Challenge me, it is your biggest mistake! \" Qin Gang sneered, winning the ticket!

Drinking a low voice, Qin Gang's muscles squirmed, like heartbeats, exhaling palpitations!

A layer of red light lingering on the body surface looks like a layer of blood red!

This is the strength of the physical ability phenomenon of Hualong Realm——the power of Qi and blood!

When the physiological limit is raised to a certain level, the power of Qi and Blood will qualitatively change, reaching the characteristics that appear outside the body.

The red blood film is the symbol!

咚咚 ——

Qin Gang muscled his right leg, suddenly. [,! ] Ran the ground.

On his body, there is a spring that, with the potential of flashing shadows, turns into a fuzzy red afterimage and goes straight to Su Yu!

\ "Angry Dragon growls! \" With a low roar, Qin Gang reached out with his right fist.

The terrifying power of blood is roaring out like a dying red dragon, with devastating power!

Suddenly, Su Yu seemed to be shrouded in mountains, making him breathless.

However, his eyes were calm, and his body was full of ice flames, rising towards Qin Gang.

How cold should it be from the freezing cold to the freezing flames?

Stronger than Cao Xuan, he also touched the moment, was invaded and devoured life.

However, Qin Gang sneered at the corner of his mouth: \ "My body is so powerful that you won't understand it! \"

噗嗤 ——

An astonishing scene appeared, Qin Gang grabbed it with his hands, and actually killed the flying ice flames!

A faint icy ice, turned into crushed ice, and drifted into the palm!

The palm of his hand has not been attacked by half-point ice flames!

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