The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1494: Moyuan Juding

? Three days later, the empire of the Divine Realm is unprecedented.

More than two hundred gods gathered on the boundary of two empires, accompanied by the strong in the major cave worlds.

The entire Divine Empire, whoever has the status and status, will come to this sudden meeting.

The moment when the situation came together, it was like when the two major alliances between the East and the West formed an alliance.

"Su Yu returned, crowned emperor, everything was expected, but the empty line mother showed weakness so quickly, it was unexpected."

"Oh, you don't know. A few days ago, Emperor Yu summoned the old ministry, and the empty line mother once came and forcibly intervened!"

"Oh? And so on, what's the result?"

呵 "Hehe, what's the situation like today?"

嘶 "His! This emperor's skills are superb. He dares to return with a high profile, and he is somewhat confident. Unfortunately, I am not optimistic that he can successfully conclude a contract."

The people in discussion closed their mouths with a comprehension.

At that time, the two major alliances formed an alliance. The two leaders of the Western Union died strangely and tragically at the hands of the demons. Not only were the Western Union people bitter, but also the strong men of the Eastern Union.

Bang bang

Suddenly, a strong aura came from both the East and West, and they collided at the boundary of the two domains, meeting into an invisible enclave, covering the four sides.

He was under the might of God, and everyone worshiped involuntarily.

"Welcome to the Mother Emperor, to the Emperor Yu!"


Wu Shenming greeted the two emperors as if they were teleporting and appeared at the boundary.

Xun Kongxing mother rides on the phoenix, driven by a powerful phoenix that has never appeared in the four-headed Xinghe.

凤凰 Every phoenix has a fourfold cultivation practice, which overwhelms most of the beings present.

Colorful feathers, cold and proud temperament, powerful cultivation, give people a deep shock.

Even more impressive is that such a beast is just a tool for the walking mother.

The size of the show and the gorgeous appearance are quite shocking.

Looking back at Su Yu, wearing a robe, alone, standing on his own.

There is neither a starter nor a beast car to ride around, and it looks downcast and shabby, which is completely inconsistent with the temperament of an emperor.

By comparison, the empty line mother is more like a generation of emperors.

When the two emperors came, the beings quieted themselves, waiting for them to speak.

Wu Kongxing's bland eyes, looking at Su Yu, her eyes were peaceful, and she always seemed to be a kind and gentle image.

She moved her eyes and looked down at the gods, making a soft and pleasant voice: "Today, the Emperor and the Emperor have entered into a contract here, and the two emperors jointly control the kingdom of the empire, and hereby make the gods witness."

The gods said in succession, "The juxtaposition of the two emperors is really a blessing for my empire!"

Wu Kongxing's mother nodded her head slightly, and the maid behind her took out the big seal at the right time. The whole body was emerald, which was extremely beautiful.

The big seal sculpts a unicorn, and the bottom is engraved with the words "God Realm".

印 This seal is the jade seal of the God Realm!

A seal of jade seal is required for any decrees to be conveyed.

Mastering this seal is equivalent to mastering the kingdom of empire.

"This is the Imperial Jade Seal. It will be divided into two. The Emperor and the Emperor will each manage half of it. Whenever there is a huge decision, I and the two will discuss it together. The Jade Seal will be in one place and the decree will be issued. The voice passes through the two **** realms, falling in the ears of every soul.

All the gods secretly, this will be a historic moment.


Wu Kongxing's mother had five fingers and one hand, and the jade seal was divided into two, neat and tidy.

一半 Half of them were thrown to Su Yu by the empty line mother.

Xi Suyu caught it and checked it carefully to make sure it was correct.

Wu Kongxing's mother said: "The jade seal has been divided. Next, you and I should discuss specific matters. You and I can decide for yourself, and there is nothing you need to share with the jade seal."

Xu Suyu said: "It is exactly what the emperor wants."


With a wave of the mother's sleeve robe, Nian Kong Xing created a large enchantment.

In the enchantment, not only can the sound be isolated, but the visit can also be isolated.

At least Su Yu's perspective eyes cannot see through the enchantment.

"I'm waiting for discussion, it should not be disturbed by outsiders. This is my special secret room, which can eliminate outside interference and talk with peace of mind." The air travelling mother made a gesture of please.

The spirit of the gods was shocked.


两位 At that time, the two leaders of the Western Union also died in the hands of the demons who appeared strangely in such a large court.

Today's Airline Mother once again proposes a confidential room talk. Will it perform an incredible scene that year?

Qi Su Yu's arms were wrapped around her chest, and she did not mean to enter.

"You can't rest assured?" The empty line mother calmly said: "But the negotiation cannot be delayed."

Silent for a long time, the empty line mother silently withdrew the enchantment, and said, "Since Yudi believes in the Emperor, then Emperor Yu chooses the place of negotiation, any place is fine."

He sounded as if Su Yu was a villain, and the empty-line mother was open-minded.

Many onlookers, watching the two's momentum, clothing, and even contrast, naturally, the impression of the empty line mother is even more.

"In the end, she is an empress, and she is far from being a young boy."

"It is true. The Divine Empire was in full bloom, but the return of the surname Su led to the Divided Divinity."

"Just! Why should he come back and die in Tianhu!"

Quiet, the empty line mother secretly suppressed Su Yu's image, and was quite effective.

In response to this, Su Yu was unmoved, and said lightly: "So, this emperor will not retreat, Lei Emperor, you will arrange the enchantment."

Lei Di from the Western Union immediately stood up, hesitated a little, and quietly whispered: "Yu Di, you may wish to invite people from the Eastern Union to take a shot. This can show our generosity, otherwise all the splits will be snatched by the empty line mother. . "

Wu Suyu smiled and smiled: "What about the limelight that made her alone? Anyway, it will end today."

Emperor Xun Lei took the command and laid down an enchantment with Thunder God, the effect was similar to before.

Wu Kongxing's mother didn't see it, she drifted into it.

慢 "Slow! To ensure the safety of both parties, be sure to surrender the magic weapon of space before entering." Su Yudao.

She Konghang mother paused, silently took out the magic weapon of space, and gave it to the maid behind.

Everyone looked at it with emotion.

"Look, what is a true emperor? This mind, this measure!"

"But I heard that the Emperor Yu didn't give her a good look three days ago, and now she doesn't care about him and has no worries about him. She is so calm and unhurried that she is our mother of the earth. She loves the world and tolerates everything. what!"

"Oh, compared to that, Su Yu's attitude of a gentleman's abdomen is really disgusting."

"How are such people qualified to rule the kingdom of God and become our king?"

The gods understood Su Yu's caution, but all beings did not know the truth, they were all deceived by the appearance of the empty line mother, and almost supported the empty line mother.

Invisible, Su Yu gave a terrible impression to the empire of the Divine Realm.

Wu Suyu was unmoved, but also unleashed her space magic weapon, handed it over to Lei Emperor, and smiled at the empty line mother: "Yes, please come in."

The two entered one after the other, in a thunderous enchantment.

The empty line mother first enters in one step, and there is no difference in color to detect the enchantment effect.

Tong Su Yu stood behind her, arms folded over her chest, and said lightly: "Relax, the outside world can no longer hear you, and you can't see the situation inside. You don't have to pretend."


Wu Kongxingmu suddenly turned back, the calm face, the facial features do not know when to twist and squeeze together.

Wenwan's approaching face, at this moment, feels like an enraged evil spirit, and even his voice loses peace. Some are just resentment and hate: "I hate it! Why let you go back then!"

"You killed my son and killed my husband, this blood debt, you will never die!"

Wu Suyu smiled and smiled: "Finally, the original shape is revealed. I think, since you said everything, you definitely don't plan to let me, the insider, leave alive."

The empty line mother sneered, smiling insidiously, like a vicious snake: "You are very clever, I believe you also guessed, I will definitely avenge you! But unfortunately, you guessed wrong, I will not repeat the tricks and let you Find the cause of death of Ximen Sword and Lin Lang's god! "

Xu Suyu raised her eyebrows slightly.

Wu Kongxing's mother sneered deeper, her eyes revealing the hidden deep cunning: "Sorry, revenge on you, not here, but in another place! I believe that the results are almost there!"

A faint sense of uncle rushed into Su Yu's face, and the dark and cunning side of the empty line mother was unexpected.

He smiled and smiled, and the ground slowly melted under the feet of Kongxing's mother.

She is a **** born from the spirit of a giant mountain. She is born in communication with the earth and can manipulate it with a single thought.

Wu Suyu is wary, is it that the demons are so weird?

The earth melted, and a dark giant tripod emerged, exuding infinite magic.

This is a magic weapon!

And, it is still a very high-quality imitation magic weapon!

The bonfire burned fiercely under the black juding, burning the black juding red.

The inside of Ju Juding is filled with a black liquid, which is bound by several people, all of whom are familiar to Su Yu!

"Heruruchu?" Su Yu was taken aback.

In the boiling black liquid, He Ruchu and the clan elders of several crane **** families were bound in the giant tripod and were boiled raw.

极端 The extreme painful expression appeared on their faces, the body was in the boiling giant tripod, and the flesh was rotten.

They have been imprisoned, they can't move ~ ~ Successfully endure this life's torture!

Xu He saw Su Yu as he was at the beginning, and could not help but cry for help: "Homeowner, save me ... save me !!"

The rest of the tribe also found Su Yu, one after another, catching life-saving straws, and issued a stern cry for help.

The scene was cruel and desolate.

Xun Rao is Su Yu, and she can't help but move.

The smile of Xun Kongxing's mother has become distorted, and Xun laughed, "Is it strange, obviously you sent a master to rescue them, but they are here?"

Su Su Yu said in a deep voice: "Do you know that I will send someone to save them?"

The empty line mother smiled proudly, smiled happily, and smiled hatefully gloomily: "Is it painful to look at a familiar acquaintance and be burned alive? But this is just the beginning! The pain you gave me, I want A hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times back to you !!! "

"Magic tripod! On!" The empty line mother sighed sharply, and the salary under Juding soared.

The first-class cranes in the Juding Ding, even without a scream, were melted by the sharply boiling black liquid.

Squinting his eyes as they were boiled to death, Su Yu sank his face into the water: "It's not just killing people, is it necessary to torture innocent people like this?"

Wu Kongxing's mother applauded and laughed wildly and laughed wildly: "Ha ha ha ha! That's the look! Yes, yes! You're in pain, that's right!"

角 The corners of his mouth were cracked, revealing his white teeth, which looked extremely gloomy.

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