The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1503: Law of God

"Is the gate of time?" Su Yu groped for the rocks that filled the years.

Only two items in the Great Ruins have resisted the annihilation of the power of time and space, and have survived to this day.

One is a frozen stone that caused ancient ruins to freeze into time and space.

One thing is this ancient door of time.

"I stepped down, don't worry, the line of destiny between you still exists." Bi Wanqing reassured, quietly withdrew, giving Su Yu a quiet space.

Wu Suyu was lost in thought, and she never noticed her leaving.

After groaning for a long time, Su Yu took out all the stones and reassembled them into a time gate.

Although the cardia was shaped, it was densely covered with cracks and lost its effect.

检查 Scrutinized for a long time, Su Yu stared at the dim, almost worn-out Tianshu characters, and whispered, "Must you reshape these Tianshu characters, and then you can remake the door of time?"

Suddenly, at this point, Su Yu tried to refresh the fuzzy Tianshu text with the blood of God.

As a result, as soon as the blood of the **** touched the script of the heavenly book, it was pushed away by inexplicable power, and the blood of the **** contaminated was directly rejected.

"Excludes the blood of God ..." Su Yu murmured for a while, thinking about taking out a drop of blood from the Emperor.

Smeared on the words of the fuzzy Tianshu, there is still a force of repulsion, but the force of repulsion is far weaker than ordinary blood.

天 A Tianshu text has been refreshed and looks brand new.

But not waiting for Su Yu to be happy, the blood of the anti-Emperor was also rejected.

"Neither the blood of the Emperor of the Emperor?" Su Yu was in a hurry, taking out a drop of blood of almost transparent color. This is the blood of the first emperor and the emperor.

The only hope to reshape the time gate is also the only hope to find Xia Jingyu!

Xu took a deep breath, and Su Yu carefully applied a drop of the blood of the Emperor's God.

Unexpectedly, I did not encounter any rejection, but there was a little more intimacy. A Tianshu text was actively absorbed, and the handwriting repeated perfectly and clearly.

附近 The cracks near the text of the heavenly book also disappear automatically.

Seeing this, Su Yu overjoyed: "It really works!"

想到 He thought of writing with the blood of God, which was all caused by the Xuanjing Mountains and the inscription of Tianshu that suppressed the evil girl.

The nine emperors used the flesh and blood to condense the stele, and wrote the inscription of Tianshu with the blood of God.

Then, Su Yu can also use the blood of the emperor to write the script of Tianshu!

The word 成功 was successful, and Su Yu couldn't wait to continue writing, but it was strange that Su Yu's life could not be refreshed.

It is not that God's blood cannot stain him, but that Su Yu's fingers can't touch the words of Tianshu, and is controlled by a force in the deep, making his fingers unable to touch the target.

A careful analysis of the two scriptures of success and failure, Su Yu found that the former was the scriptures of Tianshu he knew, while the latter was strange.

Attempting to refresh the texts of the few known Tianshu books above, there was no obstacle.

And those who do n’t know, Su Yu can't even touch.

A moment of anxiety emerged, "Hehe, it really is that I think too simple, unless you recognize all the scriptures of the heavenly script, it is impossible to reshape the stele."

"Xia Jingyu, Xia Jingyu, where are you?" Su Yu smiled bitterly.

After a moment of discouragement, Su Yu regained his spirits. He was not always a man who was easy to subdue. How could he be discouraged at the last minute?

Rebuilding the time gate is to find the last layer of Xia Jingyu's obstacle!

The more you reach the critical moment, the more you need to be calm!

"Hello! I really want to retreat seriously." Su Yu took out the book "The Original Book of Heaven".

But Su Yu will not forget that he has more important goals in this retreat!

Rescue Xueyi!

He was arrested for arresting Xueyi, and he was obliged to rescue him.

Xun Ke fought against Wushuang, Gu Taixu, and Kongxingmu. Su Yu lost more and lost less.

The previous battle of the ruins is enough to explain everything. Ancient Taixu is too embarrassing, and its strength is inferior to it. If you can't improve your combat power, you will be stunned.

With a move in Xun's heart, Su Yu's palm sacrificed the Milky Way Xingsha. The infinite starlight reflected the secret room as if the starry sky was brilliant and beautiful as fairyland.

Suddenly, the starlight condensed into a crane shape and said, "See the master, is there anything I can do for you?"

Qi Su Yu shimmered and said, "In these years, can you once again capture the consciousness hidden in the Milky Way Star Sand?"

In that year, after completing Tianjizi ’s last wish, Qi Linghe said that at that moment, a consciousness had been captured inside the Galaxy Xingsha.

This matter has always been the stab of Su Yu's heart, and it can't be relieved for a long time.

Xinghe Shinto: "Unfortunately, since then, that consciousness seems to be hiding intently, and has never appeared again. I search all the time and never notice its existence."

"Is that so?" Su Yu's face was a little dark, and what was that consciousness? Why does it exist in the Milky Way Star Sand?

Is there any other connection between it and Tianjizi?

Or, did Tian Jizi conceal anything from Su Yu?

With doubt, Su Yu said, "You continue to monitor, and once you find out, immediately spit out that consciousness!"


Wu Suyu said, "Now, you need to purify something."


"Blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon!" Su Yu pointed to the crown above her, which contained a letterhead written by the ancient **** of Kowloon with her own blood.

The artifact crane crane **** immediately transformed into Xinghe and wrapped the crown.

Isolate the crown, and it can also purify the blood of the **** hidden on the letterhead inside.

Now the Galaxy Star Sand is under the control of Su Yu, and the purification ability is ten times better than before.

In addition, the ancient gods in Kowloon have been missing for many years. Even though these gods have resisted, they are far less than in the past.

After half an hour, a drop of divine blood was purified.

What's strange is that the blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon is neither golden yellow nor milky white, nor is it transparent, but ... colorful!

He lay in the palm of his hand, and looked not like the blood of the gods, but rather the spirit fluid, filled with extremely overbearing energy.

Even Su Yu has an urge to swallow him.

He licked his lips eagerly, and Su Yu's eyes were slightly hot. He could feel that if he swallowed this blood, he would get infinite benefits.

But he is determined to excel. The blood of the emperor cannot be safely taken by Su Yu, let alone the blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon.

Stubbornly suppressing the inner impulse, Su Yu sealed it in the jade bottle, waiting for the Galaxy Star Sand to extract all the **** blood in the letterhead.

After three days and three nights, the feathers of the instrumental crane crane **** were dim, lingering endlessly, and the starlight flickered.

"Go to rest."

He was relieved, and Ji Linghe returned to Su Yu's palm to recuperate immediately.

Su Yu stared at the thumb-sized jade bottle, filled with the blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon, showing joy.

"I do n’t know what the ancient blood of the Jiulong God will be after he gave it to the Jiuling God." Su Yu had long been trying, but deep down under the eyes of Creation Dragon, he didn't dare to reveal the Jiuling God.

He opened the jade bottle, and Su Yu dripped the blood on his forehead.

The originally quiet Jingding of Kowloon was shaken suddenly, setting off a huge storm of souls in Su Yu's mind.

God tripod drama, unprecedented drama.

Crystallize 30% of the death dragon, the black dragon, after crystallizing the first drop of blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon!

Qi Su Yu was ecstatic, a drop of **** blood, directly crystallized two-thirds of the dragon?

But this is just the beginning!

On the giant tripod, the purple dragon in time, the red dragon in space, the white dragon in soul, the emerald dragon in life, and the death black dragon just crystallized, all soared from the Kowloon **** tripod, surrounding the Kowloon **** tripod, and constantly immersed in the ancient Kowloon. The blood of the gods plunged into the **** tripod.

They flew quickly, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the blood.

Jiulong Shending tremor is getting stronger!

At that moment, it actually moved by itself, flew from Su Yu's mind, and appeared in front of Su Yu.

Juding turned upside down and couldn't wait to swallow the whole jade bottle.

Wu Suyu was startled, he threw away the jade bottle, hid aside, and watched Jiulong Shending swallow the jade bottle like crazy.


With a muffled sound, Jiulong Shending seemed to be greatly satisfied, and his three feet fell on the ground, making a muffled sound.

Twenty-five flying dragons also flew back to Kowloon Shending one after another, but unlike before, they were all bigger!

The scent emanating from is also very different from the past.

When Su Yu was surprised, inside the Kowloon God Ding, suddenly a colorful light burst into full bloom.

A hundred drops of the blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon was diluted into a whole tripod!

Su Suyu tried to take a drop, and the diluted Shen blood was automatically incorporated into Su Yu's body.

As a result, Su Yu's heart thumped!

That is the heart replaced by the fragment of the law of the road, and it beats fiercely at this moment!

The naked eye can see that the fragment of the avenue rule has a huge skyrocketing, originally only the size of the heart, but it soared to cover Su Yu's entire chest! !!

"The law of the avenue chain fragments can grow?" Su Yu looked stunned!

The most strange thing is that the gap between him and the fragment of this law disappeared with the help of this diluted divine blood.

Instead, it was intimacy, as if this was the chain of avenues that Su Yu grew out of.

"The blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon is so amazing?" Su Yu was surprised.

He tried to devour a drop again. As a result, the chain fragment was soaring again, this time covering the entire torso.

Looking inside, the entire torso was replaced by a complete chain, which was ten times the size of the previous fragment!

"My torso ~ ~ has become the chain of the avenue of law?" Su Yu could not describe her inner mood in words.

But his hand seemed to be out of control, and he wanted to take another drop of blood.

在 At this moment, Jiulong Shending avoided himself and trembled. This is a warning sign!

Su Su suddenly woke up and hurriedly shrank her hand, horrified: "What happened to me just now?"

He clearly didn't mean to take it anymore, but his body was a little uncontrolled.

观看 Watch your body carefully. If you take another drop of God's blood, you are afraid that your limbs will be replaced by the chain rule of the road.

At that time, was Su Yu a human or a link in the chain of avenues?

Suddenly, at this point, Su Yu was shocked with cold sweat.

Perceived Su Yu's intellect recovered, the ancient **** of Kowloon shrank to the size of a palm and flew back to Su Yu ... in the palm of your hand!

"咦?" Su Yu was taken aback. In the past, Jiulong Shending had only entangled himself in Su Yu's mind, leaving Su Yu alone.

How come now, no longer returning to his mind?

"Is it the blood of the ancient **** of Kowloon, which makes it completely satisfied, or is it strong enough? No need to hide in my mind?" Su Yu was surprised.

Suddenly, Su Yu said with excitement: "If anyone can let me try the power of the Kowloon God, the hard and the mysterious powers will not be able to bear it. "

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