The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1518: Destroy lightning

Sheng Ge looked dull, staring dumbly at the piles of shackled chain hills, dumbly saying: "me she"

Glancing at her, Su Yu drew her palms and pulled them all back in a frantic chain.

As a result, the strange girl figure disappeared.

"Well?" Su Yu was surprised, why was she gone?

At this time, Su Yu suddenly felt the end of the chain was extremely heavy, and the eyes of perspective swept away, and she couldn't help laughing.

The truncated section of the chain was eaten into a hollow by the weird girl, and she penetrated into the chain and ate the chain quickly.

No wonder the chain hill hasn't been moving for a long time, so it is!

She really can eat anything, and the seal of the giant bitter sea giant is no exception!

But speaking, her teeth are terrible.

Imagine that the bitter sea giant's magical power covered the sky, but he was sealed by the chain for tens of millions of years. Only when Su Yu and others put their best efforts, they barely broke the chain.

What about the weird girl? Directly eat this seal for his countless years of chains!

"Give me out!" Su Yu sighed with anger, and the chain trembled.

The weird girl who was eating happily was never watched, and was shaken to the ground by one butt.

"Oops!" The strange girl rubbed her buttocks, raised her head in annoyance, and when it was found that Su Yu was again, Zhangya dance claws got up: "Yeah, why are you bothering me? I want to eat you!

Seeing that the strange girl was about to pounce again, Sheng Ge finally knew why they would conflict.

"Little butterfly, stop, how can you be rude to your master?" Shengge scolded.

Strangely, the strange girl was not afraid of Su Yu, but she was in awe of Shengge, and immediately converged, her hands fell down, and she stood honestly like a good boy, and did not dare to lift her head.

Shengge reprimanded, and she shrank her neck, as if she was very afraid of her.

Su Yu looked surprised and wondered: "Why are you afraid of the little killer who is not afraid of this day?"

Shengge was a little embarrassed and said, "She probably thinks of me as my sister."

Ever since Kocho was discovered, Shengge has been taking care of her. For Kocho who was just born, Shengge is no different from her loved ones.

When I think of Xiaodie as a butterfly, she is very sticky and everything can be explained.

Eventually someone could calm her down, and Su Yu let go, or he couldn't help the weird girl.

Not afraid of the power of the rules, it can devour the Holy Artifacts of the Emperor Road, and it is amazingly amazing, it is an invincible little overlord!

"So it is." Su Yu said slowly, looking at Xiaodie: "This is interesting. Nine-colored chaotic butterflies, according to common sense, are born humanoid, and then they break into cocoons and turn into butterfly-shaped, and finally evolve into insects. Type, become a generation of female worms, this mutant nine-color chaos butterfly seems to be just the opposite! "

Shengge said: "I asked Xiaodie, and she was also confused. It may be related to the mutation. The world is born with a spirit, but any mutation will exceed common sense."

Su Yu nodded and shook her head.

No matter how strong the mutation is, it will not reverse the normal evolution process. Kocho is a little strange!

But no matter how strange, she has become a big help for Su Yu.

After thinking about it, Su Yu took out the Kowloon Shending.

When this thing just appeared, Kocho suddenly looked up, her eyes were shining, like two little suns, her mouth drooling: "It's delicious! Sister, I want to eat that."

As soon as Su Yu's face was dark, Sheng Ge hurriedly scolded: "Eat what you eat! You do n’t want to eat anything that belongs to the owner. How many times do I have to repeat?"

Fluttersaw shuddered, lowered her head in a hurry, but kept peeking at the Jiulong Ding.

Su Yu took two drops of the blood of Jiulong Ancient God from the inside and gave them to Shengge and Kocho each.

Sheng Ge took it, and immediately felt the power of the horrible laws contained in it, and was horrified: "Here, what is this heaven and earth spirit, which is so terrible? If the energy in it is released, it is enough to kill a piece of it?"

Su Yu withdrew his face without expression and said, "It is a kind of **** blood. After you take it, it will have unexpected benefits to your body's evolution."

"God's blood? What god's blood can be so terrible?" Sheng Ge stunned, but thought of something, saying: "Yes, Kocho is the body of a butterfly. She only eats heaven and earth, but she never feels the flesh and blood of living beings. interest."

When she was a caterpillar, Su Yu tried to get the flesh of the Vientiane old monster.

As a result, it did not eat at all.

"Wow! What a delicious food!" Ling Shengge and Su Yu were stunned, at first Kocho looked disgusted, but slowly realized that this drop of **** blood was different, and then cheered.

Excitement like her, swallowed the blood of God.

When the mysterious ancient god's energy was densely packed into the body and transformed her body, Xiaodie was even more happy, and stretched out a small slap to Su Yu, eagerly asking: "I want it! Give it to me."

"You are so beautiful!" Su Yu rolled her eyes, solemnly: "This god's blood contains the power of too many rules, so I should not take more. When I find a method that can be taken continuously, I will share some of you with more ~ ​​ ~ Huh! Little stingy, little stingy, the owner is stingy! "Xiaodie immediately collapsed her face, lying on the ground and rolling, her mouth could not hold her back.

"Eat me and drink me, and scold me for being stingy?" Su Yu jumped again and again, and he felt that his good temper was about to stand up, and he had the urge to hang her up and beat his **** hard.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yu crossed him and came to the nursery.

In the nursery, there is one gold and one silver, two 100,000 feet high spiritual plant.

The silver one is naturally Tianzhu Yinzhu, which was cultivated by Su Yu at the beginning of Jiubi Lingzhu and has been cultivated for more than 20 years.

"In the years of the master's retreat, the requirements of the master's ten thousand years have been met two years ago, and now there are twelve thousand years." Shengge murmured looking up at the Tianzhu Yinzhu.

Su Yu stared at the ten-year-old Tianzhu silver bamboo, except that it was taller. The most significant difference from ordinary Tianzhu silver bamboo is that it is dull in color throughout the body. It is no longer silvery but can be dark. Silver and white.

Suddenly, Su Yu tried to touch with her palm, but listened to Sheng Ge anxiously and said, "Be careful!"

Su Yu responded very quickly and immediately retracted her hand. At this moment, I saw a black lightning bolt on the surface of Tianzhu Silver Bamboo.

Although Su Yu pumped faster, she was still faintly struck by lightning.

His body suddenly turned into ashes, and only the regularized trunk remained.

Shengge shouted, "Ah! Master!"

She never expected that Su Yu would die like this!

"Woo, master you are dead, what should I do?" Sheng Song cried.

At this time, a pure law of life surrounded the body of Su Yu's law, and his body quickly recovered to completeness, and even he maintained his posture during his lifetime, saying, "What are you crying for? I am not so easy to die!"

His eyes were all focused on Tianzhu Yinzhu, his eyes were deeply shocked.

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