The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1616: Bronze carriage

Thinking for a moment, Su Yu said, "I'll avoid it first."

Although there are Emperor Zimeng to rely on, but it is better to avoid trouble or take the initiative to avoid it.

Hu Xiaodie said, "Yeah, one less trouble. I use my special car to leave Xuanjing Palace and hide my eyes."

He wiped out his storage and a bronze car was taken out.

The hull has a powerful formation, including attack, defense and isolation, all from the hand of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth.

Su Yu was surprised, Xingchen Pavilion gave special treatment to the nine cabinet chiefs!

Even the cars are forged by the Emperor of Heaven and Earth!

With this thing in hand, the cabinet chief is safe and sound even if he is attacked by the overlord of Xuanjing.

The isolation effect of the bronze car allows Su Yu to easily leave Xuanjing Palace without being noticed.

Su Yu hesitated: "As soon as I go, I may not be able to come back again. How can I return it to you?"

Hu Xiaodie is troublesome to lose such valuable things.

"Hehe, Ren Xin Ge Zun always liked me, and lost the bronze car, he would only blame a few words, no big deal." Hu Xiaodie refreshed.

Su Yu moved.

He said easily, but forging a bronze car was not easy.

If really lost, I am afraid that it will not be just a few words of blame.

"Engong, what do you do for me? What about a bronze car? Without you, do you still have me? Take it, and you can return it to me. If you ca n’t come back, it ’s me. Give Engong the gift of practice. "Hu Xiaodie said.

Su Yu thought for a moment, and took out a whole 10,000-year-old Jinyan Forbidden Tree from Jiubi Lingzhu.

"Nothing else, take it." Su Yu wrapped it with divine power, in case the breath of Jin Yan forbidden wood emanates, stuffed into Hu Xiaodie's palm.

Hu Xiaodie is the head of the Xingchen Pavilion, her experience is amazing.

He recognized it at a first glance, utterly stunned: "The extinct sacred tree, Jin Yan forbidden wood? Or ten thousand years! Hiss! This strain, you can buy ten bronze cars!"

"Shh!" Su Yu made a snoring gesture, and pointed out by the way.

Hu Xiaodie knew, lowered her voice, and hurriedly said, "Grace, I ca n’t accept such a gift!"

Su Yu said: "Don't worry, I still have a lot. This Jinyan tree is forbidden. You can use it wisely. I hope it will help your situation in Xingchen Pavilion."

More than help? Hu Xiaodie knew it.

How important is Jin Yan's banning tree to the ranks of Emperor of Heaven and Earth?

The birthday of the Snow Dragon Emperor, with a long thumb, is extremely gratifying, and he is willing to exchange the precious Emperor Level Rune.

This whole plant is ten thousand times as small as that one!

Using this Jinyan forbidden tree, how huge a connection can Hu Xiaodie build in Xingchen Pavilion?

I'm afraid the other two patrons will also be polite to Hu Xiaodie.

The other eight cabinet chiefs would like to join forces to bully him, and look at the three cabinet chiefs' faces.

His position among the nine cabinet chiefs will be greatly enhanced.

"I owe En Gong a big favor again!" Hu Xiaodie said ashamed.

Su Yu smiled: "Okay, I'm leaving immediately, take care."

After speaking, Su Yu boarded the bronze car.

Inside the compartment were carved switches for various formations. Su Yu turned on the isolation formation and urged the bronze car to leave the side hall.

Numerous cabinet leaders outside the house staggered.

"Captain Hu Ge's bronze carriage? Why did he leave suddenly?"

The Tai Gongge's secret secret was not good, he walked over to the side hall and knocked on the door: "Su Yu, how are you now?"

"Hmm!" Hu Xiaodie twisted her slightly fat body and walked out with her head raised. Official cloth

The Taigong Pavilion chief swept away and was empty.

He couldn't help angrily, "Where did you send Xue Yu?"

Obviously, it was not Hu Xiaodie himself, but Su Yu who was riding in the bronze car just now!

"No comment!" Hu Xiaodie said lightly.

In the past, he had no confidence in the face of the Taigong Pavilion Chief.

But now, after touching the container, the corner of Hu Xiaodie's mouth evokes a meaningful radian.

Soon, everything will change.

The bronze car left the Xuanjing Palace all the way, and all the guests along the way saw that they automatically gave way, with awe and awe.

Only Qianqian quietly kept up.

Su Yu abides by the agreement with Emperor Purple Dream and does not leave the imperial city.

He wanted to find a quiet place to hide.


Suddenly, the carved runes inside the bronze car radiated a blue light, showing Su Yu's eyes.

Qingguang depicts a complete topographic map of the snow country in the northern region. The streets and shops along the way are extremely detailed.

"Bronze cars still have such effects?" Su Yu was surprised, at this time the map display function, you can position yourself at any time.

In fact, not only the imperial city, the entire map of Xingsuhai is detailed in the bronze car.

Su Yu wants to go anywhere and can find it on the map, which is very convenient.

"Looking at the Xingsu Sea, only Xingchen Pavilion possesses this kind of handwriting?" Su Yu secretly admired, depicting the entire Xingsu sea area, the manpower and material resources is absolutely astronomical.

At this time, there was a bright red light spot on the green map with a flashing score.

A line of words appeared near the red dot.

"Unknown strong, has followed ten streets, confirmed to be tracked, please open up defense and attack matrix."

Su Yu stunned, there is an early warning function?

The powerful function of the bronze car is beyond Su Yu's expectations!

But being followed, Su Yu didn't care.

Staring at the red light spot, Su Yu steered the bronze car to the south of the city, where it was the exit of the imperial city.

As a result, no matter how the bronze car goes, that red spot will follow.

Su Yu was a little funny: "Someone dared to follow the chief of Xingchen Pavilion, I don't know what it is!"

"Stop!" Su Yu ordered, and the bronze car immediately pulled back.

After waiting for a moment, the red light spot saw that the bronze car didn't go any further, and came forward.

Su Yu smiled coldly, ready to start defense and attack formation.

"Captain Hu Ge, please don't be angry. It's passed down from the Snow Dragon Emperor, Queen Ziwei, and I have something to ask for!"

The voice of the empress came from outside!

At this time, the light in front of Su Yu flashed again, and an external picture appeared.

A chilling and beautiful woman standing in front of a bronze car, said a little bowed.

Su Yu is speechless, why is she?

Moreover, she mistakenly thought that the bronze car was Captain Hu Ge.

"Ahem, girl Ziwei, stop the Chief, is it all right?" Su Yu asked, imitating Hu Xiaodie's voice.

He really didn't want to be entangled with this woman, but he was trying to find a way to send her away as soon as possible.

The Empress Ziwei said coldly: "I want to know where your former Majesty was, where is Xue Yu now!"

She didn't know where to find out. It turned out that Su Yu was the former member of Xingchen Pavilion, Xue Yu! I thought of a survivor


Su Yu's guilty conscience, did this woman still refuse to give up?

After clearing her throat, Su Yu said, "As you know Xue Yu is a former man, you also asked the Chief of Cabinet what to do? Where do I know, where is he now?"

Empress Ziwei's expression remained unchanged, and she said indifferently, "Is it? Since it was a former person, why did you rush back to Xuanjing Palace twice to the top of your Xingge Pavilion?"

After all, this place is the site of the Snow Country in the Northern Territory. As the descendant of the Snow Dragon Empress, the Empress Ziwei wants to know every move in the Xuanjing Palace.

"Girl Ziwei, find what the Chief Chief wants to do, just say it!" Su Yu said lightly.

Since she knew that Su Yu had gone to the top of Xingchen Pavilion, if she really wanted to find him, she could go directly.

Obstructing "Hu Ge" clearly has a different purpose.

Empress Ziwei raised her white eyes and said quietly, "I want to know, Su Yu, or Xue Yu, what's the origin? I checked him. It was originally the two young masters in the small family of Double Star Island. , But one night he turned into a different person! The most suspicious thing is that he asked to enter the Yinyang Hot Spring, change his face and turn into Su Yu! "

"He should be reborn, right? I want to ask Captain Hu Ge, his details!"

Su Yu's eyes narrowed, a hint of cold light suddenly appeared.

Investigate him!

This woman really wants to be right with him!

Su Yu said indifferently, "Girl Ziwei, what if the Chief Minister does not want to tell you?"

"Then I will ask the owner of your Jianxuan Branch Pavilion! I don't believe it, I can't ask his roots!" The Queen Ziwei thought about it, and couldn't swallow the bad breath.

It was okay to get rid of it, and treat her like that, so that her fiance misunderstood.

She must find Su Yu's handle and punish him severely, so that she can vent her hatred!

Su Yu's eyes narrowed deeper. Fortunately, he was met by himself. If Hu Xiaodie was found by this crazy woman, it would be troublesome.

Since she wants to find hardships by herself, let her do it!

"Well, I can tell you his details, but this matter is important, and Ziwei may wish to come to the car to tell."

Queen Ziwei looked at the bronze car with some vigilance, and then thought for a moment, the other party was in such an identity, and the court was so crowded, how dare she treat her?

So with a slight groan, he nodded into the bronze car.

At the same time, the crowd.

Relentless Sword Emperor and Promise Sword Brothers appeared from the dark corner.

The ruthless Sword Emperor frowned slightly: "Brother, you said that the surname of Su will definitely come to find the sister-in-law, we can wait for Su Yu by holding the sister-in-law, but how is the Hu Ge of the Star Pavilion?"

The boundless expression of Wuji Sword Master was slightly relieved, and said, "Perhaps, I really misunderstood Ziwei. Her proud woman was disdainful to lie. She said that she did not agree with the surname Su, she probably did not."

Roar calmly for a while ~ ~ Wo Ji Swordmaster slowly pondered over.

In addition, following the Empress Ziwei all the way, she found that she did not meet Su Yu as expected, and her heart knot was mostly unlocked.

The merciless Emperor's lips wriggled and provoked deliberately, but the facts speak louder than words.

The future sister-in-law may be really wronged.

The Promise of Wuji is slightly better, saying: "Let's wait, after Ziwei comes out, I want to talk to her, as long as she is still pure, I can apologize to her."

Inside a bronze car.

Queen Lagerstroemia leaps into the open prohibition.

She tried it first without raising her head: "The little girl is more offended, and I hope Chief Executive Hu Ge forgive me."

"Oh, I don't see it, you have a slight apology!" Su Yu shouted.

Yep? The Empress Ziwei heard that her voice was not right and suddenly looked up.

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