The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1641: Corpse shadow

"Well, it's time to test your strength. I just don't know those dark horses, some of them are genuine."

Bei Wangchen sat on the throne again, arrogant to everyone, and said: "The third assessment, enter the tripod!"

Yep? The third assessment rule changed again unexpectedly!


Taixumen opened again, showing the isolated island.

The difference is that there is a purple glow in the center of the isolated island. Against the light, a mysterious and noble purple tripod stands like a monarch on earth.

Seeing this tripod, everyone's mind was shaking, and there was a small feeling of facing the high world.

In the midst, they felt that Wang Dingzhong suppressed the inexplicable and terrible aura.

That is the national movement of the repressed side of the Dayu Dynasty!

"This time, when you enter the isolated island, you are no longer hunting Taixu Beasts, but hunting each other! Anyone who can hunt two people is eligible to enter Wang Ding!"

what? Everyone was angry again.

"What **** assessment, I give up, how can you play whatever you like?" Yang Ming, ranked 20, gave up on the spot.

"I also give up! What's the joke? Fortunately, we have to kill each other. When I am?" The 19th-ranked one also gave up immediately.

They are here to look for opportunities, not to be stepping stones.

With their strength, they really entered the hunting and truncation, and only those who were hunted.

This was really irritating, and only a few people laughed with laughter, and this was with them.

"The waste is gone, it makes sense to have a virtual Qianlong, huh, is there anything else to go? If not, then it will start!" Bei Wangchen drank coldly.

The rest of the light glanced at Su Yu, his eyes were vicious and vicious.

The lesser evil, the acacia maiden, and the **** of the gods who had been instructed all cast their wickedness on Su Yu.

Blood Guanyin's heart was slightly tight, and he held Su Yu's arm and said, "Brother Su Yu, let's plan for a long time. They clearly want to use us as a target!"

The strength of each of the three is above the three gentlemen of Qianshui Lake!

If they are poached, Su Yu's strength will not be able to return to the sky.

Su Yu shook her head and said, "What terrible?"

After the words were finished, he dragged Blood Guanyin one step into the island.

Unlike before, everyone did not transmit separately, but at the same time.

Somewhat alert, the foot brakes fled like rabbits.

Clumsy, beheaded and beheaded before responding.

Su Yu had just landed, and suddenly felt the evil wind behind him. Do not want to think about it, the backhand was a demon born from the heart.

A muffled sound came, and a life-gas machine went extinct on the spot.

He successfully killed one person, and a mark of Xiaoding appeared on his brows.

"Go!" Su Yu rolled the blood of Guanyin, fanned the yin and yang wings of Taiji, and thought for thousands of miles.

Soon after, the place was full of blood and corpses.

Except for the first few who escaped, all the others who could not escape were killed.

"The kid with the surname Su, escaped fast enough. My man was ready to catch him, but he was killed with a sword." Shaoxie Meiyu was calm, and he could see that he was a little jealous of Su Yu.

He shook his head, his eyes a little surprised: "There is also a dead stranger who flees fast. The secretly told me, I must get rid of this person, I will chase him."

"Giggle, I'm still more interested in the kid with the last name Su." The Acacia licked her lips and looked towards Su Yu.

So the crowd was divided into two groups. Evil Kingdom

The gods, the beautiful women and their party pursued and killed the angry man.

Shaoxie, the Acacia saint and several evil ancestors chased Su Yu.

The acacia maiden took out the flying magic weapon, the peach flower, and laughed: "The kid with the last name Su is very good at speed, but unfortunately, I can't escape the peach flower book I have refined with pure Yin."

Throwing the slender palms, the peach blossoms grew up in the wind and turned into a hundred feet, and everyone dressed up chasing Su Yu.

Su Yu continued to teleport straight to Beixin Wang Ding.

"Brother Su Yu, that's Beixin Wang Ding, how can we get it?"

Su Yu shook her head: "I don't know, there is a Dayu Dynasty national transport within Wang Ding, and there is a beating by the kings of Beixin in the past. How easy is it to steal it?"

"That ..." Xue Guanyin pouted: "I really don't understand why the main cabinet mainly arranges for us impossible tasks."

Su Yu thought for a moment, sighing: "Perhaps, the head of the cabinet did not want us to go back."

The closer to Beixin Wang Ding, the more difficult the task became.

Without Su Yu's many cards at the bottom of the box, they wouldn't have taken this step at all.

"Don't want us to go back? What's the answer?" Blood Guanyin was confused.

Su Yu had a bad hunch and said, "Hope is just my guess."

Suddenly, Su Yu looked up at the eyes of the sky above her head, and was slightly surprised: "It is indeed acacia civilization. In addition to Yin and Yang, the magic weapon is very accomplished along the way."

"Well, the acacia maiden, don't give up if you don't get Brother Su Yu, Brother Su Yu is really welcome." Blood Guanyin teased.

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "I would rather not welcome this kind of welcome."

"They're coming soon! Go and go near Beixin Wang Ding, where most of the contestants should be gathered, and chaos is better for us."

call out--

Su Yu's teleportation flew, and the Acacia maiden and Shao Xie pressed harder and closer, quickly drawing distance.

When the huge Beixin Wang Ding was in sight, Taohuajian also caught up with Su Yu.

"Peach blossoms move wood!" The acacia maiden drank softly, and one peach tree after another was drilled under the earth, which filled the endless mountains and rivers and dyed all eyes to pink.

These peach trees are extremely obstructive to sight, and Su Yu's eyes have been cut off.

Ordinary sight is unable to penetrate the peach blossom forest.

"Fantasy?" Su Yu said lightly.

"Giggle, young man, you still haven't escaped the palm of this maiden." The Acacia maiden's unbelievable appearance came suddenly.

Full of evil spirits, Xiao Xie stood side by side and approached Su Yu step by step: "I am against the adult, I don't know if I live or die!"

They are both powerful and extraordinary strong men, especially the Acacia sage, and so far Su Yu has never seen her cultivation.

"Sister Acacia, you are watching, Su Yu will let me solve it!" Shaoxie smiled arrogantly.

The acacia maiden smiled and smiled: "Why should this maiden leave you this opportunity to make achievements?"

"If you come from a two-star civilization, you shouldn't be short of resources, but I'm in short supply!"

The acacia maiden shook her head firmly: "No, the man whom this maiden looks after, never stop until you taste it!"

In desperation, Shaoxie had to say: "Then who will succeed first!"

As soon as the words came down, Xie Shao rushed over immediately, and the terrible momentum of the peak overlord was coming down like a flood.

Acacia maiden Qianrong was slightly angry: "Huh, the man who robbed this maiden, find him dead!"

She grabbed her hand and flew a lotus flower out of her palm. She wrapped up the evil and flew back.

The acacia maiden lightened her feet, flew out, and passed by the flying evil spirits, giggling: "It seems that I am the first to get on top ..." The black wings of Naruto


However, in the passing moment, Shaoxie's sleeve suddenly flew a purple snake-shaped sword, piercing the acacia's chest.

Her body was immediately purple and festered into a puddle of mud.

"Ah! The corpse **** water! Little evil, you, how can you have a corpse god?" In the scream, the acacia maiden completely melted into a pool of standing water.

唰 ——

Shaoxie escaped from the lotus package, and the corner of his mouth contained a deep evil smile: "Hehehe, what is Acacia, but it is so easy to hunt."

The sudden change really surprised Su Yu and Xue Guanyin.

The same guest behind the scene of Bei Wangchen, how can they suddenly kill each other?

Until the acacia maiden revealed the identity of Shaoxie, the corpse!

Shaoxie is an undercover agent sent by a corpse!

Su Yu was surprised. The Dayu Dynasty actually had the shadow of a corpse?

Shaoxie Xie glanced at Su Yu and Xue Guanyin with a smile, and said sadly: "Fortunately, the two of you, Ben Shao's goal is the lady of the acacia, get out, don't do me bad things!"

It turned out that his goal was never Su Yu, but the Acacia maiden!

Su Yu calmly backed away, and with the Blood Goddess of Mercy, slowly withdrew from the peach blossom forest that had collapsed.

Looking at a puddle of mud on the ground, Shaoxie laughed and said, "I will remove the acacia maiden, I believe that I will get a lot of rewards from the corpse kings?"

He stooped down with jade, and put away a trace of mud from the acacia maiden: "Bring it back and be a witness."

Unexpectedly, at the moment of bending down, from under the muddy water, a sharp sharp claw with sharp nails was suddenly found out, choking the throat of Shaoxie.

As the peak overlord, he could not break free anyway, and was sharply nailed into the flesh by the sharp nails, until half of his neck was about to be pinched off.

"Uh ... hate ..." Shaoxie couldn't make a sound, but stared in horror at the ground, a peach tree gradually rising from the mud.

On the peach tree, there was an enchanting stature gracefully.

Who isn't that acacia maiden?

At this moment, her charming color disappeared. Instead, her eyes were cold and staring at Shaoxie: "I really didn't expect that the corpse people dare to set foot in the Dayu dynasty. Are you coming for the North Ding Dynasty? "

Shaoxie twisted his body and kept struggling.

"It's useless, I have absorbed the essence of my body from my peach blossoms. You are dead. As soon as I let go, you will be reduced to ashes immediately."

Shaoxie Shi stopped struggling, nodded, and accepted her guess.

"Then ~ ~ in Guize, assassins of all parties are actually yours?" Acacia asked.

Shaoxie nodded.

The acacia's eyes were cold, and she slowly loosened her five fingers: "Who else is your companion? Is it that human race?"

Shaoxie's eyes turned, and he nodded!

"That's it!" The acacia maid said coldly: "I thought he was unusual, it turned out to be a corpse!"

She let go of her hand, and Shaoxie's body burned, like old wood, burning to ashes.

"What corpse, hum, this maiden can't keep you!" Acacia maiden's red robe fluttered in the wind, and the black and black hair danced wildly.

唰 ——

There is a trace of red afterglow in place, and the terrible breath that is not lost to Bei Wangchen's proud appearance!

That is the breath that only the half-step emperor has!

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